Gran Turismo 5 Trophäen / Trophies

PSN-Name: Shemsen
Spielt gerade: Twister mit deiner Schwester
die trophy menschliche stoppuhr(max. abweichung 0,2 von der bestzeit) habe ich nicht bekommen obwohl ich in 3 rennen 3 runden infolge jeweils identische zeiten hatte, unterschied in einem rennen waren max. 0.050. In den anderen max. 0.150.

kann es sein das man das nur im training bekommt oder unter bestimmen bedingungen? Ich hab grad auch wieder 3 gleiche runden gedreht und sie trotzdem nicht bekommen.?(
Hab sie im gleichen Event wie franceerix bekommen. Geht also defintiv auch "wenn's ernst wird" ^^
PSN-Name: M1L3AG3
Spielt gerade: GT6 / NFSR / G2
Im Hauptmenü (nicht im GT-Modus) einfach in den Einstellungen auf die Audio-Optionen gehen und einen eigenen Track auswählen,
schon hast Du sie. Damit auf die Piste zu gehen ist nicht nötig.

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PS3T sagte:

Take a portrait of a solitary lady who appears on the Marktgasse in Bern.

Go to GT Mode -> Photo Travel -> Bern Marktgasse. Set camera location to 1, put the car in position A. Between the car and the status with flowers at the base is a lady sitting down talking on her cell phone. Zoom right in to get her portrait and take the photo (make sure you use auto-focus). When the photo has been taken, wait a few seconds and the trophy will unlock.

Picture Exclusive

Take a picture of a special someone as he stands in Kyoto's Gion district.

Go to GT Mode -> Photo travel -> Kyoto's Gion district. Set camera to location 1, put the car in position C and just to the left of the screen you'll see a grey haired man leaning against some railing. Swing round and take his photo (make sure you use auto-focus). I made sure he was looking at me when I took the photo and zoomed in on his face. When the photo has been taken, wait a few seconds and the trophy will unlock.

Take Your Honda Home

Take a photo of a Honda passing in front of the Honda head office on the Tokyo R246 track.

Go to GT Mode. Buy/select a Honda and go into Practise -> City -> Tokyo R246. When you start take the first right hand hairpin bend onto the main straight. The building your looking for is a tall white office block on the left hand side a short while after you pass the start/finish line. It has rounded corners and black glass. There are some Castrol signs out front. Watch the replay and press Start to pause the replay outside the building. Select Photo Mode. Take aim and shoot. No need to save this photo.