

PSN-Name: Andy1985
Also zumindestens inFamous jetzt schon als Platinum Version kommt mir irgendwie komisch vor. Das Spiel ist doch erst ein paar Monate alt. Und hat sich afaik auch garnicht soo schlecht verkauft.

Kommt mir auch komisch vor. Man darf aber nicht das Weihnachtsgeschäft vergessen. Billige Spiele locken ein paar Käufer sicher schneller an.
KZ2 ist auch noch nicht so lange erschienen. Was reg ich mich auf, dann wird endlich KZ2 und MS: PR gekauft XD
Rumour: PS3 Slim “Is Real” – Big Reveal At Cologne?

Over the weekend we ran a story regarding the alleged sighting of a so-called PS3 Slim in a Filipino market, and since then we’ve had lots of emails from people informing us that whilst the footage may or may not be ‘real’, the PS3 Slim itself certainly is. We can’t verify any of these claims for ourselves and the sources have asked to remain off the record which almost makes such a post entirely redundant.

It would be, perhaps, if it wasn’t for further details which we believe are new to this particular carriage of the unstoppable rumour train: namely that the ‘big reveal’ is apparently going to be at Cologne in Germany next month, and will be accompanied by a price cut. Like we said, this is strictly marked as a rumour, but only because we can’t personally verify the information, obviously. If we get any more information we can reveal then naturally we’ll update this post.

Bin gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen.... am End doch kein Fake.
PSN-Name: serjoga87
Taito, a fully owned subsidiary of Square Enix, will publish Terminator Salvationin Japan. Yes, the same Terminator Salvationmade by Grin and Equity Games. Japan will get the third person shooter on September 17, almost three months after the movie made its debut in the home of Dragon Quest

*After emphasizing the importance of being an international publisher, Square Enix began licensing games this year. They published Major Minor’s Majestic Marchand 007: Quantum of Solace.

*Terminator Salvationis the second movie game licensed by Square Enix Holdings and the first game title handed to Taito. Poor Taito.