DUST 514: News und mehr

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PSN-Name: General_MacDill
Spielt gerade: Remnant, GoT, ME
Alles Wissenswerte rund um DUST 514. Den Anfang machen wir gleich mit einer fantastischen Neuigkeit für alle die sich jetzt am Anfang ein wenig vertan haben was das skillen angeht.

Optional Skill Respec Available For A Limited Time

Mercs of New Eden! Changes are coming to the DUST 514® skill system as we work to incorporate player requests and feedback. To make sure you can adapt to the altered systems, we’ll be offering the chance to request an optional, one-time skill respec via our support system.

Below is some basic information on how to request a skill respec. Please note:
All skill respec requests should be filed no later than 11:00 UTC on 31 May, 2013.

What is a skill respec?
A skill respec is a chance to redo your skill selections to better suit the changing systems.

How does a skill respec work?
Once a player requests a skill respec, all characters on that player's account will have their skill points refunded to their available skill pools. Characters will have their skill trees reset, just as when the character was brand new. We will also remove all purchased skill books, while refunding their ISK cost to your characters’ accounts. You can then re-train your characters’ skills as normal.

How do I request a skill respec?
To request a one-time skill respec, simply contact our support team online by logging in with your PSN® ID, and title your support ticket "Skill Respec”.
You can also email us at support@dust514.com, and title your email “Skill Respec”. Please be sure to use the email address registered to your DUST 514 account, so we can verify that you have one!

How long do I have to wait for my skill respec to apply?
We will be applying the first wave of skill respecs once we deploy the changes to the skill system. Respecs will be processed in batches and applied during daily downtimes on a first-come-first-served basis. Once we receive and process a request, we will respond to let players know they are currently in queue for a skill respec.

Please note that the closing date for requests is 11:00 UTC on 31 May, 2013, and that it may take a few days to process and apply your respec. We will implement all respecs requested before the deadline.

Great, but what about my Items and AUR?
Your PSN purchases such as item bundles and AUR will not be adjusted during a skill respec. Only your current skills and ISK costs for skill books will be refunded. Please be sure to re-train all skills required to equip the items you planned to bring into battle.

While skill resets do not affect AUR wallets or items, we are offering a separate and optional full account reset to eligible players. Please see our previous announcement for more information.

Good Hunting,
Lead GM Grave
CCP Customer Relations
systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: General_MacDill
Spielt gerade: Remnant, GoT, ME
DUST 514 hat nun ein neues Update erhalten mit der Version 1.1 von Uprising werden folgende Dinge geändert.

Uprising 1.1 Patch Notes:

* Optimized EVE Universe Data Synchronization process
* Optimized Content Update process
* Optimized Content Update UI to reflect total progress
* Optimized PhysX for better client Performance
* Optimized memory usage for sound

Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue where sounds may drop off
* Fixed issue where players may get stuck when loading into the battle
* Fixed issue where the Weapon Switch menu may get stuck
* Fixed issue where throwing grenades/switching weapon has a slight delay
* Fixed issue where Mouse Sensitivity setting may not work as expected
* Fixed a UI issue where Module Stacking Penalty does not show up properly
* Fixed Target Intel triggering for Flaylock Pistols

* Added a News tab in the Launcher window
systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: General_MacDill
Spielt gerade: Remnant, GoT, ME
CCP Games plant Live-Streams und Gefechte auf EVE-Raumschiffen

Dust 514 soll in naher Zukunft um die Möglichkeit erweitert werden, Schlachten auf Raumschiffen und Raumstationen aus dem EVE-Universum auszutragen. Außerdem sind Live-Streams der Kampfhandlungen geplant

Mit der Verknüpfung des Online-Shooters Dust 514 und dem Online-Rollenspiel EVE Online hat Spielentwickler CCP Games ein bisher einmaliges Experiment unternommen, das darüber hinaus reichlich Potential bietet. Potential, das das isländische Entwicklerteam nicht ungenutzt lassen möchte.

In einem Interview mit der englischsprachigen Webseite destrucoid.com hat Thor Gunnarsson, Vice-President of Business-Development des Unternehmens, nun einen kleinen Ausblick auf die Zukunft des mit EVE Online verknüpften Free2Play-Shooters gegeben - und die scheint durchweg ambitioniert zu sein: Anstatt sich auf die bisherigen Bodenschlachten zu beschränken, möchte man den Spielern zukünftig die Möglichkeit bieten, an Gefechten an Bord von Raumschiffen und Raumstationen aus dem EVE-Universum mitzuwirken. Das Ganze soll als neuer Spielmodus namens "Penetration" den Weg in das Spiel finden.

Dabei soll es allerdings nicht bleiben: Mit "Survival" und "Infestation" sind zwei weitere neue Spielmodi geplant. Ersterer ist an den im Shooter-Genre altbekannten Horde-Modus angelehnt und lässt die Spieler gegen immer stärker werdende Gegner-Wellen antreten. Etwas innovativer ist der Infestation-Modus: Hier gilt es, Feinde auszuschalten, die sich im von Spielern verwalteten Nullsec im Universum von EVE Online niederlassen wollen. Hier erbeutete oder gefundene Ressourcen sollen anschließend, so der Plan, über einen Weltraum-Fahrstuhl an die Piloten aus dem EVE-Universum übergeben werden können. Beide Spielmodi sind übrigens auf PvE ausgelegt - es geht lediglich gegen computergesteuerte Drohnen.

Darüber hinaus spricht Gunnarsson noch Turnier-Matches an, die das Entwicklerteam in naher Zukunft zu etablieren gedenkt und die dann via Live-Stream ins Internet übertragen werden sollen.

Wann die neuen Inhalte ihren Weg in Dust 514 finden sollen, ist noch unklar. Derzeit arbeitet CCP Games noch am Balancing und an Fehlern der aktuellen Spielversion.


Late last year, erstwhile EVE Online executive producer Jon Lander proclaimed -- perhaps emboldened by his own game's impending ten-year anniversary -- that CCP had "a five-year roadmap" for the recently-released free-to-play PlayStation 3 shooter Dust 514. "We're not going to ship a unit and then in six months it's off the shelves and people have stopped playing it," he said at the time. Of course, six months from now people will be buying the PlayStation 4, which may raise some doubts about the game's longterm success.

CCP's vice president of business development, Thor Gunnarsson, isn't worried at all.

"We already see that Dust 514, during open beta, had been driving hardware sales for Sony. We actually track that together," he tells me. "We so know that our fan base, Dust-curious players, are buying the PlayStation 3 to get into our game."

More generally, though, Gunnarsson seems confident in Sony's ability to support the PlayStation 3 well into the next few years. "What we hear, anecdotally, is that PS3 sales are increasing," he says. "Sony have done a phenomenal job of managing console transitions, like they did with the PlayStation 2's cost and size reductions," he effuses.

"We can make the logical assumption that something similar will happen as the PlayStation 4 comes to market," Gunnarsson continues, noting that the PS3's large European and Asian install base and incremental success since 2006 will give it "long legs" moving forward.

His ultimate declaration on the subject is this: "If you look at the large third-party publishers, you'll see that Sony is not falling away from the PlayStation 3. What about Grand Theft Auto V? It took Square Enix years to come to the PlayStation 3."
Gunnarsson's enthusiasm is partly diplomatic, I'm sure, but fans’ enduring interest in the PS3 is the crux of Dust 514's development strategy, which is to keep players coming back with a periodic trickle of high-quality -- and, most importantly, free -- updates.

The foundation for these types of updates was laid when Dust 514 was still in open beta. Several months in, CCP rolled out a free, updated build of the game, called "Uprising," which overhauled the game's graphics, added content, and re-structured much of the game's user interface and menus.

More updates -- most notably, a King of the Hill mode called "Domination" -- were made when the game officially launched on May 14 (get it?), only a week later.
"Here we are in the late stage of the open beta, and we've completely overhauled the whole thing," explains executive producer Brandon Laurino during a brief chat. "Even for a PC MMO, that's pretty outrageous, but you've never had that for a console game. You've never had something like a demo or a version 1.0 of something in your hands and then had a huge graphics update on it."

Dust 514 has been officially released for less than a month now, but the Shanghai-based team responsible for it is already in active development on new gameplay modes that should be available "very soon." (I should note that "very soon" in this case means up to three years from now.)

In its current iteration, Dust 514 is a competitive, player-vs.-player, deathmatch-based affair. However, CCP Shanghai are working on cooperative, player-vs.-environment modes that they hope will encourage corporation-level play: "Survival" is a wave-based Horde mode, and "Infestation" will involve scouring any enemies trying to establish a toehold in corporation-controlled districts.

In both modes, groups of players will fight against drones, the so-called "rats" or "mobs" of Dust 514, to gather money and other resources. The idea is that these PvE modes will give players and corps new entry points into the robust in-game economy that ties Dust 514 and EVE Online together. Eventually, CCP plans to implement space elevators to carry those resources from the planetary surfaces of Dust to the orbiting fleets of EVE, linking the two games physically as well as thematically, economically, and structurally.

Other upcoming modes include “Penetration,” which will allow Dust mercenaries to raid and board EVE’s Titan-class warships, and “Gladiator,” a set of organized tournaments that will include in-game betting and streaming.

The EVE universe spans hundreds of star systems and thousands of planets, each of which will need to be dynamically populated with weather patterns, terrain, vegetation, and architecture. Racially variegated weapons, vehicles, and space stations are also in the works.

If that sounds like a lot, that’s mostly the point. “This is the way that CCP does a game,” says Laurino. “We’ll never make a Dust 514-2, right? We’ll never update the graphics, package up a bunch of content, and say, ‘Okay, now this is a $60 expansion.'”

“It’s just all part of the game as a service that we provide to our users. That’s part of the value proposition that we offer,” he continues. “‘Uprising’ is not the end of the major, free updates. We’ve got quite a few more planned for the rest of 2013 and then out for two years, out for five years, out for ten years, just like EVE.”

Still, CCP will eventually need to develop a PlayStation 4 version of Dust 514, link it to the PS3 version, and then tie both of them to Tranquility, the London-based server that governs everything that happens in the EVE universe. And they’ll do it, ideally, with as little downtime as possible.

A tall order, but one that CCP are already familiar with. “When we launched EVE in 2003, it was running on Windows XP at the time, on DirectX 7,” Gunnarsson tells me. “We migrated to DirectX 9 with a live game in operation and ran a dual rendering across DX7 and DX9 for many years. We launched the Mac version the same way.”

Not surprisingly, Laurino agrees, though he’s less concerned with the nitty-gritty details at this point. “Really, any game could be set up to this. So it’s more a philosophy than it is a real technical roadblock,” he explains. “Of course there are a lot of technical challenges, sure, but it’s about holding yourself to a different software development standard and a different standard for service that makes a difference.”

“It’s also just common sense,” Laurino goes on. “If you want to sustain a ten-year product in the videogame industry, you have to upgrade at some point.”
I ask Gunnarsson, somewhat dubiously, about the economics and logistics of running two different games on three platforms connected by one central server; he remains nonchalant throughout. “We’re very confident. We’ve already done this in the PC space," he explains.

"If you think about it from that perspective, we’ve been doing this for years.”


Na klingt doch geil wenn das alles so kommt und auch wirklich funktioniert. Also ich bin happy und freu mich auf die Zukunft und wer weis was wir alles nächste Woche noch über DUST erfahren werden :D
systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: General_MacDill
Spielt gerade: Remnant, GoT, ME
Uprising 1.2 brings ISK transfers, Planetary Conquest changes, and more!

Uprising 1.2 brings ISK transfers, Planetary Conquest changes, and more!

Since the release of Uprising, Team True Grit has been hard at work fixing bugs and creating new features for Planetary Conquest. Some of these improvements, like planetary districts changing state when captured, are already live. But there's way more to come and so I am here to talk to you about what Team True Grit is bringing to Uprising 1.2.

Corporate leaders: Control your fireteams!

Once upon a time, a player called Awox made a habit of infiltrating and betraying enemy EVE Online® corporations. In other games, this might get you banned, but players in the EVE universe tell their own stories. Still, it's important that a Corporation be able to catch and police such troublemakers themselves, and that spies make an effort to earn their victims' trust.

Likewise, corporate leaders in DUST 514® should be free to pick the best players to protect their territory. Uprising 1.2 will let CEOs and Directors kick players from a corporate battle. This option is only available on the warbarge, so make your cuts before dropping into battle. Once a player is kicked, they will be banned from that battle and unable to rejoin.

We are currently working on a proper roles system for DUST 514 Corporations to help you organize your roster. Hopefully, the roles system will be all you need to build the right team and keep Awoxers in their place, making the kick option unnecessary. As with any feature, we rely on feedback from our passionate players, so speak out on the forums!

Transfer ISK between DUST players

What fun is a spacefaring mercenary operation without juicy bonuses and backroom deals? Mercs will soon be able to transfer ISK to other DUST 514 players or corporations. Any ISK transferred to a corporation will appear in its infantry wallet. Likewise, CEOs and Directors will be able to transfer ISK from their corporation's accounts to any other corporation or DUST 514 player.

Monitor Starmap security

When Uprising 1.2 hits the server, players viewing the Starmap at the constellation level will notice that selected solar systems will include the security status level in the information dialogue. We added this to give mercs a better feel for the state of the cosmos, and to help corporations participating in Planetary Conquest better plan where they can attack, and how much it will cost.

Streamline your communications with delayed chat channels

Chat channels with more than 50 users -- merc or capsuleer -- will now operate in delayed chat mode. This means that only users who actually speak will appear in the channel's members list, boosting performance when you strategize or just catch up with fellow players.

So there you have it. I tried to keep this dev blog short and sweet. Hopefully, you're excited for all the new content our team is creating for Uprising 1.2. We'll see you -- but probably not any sneaky Awoxers -- on the battlefield.


Team True Grit

Quelle: DEV Blog
systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: General_MacDill
Spielt gerade: Remnant, GoT, ME
Version 1.2 des Uprising Build von DUST 514 wurde gestern veröffentlicht und hier der komplette Changelog. Ausserdem hat CCP Games verlauten lassen, das sie in Zukunft Patches in einem fast monatlichen Rhytmus veröffentlichen möchten. Man darf gespannt sein was uns Mercs, noch alles erwarten wird.

Uprising 1.2 patch notes have been posted. For your convenience, the full notes are as follows:
Path to Game and Related UI
* Implemented logging out character from NeoCom

Spawning and End of Match
* Added “call for help” button to kill screen
* Updated strings and information on the kill screen to better differentiate between bleeding out and death state
* Updated icons for bleeding out so logistics can distinguish between players that have and have not called for help
* New icons for EOM stats screen

* Added Commando dropsuit role
* Added Neo dropsuits for all roles
* Updated third person female walk animations

* Updated weapon range system to include absolute range (Giving us optimal, effective and absolute ranges)
* Updated range settings for all handheld weapons to allow for damage to be dealt over longer distances.
* Increased weapon switching speed
* Fixed aiming friction on turrets when pitching so it is correctly applied
* Improvements to location of fallen character for revive
* Fixed slight misalignment with forge gun projectile
* Increased spawn height of orbital strike to ensure it didn’t miss highly positioned enemies
* Fixed client/server mismatch on equipment deployment locations

* Added new dropsuit modules:
* Ferroscale armor plates
* Reactive armor plates
* Shield energizers
* Increased radius for nanite injector revival

* Added new yellow sun mood layer
* Added new night mood layer
* Added two new terraforming types
* Manus Peak – fixed the issue where MCC shield would let bullets through
* Fixed navigation issue regarding movement along vertical covers/walls

* New material types for ladders and snow
* New UI sounds
* Moment-to-moment audio improvements
* More information on taking hits
* 3rd person reload sounds
* Memory and CPU optimizations
* Fix ducking problem on killing enemies
* Fix echo problem in Biomass
* An issue where voice was not available for certain very old chat channels has been fixed
* Smooth sound of LAVs in the distance

* Fixed mail list, now player can roll down to bottom of the list to load up to 1500 latest emails
* Added several new attribute icons
* Now the weapon switcher will display the remaining number of deployable equipment
* Now the background color of Corporation logo on player list will always display red for enemy and blue for friendly
* Now the MCC hit point indicator on spawn page will display in correct color, red for enemy and blue for friendly
* Unified the font case in several NEOCOM pages
* General UI polishing on NECOM pages and HUD
* Fixed multiple UI related issues

* Improvements to the vehicle icons and driver name tags display
* Upward thrust not working when in first person view for dropships
* Ground speed limit being ignored has been fixed

Visual effects
* Added SSAO
* Improved lighting & shadows

* Improved UI rendering performance
* Improved content streaming stability

Planetary Conquest
* Directors can now kick teammates from Planetary Conquest battles while they’re in the warbarge before the battle starts. Characters that are kicked are banned from rejoining the same battle again
* Districts are no longer locked once conquered by a new owner
* The estimated number of clones at the target district displayed when moving clones to attack is now more accurate

* System security level has been added to the starmap information panel
* The planet model in the starmap will no longer randomly revert to a default texture

* Added option to purchase bundles from the market

* Characters can now transfer ISK directly between each other and to any corporation
* Directors can now transfer ISK from the corporation mercenary wallet to any player or corporation
Additional 1.2 changes include:
* All the salvage acquired during a planetary conquest match will now been shown on the End of Match screen instead of just 5 items
* Improved speed of RDV vehicle delivery as well as applied tweaks to the RDV AI
* Improved server to client performance of projectile based weaponry
* Chat channels with more than 50 users (mercenaries or capsuleers) will now operate in delayed chat mode
* The launcher now displays total number of players on the Tranquility server
systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: General_MacDill
Spielt gerade: Remnant, GoT, ME
CCP's Sean Decker and Hilmar Petursson on the future of EVE, DUST 514, EVE-VR, and mobile gaming

Earlier today, CCP Games announced that industry veteran Sean Decker is coming on board as Senior Vice President of Product Development. Sean's laundry-list of industry experience includes a recent 12-year stint at EA, where he headed up the Play4Free division. This has naturally led to some trepidation within the EVE Online community, which has been extremely wary of free-to-play and microtransaction-based business practices since the Monoclegate scandal in 2011.

I caught up with Sean Decker and CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson last night to get the low-down on Sean's role, how he will influence EVE and CCP's other products, and what the future has in store for DUST 514 and EVE-VR. Sean is to be the head of product development across all of CCP's games, not just the free-to-play titles, but I wouldn't worry about EVE going free to play any time soon. "I don't think [free-to-play] is the be all and end all business model," Sean told me, adding that he understands that the subscription model better fits some games.

Read on for more information on the future of EVE Online, DUST 514, EVE-VR, and CCP's first foray into mobile gaming.

How will this affect EVE and DUST 514?

Up until now, the responsibility for product development and deciding what direction to take with CCP's growing list of games has fallen to CEO Hilmar himself. With so many games and other items now produced by the studio and interesting connections like the EVE-DUST link, Hilmar felt that a dedicated person was needed solely to handle product development. "There are a lot of opportunities in connecting those experiences," he told me. "Having someone dedicated to that will allow us to take advantage of those opportunities."

"There are a lot of opportunities in connecting those experiences, and having someone dedicated to that will allow us to take advantage of those opportunities."
During our chat, Hilmar assured me that the plan for EVE is still the same plan that was discussed at Fanfest and that fans really latched onto. He promised that nobody will be "making any big kneejerk changes to EVE" and that CCP as a company won't forget the lessons it has learned over the past few years. CCP is currently looking at options that let players "customise the game experience" without upsetting game balance. Options like ship paintjobs are still on the table, but Hilmar explained that the focus right now is on more ideas along the same lines as the dual character training option recently released in EVE's Odyssey expansion.

When pressed about DUST 514 updates, Hilmar revealed that the game is now on a strict monthly iterative development cycle for the next quarter. "We're working on a monthly iteration cycle," he told me. "The first update is coming tomorrow; we're very excited for that." One of Sean's responsibilities as VP of product development will be to figure out what developers should work on in the next cycle based on community feedback. CCP has never had to deal with the sheer volume of players that free-to-play games attract, and Sean's experience on the Play4Free titles is sure to come in handy here.

and mobile gaming

This year's EVE Online Fanfest included the reveal of a brand-new virtual reality dogfighter for the Oculus Rift named EVE-VR, which fans went absolutely nuts over. When asked whether this will be turned into a retail product, Hilmar confirmed that it will be one of the games under Sean's new remit, but he clarified, "Right now there are no specific plans." He added an optimistic note that CCP "took [EVE-VR] to Fanfest and E3 and the world is screaming for it."

Hilmar went on to reveal that CCP's plans to infiltrate the wide world of mobile gaming are well underway. Former EVE producer Jon Lander has taken on the task of managing the company's mobile offerings, and this year will be mostly spent preparing for next year's full-scale app development. The first apps to be released will be "cohort apps to the EVE universe," explained Hilmar, describing them as companion apps to enhance the game experience. The team will use this to get experience in mobile development, and then will later go on to work on "standalone mobile experiences."

systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: General_MacDill
Spielt gerade: Remnant, GoT, ME
Weapon Ranges and Profiles in Uprising 1.2 and beyond

Weapon Ranges

With Uprising 1.2 the long-awaited changes to the range system are finally in game! Previously, weapons had an optimal and maximum range. Unfortunately, at its max range a weapon would simply stop doing damage. This is bad for a whole host of reasons and we’ve addressed this by giving all handheld weapons an optimal, effective and absolute range.

Up to the optimal range a weapon will do 100% damage (shield/armor profiles notwithstanding) and then drop off slowly towards its effective range at which point it will do around 30% damage. Damage drops further from effective range to absolute range but weapons will continue to do incidental damage even at these extreme ranges.

As an example, the standard tier Assault Rifle’s damage will drop from 34 HP at optimal range (40m) to 10.2 HP at its effective range (65m). As we fill out the weapon roster in the coming releases we’ll be adjusting ranges based on metrics and your feedback to make sure all weapons adhere to their established profiles and fit nicely within their intended niche. To that end, we’ve adjusted the Scrambler Rifle’s optimal ranges (up to 50m from 45m for the base variant and up to 45m from 30m for the assault variant.)

Weapon Profiles
The categorization of weapons and their attendant strength/weakness against shield and armor is currently not communicated very effectively by the UI inside and out of battle. So much so that many players might not even be aware that weapons do this! We’re working on improving this, but to help clear up any confusion the chart below indicates the damage and range profiles of current and upcoming weapons in the game:

A couple things to keep in mind:

  • Range profiles are indicative of a weapon’s range compared to other weapons in its class. For example, the Rail Rifle has the longest range of the weapon variants in its class (the Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle and Scrambler Rifle being the others) but its range is not equivalent to that of the Sniper Rifle, another railgun-based weapon.
  • Where necessary, there are some exceptions to the established race conventions. The Plasma Cannon, for example, operates well beyond the short ranges of conventional plasma weaponry.
We look forward to getting the new weapons into your hands as soon as is possible. As always, be sure to leave your feedback on the forums.

- CCP Remnant


DUST 514 Newsletter

Der Sommer wird heiß, so wie das Schlachtfeld in DUST 514®. Unser einmonatiger Eventplan im Spiel geht dieses Wochenende los und dauert den gesamten Juli und darüber hinaus an. Belohnungen, Boni und Bestenlisten erwarten Sie.

04.-10. Juli Dreifache-SP-Event: In jeder Schlacht wird Ihr Skillzuwachs verdreifacht
11.-18. Juli Mordus Herausforderung: Erreichen Sie Ziele im Kampf, um fantastische Belohnungen im Spiel zu verdienen
16.-24. Juli Sommerschlussverkauf: Erhalten Sie 50% Rabatt auf einige unserer beliebtesten Dropsuits und Waffen
25.-31. Juli DUST 514 Erste Liga: Die Anmeldungen für ein Turnier, das die Welt verändern wird, beginnen...

Haufenweise Dropsuits, Fahrzeuge und Waffen erwarten Sie. Sehen Sie sich unseren Entwicklerblog für die Events im Juli an, um eine vollständige Liste der Belohnungen und Regeln zu erhalten.

Neue Ausrüstung und Features mit Uprising 1.2

Kommandodropsuits, Ferroscale-Panzerplatten, Grafikverbesserungen, erhöhte Performanz, ISK-Übertragungen zwischen Charakteren und Verbesserungen bei der Planeteneroberung sind nur einige der zusätzlichen Features, die Sie in Uprising 1.2 sehen werden. Nach seiner Veröffentlichung am 2. Juli ist es das neueste in unserer andauernden Serie schnell aufeinanderfolgender DUST 514®-Updates. Lesen Sie den neuesten Entwicklerblogeintrag von CCP Praetorian, um alle Details zu erfahren, und begeben Sie sich heute wieder zurück in die Schlacht.

Rekrutierungsbelohnungen sind da

Wir haben das Rekrutierungsprogramm erweitert, um tödliche Spielgegenstände an Söldner auszuhändigen, die ihre schlagkräftigen Freunde zu DUST 514 bringen. Von brutalen Waffen wie der HK4M Schrotflinte (siehe Bild) bis hin zu LAVs und aktiven Boostern gibt Ihnen das Rekrutierungsprogramm exklusive Gegenstände im Austausch gegen Frischfleisch. Werden Sie also heute zum DUST 514-Rekrutierer und helfen Sie dabei, mit Ihrem individuellen Rekrutierungslink die Neuigkeit zu verbreiten.

Gratis NL-Belohnung
Lasergewehr "Burnstalk"

Das einzige, was besser ist, als ein Newsletter, der Sie mit Wissen versorgt, ist einer, der Sie mit Ausrüstung bewaffnet! Ab dieser Ausgabe werden wir unsere loyalen Leser mit exklusiver Beute im Spiel belohnen. Besuchen Sie einfach die Gegenstandseinlösungsseite auf DUST514.com, und loggen Sie sich ein, um sich fünfzig Exemplare des tödlichen Lasergewehrs "Burnstalk" zu schnappen.
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