Batman Arkham Knight

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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
]-Last Batman game for Rocksteady, will work on something totally new next.
-There will be a brand new villain, something made by Rocksteady that they say will be the ultimate test for Batman
-Batmobile can be called at any moment with a button.
-The city streets are much wider to allow for the batmobile. You will rocket jump off ramps and do all sorts of cool maneuvers.
-You can eject jump out of the batmobile right into a super fast glide straight through the glass of a building to knock out enemies. They said glass breaking will be a big new thing.
-New moves include being able to use all your gadgets during flight. You now have a counter throw where you counter a guy and throw him into another guy. A new quick ground takedown. A quick backflip where you then throw a batarang in an enemies face.
-For the predator sections you can now chain takedowns of up to four enemies. For instance pop out of a grate and take one guy, jump to the next and so on. You can now enter grates from a distance, he will automatically do a jump or roll to enter them.
-Riddler challenges seem to be car based. The first one has you enter a sort of Riddler race track where you have to activate walls and ramps, when you activate one another closes so as you drive you have to be constantly turning on and off these ramps as you navigate the course.
-Batmobile fires missles and stun guns. It destroys anything it touches so if you bump into cars the cars go flying. It's basically unstoppable.
-Story is that after Joker's death all the criminals decided to work together and their plan comes together this night where they plan to kill batman. The article talks mostly about Scarecrow, he scattered bombs throughout Gotham.
-Oracle will play a larger role, you get to visit her base and talk to her, tons of batman easter eggs included.
-Kevin Conroy is Batman, all the previous voice actors are back.
-Gothom City is 5 times bigger than AC. Split into 3 areas. NO LOAD TIMES at all, entering buildings is seemless.
-They spend a bunch of time talking about how detailed the models are, one character has more polygons than the environment of Asylum.
-Batman will start off with the old batsuit and upgrade at some point in the game.
-It says it is running on their modified Unreal engine.

- All quickfire gadgets can now be used during flight.
- Combat tweaks (note: Not enough time to go over these in detail. for example, you can throw by tilting left towards the opponent and hitting counter)
- did I mention the screenshots are gorgeous?
- Arkham Knight isn't just the name of the game.. it's also the name of the [new] villain.
- Fear Takedowns. ie, burst out of grate, action slows down allowing you to target another goon for another attack and so on. Can be used on groups up to 3 as long as they're close enough together and no one has already spotted Batman.
- They seem to try to tackle the old school Arkham issue of "open door - black screen loading"
- The game looks gorgeous. Huge.
-"This is a single-player game. There is no multiplayer."
- You can launch into a fast glide from the Batmobile just like the trailer.

-No more pre-rendered cinematics everything is done in engine
-The larger riots can have up to 50 people flipping cars and looting stores.

-Things such as Gordon's trench coat and Batman's cape now have Apex cloth physics. They react realistically to changes in wind and movement
-When it rains rains bead of water run down Batman's suit tracing every groove
-The wrinkles on Gordon's face crinkle as he talks

The City
-The city is as detailed as ever with realistic moving clouds with the moon shining through
-Halloween characters and balloons litter the street adding a creepy vibe
-Neon signs of the various shops shine brightly around the city
-The skyline has helicopters and blimps flying through it
-Steam puffs out of the sewers in a realistic way

Few more things:
You can now use the linear launcher on anything to create ziplines. This is done in mid flight so you can quickly land where you want.
All enemies now have the ability to grapple Batman, not just big guys.
Roads wont have many vehicles, just some thug cars and cop cruisers
There can be enemy riots, up to 50 enemies on screen at once.
More Riddler type challenges than just racing.

- Arkham Knight is built on a "juiced up" version of the a custom Unreal Engine to make use of the Xbox One and PS4.
- By not being cross-gen they've been able to push what the machines can do
- Rocksteady describe Arkham Knight as "a real, genuine next-gen game"
- There is no multiplayer in Arkham Knight. Rocksteady is focused on "making the best single-player experience it can" and doesn't feel it needs multiplayer.
- Game Informer says Rocksteady isn't saying what's next but "it's most definitely not Batman related"
- The finale has been in mind since the development of Arkham City
- Rocksteady is emphasising the detail is more important than the scale of the world. They don't want to create the biggest open-world, they want to create the richest, densest and most vibrant
- Batmobile is designed to be "the best car in any game ever", it takes up around 160mb of memory in game and will just about fit in an Xbox 360 (if that was the whole game). There are hundreds of thousands of polygons, as well as textures and shaders used on it

Rocksteady and Warner mention in the article that they decided Origins should be made because three years was a very long time for Batman fans to have to wait for a new game, so in case you're worried about not getting more major Batman and/or Arkham-like games coming, Warner Montreal will probably keep making them.
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: LaDyAniKin
Spielt gerade: GTA V
"...Wie Rocksteady-Mitbegründer Sefton Hill auf Anfrage versichert, wird man bewusst auf einen Mehrspieler-Modus verzichten und sich stattdessen voll und ganz auf die Einzelspieler-Kampagne konzentrieren. Auf diesem Wege soll gewährleistet werden, dass sämtliche Ressourcen ausgeschöpft werden können, um die Vision der Entwickler zu realisieren...."

Brauche keinen MP .. Hoffe sie geben alles für den SP!
Spielt gerade: Minesweeper
Ach die Combat Maps waren schon ne sehr spaßige Angelegenheit. Das war die einzige Möglichkeit ordentliche Massenschlägereien zu starten. Und genau dafür ist das geniale Kampfsystem ausgelegt.

Die Predator Maps fand ich auch nicht so prickelnd. Da fehlte mir der "Flow", der in den Faustkämpfen aufkommt.
PSN-Name: hotsalsa
Spielt gerade: Switch, Warzone
Also Leute, ich liebe ja Open-World. Aber ich brauche dafür immer eine lebendige und glaubwürdige Stadt im Hintergrund. Bei AA und AC waren die offenen Areale ja afaik alle abgesperrt und menschenleer. (AO hab ich nicht gespielt....)

Aber wenn sie jetzt ganz Gotham bieten und ich dann auf einem der Bilder wieder diese lebensfeindlichen Häuserschluchten sehe, bezweifle ich es irgendwie, das da das Leben toben wird. Wenn schon Stadt, dann bitte mit Zivilisten oder gleich wieder absperren! Aber wenn Batman da ohne Grund nur auf Schurken in den Straßen trifft und es weit und breit keine normalen Bürger gibt, dann geht mir da doch ein wenig Atmo verloren. Wer will denn da Leben, wenn alles so aussieht wie in Arkham City...
PSN-Name: Speichellecker
Spielt gerade: mit wachsender Begeisterung an sich selbst rum
Ach, die lassen sich schon wieder ne Ausrede einfallen, warum keine animierten NPCs rumrennen, wie z.B.: Alligatoren lauern im Straßengraben, deswegen Ausgangssperre *BAMM*
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Wenns so kleine Dinge sind, geht mir das am Arsch vorbei. Erst recht wenn ich den ganzen Kleingkram bei einer CE "all inclusive" bekomme.
Stört mich nur wenn es Sachen sind die nicht ganz uninteressant sind (Soundtrack) und man diese nur bekommt, wenn man sie bei shop XYZ bestellt.

Bei Batman ist mir der DLC IMMER am Arsch vorbei gegangen. Ob ich jetzt 10 oder 12 Challenge-Maps habe, oder in der Kampagne als Batman "Superböse" zocke, ist doch für das eigentlich Spiel und Trophies scheiß egal.
PSN-Name: Speichellecker
Spielt gerade: mit wachsender Begeisterung an sich selbst rum
Naja, also im Moment sieht das ja noch recht übersichtlich aus. Und wenn ich die Wahl hab als Harley Quinn zu spielen oder nur nen dämlichen Skin fuers Batmobil zu bekommen, fällt die Wahl nicht schwer.

//Edit: Verdammt, der Skin bietet auch exklusive Feature :(