PlayStation 4

Wann wird die PS4 angekündigt?

  • Destination PlayStation (Ende Februar)

    Votes: 44 28,4%
  • GDC (Ende März)

    Votes: 22 14,2%
  • E3 2013 (Mitte Juni)

    Votes: 53 34,2%
  • Eigenes Event

    Votes: 36 23,2%

  • Total voters
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PSN-Name: Steiner84
Spielt gerade: auf Zeit
es wurde afaik erst in späteren interviews deutlich dass darauf hinauslaufen wird. Es wurde damals auch schon konkret als man sagte dass zub die pseye spiele natürlich nicht funktionieren werden.
Das es mandatory ist wurde damals nicht explizit gesagt, das ist dann vielleicht dei news.
Spielt gerade: Okami HD, Wolfenstein 2
After Microsoft's divisive "TV TV TV" Xbox One reveal, Sony's Kaz Hirai insists PS4 is "first and foremost" a game console

"If we miss that part, I don't think we get the initial establishment of the console."

Sony boss Kaz Hirai has insisted the PlayStation 4 is "first and foremost" a game console.

The comments came during the D11 conference yesterday, reported on by The Verge, and follow Microsoft's divisive Xbox One reveal, criticised by some for focusing on non-gaming functions.

Hirai said the PS4's focus on video games is essential to convince influential early adopters to fork out their hard-earned cash for the console.

"The most important thing we need to do is agree and understand that the PS4 is a great video game console that appeals to video gamers," he said. "If we miss that part, I don't think we get the initial establishment of the console. That formula has worked for us with all our consoles, including the PS3."

Microsoft's Xbox One reveal focused on how it can make watching live TV interactive, with games taking a back seat. But the gargantuan US company has said games will be the star of its E3 press conference. 15 Xbox One exclusives will be released in the 12 months that follow the Xbox One's launch, eight of which are new franchises.

As for the PS4, Hirai said Sony will reveal its non-gaming functions later. "Providing other non-game content is an area we will reveal and talk about in the coming months, but it's first and foremost a video game console."

As The Verge points out, we may be in for something of a role reversal at the Los Angeles trade show.

Quelle: Eurogamer
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Dabei wurde gerade der Indie-Part im 360 Store immer so hoch gelobt :ugly:
OHNE MS gäbe es keine Indies im Konsolenbereich. Sie haben bereits mit der Xbox 1 (nicht One) erste Experimente gewagt und dann mit der 360 sowohl auf der professionellen Ebene (XBLA) als auch auf der "Garagenseite" (Indie-Channel) hier vorgelegt und bewiesen, dass auch kleine unabhängige Teams was leisten können.

Warum man jetzt restriktiver ist als BigN und Sony k.A. Ich vermute dass man bei MS noch immer Angst hat einen ähnlichen Sauhaufen wie bei Steam oder AppStore zuzulassen.
Spielt gerade: Okami HD, Wolfenstein 2
Und wenn man mal ehrlich ist, kamen dabei nicht viele Spielspaß-Perlen rum. Indie ist nun mal nicht XBL Arcade und während mich z.B. FEZ oder Limbo wirklich beeindruckt haben, gabs bei vielen Indies kaum was besonderes. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass das Angebot im Indie Store unheimlich unübersichtlich war und ist, weil eben wirklich jeder alles veröffentlichen kann.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Sony's und Nintendo's Offensive geht in der Richtung das nächste Minecraft, FEZ, oder Limbo zu finden. Bei den kleinen Projekten kann man schwer abschätzen, ob das jetzt ein Reinfall wird, ein Geheihmtipp bleibt, oder der nächste Hit wird.
Hätte mir Jemand vor ein paar Jahren gesagt dass um Minecraft so ein Hype entsteht, hätte ich ihn vermutlich einweisen lassen.

Das Problem ist, dass Indies eben genau wegen dieser Hoffnungen sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit kriegen und das auch sehr lautstark nützen.
Diese Aufmerksamkeit kann durchaus nach hinten los gehen. An Indies verdient man nicht die große Kohle, erst recht wenn man stark auf ihre Wünsche eingeht (geringe Lizenzkosten, möglichst billige SDKs, kostenlose Patches, alle Rechte bei der IP bleiben bei ihm usw.) und erhält vlt. einen wirklichen Hit von 30 veröffentlichten Titeln. Das ist dann im besten Fall etwas Taschengeld und Werbung für die Plattform. Nur kommt dann sicher mal die Frage von großen 3rds auf, warum sie soviel Kohle für all das hinlegen müssen, während die kleinen Garagenteams Sonderbehandlungen bekommen.

Und sobald mal eine Entwicklung nicht passt, hat man sofort einen Shitstorm auf twitter, gerade weil einige wenige Indies schon so tun, als wären sie Publisher mit mehreren Hundert Mitarbeitern.
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PSN-Name: LarZ_VegaZ

This clears up a few things:
1.) The PlayStation 4 can play games offline without having to be online. This was clarified the day of the PS4's reveal back on February 20th.
2.) Sony will not have any mandatory DRM for used games. You can buy, play, trade used games on the PlayStation 4 just as usual. No additional registration fees, pay-walls or internet registration required.
3.) If you so choose, you can play games from disc, download them from the digital store or remote load them. Sony doesn't mandate any method over the other for multi-format titles.
4.) Just for extra clarification the PlayStation 4 does not and will not require a constant always-on internet connection.
Spielt gerade: Halo 4, Far Cry 3, Bioshock 2
Hört sich ja erstmal zu schön an um wahr zu sein und so ist denke ich auch. Sony überlässt es den Publishern ob sie etwas in bezug auf online Registrierung, etc. machen. Das heißt für mich da kommt auf jedenfall noch was. Mal sehen wieviel besser man im Endeffekt bei sony dran ist als bei ms.

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I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
The used game DRM they have is RFID-ish and doesn't require an internet connection. The system as described to me was somewhat convoluted sounding but basically each new user of the game has more of it locked behind a paywall. Not sure if it can even be looked up... so if you buy used you have no idea if you are the 2nd or the 10th.
The PS4's used thing is entirely offline. It doesn't get tracked, it sets a condition built into the disc, if I understand it correctly. Which I may not... because what was described to me was goddamn confusing sounding.
I'm telling you guys... this online sign up system that yoshida is talking about has absolutely nothing to do with their used game DRM. Their used game DRM is offline and is based off of RFID tech. All he is talking about is the ability of online only games, like say... Destiny, to have you create a login.

I'm not guessing this. I knew the day I made the posts in the keighly thread and then started the the campaign against this shit that it was an offline tech. Nowhere in my OP do I mention online only. It was never going to be that.
I don't know. I haven't seen the tech working. The people Ive talked to haven't seen the tech working. They were described how it worked and told me. It has something to do with RFID. Which is also backed up by a patent they made last year or the year before. I have no clue how it works. But the basics of it, as described to me, are that each successive user gets less. I would assume it's like an online pass, if you want to unlock that stuff you go onto the store and buy it.
I'm completely at a loss at how people are reading this quote and thinking the DRM thing is over.

They said in february the system wouldn't require online. Yoshida confirmed it again.

This changes nothing about their used game DRM. It was never, ever, ever, ever tied to being online. Every single rumor about since last year was about it being offline. Every single report from people who have seen it now are about it being offline. It's an offline based DRM. Online registration of games is a completely different issue.

I sincerely hope there is no DRM, honestly. And I wish they would announce it right now. But they didn't duck the DRM questions to give a half assed answer about online registrations. They are different subjects.
Look, i'm not pulling this stuff out of my ass. I've been saying it for a while now. If I was pulling it out of my ass I would have been banned so, so, so long ago. I have friends at Sony working on the system. They don't know each other... yet they both described the same system to me. Is this some sort of crazy elaborate prank? Candid internet camera?

Seriously. This isn't me speculating. And you aren't allowed to post here if you give out bullshit leaks... and i've leaked my fair amount of shit and i'm still here.
I don't know and I hope we never know. What I have been told for months is that they hadn't committed to using this system, they were arguing the merits internally. OMGWTFBBQ, another trusted leaker around here, said he heard that EA signed the exclusivity deal (presumably Mirrors edge 2 and respawn's game + early DLC) because MS would agree to anti-used DRM and Sony was not ready to. Sony saw the reaction that MS got in the aftermath of the xb1 reveal and that was pushing them even more towards dropping their system. Which is why I made the thread... to get people online to tweet directly to people like yoshida to give them a little pat on the back in the right direction.

It does sound confusing and unfriendly, especially if you can't use it on a friends system. I honestly don't understand how it works. But they designed it to be offline from the start because they are a far more worldwide console than MS and have penetration in countries with shitty internet.
And, for the record, I don't give a shit about gamestop. I hate the place just like everyone else on the planet.

What I'm arguing for is my right to sell the game myself. Trading in games at gamestop is dumb. They don't give you dick. Sell it to a friend or another human through craigslist... you get more money, they get it for cheaper than gamestop - you're both happy. And the developers don't deserve a cut of that because I OWN THE DISC. You can sell what you own.

So recht kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen. Dann wären (Teile) des Spiels an die Hardware gebunden. ?(
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