Verkaufszahlen Thread

PSN-Name: ClarkKent68
Es beginnt..... Monster Hunter 3
Ist ja unglaublich was da abgeht.

Es beginnt..... <-- Klick Mich

Kinect: Extrem schlechte Verkäufe in Deutschland nach 3 Wochen <-- Klick Mich

Wie GamersGlobal nun aus vertrauenswürdiger Quelle erfuhr, hat Kinect in Deutschland seit dem Start vor drei Wochen (also in KW 45, 46, 47) laut GfK-media-control-Daten insgesamt nur 24.187 Stück des Kinect-Sensors (inklusive Kinect Adventures) verkauft. Hierbei sind die Verkäufe in der ersten Woche deutlich größer gewesen als die der beiden Folgewochen zusammen. Bundles (Xbox 360 plus Kinect-Sensor) sind in den Zahlen anscheinend nicht enthalten, dürften aber aus unserer Sicht die Verkaufszahlen nicht wesentlich steigern -- sonst wären die Kinect-Spiele-Verkaufszahlen größer.

Die meisten Kinect-Spiele haben offenbar nur vier- oder gar dreistellige Verkaufszahlen geschafft -- nur Kinect Sports liegt offenbar im deutlich fünfstelligen Bereich.
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I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
One of the biggest names in gaming history and the most popular racing game ever made, has managed to sell over 2.4 million copies during its first 4 days. Considering that an unprecedented 1.5 million were copies pre-ordered in Europe alone.

This makes Granturismo 5 one of the biggest title generators in gaming history and the fastest selling racing game in this generation.

Over 100 retailers hosted Midnight events In Europe Mid East alone.

Gran Turismo 5 was released in over 40 countries.

To date, more than 55 million copies of the games in the GT franchise have been sold worldwide, making it the most successful Racing and Playstation game.

Here are the sale figures:

EMEAA: 1,841,500 copies (Europe Mid East Africa Asia)

Japan: 212,296 copies

Americas: 382,000 copies
Ganz plausibel sind die Zahlen nicht: Ich glaub nicht, daß von 1,84 Mio Kopien 1,5 vorbestellt wurden.

GT5 ist in DE, SPA, FRA, UK auf Platz 1. In allen Ländern ist COD in den Top5, nur in DE nicht. Importe :). Die Zensur sollte man sich auch nicht gefallen lassen.
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550.000 Wiis sind doch heftig?
Wenn es mal 550.000 Wii wären, das war ja die Zahl vom letzten Jahr. Dieses Jahr waren es nur lediglich 600.000 Wii. Ich mein das ist doch eine Katastrophe.

Trotzdem , wie verhält sich die Xbox 360/PS3 zu den Wii Abverkäufen.
Nächstes Jahr zu Weihnachten werden auch Top Titel (für Move, Kinect) dabei sein die die Wii endlich ins Grab schicken werden.
Okay, fast hättest du mich. Ich hätte wirklich fast geglaubt das du das ernst meinst. :lol:

also für mich lag wii schon längst im grab.
Weil sich die Zahlen nach über drei Jahren Dauerhoch mal etwas "normalisieren"? Hey die Konsole hat Rekord um Rekord aufgestellt, gleichzeitig laufen Xbox 360 und PlayStation 3 besser als jede andere Zweit/Drittplatzierten in der Videospielgeschichte und der Handheldmarkt ist extremst gewachsen, also wer soll der Konsole ausserhalb von für Nintendo immer guten Feiertagen noch Rekord um Rekord bescheren? Wii ist afaik immernoch vor der PlayStation 2 im selben Zeitraum.

Daten sind a] nicht wirklich sicher und b] wenn dann auch nicht überraschend. Deutschland war weder Xbox noch ist es Xbox 360-Land. Btw. glaube ich aber das weder die 4.100.000 Move-Controller noch die über 2.500.000 Kinect die Sony bzw. Microsoft melden wirklich "echt" sind.

Media Create-Daten aus Japan [22.11. - 28.11.]

01. / 00. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 [Sony] - 430.707 [NEW]
02. / 00. [NDS] Super Robot Wars L [Bandai Namco] - 129.054 [NEW]
03. / 00. [WII] Mario Sports Mix [Nintendo] - 84.983 [NEW]
04. / 04. [WII] Super Mario All-Stars [Nintendo] - 47.487 [613.415]
05. / 03. [NDS] Pokémon Black/White [Nintendo] - 43.227 [4.494.106]
06. / 01. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops (Subtitled Edition) [Square Enix] - 31.354 [160.275]
07. / 02. [NDS] Super Fossil Fighters [Nintendo] - 26.195 [69.024]
08. / 00. [PSP] Dangan-Ronpa [Spike] - 25.564 [NEW]
09. / 00. [NDS] Power Pro Kun Pocket 13 [Konami] - 24.717 [NEW]
10. / 14. [WII] Wii Party [Nintendo] - 24.525 [1.232.562]

11. / 08. [NDS] Magician’s Quest: The Merchant’s Store of Sorcery [Konami] - 22.395 [87.521]
12. / 00. [PSP] Little Busters! Converted Edition [Prototype] - 20.066 [NEW]
13. / 18. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Remote Plus) [Nintendo] - 17.325 [43.509]
14. / 05. [PSP] Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together [Square Enix] - 16.794 [230.296]
15. / 00. [PS3] Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll [Koei Tecmo] - 16.551 [NEW]
16. / 09. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 [Konami] - 16.371 [340.175]
17. / 06. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 [Konami] - 15.832 [51.332]
18. / 17. [WII] Kirby's Epic Yarn [Nintendo] - 13.878 [213.495]
19. / 00. [NDS] Minna to Kimi no Piramekino! [Bandai Namco] - 13.197 [NEW]
20. / 11. [PSP] God Eater: Burst [Bandai Namco] - 12.983 [388.065]

|System |  This Week  |  Last Week  |        YTD  |         LTD  |           
|  PSP  |     77.364  |     98.417  |  1.965.599  |  15.708.687  |
|  PS3  |     68.840  |     29.058  |  1.312.315  |   5.813.682  |           
|  NDS  |     56.457  |     44.290  |  2.234.746  |  31.513.826  |         
|  WII  |     41.267  |     27.851  |  1.230.170  |  10.835.369  |              
|  360  |      4.329  |      7.083  |    190.902  |   1.400.574  |       
|  PS2  |      1.332  |      1.255  |     75.153  |  21.685.330  |       
| DSiLL |     28.370  |     21.836  |  1.128.229  |   1.635.136  |       
|  DSi  |     26.548  |     20.550  |    899.001  |   5.237.947  |       
|  DSL  |      1.539  |      1.904  |    207.516  |  18.055.272  |       
|  PSP  |     75.689  |     96.601  |  1.901.121  |  15.568.454  |       
| PSPgo |      1.675  |      1.816  |     64.478  |     140.233  |       
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I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
UK charts: Black Ops overtakes GT5 to top spot
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Treyarch, Activision)
FIFA 11 (EA Sports, EA)
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft)
Gran Turismo 5 (Polyphony Digital, Sony Computer Entertainment)
Just Dance 2 (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)
Michael Jackson: The Experience (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (Criterion Games, EA Games)
Wii Party (Nintendo, Nintendo)
Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo, Nintendo)
Professor Layton and the Lost Future (Level 5, Nintendo)
Sind das gute (Japan)Zahlen für GT5?
wie waren die Vorgänger im Vergleich zum neuesten Teil?
Famitsu-Daten [Gran Turismo 5 etwas niedriger als bei der Media Create]:

[PS1] Gran Turismo [Sony] - 648.650 [2.186.375]
[PS1] Gran Turismo 2 [Sony] - 748.581 [1.460.687]

[PS2] Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec [Sony] - 468.391 [1.438.743]
[PS2] Gran Turismo 4 [Sony] - 663.543 [1.066.749]

[PS3] Gran Turismo 5 [Sony] - 410.486

Die Hardwarebasis für Gran Turismo 5 war etwa so wie die für Gran Turismo 3, ist also eigentlich gut gestartet, bleibt aber dennoch neben dem PSP-Teil der schwächste Main-Gran Turismo-Start in Japan und die Mio. ist imo schwierig.

Famitsu Software-Top10 für November [01.11. - 28.11.]

01. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 [Sony] - 410.486 [NEW]
02. [PSP] Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together [Square Enix] - 236.855 [NEW]
03. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops (Subtitled Edition) [Square Enix] - 175.813 [NEW]
04. [WII] Super Mario All-Stars: Special Edition [Nintendo] - 172.334 [575.500]
05. [NDS] Pokémon Black/White [Nintendo] - 160.570 [4.456.872]
06. [NDS] Super Robot Wars L [Bandai Namco] - 123.933 [NEW]
07. [PSP] God Eater: Burst [Bandai Namco] - 120.980 [388.158]
08. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 [Konami] - 105.556 [334.632]
09. [NDS] Magician’s Quest: The Merchant’s Store of Sorcery [Konami] - 86.554 [NEW]
10. [WII] Mario Sports Mix [Nintendo] - 84.940 [NEW]
Zuletzt editiert:
Media Create-Daten aus Japan [29.11. - 05.12.]

01. / 00. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd [Capcom] - 1.950.717 [NEW]
02. / 00. [PS3] Tales of Graces F [Bandai Namco] - 215.187 [NEW]
03. / 03. [WII] Mario Sports Mix [Nintendo] - 59.007 [143.991]
04. / 00. [NDS] Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem [Nintendo] - 57.474 [NEW]
05. / 01. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 [Sony] - 55.682 [486.389]
06. / 05. [NDS] Pokémon Black/White [Nintendo] - 54.848 [4.548.954]
07. / 04. [WII] Super Mario All-Stars: Special Edition [Nintendo] - 45.904 [659.319]
08. / 00. [NDS] Momotaro Railway: World [Hudson] - 45.126 [NEW]
09. / 00. [PSP] Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes Os [Bandai Namco] - 36.856 [NEW]
10. / 00. [WII] Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes Os [Bandai Namco] - 35.132 [NEW]

11. / 10. [WII] Wii Party [Nintendo] - 30.900 [1.263.462]
12. / 00. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii 3 [Bandai Namco] - 29.328 [NEW]
13. / 07. [NDS] Super Fossil Fighters [Nintendo] - 22.511 [91.534]
14. / 11. [NDS] Magician’s Quest: The Merchant’s Store of Sorcery [Konami] - 22.091 [109.613]
15. / 02. [NDS] Super Robot Wars L [Bandai Namco] - 19.556 [148.610]
16. / 18. [WII] Kirby's Epic Yarn [Nintendo] - 18.278 [231.773]
17. / 13. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Remote Plus) [Nintendo] - 18.146 [61.655]
18. / 08. [PSP] Dangan-Ronpa [Spike] - 14.340 [39.904]
19. / 22. [WII] Mario Kart Wii [Nintendo] - 14.207 [3.001.325]
20. / 00. [NDS] A Penguin's Troubles: The World [Konami] - 14.046 [NEW]

|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year |       YTD |  Last YTD |        LTD |      
|  PSP  |   325.528 |    77.364 |    42.648 | 2.291.127 | 1.909.470 | 16.034.215 |
|  NDS  |    78.526 |    56.457 |   111.532 | 2.313.272 | 3.331.138 | 31.592.352 |
|  WII  |    56.095 |    41.267 |    46.673 | 1.286.265 | 1.312.870 | 10.891.464 |
|  PS3  |    41.760 |    68.840 |    46.558 | 1.354.075 | 1.284.059 |  5.855.442 |
|  360  |     3.497 |     4.329 |     3.685 |   194.399 |   341.943 |  1.404.071 |
|  PS2  |     1.332 |     1.332 |     2.057 |    76.485 |   195.156 | 21.686.662 |
| DSiLL |    40.465 |    28.370 |    67.243 | 1.168.694 |   167.796 |  1.675.601 |
|  DSi  |    36.481 |    26.548 |    37.021 |   935.482 | 2.686.096 |  5.274.428 |
|  DSL  |     1.580 |     1.539 |     7.268 |   209.096 |   477.246 | 18.056.852 |
|  PSP  |   323.653 |    75.689 |    38.839 | 2.224.774 | 1.851.559 | 15.892.107 |
| PSPgo |     1.875 |     1.675 |     3.809 |    66.353 |    57.911 |    142.108 |
Aktuelle Hard- & Software-Verkaufszahlen aus den USA


Pos System November 2010 Oktober 2010 September 2010 August 2010
1 Nintendo DS 1,50 Mio. über 342.000 403.000 342.700

2 Xbox 360 1,37 Mio. 325.000 483.989 356.700

3 Wii 1,27 Mio. 232.000 254.000 244.300

4 PS3 530.000 250.000 312.000 226.000

- PSP - - - 79.400


Pos. System Einheiten
1 PlayStation2 45.477.065
2 Nintendo DS 42.308.554
3 Game Boy Advance 36.093.054
4 Wii 30.558.578
5 Xbox 360 22.165.021
6 PSP 17.601.120
7 Xbox 14.500.480
8 PlayStation3 13.758.004
9 Gamecube 11.769.728
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Software-Daten dafür gibt es inzwischen auch:

01. [XXX] Call of Duty: Black Ops [Activision] - 8.400.000
02. [XXX] Assassin`s Creed: Brotherhood [UbiSoft] - 1.140.000
03. [WII] Just Dance 2 [UbiSoft] - <700.000
04. [XXX] Madden NFL 11 [EA]
05. [360] Fable III [Microsoft]

06. [WII] Donkey Kong Country Returns [Nintendo] - 430.500
07. [XXX] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit [EA] - 417.000
08. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 [Sony] - 400.000
09. [XXX] NBA 2K11 [Take 2]
10. [WII] Wii Fit Plus [Nintendo]

11. [360] Dance Central [Microsoft]
12. [360] Kinect Sports [Microsoft]
Zuletzt editiert:
Media Create-Daten aus Japan [06.12. - 12.12.]

01. / 01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd [Capcom] - 629.541 [2.580.258]
02. / 00. [NDS] Ni no Kuni: The Ebony Wizard [Level 5] - 170.548 [NEW]
03. / 00. [WII] Donkey Kong Returns [Nintendo] - 163.310 [NEW]
04. / 06. [NDS] Pokémon Black/White [Nintendo] - 79.819 [4.628.773]
05. / 03. [WII] Mario Sports Mix [Nintendo] - 68.430 [212.420]
06. / 11. [WII] Wii Party [Nintendo] - 55.412 [1.318.875]
07. / 07. [WII] Super Mario All-Stars [Nintendo] - 53.670 [712.989]
08. / 04. [NDS] Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem [Nintendo] - 51.828 [109.302]
09. / 02. [PS3] Tales of Graces F [Bandai Namco] - 39.640 [254.828]
10. / 00. [PS3] Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood [UbiSoft] - 36.098 [NEW]

11. / 13. [NDS] Super Fossil Fighters [Nintendo] - 29.110 [120.644]
12. / 14. [NDS] Magician’s Quest: The Merchant’s Store of Sorcery [Konami] - 27.443 [137.055]
13. / 16. [WII] Kirby's Epic Yarn [Nintendo] - 26.435 [258.208]
14. / 00. [NDS] Shiren the Wanderer 5: Fortune Tower and the Dice of Fate [Chunsoft] - 25.192 [NEW]
15. / 17. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Remote Plus) [Nintendo] - 24.454 [86.109]
16. / 05. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 [Sony] - 23.929 [510.319]
17. / 21. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii [Nintendo] - 21.366 [4.078.476]
18. / 12. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii 3 [Bandai Namco] - 21.211 [50.539]
19. / 19. [WII] Mario Kart Wii [Nintendo] - 20.520 [3.021.846]
20. / 08. [NDS] Momotaro Railway: World [Hudson] - 20.487 [65.613]

|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year |       YTD |  Last YTD |        LTD |            
|  PSP  |   159.933 |   325.528 |    71.292 | 2.451.060 | 1.980.762 | 16.194.148 |      
|  NDS  |   119.011 |    78.526 |   113.793 | 2.432.283 | 3.444.931 | 31.711.363 |      
|  WII  |    79.424 |    56.095 |   106.555 | 1.365.689 | 1.419.425 | 10.970.888 |      
|  PS3  |    41.882 |    41.760 |    57.782 | 1.395.957 | 1.341.841 |  5.897.324 |      
|  360  |     3.695 |     3.497 |     5.314 |   198.094 |   347.257 |  1.407.766 |      
|  PS2  |     2.054 |     1.440 |     2.277 |    78.647 |   197.433 | 21.688.824 |      
| DSiLL |    59.709 |    40.465 |    53.791 | 1.228.403 |   221.587 |  1.735.310 |      
|  DSi  |    55.993 |    36.481 |    51.635 |   991.475 | 2.737.731 |  5.330.421 |      
|  DSL  |     3.309 |     1.580 |     8.367 |   212.405 |   485.613 | 18.060.161 |      
|  PSP  |   158.029 |   323.653 |    67.880 | 2.382.803 | 1.919.439 | 16.050.136 |      
| PSPgo |     1.904 |     1.875 |     3.412 |    68.257 |    61.323 |    144.012 |      
Gran Turismo 5 schon aus den Top10, und nein das liegt nicht daran das es irgendwelche Lieferschwierigkeiten gibt, im Gegenteil, das Spiel ist schon gebraucht zu haben.
Media Create-Daten aus Japan [13.12. - 19.12.]

01. / 01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd [Capcom] - 581.543 [3.161.801]
02. / 00. [PS3] Gundam Musou 3 [Bandai Namco] - 185.908 [NEW]
03. / 00. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3: World Challenge!! The Ogre [Level 5] - 175.604 [NEW]
04. / 03. [WII] Donkey Kong Returns [Nintendo] - 152.990 [316.300]
05. / 04. [NDS] Pokémon Black/White [Nintendo] - 115.438 [4.744.211]
06. / 00. [PSP] Shining Hearts [Sega] - 106.733 [NEW]
07. / 06. [WII] Wii Party [Nintendo] - 92.949 [1.411.824]
08. / 05. [WII] Mario Sports Mix [Nintendo] - 87.114 [299.534]
09. / 02. [NDS] Ni no Kuni: The Ebony Wizard [Level 5] - 74.329 [244.877]
10. / 08. [NDS] Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem [Nintendo] - 54.628 [163.929]

11. / 13. [WII] Kirby's Epic Yarn [Nintendo] - 46.392 [304.600]
12. / 11. [NDS] Super Fossil Fighters [Nintendo] - 41.103 [161.748]
13. / 12. [NDS] Magician's Quest: The Merchant’s Store of Sorcery [Konami] - 38.140 [175.195]
14. / 15. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Remote Plus) [Nintendo] - 37.239 [123.348]
15. / 07. [WII] Super Mario All-Stars: Special Edition [Nintendo] - 29.872 [742.861]
16. / 17. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii [Nintendo] - 27.543 [4.106.019]
17. / 00. [PS3] Castlevania: Lord of Shadow [Konami] - 27.155 [NEW]
18. / 18. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii 3 [Bandai Namco] - 26.970 [77.509]
19. / 00. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops (Dubbed Edition) [Square Enix] - 23.253 [NEW]
20. / 19. [WII] Mario Kart Wii [Nintendo] - 22.579 [3.044.425]

|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year |       YTD |  Last YTD |        LTD |            
|  PSP  |   164.507 |   159.933 |    74.962 | 2.615.567 | 2.055.724 | 16.358.655 |      
|  NDS  |   148.177 |   119.011 |   137.566 | 2.580.460 | 3.582.497 | 31.859.540 |      
|  WII  |    99.681 |    79.424 |   135.898 | 1.465.370 | 1.555.323 | 11.070.569 |      
|  PS3  |    49.515 |    41.882 |    75.086 | 1.445.472 | 1.416.927 |  5.946.839 |      
|  360  |     3.726 |     3.695 |    10.646 |   201.820 |   357.903 |  1.411.492 |      
|  PS2  |     2.188 |     2.054 |     2.463 |    80.835 |   199.896 | 21.691.012 |      
| DSiLL |    72.146 |    59.709 |    58.006 | 1.300.549 |   279.593 |  1.807.456 |      
|  DSi  |    71.804 |    55.993 |    68.184 | 1.063.279 | 2.805.915 |  5.402.225 |      
|  DSL  |     4.227 |     3.309 |    11.376 |   216.632 |   496.989 | 18.064.388 |      
|  PSP  |   162.558 |   158.029 |    71.885 | 2.545.361 | 1.991.324 | 16.212.694 |      
| PSPgo |     1.949 |     1.904 |     3.077 |    70.206 |    64.400 |    145.961 |      
First Day-Zahlen aus Japan

[PSP] AKB1/48 (4 Versionen kombiniert) [Bandai Namco] - 175.470
[PSP] The 3rd Birthday [Square Enix] - 111.331 [57%]
[360] Virtual On Force Memorial Box [Sega] - 14.215 [67.2%]
[360] Virtual On Force [Sega] - 8.965 [55.5%]
Mal etwas Nostalgie. Die jährliche Famitsu Software-Top10 seit 1996 [also seit es Daten gibt]:


001. [NGB] Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow [Nintendo] - 1.663.861 [NEW]
002. [PS1] Tekken 2 [Namco] - 1.079.585 [NEW]

003. [SFC] Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars [Nintendo] - 995.898 [NEW]

004. [PS1] Biohazard [Capcom] - 942.980 [NEW]

005. [SFC] Derby Stallion '96 [ASCII Entertainment] - 903.200 [NEW]
006. [N64] Super Mario 64 [Nintendo] - 890.749 [NEW]
007. [SFC] Dragon Quest III: Soshite Densetsu e... [Enix] - 719.886 [NEW]

008. [PS1] Arc the Lad II [Sony] - 672.420 [NEW]
009. [PS1] Tobal No. 1 [Square] - 657.816 [NEW]

010. [SFC] Dragon Quest VI: Maboroshi no Daichi [Enix] - 599.335 [3.081.975]


001. [NGB] Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow [Nintendo] - 3.995.992 [5.659.853]
002. [PS1] Final Fantasy VII [Square] - 3.277.291 [NEW]
003. [PS1] Derby Stallion [ASCII Entertainment] - 1.581.139 [NEW]
004. [PS1] Final Fantasy Tactics [Square] - 1.237.327 [NEW]
005. [PS1] SaGa Frontier [Square] - 1.057.261 [NEW]
006. [PS1] Hot Shots Golf [Sony] - 1.023.169 [NEW]
007. [PS1] PaRappa the Rapper [Sony] - 761.621 [877.880]
008. [PS1] I.Q. Intelligent Cube [Sony] - 749.140 [NEW]

009. [NGB] Game of Discovery!! Tamagotchi [Bandai] - 746.383 [NEW]
010. [N64] Mario Kart 64 [Nintendo] - 731.382 [1.191.886]


001. [NGB] Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow [Nintendo] - 3.006.067 [8.665.920]
002. [PS1] Biohazard 2 [Capcom] - 2.154.974 [NEW]
003. [PS1] Gran Turismo [Sony] - 1.495.757 [2.144.407]

004. [NGB] Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland [Enix] - 1.224.038 [NEW]

005. [PS1] Tekken 3 [Namco] - 1.186.118 [NEW]
006. [PS1] Parasite Eve [Square] - 994.423 [NEW]

007. [NGB] Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters [Konami] - 937.800 [NEW]

008. [PS1] Xenogears [Square] - 891.675 [NEW]

009. [N64] Pokémon Stadium [Nintendo] - 880.396 [NEW]
010. [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [Nintendo] - 824.953 [NEW]


001. [NGB] Pokémon Gold/Silver [Nintendo] - 3.628.627 [NEW]
002. [PS1] Final Fantasy VIII [Square] - 3.501.588 [NEW]
003. [PS1] Biohazard 3: Last Escape [Capcom] - 1.339.022 [NEW]

004. [N64] Super Smash Bros. [Nintendo] - 1.308.120 [1.308.120]

005. [PS1] Gran Turismo 2 [Sony] - 1.145.515 [NEW]
006. [PS1] Dance Dance Revolution [Konami] - 1.005.441 [NEW]

007. [NGB] Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow [Nintendo] - 998.666 [9.664.586]
008. [NGB] Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II [Konami] - 897.096 [NEW]

009. [PS1] Hot Shots Golf 2 [Sony] - 844.552 [NEW]
010. [PS1] Derby Stallion '99 [ASCII Entertainment] - 798.944 [NEW]


001. [PS1] Dragon Quest VII: Fighters of Eden [Enix] - 3.784.681 [NEW]
002. [PS1] Final Fantasy IX [Square] - 2.659.221 [NEW]

003. [NGB] Pokémon Gold/Silver [Nintendo] - 2.383.096 [6.011.723]
004. [NGB] Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters IV [Konami] - 1.669.307 [NEW]
005. [NGB] Pokemon Crystal [Nintendo] - 1.065.804 [NEW]
006. [N64] Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards [Nintendo] - 852.369 [NEW]
007. [N64] Mario Tennis 64 [Nintendo] - 738.745 [NEW]
008. [NGB] Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters III [Konami] - 718.429 [NEW]

009. [PS1] Super Robot Wars Alpha [Banpresto] - 714.789 [NEW]

010. [N64] Mario Party 3 [Nintendo] - 615.750 [NEW]


001. [PS2] Final Fantasy X [Square] - 2.264.047 [NEW]
002. [PS2] Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec [Sony] - 1.437.581 [NEW]

003. [NGB] Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey [Enix] - 1.138.756 [NEW]

004. [PS1] Dragon Quest IV: Michibikareshi Monotachi [Enix] - 1.005.509 [NEW]
005. [PS2] Onimusha: Warlords [Capcom] - 927.534 [NEW]

006. [GCN] Super Smash Bros. Melee [Nintendo] - 798.911 [NEW]

007. [PS2] Hot Shots Golf 3 [Sony] - 797.147 [NEW]

008. [GBA] Super Mario Advance: Super Mario USA [Nintendo] - 771.899 [NEW]

009. [PS2] Shin Sangoku Musou 2 [Koei] - 715.620 [NEW]
010. [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty [Konami] - 687.749 [NEW]


001. [GBA] Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire [Nintendo] - 3.197.762 [NEW]
002. [PS2] World Soccer Winning Eleven 6: International [Konami] - 1.115.707 [NEW]
003. [PS2] Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny [Capcom] - 1.002.968 [NEW]
004. [PS2] Kingdom Hearts [Square] - 838.323 [NEW]
005. [PS2] Shin Sangoku Musou 2: Xtreme Legends [Koei] - 688.655 [NEW]

006. [GCN] Mario Party 4 [Nintendo] - 677.890 [NEW]
007. [GCN] Super Mario Sunshine [Nintendo] - 677.440 [NEW]

008. [PS2] Tales of Destiny 2 [Namco] - 662.699 [NEW]
009. [PS2] Super Robot Wars: Impact [Banpresto] - 632.536 [NEW]
010. [PS1] One Piece: Grand Battle 2 [Bandai] - 545.506 [NEW]


001. [PS2] Final Fantasy X-2 [Square Enix] - 1.941.727 [NEW]
002. [GBA] Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire [Nintendo] - 1.704.458 [4.902.220]

003. [PS2] Shin Sangoku Musou 3 [Koei] - 1.178.455 [NEW]
004. [PS2] World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 [Konami] - 1.085.082 [NEW]
005. [PS2] Hot Shots Golf 4 [Sony] - 875.252 [NEW]

006. [GBA] Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart [Square Enix] - 593.458 [NEW]

007. [PS2] Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space [Bandai] - 577.972 [NEW]

008. [GCN] Mario Kart: Double Dash!! [Nintendo] - 567.849 [NEW]
009. [GBA] WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgame$ [Nintendo] - 556.806 [NEW]

010. [PS2] Dragon Ball Z: Budokai [Bandai] - 543.312 [NEW]


001. [PS2] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King [Square Enix] - 3.231.288 [NEW]
002. [GBA] Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green [Nintendo] - 2.377.713 [NEW]

003. [PS2] Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome [Square Enix] - 1.611.974 [NEW]

004. [GBA] Pokémon Emerald [Nintendo] - 1.335.021 [NEW]

005. [PS2] World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 [Konami] - 1.042.234 [NEW]
006. [PS2] Sengoku Musou [Koei] - 1.024.253 [NEW]
007. [PS2] Jissen Pachislot Secrets! Fist of the North Star [Sammy] - 916.765 [NEW]
008. [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater [Konami] - 610.133 [NEW]
009. [PS2] Derby Stallion 04 [Enterbrain] - 600.970 [NEW]

010. [GBA] Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. [Nintendo] - 576.706 [NEW]


001. [NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World [Nintendo] - 1.169.757 [NEW]
002. [PS2] Gran Turismo 4 [Sony] - 1.066.749 [NEW]

003. [NDS] Brain Training [Nintendo] - 1.011.341 [NEW]
004. [NDS] Nintendogs Labrador/Dachshund/Chihuahua [Nintendo] - 965.665 [NEW]

005. [PS2] World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 [Konami] - 923.288 [NEW]
006. [PS2] Shin Sangoku Musou 4 [Koei] - 917.985 [NEW]

007. [NDS] Big Brain Academy [Nintendo] - 875.371 [NEW]
008. [NDS] Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop [Bandai] - 770.391 [NEW]

009. [PS2] Kingdom Hearts II [Square Enix] - 737.652 [NEW]

010. [NDS] Mario Kart DS [Nintendo] - 669.575 [NEW]


001. [NDS] Pokémon Diamond/Pearl [Nintendo] - 4.302.815 [NEW]
002. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. [Nintendo] - 3.818.214 [NEW]
003. [NDS] More Brain Training [Nintendo] - 3.748.638 [NEW]
004. [NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World [Nintendo] - 2.485.264 [3.655.021]

005. [PS2] Final Fantasy XII [Square Enix] - 2.322.329 [NEW]

006. [NDS] Brain Training [Nintendo] - 1.991.116 [3.002.457]
007. [NDS] English Training [Nintendo] - 1.529.618 [NEW]
008. [NDS] Mario Kart DS [Nintendo] - 1.115.082 [1.784.657]

009. [PS2] World Soccer Winning Eleven 10 [Konami] - 1.050.236 [NEW]

010. [NDS] Tetris DS [Nintendo] - 985.246 [NEW]


001. [WII] Wii Sports [Nintendo] - 1.911.520 [2.464.734]
002. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd [Capcom] - 1.489.898 [NEW]

003. [WII] Wii Play [Nintendo] - 1.487.484 [1.990.669]
004. [NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness [Nintendo] - 1.256.516 [NEW]
005. [NDS] Mario Party DS [Nintendo] - 1.232.644 [NEW]
006. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. [Nintendo] - 1.176.939 [4.995.153]
007. [NDS] Pokémon Diamond/Pearl [Nintendo] - 1.094.389 [5.397.204]
008. [WII] Mario Party 8 [Nintendo] - 1.053.934 [NEW]
009. [NDS] Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen [Square Enix] - 1.052.827 [NEW]
010. [NDS] More Brain Training [Nintendo] - 1.033.933 [4.782.571]


001. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G [Capcom] - 2.452.111 [NEW]
002. [NDS] Pokémon Platinum [Nintendo] - 2.187.337 [NEW]
003. [WII] Wii Fit [Nintendo] - 2.149.131 [NEW]
004. [WII] Mario Kart Wii [Nintendo] - 2.003.315 [NEW]
005. [WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl [Nintendo] - 1.747.113 [NEW]
006. [NDS] Rhythm Heaven: Tap into the Rhythm [Nintendo] - 1.350.671 [NEW]
007. [NDS] Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride [Square Enix] - 1.176.082 [NEW]
008. [WII] Animal Crossing: City Folk [Nintendo] - 895.302 [NEW]
009. [NDS] Kirby Super Star Ultra [Nintendo] - 855.427 [NEW]
010. [WII] Wii Sports [Nintendo] - 841.736 [3.306.470]


001. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies [Square Enix] - 4.100.968 [NEW]
002. [NDS] Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver [Nintendo] - 3.382.597 [NEW]
003. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii [Nintendo] - 2.485.150 [NEW]
004. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection [Nintendo] - 2.311.948 [NEW]

005. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII [Square Enix] - 1.698.256 [NEW]

006. [WII] Wii Sports Resort [Nintendo] - 1.542.806 [NEW]
007. [WII] Wii Fit Plus [Nintendo] - 1.298.533 [NEW]
008. [WII] Monster Hunter 3 (tri) [Capcom] - 968.033 [NEW]
009. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 2: Threat of the Invaders - Fire/Blizzard [Level 5] - 943.615 [NEW]

010. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) [Capcom] - 911.497 [1.110.614]
Zuletzt editiert:
Media Create-Daten aus Japan [20.12. - 26.12.]

01. / 01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd [Capcom] - 404.000 [3.560.000]
02. / 00. [PSP] AKB1/48: If I loved an Idol [Bandai Namco] - 236.000 [NEW]
03. / 04. [WII] Donkey Kong Returns [Nintendo] - 214.000 [531.000]
04. / 05. [NDS] Pokémon Black/White [Nintendo] - 165.000 [4.909.000]
05. / 07. [WII] Wii Party [Nintendo] - 162.000 [1.574.000]
06. / 00. [PSP] The 3rd Birthday [Square Enix] - 140.000 [NEW]
07. / 08. [WII] Mario Sports Mix [Nintendo] - 136.000 [436.000]
08. / 03. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3: World Challenge!! The Ogre [Level 5] - 117.000 [293.000]
09. / 09. [NDS] Ni no Kuni: The Ebony Wizard [Level 5] - 84.000 [329.000]
10. / 13. [NDS] Magician's Quest: The Merchant’s Store of Sorcery [Konami] - 74.000 [249.000]

11. / 10. [NDS] Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem [Nintendo] - 68.000 [232.000]
12. / 11. [WII] Kirby's Epic Yarn [Nintendo] - 66.000 [370.000]
13. / 14. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Remote Plus) [Nintendo] - 62.000 [185.000]
14. / 02. [PS3] Gundam Musou 3 [Bandai Namco] - 60.000 [245.000]
15. / 12. [NDS] Super Fossil Fighters [Nintendo] - 57.000 [219.000]
16. / 16. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii [Nintendo] - 45.000 [4.151.000]
17. / 18. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii 3 [Bandai Namco] - 45.000 [122.000]
18. / 20. [WII] Mario Kart Wii [Nintendo] - 40.000 [3.084.000]
19. / 15. [WII] Super Mario All-Stars: Special Edition [Nintendo] - 38.000 [781.000]
20. / 21. [NDS] Tamagotchi no Narikiri Challenge [Bandai Namco] - 33.000

Plätze 21 bis 50:

21. / 25. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection [Nintendo]
22. / 24. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. [Nintendo]
23. / 27. [WII] Wii Fit Plus [Nintendo]
24. / 32. [NDS] Taiko no Tatsujin DS: Dororon! Battle With the Ghouls!! [Bandai Namco]
25. / 23. [NDS] A Penguin's Troubles: The World [Konami]
26. / 28. [NDS] Momotaro Railway: World [Hudson]
27. / 30. [NDS] Power Pro Kun Pocket 13 [Konami]
28. / 38. [NDS] One Piece: Gigant Battle [Bandai Namco]
29. / 00. [360] Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Force [Sega]
30. / 31. [NDS] More! Stitch! DS Scribble Battle Through Rhythm DS [Disney Interactive]

31. / 06. [PSP] Shining Hearts [Sega]
32. / 29. [WII] Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Nintendo]
33. / 36. [NDS] Art Academy [Nintendo]
34. / 37. [NDS] Crayon Shin-Chan: Shokkugan! Densetsu o Yobu Omake Daiketsusen!! [Bandai Namco]
35. / 34. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 [Konami]
36. / 26. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 [Sony]
37. / 22. [PS3] Tales of Graces F [Bandai Namco]
38. / 43. [NDS] Minna to Kimi no Piramekino! [Bandai Namco]
39. / 41. [WII] Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes Os [Bandai Namco]
40. / 48. [NDS] Mario Kart DS [Nintendo]
41. / 00. [PSP] Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4: Aizouban [Koei Tecmo]
42. / 44. [NDS] Heart Catch PreCure! Oshare Collection [Bandai Namco]
43. / 19. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops (Dubbed Edition) [Square Enix]
44. / 45. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 [Konami]
45. / 00. [PSP] Monster Hunter Diary: Pokapoka Ailu Village [Capcom]
46. / 00. [PSP] Starry Sky: In Autumn Portable [Asgard]
47. / 49. [WII] Karaoke Joysound Wii Super DX: Hitori de Minna de Utai Houdai! [Hudson]
48. / 17. [PS3] Castlevania: Lord of Shadow [Konami]
49. / 00. [NDS] Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou: MM My Best Friend! [Konami]
50. / 46. [PSP] Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes Os [Bandai Namco]

|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year |        YTD |   Last YTD |         LTD |            
|  NDS  |   191.583 |   148.177 |   183.347 |  2.772.043 |  3.765.844 |  32.051.123 |      
|  PSP  |   183.071 |   164.507 |    82.454 |  2.798.638 |  2.138.178 |  16.541.726 |      
|  WII  |   131.761 |    99.681 |   191.915 |  1.597.131 |  1.747.238 |  11.202.330 |      
|  PS3  |    64.228 |    49.515 |   237.086 |  1.509.700 |  1.654.013 |   6.011.067 |      
|  360  |     5.298 |     3.726 |     8.965 |    207.118 |    366.868 |   1.416.790 |      
|  PS2  |     2.604 |     2.188 |     2.982 |     83.439 |    202.878 |  21.693.616 |      
|  SUM  |   578.545 |   467.794 |   706.749 |  8.968.069 |  9.875.019 |  88.916.652 |      
| DSiLL |    92.329 |    72.146 |    75.241 |  1.392.878 |    354.834 |   1.899.785 |      
|  DSi  |    93.464 |    71.804 |    95.227 |  1.156.743 |  2.901.142 |   5.495.689 |      
|  DSL  |     5.790 |     4.227 |    12.879 |    222.422 |    509.868 |  18.070.178 |      
|  PSP  |   177.691 |   162.558 |    79.194 |  2.550.741 |  2.070.518 |  16.218.074 |      
| PSPgo |     5.380 |     1.949 |     3.260 |    247.897 |     67.660 |     323.652 |      
Zuletzt editiert:


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Ich bin erstaunt über die hohen Verkaufszahlen des Saturn in Japan. Mehr als N64 und Gamecube.

Hätte die PS3 nicht gegen Jahresende geschwächelt wäre sie in Japan die meistverkaufte stationäre Konsole des Jahres gewesen.