EA Sports MMA

Jacare stopped by the EA SPORTS studio... Check it out
by Victor Lugo | 12-February-2010 8:37 AM
Fantastic things are happening at the studio! We were recently visited by none other than Ronaldo "Jacare" Souza. He's one of my favorite fighters in the world, so I was ecstatic about the visit. I was even more excited about grappling with him while he showcased some of his favorite techniques.

Jacare showed us many of the techniques he's used in past fights, and a few things he's been working on lately. His showcase consisted of his unique approach to the following:

• Training drills
• Transitioning from submission to submission
• Takedowns from clinch
• Single and double leg takedowns
• Takedowns from a caught kick
• Standing strikes
• Ground strikes
• Guard passes
• Sweeps
• Flying submissions (!)
• Flying knees
• Submission escapes

I've seen tons of Jacare videos, but none really compare to actually grappling with him. Everything about his jiu-jitsu technique is perfect, from his hand and foot placement to his weight distribution. He taught me a lot of new techniques, and I can't wait to go to the gym and try them out.

A majority of the gameplay team was present while we rolled, and they took notes (when they weren't laughing). Jacare even grabbed the sticks for a while and gave us additional feedback on our gameplay. Based on his suggestions, we plan on making a few tweaks to the AI, animation, and attributes to create a more accurate depiction of a skilled jiu-jitsu practitioner.

With regard to Jacare's in-game character... well, let's just say if you find yourself face to face with him in the game, you'd better be ready to sprawl!


Im Hintergrund, bei dem Interview, sieht das Poster aus wie das zukünftige Cover; EA-like
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Bis auf das Blut nicht wirklich beeindruckend....eher enttäuschend.Kein Vergleich zu UFC

stimmt... jedoch wird es trotzdem ein hartes rennen... mal sehen was ea sports mma außer den vielen ligen noch bietet

btw. bellator FC soll nun auch dabei sein

edit: was mir grad auffällt.... die fighter tragen alle no name shorts... :-/ (außer cung lee aber der trägt seine eigenen)
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