Must See - Diese Level muss man gespielt haben!

PSN-Name: Conan_Egogawa_91
Hier geht es um Level die eurer Meinung nach unbedingt von jedem LBP2 Besitzer gespielt worden sein sollten.

Bitte den genauen Namen, Uploader, Link und eine kurze Beschreibung verfassen.

Name: Vietnam:FPS Advanced (With Co-Op Support)
Uploader: PPP_KILLER
Beschreibung: Ein grandios umgesetzter FPS, sehr detailliert und mit viel Atmosphäre!

Name: Unhearted: Drakes Misfortune 2
Beschreibung: Es ist mit sehr viel Liebe umgesetzt worden und hat eine tolle Stimmung. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist etwas zu einfach aber die Aufgaben sind sehr abwechslungsreich.

Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: Shuanji
Spielt gerade: MGS V
Batman - the animated series - Episode 1 (film) by Smacker_92

This film is inspired by the Batman animated series. In this new episode, Batman is facing Catwoman and The Penguin. This level is entirely made in animation. Enjoy!

PSN-Name: FlyingUberHuzo
Spielt gerade: Just Cause 2 aus dem PSN-Store...
PSN-Name: Shuanji
Spielt gerade: MGS V
Hab mal wieder nen link zu nen Level bekommen...

Mario Land World 1-1 Gameboy graphics 1989(UPDATE #3) by junkvXXL

This is a remake of Mario Land on the Nintendo Gameboy from 1989... Hope you all like it... More levels coming soon...Please report any bug you come across or anything you would have improved and i will fix it Thanks for helping... (UPDATE #3: Fixed map you cannot get stuck anymore)

PSN-Name: Shuanji
Spielt gerade: MGS V
Die hab ich gestern noch aufgezeichnet...

The Legend of Zelda 2 "Adventure of Link" Nintendo 1988...[Remake 8-bit NES].Find one part of Triforce and defeat the original enemy Nintendo..Thx for playing ♫ -Thx to PauzerDiPauz- (Music created by DORTR - TERMINATOR_8464) Thx to CVBOOT1 for music collection

[ame=""]LittleBigPlanet™2 - 1988: The Legend of Zelda 2 [1-1] 8-bit NES [/ame]
PSN-Name: Shuanji
Spielt gerade: MGS V
(BEST VIEWED ALONE ) (3 min) JUSTICE IS COMING FOR ALL OF US... NO MATTER WHAT WE DO... This is my little big "Watchmen" movie (more of a trailer actually) took me awhile to make this... I dedicate this to the fans of the graphic novel and movie...The cover song I made is "Mogwai- Auto Rock"... I hope you enjoy this movie as much as I did working on it...give me one good reason if you don't like it

WATCHMEN (EPIC FILM) by dracudelishio


---------- Beitrag um 17:29 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 16:49 Uhr ----------

In this second episode, Batman is facing the Joker! This film is inspired by the Batman animated series and the new Batman adventure. This level is entirely made in animation. Thanks to Christiandadrum for the big music improvement.

[ame=""]Batman Part 2[/ame]
PSN-Name: Shuanji
Spielt gerade: MGS V
auch hier ein MM Pick, video wie immer von mir selbst, bis auf den inhalt :D

Daft Punk: Derezzed Remix by Monstertruckpipk

Turn music in play mode ON! Turn your volume UP! Now get ready to be electrified! If you open your popit in the level, you will create lag and make the music loose sync with the visuals. Online lag can mess up the sync to. For PERFECT synchronization, play this level alone ! :) idk just have fun! Thank you mfc50 for letting me use your music. I rotated the lazers using tools from JimmyJ75.

(LBPC3) ~remixed~
