Das Souls-Universum (Kings Field, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls etc)


walks on the brightside
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: The-Heroic
Achtung Massive Spoiler für alle Games

Für mich die mysteriöseste Spielwelt ever. Als ich Demon's Souls das erste mal gezockt habe hat sich gleich dieses Gefühl eingestellt das man (ich) eigentlich nicht in Worte fassen kann. Ich kann mich erinnern, das einzige mal wo es genauso war, war damals Doom 1 das letzte Level der ersten Kampagne. Mysteriöse Berge im Hintegrund, wo ist man hier eigentlich, was liegt jenseits der Berge, wo führt dieser letzte Teleporter auf dem riesen Steinpentagram hin wo alles nur dunkel ist, und man von vielen Dämonen letzendlich zerrissen wird. Man wüsste gerne mehr über die Welt, die Geschichte, über einfach alles, gerade weil Infos so extrem rar gesäht sind (in dem Alter wusste ich noch nicht das es auf dem Mars spielt

Genau dieses Gefühl habe ich bei Demon's Souls und danach auch bei Dark Souls gehabt, und zwar mehrfach, quasi an jeder Ecke wartet irgendwas mysteriöses, fast nix wird erklärt, NPCs sprechen komische Sätze, die viel verraten aber erst wenn man wirklich mal einen gewissen Durchblick hat und sich damit auseinander setzt. Stück für Stück versucht man sich diese Welt (oder was es auch immer ist) zusammenzusetzen.

Ich hab recherchiert (sort of) und einen gefunden der schon damals die ersten Kings Field Games gezockt hat und sich scheinbar mit der Materie sehr sehr gut auskennt. Mir war ja erst nicht klar das Demons's Souls und Dark Souls eine Verbindung haben. Doch vorher war Knings Field, somit hängt als das von vorne bis hinten zusammen soviel ich rausbekommen habe. Und Dark Souls heißt nur Dark Souls weil Sony einen exklusiven Nachfolger wollte (nachdem Demon's Souls so erfolgreich war) und From Software aber Multi gehen wollte. Somit nannten sie es nicht Demon's Souls 2 sondern Dark Souls und reden seitdem scheinbar auf Fragen, ob es sich um einen Nachfolger handelt, eher um den heißen Brei herum, das Sony ja nicht mitbekommt das es in Wirklichkeit eben DOCH ein Nachfolger ist. Aber From SOftware ist nun mit der Dark Souls Marke frei von allen Zwängen und kann veröffentlichen für wen sie wollen, was eben unter Demon's Souls nicht möglich gewesen wäre (Somit wird man sich auch wohl ein Demon's Souls für den PC komplett abschminken können).

Nur mal soviel, ich such mal die ganzen Postings von diesem "Profi" (unconfirmed
) raus und poste sie hier, lest sie euch durch, sagt was ihr dazu meint:

Gandor_13 (auch PSN ID, ich belästige ihn schon per PSN und frage öfters mal nach

Land of the Giants (6th Archstone) aka The Northern Lands?

Unter dem Nexus mit dem "Old One" aka Land of the Giants?


Lordran (Anor Londo?)

Der Nexus aka Ice Shrine?

Nexus Exterior?

Ash Lake (Die Urform der Welt? Everlasting Dragons die ersten Bewohner?)

btw: ist alles ziemlich viel aber faszinierend, hier die Seite mit dem Thread: http://forums.demonssouls.info/viewtopic...62&t=11238 die wichtigsten Sachen kopier ich unten hin.

---------- Beitrag um 15:26 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 15:25 Uhr ----------

1. Posting:
I do not know much anything of most of the characters met in this game.
I do know the kingsfield story lines have always all been intertwined.

Here is information I do have however:

Seath the scaleless, is not named "Seath" at all. Nor did he have a romance with anyone. he is an impostor, who impersonated the real Seath in order to gain followers. He possessed the body of a man named King Alfred Forester in a continent called Verdite. After being banished from that place his whereabouts were unknown until now.
He is not a real dragon, but has always wanted to be.

As for this world in general, it is a very large chunk of land, that was removed from planet earth using a type of water magic called fog. Boletaria was removed the same way, as were a few other places. By a man named Kal Fargus. Who was acting under the orders of a giant bird known as the Blue Phoenix. Who essentially was on the same mission as the Seath Impostor: "to become a god/be in unchallenged position of power". Her campaign involved identifying other "gods" who could be strong enough to pose a threat, and ordering Kal Fargus, (A.K.A. The Icewarrior of Brandt) to "remove" said threat. This would include the "Old One", for which the Icewarrior built a large tomb known as the "Ice Shrine" to encase this god, and then scoop out this large chunk of land to let it "float out into space/fade away from existence".
The locals in Boletaria of course came to know the Ice Shrine as "The Nexxus".

You have to think of the people in Boletaria, and the people in this land, to be like the people in silent hill. These people have no idea that they are disconnected from the rest of the world and slowly fading out of existence. They are all going on with their destinies, prophecies, religions and daily lives. They are like rats on a large abandoned slowly sinking ship. Eating their chese and mating and running around, having no idea whats going on.

The "Fog" is like a select tool in photoshop with a delayed effect when you hit "edit-cut".

That is all that I can offer to add for you. I do not know any of these new people and places.
There is certainly a moonlight sword here, fashioned after a soldiers sword like a dragon knight. But it is fake, made by the impostor, not by Seath herself. and thus power based on human magic, not faith.

2. Posting
(Kings Field, Souls etc) Yes, they do indeed share lore. As have any of From's similar flavored titles.
I've been a "trekky" for their work since the first Kingsfield when PS1 was new.
I also have their dark side special collection and head eater books.

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, are to KF, in the way "The Amazing Ewok Adventure" is to Star Wars.
Not part of the main event, but the same universe

Posting von Galkin
Primordial serpents

Primordial: first created or developed, existing in or persisting from the beginning

So, in other words primordial serpents are the first beings to exist. Much older than the dragons or the lords. Was awaiting the flame to die off a decision of the pygmy, or a suggestion by Kaathe?

From where do these serpents come from? In the dark lord ending, all the serpents come from the abyss: pure darkness; so those this mean the prefer the darkness of nothingness, rather the the flames? Also note, they can be said to be the source of the darkwraiths, seeing as Kaathe gives you their power. And Ingward stated "Darkwraiths are the enemy of man and anything with a soul", so it doesn't sound like the primordial serpents have good intentions for mankind.

When Kaathe said "Frampt lost his senses, and befriended Gwyn" did he mean "He lost his sense of what is right" or "He lost his sense of what he truly is"? Was Frampt really tricking you into helping Gwyn "resist nature's course", or trying to stop you from making the mistake of the furtive pygmy?

Kaathe mentions Gwyn is resisting nature's course. But, what IS nature's course? As a being that appears to help take life, and lives in utter darkness; it appears that his point of view on nature's course is: "Everything shall -at some point- disappear, and in the end; dark will remain". Doesn't sound something a hero would want. Normally, a hero wants for life to live on.

I'm not saying Kaathe lied to you, I honestly believe he was telling you the truth. But, remember, this is the truth of a being who -apparently- would need to ask Oswald to absolve his sins every minute for all the he has allowed the darkwraiths to do.

The dark lord, for which the primordial serpents bow down to, is a tool. They will bow down to you, but, in the end, you will eventually follows nature's course and die. By the serpent's belief, everything else will follow. They do indeed serve their dark lord, because you are indeed a lord, who will slowly lead the world to extinction eventually. If not you, your successor. If not your successor, then your successor's successor.

Frampt was different. He decided to help the age of fire continue. As a primordial serpent, he has Kaathe's knowledge, and as well knows what the age of dark brings.

Age of Dark = Age of man

Its what Kaathe says. However, as a being who existed since the beginning, he should know how things will end. At some point in the age of man, humanity will try to resist nature's course. Kaathe (Your most likely adviser) will advise you to keep things in check (Like how Gwyndolin tries in the age of fire) and allow nature's course to continue.

Do note one thing: The darksign. It didn't appear until after the age of fire was coming to an end. So, is the age of dark a source of the darksign?

Oh yes, one last thing: "...the undead are corralled and led to the north, were they are to await the end of the world" "...This is your fate". The undead, marked with the darksign -the sign of the age of dark-, have to await the end of the world. Apparently, the coming of the age of dark means the end of the world.

Your fate is the same. Kaathe says you're to become the dark lord and continue on to the age of dark. During your rule, you will await the end of the world. Your fate is to become the dark lord, not to succeed Gwyn as cinder.

Frampt lies to you in hopes of changing your fate. Claiming you're to succeed Gwyn, and link the fire (Which is almost running out). While you shall burn for a long time, he believes it is a sacrifice to be made; to end the dark sign and allow the world to continue.

Of course, this is all just speculation. Maybe it is just how we all though and the dark lord is the hero.

3. Posting
Glad to see one thing about the KF universe hasn't changed; Right and wrong, and who is a hero, are all based heavily on point of view. Religion. Faction. Covenant. Whatever people want to call it these days

4. Posting
Boletaria and Lordran are as connected as Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
Two separate lands both floating off into nothingness taken away by the fog. The idea that the archstone leading to the land of the giants was somehow used would not be plausible considering there is no way for these two places to connect, just as someone on one island cannot walk across water to the other. However in this case, the magic used for the archstone is technically a type of water magic, being that the archstone itself is part of the ice shrine (nexxus).
And both this shrine and the fog that stole these lands from earth are creations of the same man.

It is somewhat like saying a special tank was designed to be indestructible by any gun, but a special gun was designed that can destroy any tank. Both made by the same company. A little bit of a confusing paradox.

Atop this, The archstone itself leads to the land of the giants. Which obviously would refer to Lordran. A land predominated by the giants, a royal family of giants, and the majority of the lands upper class lifestyle being designed around the giants. Leaving any of the "small people" like us to be peasants in that land.

Boletaria would be a different land, predominated by the "small people", where we are the ones in charge.

Patches using the archstone somehow, to get to Lordran? plausible. The two places being the same chunk of land? definitely not. And keep in mind these are not the only two places that were scooped away from the earth by the fog.
There was an un-named number mentioned in old KF lore. But definitely more than 2.
The Ice Warrior was taken to trial and punished for a reason.

Today we have America, Germany, England, France, Japan, Canada, Australia, Russia.. Keep counting. There are about 15 major names you could pull off the top of your head.
If not for the Ice Warrior there would have been about 30.

---------- Beitrag um 15:27 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 15:26 Uhr ----------

5. Posting:
"Easter Egg" is a word FROM has never used. Every game they have made with this "flavor" has been connected.
As for "Ancient pasts" and so on, don't forget that in every land ever made in the KF storylines, every culture has it's own belief, it's own religions, and it's own written point of view on history.
The "Old One" is just another one of the long list of "god's" who came uninvited, to reap the benefits of the planet created by Seath and Guyra.

Like the Blue Phoenix, The Great Gryphon Shaddam, The Star dragon, and so on.

And due to being imprisoned in the ice shrine aka nexxus, the "old Ones" soul reaping method was forced to resort to recruiting an avatar. For example King Alant.

It is the belief of these people that the fabric of the whole world is held together by monumentals. And keep in mind these peoples concept of the "whole world" is different than yours. You and I are aware that the world does not end after the coast and the neighboring islands. Different cultures each have their own knowledge and library. For example, a primitive culture in some south american society believing the entire world was created by an ancient elephant diety, who was opposed by a quetzacoatle flying snake with wings. And another culture from europe believing the world was created by a single male diety who had a son that sacraficed himself for the sins of mankind. These two cultures exist in the same universe

The KF storylines have always been about the underlying subject of "point of view" and both Seath and Guyra either allowing people to go on with all their own ideas, or attempting to convince them of how things really are.

The "Soul Arts" are a part of human culture that was lost due to the actions of Kal Fargus. The people inventing and living with these things having been removed from the planet and therefore not being able to share and teach this to others. Luckily we haven't lost things much more wide spread like sewing, just to paint an example.
(a character named Necron being the only technical exception to the soul arts being totally lost. But this having been taught to him by Guyra, making him the last living human who had this particular skill)

I realize this is alot to take in. but is it not fan made fabrication. Though I can understand how people who only got on the boat a couple years ago for Demons Souls, as opposed to being here since the beginning of the ride, may have a difficult time understanding.

Lets just say that Star trek Voyager isn't the end all be all. Trust me friend there was a whole lot more goin on before that. Back in the 60s. And they are indeed connected. Take my word for it

6. Posting:
I'm not sure your clear on why the game is even called dark souls as opposed to demon's souls 2. The very same reason the game is on xbox 360, not just ps3. I spoke of this before but here,
The short, short version: Sony not interested in DS, until it explodes, then Sony steps in trying to preasure ps3 exclusive sequel, From says "screw you-multiplatform means more money", and makes the game anyway but changes just enough so that Sony can do nothing legally.

They had to make it clear from the start to the media "this has nothing to do with that other game". In fact in every interview when they are asked, they hesitate and dodge. Sony's legal team is watching carefully

"end of speculation of story", lets not be rude

7. Posting
I Believe I already explained what the fog is and how it works. As well as the concept of perspective. Which should help explain to you what happened to the land of the giants as well as explain why the people in Boletaria believe it is destroyed.

And I was at the same convention as well as a couple others. I get around :)
"Project Dark" is a flux name. A placeholder until a proper title is decided. Usually placeholders are used when something occurs late in development that causes the previously decided title to be no longer viable. (like Sony stepping in and using a contract to try and pressure against multi-platform for example

I have also already explained why any Namco reps who have been asked about the relation between DeS and DkS have promptly responded with "Oh nothing to do with each other at all huff huff huff!" while any From reps will hesitate, make shifty eyes and respond with "I'd rather not compare the two. next question please"

Posting von Galkin
If you read the lore on the bed of chaos's soul, it states (or implies) that this is not a true lord's souls AT ALL.
Bed of Chaos was a creation of the witch of Izalith shortly before the chaos flame catastrophe occured. As time passed, the bed of chaos became more powerful and its soul became as powerful as a lord's soul. It is in no way a fusion or a corruption of a previous lord.

The one thing that truly confuses me is that if you talk to Frampt, he says the Four kings inherited shards of Gwyn's soul. Yet, when you beat Gwyn, you get a complete soul, as if nothing was ever lost. So this means the four kings are in no way a manifestation of Gwyn's soul.

8. Posting
Über Lordran sei der 6. Archstone (Land of the Giants) auch wegen einem Artwork von Demon's Souls

Try to keep in mind that official art is not always consistent. Companies usually outsource artists and give their description for the comission, and it is the design teams job to decide whether it passes for "accurate enough".
And there are also local artists within the design team who may make the art after listening to what is requested of them, and it is up to the art director to decide if it is "accurate enough".
This will be affected by multiple factors: Time, who is in today and out sick, that annoying contractor guy with the beard that we have in our art department because our usual director is on maternity leave, and so on.

Keeping all that in mind, yes the image is indeed official art. However, I don't recall anything about the land of the giants or the giants themselves being mentioned during the constant display of this image. In fact, the constant mentioning of demon's, in the generic sense, is all that is heard during that cutscene.

I would like to see which cutscene you speak of where mindless giants are mentioned.
Please share a link when you get the chance.

As for the Kiln, Yes indeed this looks like it, however, remember that the Kiln is not the original name of that land. It is merely a small chunk of lordran, particular the part where the revolution of giants against stone dragons took place.
This small chunk was apparently removed by magic and separated from the rest of lordran to act as a small prison for gwyn.

---------- Beitrag um 15:28 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 15:27 Uhr ----------

9. Posting
Exactly who told you that I was joking? I am assuming you assumed?

Let me confirm for Jman1988 that I was not joking and let me please also apologize for having been gone so long.
I have been participating in more than one project and work has been kind of crazy with recent developments.
I hope that people on the forums have still been active and having fun. :)

I think I already explained Seath in prior posts, which is why you were speaking about it?

As for the continuous back and forth I have skimmed through recently about whether or not DkS and DeS are related, I believe I already addressed that as well.
However, someone mentioned the concept of Dks being a prequel to DeS? This would just not be so. The time frame is very nearly the same. Keep in mind key connecting properties such as the king who was banished from the Ivory Tower in Latria, who returned with new found power to take over at a later date.
This king is a character you come across in DkS in the painted world. If you are alive that is. He will invade your game using a spiked whip. I can only assume that the painted world is where he gained the garment and such before returning to Latria. That part (garments) is speculation of course. But his identity is easily confirmed by the description of his equipment.

As far as time frames are concerned specifically, try to keep this in mind while making any judgement calls: The type of water magic known as colorless fog, not only separates a land from the rest of the world like a select tool in photoshop separating a segment of an image from the rest of the image, it also distorts time at a gradual to abrupt and rather random level. it "bends" light, time and perception of all kinds. This makes it difficult to tell exactly what the time frame is related from Boletaria, where the humans are more in charge, and Lordran, where the giants are "royal" and call themselves "gods". But at the very least, distance wise they can be judged as being as far apart as Hartford Connecticut is from upper New Jersey. It may be a 4 hour drive for us, but for the king who was banished from Latria, it would have been more than a couple days journey. People who rode carriages from Manhattan New York to upstate Newburg took a couple of days, while today it is a one hour drive. They could not have been closer than this, as the social order was different enough for the humans (who giants call the small people because to them, they are normal, and we are small) to have complete control of their own social order in Boletaria, while in Lordran they live in the ghetto outside the major walls of Anor Londo. And it could not have been farther, considering the people of Lordran did indeed have an awareness of the people in boletaria, and to the point where the Giants gave a nickname to the ruler of the "small people" of Boletaria: "The Small king".

Please refer to prior posts of mine about how the media and legal issues are handled in this industry if your response is based on the official legal claim that "These two games have nothing to do with each other... Next question please, so how about those Knicks.."

As for the sword of moonlight that appears in DkS, there are many, or there were many that existed. Used by men called "dragon knights" that participated in a war between Seath and Guyra long before places like Lordran and Boletaria ever existed.
The one found in Des has the shape of a soldiers sword. Finding one would be equal to finding a piece of "adamantium" somewhere, as any and all left over traces of that war are very rare.

The sword of moonlight in Kingfield 2 in the island of Melenat (in the island, not on the island)is a special version of a soldiers sword made from Seath's half of the Dark Crystal. The real Seath, not the impostor from Kingsfield 3 who relates to the real Seath just like "Single White Female". Or the creepy fat woman in the anime called "Perfect Blue".

The impostor, whose name was never revealed anywhere in any branch the series what so ever, impersonated Seath in order to gain control of King Alfred Forester in a place called Verdite. His purpose was to gain followers, and further his obsessive project on finding a way to stop his aging and become immortal. Unlike the real Seath, who is female, and responsible for half of this planet's creation, and fluent in "Light magic", the impostor is male, an expert in crystal magic instead, and is constantly experimenting on his own body and others, making his appearance seemingly not constant whenever you come across him in the KF series.

For goodness sake, he did not even have legs this time. He had tentacles. And even now still has not found a way to become immortal, apparently employing some sort of self fabricated device that you have to destroy before you can even begin to harm him.

I hope that this helps clear things up, instead of raising more questions than answered.
Let me reinerate just one more time to be sure: I was not joking Jman1988, I apologize for the confusion and for taking ages to respond to your PM, I will check all my PMs tonight, I promise
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: gigakane
Spielt gerade: Lords of the Fallen
haben die entwickler nicht mal gesagt dass ds und das in verschiedenen welten spielen?müssen sie dass sogar nicht "offiziel",da sony ja irgendwie teil rechte an demon´s souls hat.ich habe aber mal gehört dass der 6 Archstone ein DLC hätte werden sollen


walks on the brightside
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: The-Heroic
steht alles oben, die souls games haben eine verbindung und spielen im selben universum, aber eben ist es "offiziell" kein nachfolger eben wg. sony.
Das mit dem Archstone find ich wirklich mysteriös, er heißt ja "Land of the Giants". Was auch zu Lordran passen würde da dort die "Riesen" herrschen (Gwyn und seine Familie) und das Setting Anor Londo ja auch auf Riesen zugeschnitten ist (sieht man besonders an der Treppe die zu Ornstein und Smough hochführt bzw. zu der Kathedrale, in der MItte die großen Stufen für die Herrscher, links und rechts davon die normalen STufen für die Untergebenen Menschen.
Zudem taucht Patches in Boletaria sowie in Lordran auf, was darauf schließen könnte das er zu irgendeiner Zeit den 6. Archstone benutzt hatte. Das alles passiert ja sowieso außerhalb normaler Raum/Zeit Wahrnehmung.
Die Riesen sind in dem Fall die "Götter" die Lordran leben, ein anderes Königreich, welches in Boletaria liegt, und was ebenfalls eine Verzweigung von Demons zu Dark sein kann --> Archstone of the Small King. Mit Small King ist King Alant gemeint, er hat unsere normale Größe, ist aber von den Riesen aus gesehen klein.
Zuletzt editiert:
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: verrückt
schon alles ziemlich interessant,
finde ja schon,dass alleine die drachen die verbindung nachweisen,egal bei was,sei es spiel,film,'buch',drachen sehen immer verschieden aus.
nur hier mal nicht,bzw nicht wirklich.
zudem gab es doch mal das gespräch über die izalith schwestern und ihre verbindung zu yuria od. maiden in black...cih weiß es nciht mehr genau.

hab den trailer nicht mehr ganz in erinnerung,aber hatte diese frau nicht auch eine größere bedeutung?
vllt werden wir ja mit DkS2 mehr in die richtung gedrängt('unbewusst')nur wird es dann wohl wieder ne weile dauern, bis jedes fitzelchen story zusammengetragen wird :D
(sidenote:hab den ersten post nun nicht ganz gelesen,also sry falls was von mir geschriebenes da schon erwähnt wurde^^)
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: verrückt
ok wenn ich den thread wieder finde geb ich bescheid^^
hatte zu dem zeitpunkt tausendr threads durchforstet und kann auch sein dass es nur eine kleine theorie war oä.
hab gerade mal etwas gesucht, konnte es aber auf anhieb zumindest nicht finden.:/
ich schau die tage mal weiter.