Free Realms (MMORPG) von Sony Online Entertainment

PSN-Name: Shuanji
Spielt gerade: MGS V
Free Realms Available on PSN March 29

Well, everyone has heard about the bird…but have you heard that Free Realms is coming to the PlayStation 3?

That’s right, Sony Online Entertainment’s popular online virtual world is making its way from PC to the PS3 on March 29th! The entire Free Realms team is super excited as this will be the very first casual, free-to-play MMO ever to be offered on the PlayStation Network. So, grab your controller, grab your friends, and prepare yourself for an adventure unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

Free Realms offers an amazing array of gameplay activities all rolled up into one massive, seamless, virtual world. Hop on the back of your trusty T-Rex and explore the countryside; discovering strange lands, rare collectibles, and exciting quests. Brave the dangers of forgotten dungeons and battle hordes of mythical monsters and bad-tempered beasties.

Fancy a bit of friendly competition? Free Realms has tons of games that allow you to pit your skill against other players. From kart racing and demolition derby, to soccer matches and pirate ship battles, Free Realms offers a wide variety of fun multiplayer games and a simple to use matchmaking interface to get you in and playing with no hassle.

Or maybe puzzles and minigames are more your thing? No problem. We got you covered. Free Realms has a wide selection of Flash-based minigames to choose from. Match 3 mining, cooking, forging, tower defense, checkers, and chess: if you’re into minigames, then Free Realms is the game for you.

Yep, we got it all. Exploration, collections, quests, combat, minigames, holiday and community events, virtual pets, virtual housing; Free Realms offers something for everyone. What’s more, our unique job system allows you to be whoever you want whenever you want. Choose from 15 different professions, each offering their own distinct look and gameplay experience. All jobs are available at any time, so feel free to try them all. Be a wizard one minute, then a ninja, chef, or kart driver the next! Customize your character as you see fit. With over 30,000 unique clothing and equipment options, you’re truly free to be who you want to be.

Did I mention that Free Realms was free? Yeah, I said it…free. Don’t believe me? Well, try it yourself. On March 29th, download Free Realms for free from the PlayStation Store and immerse yourself in a rich fantasy world perfect for sharing with family and friends. All jobs are available through level 4, as well as over 800 quests and countless minigames. Upgrade to a membership and get unlimited access to all job levels, as well as additional premium content and features.

So, mark it down on your calendar. March 29, 2011. Free Realms. PS3.
Come be a part of a whole new online gaming experience for the PlayStation 3, in a world where YOU RULE!
PSN-Name: Shuanji
Spielt gerade: MGS V
Spiel steht nun zum Download im US-Store bereit. Wer allerdings Trophies haben will, muss ein Abo abschließen..

Free Realms – 1 Month Membership ($4.99)
Free Realms: 1 Month Membership offers one month of premium access on a recurring basis. Premium access includes deluxe housing, all jobs unlocked mounts like Dinosaurs and Unicorns and exclusive minigames like epic ship Pirate battles
File size: N/A

Free Realms – 3 Month Membership ($12.99)
Free Realms: 3 Month Membership offers three month of premium access on a recurring basis. Premium access includes deluxe housing, all jobs unlocked mounts like Dinosaurs and Unicorns and exclusive minigames like epic ship Pirate battles
File size: N/A

Free Realms – 6 Month Membership ($24.99)
Free Realms: 6 Month Membership offers six month of premium access on a recurring basis. Premium access includes deluxe housing, all jobs unlocked mounts like Dinosaurs and Unicorns and exclusive minigames like epic ship Pirate battles
File size: N/A

Free Realms – 12 Month Membership ($12.99)
Free Realms: 12 Month Membership offers twelve month of premium access on a recurring basis. Premium access includes deluxe housing, all jobs unlocked mounts like Dinosaurs and Unicorns and exclusive minigames like epic ship Pirate battles
File size: N/A

Free Realms – Lifetime Membership ($34.99)
Free Realms: Lifetime Membership offers premium access (for the life of the game). Premium access includes deluxe housing, all jobs unlocked mounts like Dinosaurs and Unicorns and exclusive minigames like epic ship Pirate battles
File size: N/A

Hier noch der Launch Trailer

[ame=""]Trailer [/ame]
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: FlyingUberHuzo
Spielt gerade: Just Cause 2 aus dem PSN-Store...
Ich werde es einfach mal ausprobieren.
Habs mal angespielt. Ist ganz lustig aber nichts fuer mich,.
fuer mich ist das auch nichts, nur leiden haben wir jetzt freerealm trophies im account mit 0 %

das nervt mich allerdings! ich wollts nur antesten, druecken die mir irgendwelche trophies in den account die mam ohne abo nicht mal freispielen kann. was soll das?


Moderat0r der Herzen und Passwortmanager für onpsx
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Sharag
Mir eigentlich wurscht für welches alter das ist. Bin ein Towerdefens fan hoch 10 und wenn ein TD gut ist kann ich von mir aus da auch Einhorntürme bauen die Regenbögen kotzen um Feen abzuschießen. :D
PSN-Name: auf Anfrage!
fand das game für zwischendurch eigentlich ganz gut - ist einfach und macht spaß. außerdem gibts viele abwechslungsreiche minigames. nur warum hört man jetzt nichts mehr davon - kommt das überhaupt noch in den deutschen store - kann doch nicht mehrere monate beim qualicheck festhängen oder doch?