PlayStation Vita

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Erstes Gameplay video zu Tales Of Hearts R


Malicious Rebirth Coming To Vita On November 22

---------- Beitrag um 10:26 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 09:44 Uhr ----------

NIS preparing new Vita title, PSP for otome games, moving other games to PS3/Vita

From an interview with president Shuhei Arakawa in this week's Famitsu.

- PSP development is mainly for otome games. Other titles are moving to PS3/Vita.
- Currently preparing a new Vita title.
- Lots of demand for a true adventure game, especially Hayarigami, so he wants to investigate that.
- Like previous titles, Disgaea 5 will have a new cast and setting.

Lass es bitte Disgaea 4 sein :sabber:

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Uncharted: Fight for Fortune is a PS Vita card game
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune was age-rated in Australia last night, sparking talk of a new entry in Naughty Dog’s series. However, a new age-rating in Brazil has confirmed the nature and format of the game.

NeoGAF members spotted that Uncharted: Fight for Fortune – developed by One Loop Games – has also received classification in Brazil, along with the descriptor ‘casino/card games’. The game has also been listed for PS Vita.

We reported that the game will receive a ‘G’ rating in Australia due to ‘very mild impact, violence and drug use’. Check out our full coverage here:

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Der Malicious Port hat auch irgendwelche zusatzlevel bekommen. Ein neuer chara soll auch spielbar sein.
Additionally, has new screenshots of the game’s costume change function, a feature not available in the PlayStation 3 version. From the game’s start, players will be able to change their character’s costume. Because costumes not only change their appearance, but their performance, as well, it is important to select a costume to match the stage you’re playing.
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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel

---------- Beitrag um 11:11 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 09:32 Uhr ----------

PSN-Name: reep_
Spielt gerade: verrückt
ich find das Feature bei Sly ziemlich cool! Natürlich etwas nervig, dass man die Vita dann stehts an die Glotze halten muss...

Wer steuert Sly da eigentlich im Hintergrund? Wärs nicht cooler wenn man ihn mit der Vita steuern würde?^^

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Cobalt Runner erscheint in 4-5 Monaten

PixelGhost Studios verriet kürzlich, dass der von ihnen sogenannte Community-Based Freerunning First-Person-Shooter namens Cobalt Runner in etwa 4-5 Monaten für PlayStation Vita erscheint.

Das Spiel wird laut den Entwicklern das "Modden" erlauben. So sollen eigene Waffe, Spielmodi und Waffen keine Probleme sein. Diese können mit den selben Tools erstellt werden, welche auch von den Entwicklern genutzt werden. Der Multiplayer-Modus des Spiels beinhaltet derzeit schon Spielmodi wie Capture the Flag, Infiltration/Defend, Deathmatch und mehr sollen bald folgen. Spiele können über eigene Server gehostet werden, Bots sollen aber keine enthalten sein. Das Spiel soll komplett über die Buttons der Vita spielbar sein, aber auch der Touchscreen kann zum Zielen benutzt werden.

Vor wenigen Tagen wurde ein Video veröffentlicht, welches die von den Entwicklern selbst programmierte Engine eindrucksvoll präsentiert. Die Szenen wurden zwar auf dem PC aufgenommen, auf der Vita soll es aber ganz genauso aussehen:

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
For those who currently subscribe to PlayStation Plus via the PlayStation 3, They will be able to use their subscription on the PlayStation Vita at no additional cost. PS Plus offers more with the release on the PlayStation Vita. As part of the Instant Game Collection, subscribers will be able to enjoy PS Vita titles including Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush and Chronovolt. Members will have access to four games per month, as well as to a multitude of other perks such as free play, exclusive discounts and online storage.

The Instant Game Collection across both consoles will mean players will have a constant library of 14 games and will get at least 5 new games a month. Gamers will also receive automatic updates with the service to ensure they are on top of the latest PS3 and PS Vita game and software updates.

Game Saves and Trophies can also be set to synchronise automatically and it gives fans up to 2GB of game saves online storage. Are you looking forward to PS Plus on the Vita? Let us know your thoughts via the comment section below.

PlayStation Vita’s PlayStation Plus 11/20 Lineup
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
WipEout 2048
Gravity Rush
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Jet Set Radio
And the PSP title Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
No too shabby, eh? Especially considering Jet Set Radio is a Vita debut – only the PS3 version is available for download now. Tuesday will also see you get 1GB of Vita cloud storage in addition to the 1GB of PS3 cloud storage PlayStation Plus subscribers get. Sony says that from now on, 12 PS3 games and 6 Vita games will be available for PlayStation Plus subscribers to download at any time. Just like before, if you download the game, it’s saved to your download list and ready to be used even if it’s free period expires in the future.

All of these details are specific to North America, but a similar package is coming to the UK and AU in a similar time frame.
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