Killer Is Dead

Hersteller: Kadokawa Games (J)
Entwickler: Grasshopper Manufacture
Genre: Action
Anzahl der Spieler: ?
Technische Daten (Auflösung / Framerate / Engine): ? / ? / ?
Distributions Format: Blu-ray Disk
Kompatible Peripherie: DualShock 3
Preis (UVP): ?
Release: 2013 (Japan), tba (EU, US)

Grasshopper entwickelt Killer Is Dead

Grasshopper Manufacture (Lollipop Chainsaw PS3/Xbox 360) arbeitet an dem Actionspiel Killer Is Dead (PS3, Xbox 360), wie die aktuelle Famitsu schreibt. Den Vertrieb übernimmt Kadokawa Games.

Killer Is Dead ist kein Nachfolger zu Killer 7 (PS2, GC): Der Spieler ist ein Berufskiller, der Kriminelle in der ganzen Welt umlegt. Gekämpft wird u.a. mit einem Schwert. Das Spielprinzip soll eine Mischung aus Killer 7 und No More Heroes sein.

Executive Director und verantwortlich für das Szenario des Spiels ist Suda 51. Yoshimi Yasuda ist der Executive Producer. Die Planungen für Killer Is Dead begannen Ende 2009, wie Suda 51 gegenüber der Famitsu sagt. Erst im Frühjahr 2011 wurde mit den eigentlichen Entwicklungsarbeiten begonnen.

Schlüsselwörter im Spiel sollen "Erde und Mond" sein: So sollen die Gegner des Helden etwas mit dem Mond zu tun haben. Auch Liebe wird ein Thema sein, da der Hauptcharakter jemanden beschützen will und dafür kämpft. Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung steht auch der Gedanke "Wie weit wirst Du gehen, um jemanden zu beschützen?", wie Suda 51 sagt.

Der Fertigungsstand des Spiels ist noch niedrig, das Team ist von einem Prototypen noch weit entfernt. (Andriasang: "Killer is Dead Detailed")
Quelle: Gamefront
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: wesker85
Spielt gerade: The Last of Us
Thx für das Posten der Infos Old Snake. Das klingt doch schon mal ganz interssiert. Werde dem Titel auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten.

Auf den Grafikstil bin schon ja schon besonders neugierig.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Die sind genau wie Platinum Games ! Die machen alle Hammer Games aber kaum ne Sau kauft die Spiele. Shadows of the Damned hats ja richtig schlimm erwischt und bei Lollipop wird wohl auch nicht so toll mit den Vkz. ...ich könnt kotzen

Auftragskiller mitm Schwert?
~hmm~...~happy~ behalt ich im Auge
PSN-Name: Crash Bandicoot
Spielt gerade: Crash Bandicoot
Ich kann mit Sudas Games absolut NICHTS anfangen. Zu abgedrehter Grafikstil....lass mich aber von diesem Spiel gerne überraschen. Die Artworks sehen interessant aus.
Ich kann mit Sudas Games absolut NICHTS anfangen. Zu abgedrehter Grafikstil....lass mich aber von diesem Spiel gerne überraschen. Die Artworks sehen interessant aus.
spiel echt mal killer 7! ich dachte auch anfangs, seltsam aber man braucht da eine stunde damt man die machanik kennenlernt usw. dann kommt man in den genuß meiner meinung nach, auch der soundtrack ist super! aber wenns dir danach weiterhin nicht gefällt, finger weg ;)!
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: wesker85
Spielt gerade: The Last of Us
Ich kann mit Sudas Games absolut NICHTS anfangen. Zu abgedrehter Grafikstil....lass mich aber von diesem Spiel gerne überraschen. Die Artworks sehen interessant aus.
Klar ist das Geschmackssache. Mir persönlich gefällt der Look sehr gut. Das ist doch das genaue Gegenteil von dem Plastikmenschen Look den man in 99 Prozent der anderen Games findet. Vom U3 Engine Plastiklook habe ich echt genug. Da ist dieser Comichafte Look ja gerade zu eine Wohltät.

Die Artworks sehen übrigens sehr interssant aus. Thx fürs posten Old Snake.
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: wesker85
Spielt gerade: The Last of Us
War Shadows of the Damned nicht auch Ue3 Engine? Ich hab jedenfalls das Design gemocht
Könnte sein. Und ja der Shadow of the Damned Look hat mir auch sehr zugesagt. Aber leider machen sich nur wenige Entwickler die Mühe die UE3 Engine so zu modifzieren man sie nicht mehr erkennt. Der Einheitslook überwiegt leider oft.
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: wesker85
Spielt gerade: The Last of Us
Ja das sieht ja mal wirklich cool aus . Danke fürs Posten Ashe. ja ist ja nicht so das man aus der Unreal Engine nichts machen kann. Nur leider geben sich nur die wenigsten Leute wirklich die Mühe was daraus zu machen.Das ist das Problem.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Kadokawa Hopes to Use Lollipop Chainsaw Feedback For Killer is Dead

In an interview with Impress Watch, Kadokawa Games CEO Yoshimi Yasuda said that he's speaking with Grasshopper Manufacture CEO Suda 51 to see that user feedback from Grashopper's recent Lollipop Chainsaw will be put to use in Grasshopper's next game, Killer is Dead.

The feedback for Lollipop Chainsaw was mixed, Yasuda said. While the game did get plenty of praise, he was also happy to see feedback of the form "this is bad" and "fix this" and "if you make a sequel, do this." Not only does Kadokawa listen to this form of player opinion, Yasuda noted that third party analysis played a part in Lollipop's development.

Yasuda mentioned Killer is Dead, Kadokawa's second joint project with Grasshopper, only one other time in his interview with Impress, saying that development of the game is reaching its peak. We've heard little about the game since its announcement back in April, so Yasuda's comments hopefully mean that Kadokawa will begin a promotional push soon.
Cool bald endlich neues Material:)

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Two big bits of Grasshopper Manufacture news from the Lollipop Chainsaw Summer Appreciation Festival event, which was held Saturday at the Kadokawa Games office.

Speaking at the event, Kadokawa Games CEO Yoshimi Yasuda said that total worldwide shipments for Lollipop Chainsaw have crossed the 700,000 mark. Grasshopper CEO Suda 51 said that this is the highest shipment figure ever for his company.

To commemorate the shipment figure, Suda 51 shared a first promotional video for Killer is Dead, Grasshopper's mysterious new project. Yasuda himself had actually edited the trailer just for the event, something which surprised Suda. and Impress Watch report that the trailer showed a man with a cyborg left arm and a katana in his right hand engaged in combat. While the game appeared to have cell shading akin to No More Heroes, the stylish, colorful effects during combat gave the impression of something that attempted a new style following Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop.

Suda prefaced his comments about Killer is Dead by saying that he couldn't really say too much at present. He did say that as Lollipop Chainsaw featured a new female character as its main character, for Killer is Dead he wanted to make a "new hero" as well. Among the new heroes in Killer is Dead, we can expect lots of hot girls, he assured. He's hoping to tell a new assassin's story which carries over the traditions of Killer 7 and No More Heroes.

Killer is Dead is due for PS3 and Xbox 360 release in 2013.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
ha endlich gibt es bald neue infos!
This week’s surprise Famitsu scoop, teased last week, appears to be Killer is Dead (Suda 51′s new game—stay tuned for an update on that)

---------- Beitrag um 09:28 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 08:59 Uhr ----------


Only a short time in the future, where we travel to the moon and remodel our bodies, one day the main character Mondo Zappa receives a notification of employment from the secret state agency called “The Execution Office.”


The battle basics are primarily close proximity attacks with swords. Weapons unfold in acrobatic movements.

In addition, the main character’s left arm has been modified and can change from a drill to a gun, etc. It can be upgraded as you progress. Mondo lost his memory of modifying his left arm.

By absorbing your enemy’s blood, you can utilize a powerful attack called “Adrenalin Burst.” A large quantity of blood gushes when you decapitate your enemies.

There is a component where you can transform people into dark matter, too. The Adrenalin Burst move seems to change the dark matter included in the blood into energy.


The moon appears in various images.

Stages are set in various places around the world, including old Western style buildings and an alleyway with Japanese style homes.


Mondo Zappa: 35-years-old, born in America, the main character. He is the man with the black suit and glasses which appeared in the first public artworks of the game. He regards executing as his job and carries out his work without fear. He is a man of taste and likes to seduce women. His favorite food is half-boiled egg.
Vivian Squall: 25-years-old, born in England, a member of Brian’s execution office, and the younger boss of Mondo. She is a young blond woman who wears a tight, sleeveless outfit. She is usually calm, but can lose her composure when it comes to private topics.
Mika Takekawa: 20-years-old, born in Japan, and Mondo’s assistant. She met Mondo at a certain event, and because she is good at making half-boiled eggs, the two get along and live with each other. She’s a natural airhead.
Victor: A criminal who steals talent from musician jubilees, which play songs of manipulated human emotion. He releases sounds of evil intent from a huge tower, so that he can fill the world with malice. He usually appears like skin and bones, but he’s very robotic when he transforms.
Brian Roses: 65-years-old, born in America, and chief of the execution office. He carries pride in his work, but is indifferent towards his management. He was the best executioner, having had his flesh turned into a cyborg once, but he’s retired now.

Killer is Dead is due for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this summer.


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