"einfach was ..."

God Of War III Ultimate Collection
Heavy Rain Collectors Edition
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII Lösungsbuch (Hardcover)
Yakuza 3
Resonance of Fate
Planet Erde BD
Advent Children Complete BD

...(vor-)bestellt. Oh Gott, bin ich jetzt arm. :cry:
Wollte noch Eis am Stiel Sammlung für 40 € ergattern und Just Cause 2 bestellen, habe es dann aber doch vorerst gelassen.


PSN-Name: Andy1985
Der Comic wird noch besser!

So you've come to Earth from your planet in search of a woman (a SUPER woman) whom you can mate with to repopulate your planet and save your doomed people from an extinction caused by your arch-enemy's sterility bomb. ...Did I just say that out loud? Anyhoo, you could have had any woman in the known universe, yet after (not so) much debate you've set your sights on Power Girl as the woman most worthy of this honor. And, after an admittedly rocky start (ah hell, you shot her with a cologne gun and unleashed a horrific beast upon the Earth), you've recovered things a bit and invite her back to your giant floating head spaceship for dinner. And she says..?

Score! You could tell she was into you! Now, offer her a change of wardrobe and something to drink while you prepare the meal; be sure and COMPLIMENT HER on how she looks, women love that no matter which planet they're from!

Alright, she didn't hit you! Progress! ...That's right, Power Girl, pour yourself a glass...

Indeed it is... Oh crap, you burned dinner! Too busy staring at that circle on the front of her dress no doubt. That's certainly understandable. Time to order takeout, I guess; it's a good thing she knows a good place to eat, you're not from around here...


Wow, that's... that's a lot of wine. Two whole bottles, in fact. And pizza to boot! This Power Girl can really pack it away. You're probably wondering exactly where all that food and drink goes... Oh come on, stop staring at them you jackass! Play it cool, remember?

Ah, the old "the only woman I ever loved was murdered" technique. It never fails to get them to open up to you... except all those times it did fail. But never mind that, it appears to be working now. Keep going...

Holy crap, more wine?!? Could this Power Girl secretly be a... whaddayacallit... an "alcoholic"? You know, maybe this was a bad idea; maybe you should tell her that she's had enough, try to get her some help. Or maybe you could get another bottle...


Whoa, looking pretty hammered there, Peej... good. Finally, it's time to make your move. You should tell her all about the plight of your race, how the future of your species and planet hangs on your ability to procreate with her. It'll be easier to buy now that she's "three sheets to the wind", as they say.

Another glass?!? Woman, is there no end to your- waitaminute, did she say YES?!? :O

Can this... is she... is she offering herself to you? HOLY CRAP!!! The time is now!!!

Don't blow it now, big guy, you're in the home stretch! GO GO GO!!! @_@


You blew it. :(


God, I love this comic so much. This was fun.