PlayStation Home

London Pub für PlayStation Home

Was erscheint am morgigen Tag in Home.
VEEMEE, ein unabhängiger Entwickler, hat bekannt gegeben, dass das erste virtuelle London Pub am 7. Januar 2010 für PlayStation Home zu einem Preis von 4,99 € erscheinen wird. The London Pub basiert auf den beliebten Kneipen und liegt an den Ufern der Themse mit Blick auf die Parlamentsgebäude. Dort erwarten den Nutzer neben einem Mehrspieler-Dartspiel, ein loderndes Kaminfeuer, eine Zapfanlage, verrückte Telefonanrufe und was noch so dazu gehört.

Caspar Thykier, Geschäftsführer von VEEMEE, sagt über die bevorstehende Veröffentlichung: „Wir freuen uns wirklich sehr, eine solch hochwertige, interaktive Räumlichkeit für PlayStation Home veröffentlichen zu können, bei der es sich gleichzeitig um ein solch berühmtes, durch und durch britisches Kulturgut handelt."

"The London Pub wird bei Home bestimmt zu einem der beliebtesten Treffpunkte für die stetig steigende Anzahl von Home-Bewohnern werden und ist der perfekte Ort um sich zu entspannen, Freunde zu treffen und nach einem anstrengenden Arbeitstag Spiele zu spielen.“
[ame=""]The London Pub in PlayStation® Home[/ame]
PlayStation Home Scheduled Maintenance: Thursday 7th January

Heyup Homies!

PlayStation Home will undergo scheduled maintenance this Thursday 7th January from 8AM GMT. During the maintenance, you will be unable to access PlayStation Home.

First off, heed this message from Thylaudax:


Hi all,

I've managed to make my way into the office, however many others haven't and in a lot of cases those who have will be turning tail for home again ASAP. I'll be one of those, as I have quite a train ride home and there's a strong risk that if I don't get the first available train home I'll be sleeping in my office chair tonight. As appealing as that is, my own nice warm bed is more appealing .

The upshot of all this is that the blog post scheduled for tonight may not actually get posted on time. If it isn't, I'll make sure it gets posted here on the forums instead as a stop-gap until we can get it onto the blog properly..

You're already aware of the key points, however: the London Pub will be released tomorrow, while the Winter Wonderland will be making its exit.


It is very likely that the blog post for tonight will not be published. However, know that the London Pub is due for release tomorrow!

Also - due to the inclement weather, content publishing may be delayed if our staff cant get into work tomorrow - We'll do our best to keep you updated as to what the situation is

Thanks for understanding,


Ein sehr schöner Space muss ich sagen, wahrscheinlich nicht für Europa gedacht.

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[UPDATE] The London Pub Postponed + Update: Möbel zu Savage Moon und der London Pub

@ minime:
Hi all,

While in the process of checking a full fix for the purchasing problems with The London Pub today, the team have found that we will not be able to implement the fix until next Thursday's update.

The London Pub has therefore been deactivated and removed from sale for the time being. Those who received it free will no longer have access and will need to visit Home Estates from next Thursday to buy the space. We are still investigating how best to proceed for those who already purchased the space, however we hope that the fix will restore the space automatically. We will update you all as soon as we know more.

We'd like to thank all of you who assisted us with tracking down this problem today, and apologise to all of you for any inconvenience and disappointment this issue may have caused.

The London Pub - Inhalt:
Ladies and Gentlemen toilet - is accessible
An additional room with seating and a table
SEGA content coming in 2010
First mentioned in a leaked document between SEGA and SCEA, there is indeed Home content coming from SEGA this year. However confirmation doesn’t come from SCEA, but rather from the The European PlayStation site. The site’s news page has an article up featuring little quote of developers and what they look forward to this year, including one from Mike Hayes, the Managing Director for SEGA Europe:

2010 promises to be a year of back-to-back AAA releases on PS3. PlayStation Home provides perhaps the most compelling proposition for new entrants to the platform, prompted by the new model and the price drop, who will discover a social and immersive environment that is unique to PS3 and a welcome alternative to the core gaming experience. SEGA intend to engage and amaze Home residents throughout the course of 2010.
With SEGA’s 2010 line-up including Bayonetta, Vancouver 2010 and Alien versus Predator there might just be some interesting things coming into Home.
“The Game” shirts now available in EU Home
You may have been playing something called “The Game“. It’s been promoted in Home recently and the shirts the avatars have been modelling are now available with this time limited code!

These codes are available until the 10th December 2012, so I don’t believe there is any huge rush to grab them quickly. However, choose your allegiance and show off your support for Team A or Team B with these free shirts, available now!

PlayStation Home Update: Möbel zu Savage Moon und der London Pub
Diese Woche kommt eine ganze Reiher neuer Möbel im Savage Moon Stil für euren persönlichen Bereich ins PlayStation Home. Mit dabei ist ein Tisch, der aus den Beinen von Insektoiden gebaut wurde. Er dürfte perfekt zu den Stickereien aus den Sehnen der Insektoiden passen. Strahlt sie beide mit der Lampe an, dann lehnt euch zurück, entweder in der Bean Bag oder der Gun Turret Lazy Boy. Oder vielleicht auch in beiden. Jedes von ohnen kostet je €0,99.

Der London Pub kommt morgen zurück. Besucht die Home Estates um euren eigenen London Pub zu erhalten und werdet ein virtueller Kneipenbesitzer. Zum Preis von €4,99 bietet einem der London Pub ein warmes Feuer, Spaß-Bierpumpen – und noch viel mehr! – Alles mit Blick über die Themse auf das Parlamentsgebäude.

Fordert eure Freunde mit dem enthaltenem Multiplayer Dart-Spiel zu ein paar Dart-Partien heraus Ihr werdet die Übung brauchen können. Es gilt nämlich, eines von 30 genialen Ecplise Pro Dartboards, von den Firmen VeeMee und Unicorn, zu gewinnen. Seid ihr gut genug, um es bis an die Spitze der Leaderbords zu schaffen?

Bitte beachtet: Wenn ihr den London Pub in der kurzen Zeit, in der er letzte Woche schon mal verfügbar war, bereits gekauft habt, erhaltet ihr automatisch zu dem neuen privaten Bereich Zugang, wenn ihr euch ins Home einloggt, nachdem die Wartungsarbeiten beendet sind.
Heads Up – American Content Update 14th January
This week America is getting a huge update with many surprises!

Firstly, Irem square is coming to America! The very popular Irem content in the Japanese region is finally making it’s way around the world.

The Wizard’s Den apartment will also be available tomorrow (at the low price of $2.99) and is perfect for your inner-wizard.

Not enough content for you? The legendary Altair gets his own Assassin’s Creed costume too. LittleBigPlanet will be getting full game-launching support and those Legion shirts you picked up in the Theater? Tomorrow they will sprout wings!

Come back tomorrow for full updates from around the globe. Continue reading for pictures.
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[Aktuell:] PlayStation Home Update


The London Pub - Inhalt:
SEGA content coming in 2010
“The Game” shirts now available in EU Home

PlayStation Home Update: Möbel zu Savage Moon und der London Pub
Heads Up – American Content Update 14th January
Update ist jetzt Online.
---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

PlayStation Home Content Update – 14th January 2010
Big update today for America. Smaller update in other regions, but some very good stuff to check out.

Firstly, the London Pub apartment has returned today. If you bought it last week successfully, you can now find it in your pda. If you were one of the lucky ones who managed to get it free, it will not be gone! Europe also gets a range of Savage Moon furniture.

America gets a huge range of costumes and new animated clothes (including emote heads, saywutlolroflcopter?). Make sure you check the Legion shirt from the Theater, it has now grown wings!

Continue reading for the full listings with images.
Heavy Rain “Four Days” PlayStation Home Content
The official Heavy Rain website is now live! Also announced is the special online mystery game, “Four Days” available from January 26th in the EU.

Make sure you register on the website to stay up-to-date with the event and to get yourself a redeemable Heavy Rain shirt for PlayStation Home!

Look out for further updates on ‘Four Days’ over the next few weeks, and register now at the official site to make sure that you don’t miss the start of the hunt. If you do, you’ll also get a voucher code for an exclusive Home t-shirt. You may discover that there is more to it than meets the eye…
It’s unclear how much content will be available for PlayStation Home, however the last phrase seems to suggest there is more coming. For the fans of Xi who love puzzle solving, this should fulfil those needs. Even though this doesn’t appear to be a Home-based event, it looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun!
Telegraph Reports On “Virtual Sex Attack” In PlayStation Home

Home reaches the mass media, but not the way it might have hoped.

A while back over on the US PlayStation forums PSN member Whoef claimed that a friend was “sexually assaulted” near to the Festive Tree while she was helping others with the puzzle. “She would move,” says the forum post, “and the harasser would follow. Each time trying to get behind her and use the crouch gesture. This apparently went on for some time.”

We’ve seen this before, of course. “The harasser was warned multiple times and laughed at the thought that someone might report him for his actions, which was eventually done, and also, I’m proud to say, by other bystanders.” Naturally, reporting the user to the PSN is the correct thing to do, and although we assume Sony have dealt with this individual the Telegraph has now picked up on the story.

“Online gamers’ characters are being sexually assaulted by other gamers,” says the report in the newspaper, “and that trauma is crossing the boundaries into real life.” Our suggestion is to do exactly as PlayStation Home suggests you do – don’t respond and ensure the individual is reported to Sony. Remember that some people just do this for a reaction from you – don’t give them the satisfaction and just ignore them.
[US] Bioshock 2 PlayStation Home costume available with Special Edition
If you pre-order Bioshock 2 at select stores, you can get this special edition Big Daddy diver costume for your avatar in PlayStation Home!

This costume is only available with the limited edition version of Bioshock 2, scheduled to be released February 9th for $89.82. Quite a steep price, so not many users will be buying this game solely for the costume. However, it also comes with an LP of the original score, art book, posters and much more.

The costume was produced by Heavy Water, who are an emerging Home developer. Check out their content at

Great to see more and more publishers taking an interest in Home, this costume will certainly add an extra incentive for that exclusive special edition.

[European] PlayStation Home Update: Tekken 6-Kostüme und -Verzierungen
Die Stars des PlayStation Home-Updates dieser Woche sind zwei neue Tekken 6-Kostüme und eine Auswahl Charakter-Verzierungen.

Wenn du ein Fan von Heihachi oder Paul Phoenix bist, haben wir jeweils ein passendes Kostüm, das bestimmt Eindruck machen wird. Oder schau dir mal die ganze Palette von Tekken 6-Verzierungen an, wenn dein persönliches Apartment etwas aufgepeppt werden soll. Neben Heihachi und Paul Phoenix gibt es auch noch Asuka Kazama, Nina Williams, Anna Williams, Kazuya Mishima, Devil Jin, King und Mokujin. Die Kostüme können im “Threads Store” erworben werden und die Verzierungen im Möbelladen.

Außerdem gibt es im V-Store viele neue Shirts. Wenn du Rockmusik magst, gibt es mit dieser Neuveröffentlichung auch einige aus der “Worn Free”-Kollektion, zusammen mit ausgewählten anderen Shirts. Schau sie dir einfach mal im V-Store an!

Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, was sich hinter den schweren Türen im Präsentationspodium verbirgt? Diese Frage haben sich bestimmt schon viele gestellt, und gewissen Hinweisen aus den Home-Foren zufolge passiert hinter diesen Türen etwas äußerst Geheimnisvolles. Werden sie sich bald öffnen und ihre Geheimnisse preisgeben? Unsere Spione haben uns verraten, dass die Türen zwar jetzt noch nicht geöffnet werden, es aber nicht mehr lange dauern kann. Die Fußabdrücke deuten an, dass sich etwas ziemlich Unheimliches nähert …

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