NieR: Automata

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Spielt gerade: verrückt
We knew it crossed 1 million worldwide but didn't know the full Asia/Japan breakdown until now. Ahead of its release in Taiwan the NieR Twitter account just announced that in Japan and Asia (Square Enix separate them even though Japan is part of Asia as they should be separated when tallying sales) NieR: Automata PS4 shipments + digital sales have topped 500,000. The game just passed 300k sales at retail in Japan last week.
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Spielt gerade: verrückt
Hätte nicht damit gerechnet, dass es so schnell schon mit Crossmedia Lore/Storykram weitergeht ~yey~

So Nier Concert had some stage play recital drama segments - the voice actors stand on stage with the script and act with their voices about 2Bx9S previous "encounter":
Someone on 4chan translated it:
Report: spoilers from Nier Concert at Osaka. Once pod 153 detects that 9S has acquired classified information she reports the fact to 2E who then executes her mission. 9S, who finds out that 2B is actually 2E and that 2B is extremely pained by this repeated murder, commits suicide by logic virus. [Please continue killing me from now on]
Or more correctly [2B, please. From now on (possibly: from now on too) make sure to properly kill me.] 2B in response to that [9S, forgive... me.]
Because the logic virus was self-administered, 9S's body rapidly disintegrated starting from the head, hands and legs. Her words did not reach him.
That was the last time. Before that was also a time when 2B, after having killed 9S, wondered why he didn't resist. Pod 153 told her that [9S knew everything].
(9S's memories before getting killed were of the day the two were chased by a boar and defeated it, or of that time when they spent the whole day peacefully fishing in the Flooded City)
Also there was a time after the shopping mall, when 9S said [Let's go window-shopping when the war is over!].
9S was aware that he [Had special feelings towards 2B].
Pod 153 said to 2B who was in pain and anguish [Having emotions is forbidden].
Pod 153 said that 2B was created in imitation of a single prototype android who survived the Pearl Harbor Descent. Due to the prototype's excellent ability to operate in stressful situations, 2B was designated E. 2E said [I'm not... suited... to something like that] very very sadly.
In the end of the Prologue, right after the murder, 2E hesitates to delete 9S's memory data and reinstall preset personality. Pod 153 asks her why she does not execute her mission. 2B answers [You will not understand. I don't understand either]
9S said "2B is the light"
Until the plot of the game, the story was caught in an extremely sad spiral of life and death.
The performance itself followed the general flow of several songs being performed, reading of a play, another couple of songs, another play. Like in the game plot, each time 9S has actively approached 2B, the distance between them shrank, but the end was the same - murder.
We didn't get the actual script of the plays, so if there are mistakes - please forgive me.
There will be a performance the last day of the concert that takes place after ending E where 2B is trying her best to get 9S to wake up.
Even more info:
It seems that 2B and 9S fought A2 a couple of times already. In pic related A2 says this is the forth time she's fighting 9S (and she seems OP as fuck).
There will also be 3 performances other than the E ending one:
5/4 - About Project YoRHa with new characters only
5/4 - Mainly about A2 and the times she fought and killed 2B and 9S
5/5 the story above from 9S' perspective, as well as going deeper into what he was going through in route C because they felt his contamination wasn't really well depicted in the game
Damn you Yoko ~awman~
Bin echt gespannt auf die nächsten Parts
Dieser hier verstärkt ja "nur" bereits bekanntes und das bzgl A2 find ich auch interessant, wenn auch nicht wirklich weithergeholt (Nur 9S ist überrascht wenn die sich treffen), aber dennoch will ich mehr von den vorherigen Zusammentreffen erfahren. Und speziell gespannt bin ich auf die "Post-E" Szene. Ansich mag ich das offene Ende ja, aber dennoch will ich wissen, was der/die da hinpacken :D
PSN-Name: Legend_of_Gilead
Spielt gerade: Nier Automata
Können die nicht ein Buch oder irgendwas veröffentlichen? :D

Oh Mann, von A2 würde ich auch voll gerne mehr erfahren, ich finde, dass ihre Backstory noch viel Potential hat. Natürlich wäre ein DLC am besten am ich nimm alles :D. Wenn sie aber so stark war würde ich es schon gern sehen.
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Spielt gerade: verrückt
Ist halt leider nichts neues und Teil des westlichen Yoko Taro "Fans" ist, nach dem Spiel auf die Jagd nach übersetzten Zusatzmaterial zu gehen :ugly:
Deswegen meinte ich schonmal: die sollen sich Remaster/Re-Release etc. alles sparen und lieber eine übersetzte Collection mit allen Büchern/Audio-/DramaCDs/etc hier rüber bringen :D
(Für eine Collection mit allem aus dem DrakeNier-Universum würde ich SEHR tief in die Tasche greifen ^^)


Editor in Chief
PSN-Name: dethforce
Neues Review: NieR Automata

Die letzten Platinum Games Spiele auf der PS4 waren alles Lizenzumsetzungen (Legend of Korra, Transformers Devastation, Turtles), doch unter Führung von Yoko Taro und mit Square Enix Finanzmitteln im Rücken durften die japanischen Actionspielexperten sich auch wieder an einem größeren Projekt versuchen. Wie NieR Automata geworden ist, klärt crack-king in seinem Review.


Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Scheiß drauf habs riskiert Nier Automata Limited und Tales of Berseria bestellt für insgesamt 26€ auf Amazon. Die 2 Verkäufer hatten über 100 Bewertungen wird schon schief gehen.
PSN-Name: HeiligesHerz
Ich habe nun auch über Amazon für 12€ zzgl. 3€ an Versand die Limited Edition bestellt. Ist ebenfalls ein neuer Verkäufer. Bin bei der ganzen Sache leicht skeptisch. Aber immerhin kann man sich bei Amazon darauf verlassen das die einen nicht im Regen stehen lassen wenn es Probleme geben sollte.

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