RAGE erscheint ungeschnitten

Gute Nachrichten aus dem Hause Bethesda für Shooter-Freunde. id Softwares RAGE wird hierzulande ungeschnitten erscheinen.

Nach Angaben des Publishers hat das Spiel von der USK eine 18er Freigabe erhalten - ohne dass man irgendwelche Kürzungen dafür vornehmen musste.

Auf den Markt kommt der neue Shooter von id Software am 7. Oktober für den PC, die Xbox 360 und Sonys PlayStation 3.
Quelle: Eurogamer
RAGE Hands On

Alles in allem beginnt RAGE noch recht gemächlich, führt euch zwar langsam, aber auch nicht zu langsam ans Spiel heran. Ihr lernt all die verschiedenen Aspekte kennen, während ihr eure ersten Schritte in dieser neuen Welt tätigt. Und zumindest ausgehend von dem Erlebten kann man sagen, dass sich der neueste Shooter aus dem id Software einwandfrei spielen lässt, eine gute Atmosphäre versprüht und auf jeden Fall Interesse weckt. Wer ist der Hauptcharakter? Hat er eine besondere Bestimmung? Steckt noch mehr hinter Project Eden? Fragen, die im Verlaufe der Story hoffentlich zufriedenstellend beantwortet werden. Letztendlich entscheidet wohl zu großen Teilen die Story, wie gut RAGE wirklich wird. Aber auch, ob man mehr bietet als nur das Abklappern von Verstecken, ist eine interessante Frage. Rein spielerisch sehe ich allerdings keine großen Probleme. Ich hätte nach diesem ersten Ausflug gerne noch weitergespielt, aber allzu lange dauert es ja nun auch nicht mehr. Und zumindest auf meiner persönlichen Most-Wanted-Liste hat sich RAGE ein gutes Stück nach oben katapultiert...
Konsolen hatten Eingabeverzögerungen

Und schon wieder haben wir Rage in den News, allerdings nicht wegen nervenden Fans oder einer ungeschnittenen Version. id Software`s Tim Willits hat nun verraten, dass man bei den Konsolen im Vergleich zum PC mit einer erhöhten Eingabeverzögerung bei den Controllern zurecht kommen musste. Die Entwickler waren dennoch in der Lage, Rage auf allen Plattformen so schnell zu machen, wie es nur möglich war, obwohl man auch auf den Konsolen arbeitet. Dennoch gab es zunächst viele Verzögerungen bei der Eingabe mit den Gamepads, was bei Maus und Tastatur nicht der Fall war.

Zum Glück ist die id-Tech-5-Engine laut Tim Willits eine Multiplattform-Engine. Damals hat man ein PC-Spiel gemacht und musste es für Konsolen portieren. Das ist nun nicht mehr der Fall. Nun soll es aber "wirklich schnell" und mit 60 Hz auf allen Systemen laufen.

"Es ist flüssig, reaktionsschnell und sieht schön aus," so Tim Willits.
Quelle: Gamezone


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Apparently, RAGE has pop-in issues if you turn around quickly, which is the “reality of how the tech works,” according to Carmack. He mentioned an artist which started designing things that weren’t comfortable for the tech, because RAGE is not a “texture island.”

This led Carmack to speaking about anistropic filtering and how when transferring the game to Xbox 360, the game started off at half detail because it wasn’t optimized. It is now, but artists were pretty much “crushed” when they had to compress all the textures for it to work on consoles.

The solution was found by virtualization of texturing, because loading texture blocks directly from DVD or a hard drive would cause “significant lag,” on the console, so a second layer cache was created. According to Carmack, Blu-ray, which is used by PS3, has little available memory, and OS takes too much memory. Luckily, id worked around this with Sony by convincing it to give the team a few more gigs, and it used an HD photo derivative for compression which is a more “sophisticated encoding method,” which allows the developer to provide more game detail.
“Three generations down the line, we’ll be taking 30 years to make our next game,” said Carmack, which incited general laughter from the audience.

[...]once RAGE is released, id will focus on giving the DOOM 3 source code to the public. It will be released sometime this year.

  • A browser-based Wolfenstein is “off the table.”
  • Quake Live “has not been a business success.” The next Quake will be internal, but nothing’s in the works right now.
  • Carmack hates it when there are tons of kernels running.
PSN-Name: Drouxor
Spielt gerade: mit den Zeigern seiner DigitalUhr
Kann bitte einer der mods nen ordentlichen start post hier machen ?
und da es ja keinen gibt, wird das spiel nen online koop haben ? .. sry wurd bestimmt auf den letzten seiten erwähnt, aber ich hab den thread nicht wirklich verfolgt.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Es gibt spezielle Co-Op Missionen. Außerdem taugt's (hoffentlich) als 60fps Off-Road Rallyspiel :).

Rage has two multiplayer modes: Combat Rally and Legends of the Wasteland. In Combat Rally, up to six players compete in a free-for-all match that takes place in an arena designed to make use of the vehicles. The objective is to collect rally points that appear around the arena while killing your opponents and stealing their points. Legends of the Wasteland is a series of two-player bonus co-op missions based on stories that you hear about as you play the single player campaign.
aus Wikipedia
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I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
I'll say this before I get started: No PS3's were there so this is all PC and 360.

- There are no meters or bars that show you how long you can sprint.
- However, sprinting is based off stamina (this is conveyed by audio queues like heavy breathing) and you stop when your guy decides he's ran enough.
- You can't sprint full duration back to back, it's effected by how long you wait as if he needs to recover his breath
- One-click-sprint, the button configuration I was playing had me click the left thumb-stick once (and I could let go off the press but still pushing forward on the stick) and I would run until tired
- You can sprint in combat
- Shooting will take you out of sprint
- Stamina is a type of stat that can be built up, thus affecting how long you can sprint
- To that point, early on in the game you can choose a kind of character archetype (more armor therefore slower, more agile and faster, etc.) and based off this choice can determine how long/fast? you can sprint

In co-op things work a little differently
- You have 'X' amount of sprint (this is literally what the guy said). I imagine he meant it isn't affected by stats and whatnot

- There are 4 types and all are vehicle based
- Meteor: Meteors fall from the sky, you 'collect' them and then cap them at a point
- Deathmatch: you kill people
- Rally: go through 'gates' or points to get score
- Tri-Rally: same as rally, except you have to get at least 3 in a row before you score anything
- Vehicles are customizable with weapons and whatnot

- You have defibrillators that you can learn to build, as long as you have one you won't die.
- Once you run out of defibs, you die and start over from where you saved last.
- They work like this:
- you run out of health, black screen pops up with a heart and 6 (or maybe 8) 'points' on the screen.
- the points on the left reflect your left stick, points on the right are your right stick.
- these points highlight, and you have to push the sticks in their respective points
- doing so correctly over a time period will determine how much health you are 'revived' with
- once that stage is over, you are shown a line with 2 static points and two moving points that go back and forth; when those line up, you pull the triggers and you're alive again
- coming back to life will shock all enemies around you

- in co-op, players each start out with 2 defibs.
- you can find more, and don't have to build them
- players can revive other players an infinite amount of time without using their defibs

- The demo had upgrading
- You can upgrade armor (anarchy edition will have 'skins' that have bonuses as well) and weapons
- Weapons can have as many upgrades as you want (stability, ammo capacity, etc.). Sounded something how Bioshock handled their upgrade system though it wasn't directly compared to that
- You can upgrade your character via stats and a level up system (nothing new here)

- Split screen or over connection
- Can play Co-Op missions solo though it's the same AI/scripting/difficulty as if there were two of you. He said this was something to consider if you weren't going to get the game for multiplayer. They're not making that content exclusive to needing someone else to play.
- "Score Attack" type of gameplay. There is a multiplier in the middle of the screen (top middle) going from 1 to 5. The better the players do, the higher the multiplier. The worse you do (damage, time?) the more it decreases.
- the multiplier has a pentagon (maybe hex, didn't really count the sides) around it and each side will 'fill' up before it goes to the next multiplier.
- Co-Op missions are 'wasteland stories' that you can hear from NPCs in passing, or throughout the game.
- You might here someone talking about how "The Authority" (or whatever it's called) handled a group of bad guys a few years ago... these stories are the 'missions' you'll be playing.
- see the italicized parts above about more things that are going on in Co-Op that are different from the single player experience

- I was told there were different button layouts (profiles) for the controller but I was unable to find them in the demo.
- LB: Holding it opened my quick select where I could (with the left stick) choose ammo types, and (with the right stick) I could select a weapon
LB: Pressing the LB scrolled through my weapons
*None of this paused gameplay*
- RB: (don't remember using this... :\)
- LT: zoom
- RT: shoot
- DPad: these were your 'gadgets' or items that could be assigned via inventory
- L Stick push: Sprint
- R Stick push: Melee
- Buttons: jumping, reloading, use, something else

- Can map them to whatever you want

- Dull after looking at the PC. Not as vibrant, less detail, as if there was a grey/brown filter over it all
- they're not bad, just not as good as PC.

- More vibrant, colorful... just plain "looks better"
- As reported before, you can't adjust texture detail. This was explained as the megatexture has all the detail it's ever going to have. Adjusting resolution of course will allow you to see more detail, but whatever is there is there in the texture.
Aus der Keynote
He also said that PS3 had less ram available duo to OS overhead and split memory pools, but they pretty much overcame those hurdles..
He also went on that BR was worse than DVD for streaming, and that installing on PC and X360 is the best option. But that the X360 verion also benefitted from this because they had to put the textures on smart parts of the disc.

He also had it over 3 different caches they used, pretty cool stuff.
We can miss the target framerate. What we can do then is we allow it to go ahead and instead of having the classic PC problem where either you choose swap intervals locked and you're getting into this ugly aweful stuttering when you're not quite 60 frames per second, you're babbeling between 30 and 60 and doesn't feel very smooth at all, or you just except the tear-line as kind of the standard in high speed PC play witch ... really is one of the more objectionable graphic artifacts that we deal with now. So what we have know is on the consoles we proved this out first where we are locked as long as you got 60 frames per second and as soon as you miss 60 frames per second then you get some tear-lines and hopefully our dynamic adaption and everything catches in and couple of frames later the tear line runs back up to the top of the screen and stops tearing again.
Karmack stellt nicht nur die Stärken der Engine heraus sondern spricht auch Probleme an :okay:. Vor einem Spielerelease ist sowas ist doch eher selten.

Ja ja, die typischen Hürden auf der PS3. Da bin ich ja mal gespannt, wie es dann in der final aussieht.

GamPro beschreibt das auf deutsch so...

Für größere Schwierigkeiten sorgte laut Carmack die PlayStation 3 die nur über sehr begrenzen Speicher verfügt, der größtenteils vom Betriebssystem selbst verwendet wird. Das Entwicklerteam sah sich daher gezwungen die Texturen für die PlayStation 3-Version weiter zu komprimieren, so Carmack.
Wieviel Ram wird nochmal für das OS genutzt? Weil die von "größtenteils" sprechen.