Pro Evolution Soccer 2014


avg. parcel delivery man
systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE
300 gesichter waren akurat, nun nochmal 700! heisst 1000 gesichter in top quali. is ja fast schon wie bei gran tursimo! :ugly: zumindest reichen sie diese schnell nach.

aber lennox hat net unrecht! die wichtigsten sachen, wie online gaming und ki oder sowas wird wieder mal vernachlässigt! nun ja, konami hat es mit seinem kleinen team wieder mal ne hinbekommen alles vor release ins spiel zu integrieren. wir hatten ja mal die diskussion, ob konami sich nicht mal ne auszeit von nem jahr nehmen sollte um ein fertiges produkt auf den markt zu werfen...

eventuell, machen die das ja dann mit pes 2015 auf next gen so! aber wenn nicht irgendwo auf der welt nen neues konami team schon seit 1 jahr dran arbeitet, dann wirds wieder nur halbgare kost (was das gesamtpaket angeht)! da geben mir die neuen studios in europa hoffnung!
Also ich muss sagen das es mir offline sehr viel Spaß macht. Habe noch nicht die ultimativen Einstellungen für mich persönlich gefunden aber trotzdem klappt es auf Profi ganz gut.
Klar sind die ein oder anderen Macken da, aber das Spiel fühlt sich Hammer an. Und was ich positiv finde das man jetzt wirklich in Ruhe das Spiel aufbauen muss und nicht einfach nur stumpf nach vorne Flankt und der Stürmer durch ist ebenso auf der anderen Seite. In der Ruhe liegt die Verteidigung XD. Aber es klappt...


avg. parcel delivery man
systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE
There seem to be a few issues.

Righto, first post and my thoughts on PES 2014

- played real footy all my life
- played PES a handful of times
- played FIFA (PS3) since '10

One word, Awesome! ( a few issues but nothing insurmountable). There's just so much soul in this game, I really feel like it's the best footy game I've ever played (well apart from sensible soccer).


The movement/animations of the players is so real, things you do in a real game like drop your centre of gravity & accelerate off past your opponent is honoured well here with the new FOX engine.

Played with the OF but deleted it straight away 'cos it definitely slowed things down. (a little miffed I have to play as Man Blue but c'est la vie)

Enjoying scoring in various ways but there's no pleasurable THWOCK sound when I shoot - please tweak this K team!

Don't care too much about online play but I'm guessing from the comments that KONAMI didn't invest enough in there game network stack and/or server (data centre) capacity to handle the load - aw well.

Menus are awful. I don't expect to see a mouse cursor in a console game, especially of the faux-3D variety reminiscent of an old C64 game Remove mouse cursor and tweak the the button press/move contrast throughout the UI - maybe look to the PS3 store for tips??

Remove 'Establishing Connection' words - a spinning progress circle is enough - we get it.

Too many buttons to press when navigating the interface. I don't need a confirmation prompt after every choice.

Please remove the automatic playing of the interactive replay - The first 1 or 2 replays are good enough with great angles...etc without having the need to watch a 3rd and escape out of it (time consuming!)

Squished up fonts in some info screens just make the game look amateurish. Also that shiny beveled frame on text boxes look like the backgrounds in old silent movies - bit shit but only my opinion

If the current PS3 can't handle 'manifesting' 22 little Metal Gear Solid dudes on the field with all the accompanying physics/AI computations necessary then maybe reduce the graphical fidelity a bit? - I dunno... maybe there's a dev game slider or something they can dial down a notch? (specially crowds & uber close-ups of players)

I think on current consoles fixed to 1280 720p 60FPS there are always going to be 'jaggies' so focus on a silky smooth playing experience rather than taxing the system by showing off the shiny new engine. I'm already salivating over what the next-gen PS4 and PES2014 will be able to do!

Maybe I'm a village idiot but how I sub players during a game?

I find defending, either 1 on 1 or group pressing lacking a bit of oomph - maybe a design decision (or I'm just crap) but my selected defender almost seems uninterested in pressuring the guy on the ball.

End Thoughts

I'm coming from the mindset of just wanting to be able to enjoy a smooth gameplay experience which focuses on the FUN - I think Konami are in the right place judging from this outing...

All in all, I really like PES 2014. Hell, most of my quibbles aren't even to do with the core gameplay FIFA is more polished but PES2014 has nailed the fun quotient! Now that I have had a taste I doubt I could go back to FIFA as it just seems so 'flat' and 'lifeless'.

KONAMI - you rag-tag bunch of beautiful bast*rds, keep up the good work but fix all the problems please



avg. parcel delivery man
systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE
Hast du es nun schon, PRO? Erzähle mal!
Ne. Der gute Preis hat seinen Haken. 4-10 Tage Versand. Sollte bis Samstag da sein. Am 25. hatte ich bestellt.

Ich tue dann meine Meinung kund. Keine Angst.

---------- Beitrag um 18:15 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 18:12 Uhr ----------

hab gelesen das ein update erst im november kommen soll.
wenn dann stimmt frag ich mich ob konami nicht einennan der klatsche hat.
kann das jemand bestätigen??
Ja. Der große fix kommt im November erst. Absolut lächerlich. Aber absolut Konami. Traurig aber wahr.