Need for Speed (2015) - Pausenlos durch den Onlineuntergrund


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

---------- Beitrag um 13:28 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 13:26 Uhr ----------

There's like zero traffic, maybe one car every 500 meters of racing. Even on the freeways.

Game also sometimes drops below 30 fps and resolution is something between 720p and 900p.

The tuning aspect is broken because you need level 50 to actually unlock all visual tuning options. You unlock new tuning aspects every couple of levels.

Gameplay is pretty shallow so far. The racing sucks because of rubberbanding AI that can potentially drive by you with 400 kp/h in a Mazda while you race along with 250 kp/h. It's just ridiculous. There's definitely more drift events here than racing. Sadly they all take place on the same five or six roads.

The story is ok.

Getting cops to hunt you is incredibly annoying. First they are hard to find. You can do mayhem in the city but noone cares. If you manage to find them (I got lucky twice in 3 hours LOL) you actually have to slow down for them to be able to go after you, they get easily lost in corners. If you go straight you'll get away easily.

One annoying thing is the almost complete lack of any rumble. You have to hit walls really hard for it to work. Or have spinning wheels(donuts). But basic racing has zero haptic feedback.

So far I'd rate this as the third worst NfS, just slightly better than Carbon and Pro Street.

So have they fixd the Tank handling?

I really told them in that survey after the beta.
They haven't fixed anything.
There are two types you can install. One recharges over time, and the other recharges when you do things like drifting and near misses.
Skip Videos?
Only some. There were several I couldn't skip (I think they were story related).

Regarding the Wrap editior,I think they disabled it for some reason. You could definitely do it in the beta but not here.

Anyway, it is very possible to complete in 10 hours depending on how good you are and if you skip cutscenes and teleport to your destinations via Phone.
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PSN-Name: Sanguinis83
Spielt gerade: Helldivers 2
Haha... mehr oder weniger das gleiche habe ich auch in die Survey nach der Beta geschrieben. War doch klar, dass das nicht geändert wird. Die meisten Sachen davon werden auch nachträglich in nem Patch wohl nicht geändert, da es wichtigere Design-Aspekte sind. Wenn man die KI verändert, dann muss ja sehr viel neu getestet werden wegen Balancing. Sonst weinen alle wieder rum, dass es gar keine Herausforderung ist.
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PSN-Name: Mephisto37
Spielt gerade: Last Epoch
Im Rahmen von EA Access können Xbox-Spieler das neue Need for Speed nun 10 Stunden lang testen.

Das neue Rennspiel Need for Speed kann für Mitglieder von EA Access ab heute 10 Stunden lang auf der Xbox One angetestet werden. Diese Zeitbegrenzung zählt nur dann herunter, wenn das Spiel tatsächlich gespielt wird, es können also die vollen 10 Stunden ausgenutzt werden. Laut EA gibt es in dieser Testversion keinerlei Einschränkungen – der gesamte Content ist also spielbar.

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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Siehe weiter oben.
Es gibt eine Einschränkung: Editor geht nicht vollständig.
Need for Speed ‏@NeedforSpeed 17m17 minutes ago

@_zeddd We’re just tuning up some parts in the Paint & Wrap Editor, it will be ready for November 3

---------- Beitrag um 23:14 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 21:58 Uhr ----------

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Am besten "alone" spielen - behebt Performanceprobleme - alway online - loooooooool
Einer meinte wenn man weiter im Spiel ist fühlt sich das Handling an wie Rivals.
Vor allem später im Spiel wird die Gummiband KI zum Problem.
Sehr viele Driftevents

Fazit vielleicht: It's not a bad game, it's just not good in any way either
Played about 5 hours or so, already at 35% completion.

I chose the BRZ as the starting car, switched to the S2000 as soon as I could, bought the available upgrades and since then I'm using that, visiting the shop every 5 levels, getting all the stuff maxed. I'm close to saving up for some 112k Porsche, that's probably a good enough car for the endgame.

The rubber banding is definitely reduced, apart from the first few races, I managed to win all of them, even with crashing and missing turns one or two times per race.

As far as traffic goes highways are pretty much empty yet in this 5 hours I managed to crash more than in ~100 hours of FH2 as you only meet these fuckers in turns while drifting.

Game modes are mostly drifting which is fine by me as I got the hang of it pretty fast and it looks great with the new camera (which I love btw). Drift train is some unbelieveable bullshit though. Your so called teammates drive around 100-150kph constantly which is just a bit too low for my optimal curves. If you stay behind or ahead, you miss the points, otherwise they just crash into you.

Collision handling is inconsistent too as sometimes crashing into walls still awards you the drift score yet drift tapping (which was a nice addition in FH2) or touching cars makes you lose the points.

Customization is kinda useless currently as painting and decaling doesn't work. My S2k has 1 ugly af custom taillight available with 4 huge ass spoilers and 4 types of hoods. Even the first Most Wanted had more options. I guess options gonna be worse on a Porsche or a Ferrari.

The drift-grip sliders work well and make a difference but considering how easy it is to drift without losing any speed I don't se any reason to go with grip.

I guess I'll go as far in the story as I can, then finish it up from the Vault.
playing with 2 friends, stutters like shit now. played fine yesterday -.-
Yeah, almost half second complete freezing.

Always online....
67 % after 7 hours, I'm pretty much at the endgame content. And boy is it frustrating. Difficulty is all over the place. I own an endgame car (160.000 McLaren) and tuning doesn't help, winning is pretty much dependant on pure luck at this point. It doesn't help that framerate issues seem to be directly tied to how fast a car you are driving. In the McLaren I have almost constant drops to 20 to 25 frames, seems to be related to streaming the world. Car is too fast to load the world. Also some control frames are dropped as well, so sometimes you end up straight in a wall during a corner because the game just forgets you were steering into the corner and remembers only one second later during which you have no steering control at all. LOL. Gonna take a break now because I want those achievement points for 15 daily challenges, means I have to spread the remaining three hours over four days.

It's not a bad game, it's just not good in any way either. I'm expecting ratings between 6/10 and 7/10. FMVs are pretty frontloaded, at a certain point you're basically told to do X races for each person before any progression FMV-wise happens. Somebody wanted to know if you can max out each category: I am pretty sure that the achievements are simply for beating the final race of each type, so you become a speed icon once you beat the current speed icon Magnus in his last race. And then ultimate icon if you do so for everyone.
I haven't gotten that far yet, but I do see difficulty becoming an issue. Do "Hard" races stay hard even if you get a better car?

Performance is much better if you just pick "play alone" in options menu. I think it stays close to 30 FPS. Also I would expect review scores to be above 7... but that's just a guess :)
No, you don't earn a lot of money. I think overall I earned 300.000 so far, which is barely enough for two fully tuned cars (one of them your starting car, the other should be an endgame car cause if you buy some of the huge amount of in between cars you end up having money issues for the endgame. I stuck with my first car, upgrading it with every addon as soon as it was available until I got to a point where I was racing Lambos. Then I bought a McLaren, played with that ever since. Upgrades cost a lot of money especially for your first car because you can't just buy the best stuff, you have to tune for progression which leads to better parts ... it's not an issue for your second car because then the better parts are already unlocked (of course those are more expensive for better cars, at least some).

I can see it becoming very grindy if you don't follow the instructions above.
Alright ill share some impressions- this is coming from someone who had this game at the top of my list since I saw the reveal. Not because im expecting a better game than fallout/mgsv/etc etc etc but because it looked stunning and I knew it would be a shit ton of fun. And it is.

I will try to keep this as conscience as possible but I will be listing positives and negatives in any order they pop into my head as I write this, so here we go.

Graphics, the game is a looker but its not as good as the initial reveal, ALL the alpha effects are missing from the street ambiance and it seems the game is running at 720p. Framerate yesterday was acceptable hovering around 30 with slight dips here and there but today its horrid. Constant stuttering and half second freezing during the gameplay is a massive turn off and does affect the flow and controls of the game. This NEEDS to be fixed and I am normally not sensitive to these type of things. I am assuming its a server side issue.

Sound is phenomenal, great sound effects and I love the music as well. It really keeps you in the groove of things until......

the. fucking. phone. calls.

Your main communication with the roughly 5 characters in the game is through phone calls. After EVERY SINGLE RACE you get at least a call or two. It happens DURING gameplay and you hear the phone ringing/buzzing as the in game sound is lowered. You must answer it and listen to it or answerer it and hang up and check the phone message after the race. I cant express how annoying it is, there is not a single race that you will not be bothered at a random time totally killing your groove and flow during an event. By far the worst game design I have seen in a while.

The FMV cut scenes are great. No they are not award winning at all, they are laughably bad but that is what is so good about them. It is like a B horror movie - fun to watch and have great locals and scenery and really make you feel like they are talking to YOU. I honestly wouldn't change a thing about them and they are a welcome addition because they are different, it really gives the game some character.

the streets are barron- GOOD. I see people complaining all the time about this and I dont get it. This is need for speed, a game that gives you exaggerated controls, sense of speed and physics racing through an urban environment with every changing way points and variables. The most frustrating thing with ANY need for speed in the past for me was hitting a car going 1/4 my speed as im trying to comprehend and react to the action on screen. There is slight traffic but nothing is worse that hitting a random vehicle and loosing a race because of it, its like having randomly spawning bananas in mario kart.

Police presence has also been toned down quite a lot as well. Not only are encounters less frequent but they are also easier to escape. They dont seem to have any rediculous tech to take racers down and you can simply stop and pay and fine and continue if you see the cherries. I love this addition as I never enjoyed the cops in the previous games either.

The events seem to be mostly drift oriented and they are fun as hell. The end game competitions do get very tough but overall I enjoy the change of formula and the car culture scene they are trying to mimic because winning does depend on your skill rather than the luck of a clean race like previous NFS games.

Right now im at a point that most NFS games have, a wall. Everything was going smooth, I was enjoying the game immensely winning races without getting frustrated and then boom, the difficulty spike was there. Everything from races, drifting, time trails and other forms of drift events are much much harder. There is nothing you can do, no car you can buy that will scale down this difficulty you just need to get good. real good.

I played the beta and hated the controls. So much so that I stopped playing after an hour or two and was going to reserve my judgement until the retail release. And with this trial the initial cars were no different and controlled like tanks until I saved up and upgraded them and then it all clicks. After a few hours they become very snappy and responsive just like any other NFS game.

Overall I think its worth a buy. If your excited about it you will probably enjoy it because you will play through the rough start and get into the meat and potatoes of the game. It has a great atmosphere, graphics and sound with that missing car culture vibe that seems to be absent from many games today. It is not without its problems and I think its overall a VERY enjoyable 8 out of 10 for me. I don't mean to boast but money is not a limiting factor when it comes to my gaming hobby so I will pick it up on PS4 and do it all over again. ( I have been rushing through the XB1 trial ) If money is tight due to the holidays and huge flow of games coming out I would wait for a sale.
My friend was playing this earlier today. He got disconnected a few times in single player mode due to always online. I don`t know if it was a issue with his connection, or a server issue. It could easily have been avoided. No need for online requirement in this game.
Ok my opinion is drastically changing. It went from a solid 8 to a 5 in a matter of hours.

The end game content is fucked. The events are downright impossible. Rubberbanding wnd cheating AI means its all luck. Skill is out the window. I litterally went from winning events to zero progress after repeating events 10+ times. I quit the game in frustration, something my grown ass has never done. And th3 nut kicker is i have 15 events left.
The rubberbanding is a big part of what kills this game for me too.

Another thing is the upgrade system, which feels more like ticking boxes than actually upgrading your car.

A third is the lack of manual transmission, which is just ridiculous in a game that's celebrates a car culture.
As the game progresses it feels exactly like rivals. You can get the exact handling. I believe this is the same engine too, numerous times I feel like im in rivals but just at night with better lighting
I have the "best " car in the game in terms of cost which iw the f40, and i have mustangs and 240sx blowing by me due to rubber banding. Not at low speed, but when im near max speed.
So I played for 90 minutes this evening.

It looks fantastic.

It's also as dumb as bricks, very shallow (little customisation) with no realistic controls (you can just hold left and right down to drift around any corner, don't even need to break), with frame rates dropping into the low 20s during some races. Also the roads are empty - seriously, there's freeways with no cars at all on them.

I started one race - the 3rd drift race with Amy - and during the race some random other player was in the same area driving around backwards knocking me off the course, while alerting the police who then followed me.

I had a moment of 'there's more to life than this' and quit the game.

It also pops up fake tweets from other characters at every loading screen - there's loads - which include spellings like "haz" for has.
Things have gone flat. I should update my initial impressions, but sometimes evolving feelings count for something too.
I have now cancelled my pre order untill they patch in an AI fix for the final 15-20 races and fix their server side freezing/stuttering and sound drop outs. The further I get the worse the game becomes. It's amazing how much my opinion has changed in a matter of hours

Und eine Warnung @EA Access
I can confirm you DO NOT want to leave an EA Access 10 Hour game in StandBy Mode.
When I checked out Tiger Woods, I played for about 45 minutes, put it in StandBy, next day when I went back to check it out, said my 10 hours had been used.
So you will want to quit the game completely as to not have it count towards your 10 hours.
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Die finale Version ist 1:1 wie die Beta, ergo kack Handling, kack KI und super dämliche Zwischensequenzen. Kann den von crysmo gesammelten Punkten nur zustimmen. Das ist wohl das schlechteste Need for Speed, was ich je gespielt habe. Ich würde nicht mal das Testmuster haben wollen.

Wenn solche Spiele erscheinen, muss sich keiner wundern, dass Rennspiele immer uninteressanter für die Mehrheit werden.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Man I really wanted to like this game. I love the customization in it (even if it is limited in higher end cars as well as some lower end cars too, like the Volvo 242) and the graphics, sound and car selection are all fantastic.

There's just too many annoyances in it for me to have an enjoyable experience.

  • No manual tranmission
  • No way to create your own lobbies or settings for multiplayer, no quick join of lobbies to get into PvP. Instead we get a completely convoluted system in which you'll basically never get a match of PvP going unless it's against friends
  • Dusk to Dawn night cycle is undynamic, different areas have the same lighting each time you visit. (The hills at the top of the map are always at dawn, for example)
  • Always online for no good reason, and considering it is always online, why the fuck is there no multiplayer lobbies? If they're gonna make it always online, you better fucking support the online aspect of the game. Instead we get nothing.
  • Only 79 events in the full game. 79. Considering there basically is no PvP (or very limited) this game is going die soooo quickly. Little single player content + no PvP is such a bad combination.
  • Rubberbanding AI - they even said they'd fix this from the beta. Nope. Still there. Still blatantly obivous. Unless there's a day one patch..
  • Empty open world. There are collectibles, but only 12 of them are meaningful. (free parts) The rest of them are vista locations (in which you can't even take controlled photos at) and donut spots. Wow. There's also very little going on in the world - it just feels so empty to drive in. In a game about car culture, you'd expect little hubs of activity, car meet ups etc. But none of that is present.
  • You'd think this game would have a photomode like DC/FH2 to show off the customisation/graphics. Nope.
  • Stop the phone calls, mid race please. It's a constant barrage which is really infuriating.
  • I don't think I've seen one dry road in the game. Makes the environments even more repetitive than they already were.
  • No wheel support

etc, etc. Too many frustrating things take away from what's good for me to enjoy it.

Gibt wohl tatsächlich nur sehr eingeschränkten Multiplayer - in einem Always-Online-Spiel, und wie bei Rivals keinen Lenkradsupport



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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
The new Need for Speed remembers what's great about the series, but why is it always online?

Ghost Games' reboot of Need for Speed is a game with big ideas and big ambitions, but right now it's hard to see them being met. The return of customisation is a welcome callback to the more tricked out excesses of this series' past, but by bolting on the requirement for an online connection without offering much in return EA may have specced this racer out in the wrong direction.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Dachte erst jetzt kommt ein Video wo's unendlich Gänge zu sehen gibt, wie z.B. in Saints Row.

Daß die Automatik nicht immer sofort in den höchst möglichen Gang wechselt ist durchaus normal und sinnvoll. Hier wohl nicht ganz passend kalibriert :ugly:

Giantbomb 2/5
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Need for Speed review
Too fast, too furious.

If you're hoping, as I was, to replicate tuning company Liberty Walk's stunning remix of the Ferrari 458, forget it; with many of the high-end cars, there are next to no customisation options. Likewise, there's no way to share car designs with other players, and no way to browse the best work of others. For a game that's all about connectivity - and that demands an internet connection to work - that's plain strange.

Indeed, Ghost Games seems at a loss as to how to make the most of that always online connection, and makes only half-hearted attempts to justify it. You share the open world with seven other players, and are able to call upon them to help you with events, just as they can call on you. In practice, though, that rarely happens, with players occupying far-flung corners of the map while engaged in their own busywork, ticking off the sizeable list of events that pocks Need for Speed's city of Ventura Bay. Right now, there's not even a satisfactory way to pull everyone together for a race - another of many odd oversights here.

Ghost Games' decision to largely forgo much of what made Criterion's games work is a strange one, especially given how Rivals built on that DNA so well, but it's not the only questionable choice here. This is a Need for Speed that has managed to drill down into what's made the series a success, yet at the same time fumbled what it has found, making for a detached, unsatisfying experience that frustrates far more than it thrills. The next 12 months will be telling as Ghost Games builds upon this shaky foundation, and it may prove a task too far. Perhaps it was inevitable that in making a game that draws so heavily on Need for Speed's chequered past, this would be destined to lace the good with the bad.
PSN-Name: totalbloody
Spielt gerade: Red Dead Redemption 2 / Horizon Zero Dawn
Jemand aus einer PS4 Gruppe bei Facebook, hat was zum Spiel geschrieben... hört sich meiner Meinung nach echt grottig an!

Zitat: Also ich habs gekauft, es ist in Ordnung, es macht auch Spaß keine Frage. Aber Underground Feeling kommt bei mir überhaupt nicht auf. Die Musik ist meiner Meinung nach echt bescheiden, kaum ein anständiger Titel dabei (ja das ist Nebensache), die Stadt ist absolut leer, ich meine nicht nur das keine Menschen rumrennen, was halb so schlimm wäre. Nein ich meine den Verkehr allgemein, alle 20 min kommt einem mal ein Auto entgegen, die Polizei lässt sich sogut wie garnicht blicken und wenn ist man sie innerhalb von maximal einer Minute los.Grafik ist schon gut, aber auch nicht schwer bei der nicht vorhandenen Weitsicht da es einfach zu 90% Nachts ist. Da verstehe ich absolut nicht wie das Spiel bei 30 FPS noch Frameeinbrüche haben kann. Story ist plump und klischeebehaftet, dass ist absolut uncool und schreckt eher ab dieses aufgesetzte Gequatsche. Mal davon ab das ansonsten keine wirkliche Story vorhanden ist (man kommt in die Stadt und muss sich beweisen, wow). Gummiband ist deutlich spürbar, sind die Gegner mal weg hat man sie sofort wieder eingeholt. Karte freischalten muss man erst garnicht, man kommt rein, alles ist aufgedeckt und man kann sich zu jedem Event sofort teleportieren. Das einzige was man suchen kann sind Aussichtspunkte, sogenannte Donut Stellen und Autoteile, bis auf die Autoteile hat das andere meiner Meinung nach nichts in nem Rennspiel verloren, ist einfach sinnlos damit möchte man das Spiel umfangreicher aussehen lassen als es wirklich ist.
Jetzt aber das größte Problem : der Umfang! Ich selber bin bei 35% von allen Events (Spielzeit 5-6 Stunden) ein Kollege zB ist deutlich schneller unterwegs, 2 1/2 stunden und er ist genauso weit wie ich. Sprich nach 10-12 Stunden hat er ALLES gesehen und auch die besten Autos wenn er weiter so macht. Ich frage mich was man dann macht, nur noch online Rennen bei denen man eh nichts mehr freischalten kann? Liga bzw Punktesystem habe ich auch noch nicht gesehen, also garkeine Motivation für mich. Mit den ständigen Anrufen wurde ja schon erwähnt, sogar mitten im Rennen rufen die einen an. Einfach sogut wie immer haste das Telefon am klingeln.

Mein Fazit, für ne Woche ist es okay aber ich denke sobald man die 100% erreicht hat nach 10-20 Stunden (je nach Spielweise) dann werde ichs auch wieder abgeben. Für kurzweiligen Spielspaß und Fan der Reihe kann man mal einen Blick riskieren.
Ich will es keinem schlecht reden, habe es mir ja selber gekauft. Allerdings will ich den Leuten mit hohen bzw falschen Erwartungen direkt mal sagen was Sache ist.
Also für 2 Jahre Entwicklungszeit, oder sogar noch länger bin ich extrem ernüchtert.

ps. Hoffentlich war es das letzte Need For Speed Spiel.