Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Genre: Skateboardspiel
Entwickler: Robomodo
Publisher: Activision
Plattform: PS3, PS4, 360, XB1
Release: later 2015
Anzahl der Spieler: online 20, PS360 ohne Onlinemodus
Auflösung/Framerate: 1080p / 60fps

Tony Hawk Returns – Exclusive First Look
As the name indicates, Pro Skater 5 is a call back to the old-school lineage of the first four titles – back when the franchise was in its prime. The game weds the series' finely tuned gameplay with new additions such as power-ups and the ability to shoot projectiles for specific missions.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 features a new set of levels packed with objectives and missions you can complete solo or with friends via online co-op and competitive play. Whether you just want to have a session with friends or strangers or want to level up your character online and then take them offline, the game's online flow is seamless. Your created skate parks can also be shared with world.

THPS 5, of course, brings back Tony Hawk, and he's joined by some of the series' familiar faces as well as a new generation of skaters influenced by the original titles. Skaters include, Nyjah Huston, Aaron Homoki, Ishod Wair, Riley Hawk, Lizzie Armanto, Chris Cole, David Gonzalez, Leticia Bufoni, and Andrew Reynolds.

2015 erscheint ein neues Tony Hawk für die PS4 und evtl. weitere Konsolen. Mehr ist nicht bekannt, auch nicht wer das Spiel entwickelt.

A new Tony Hawk game is coming to consoles in 2015, the pro skateboarder himself revealed via Twitter yesterday.

"I’m currently working with Activision on a console game for 2015 (along with a new mobile game)," Hawk said. "I think fans of THPS series will be hyped."

Hawk also said that the mobile game that was announced earlier this year, Tony Hawk's Shred Session, "has been put on hold indefinitely." An Activision representative later confirmed Hawk's statements with Polygon.

In May, Hawk participated in a Reddit AMA, where he said "There is a CHANCE of something in the future for newer consoles."

We don't know who's developing the new console game yet, but we know it won't be the developer that made the series famous, Neversoft, which Activision shut down as a separate entity and merged with Call of Duty studio Infinity Ward in July.

Tony Hawk’s latest game will release on PS4 in 2015, the pro skater announced during Sony’s CES 2015 keynote in Las Vegas today.
Sony did not explicitly state the new game is a PS4 exclusive, so it may yet turn out to be multi-platform.

New Tony Hawk game later this year for PS4
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PSN-Name: Speichellecker
Spielt gerade: mit wachsender Begeisterung an sich selbst rum
Fandest echt dass Teil 4 Mist war? Fand den eigentlich als letzten Teil noch gut. Was sind/waren deine Kritikpunkte?
1+2 sind natuerlich erhaben.
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PSN-Name: Speichellecker
Spielt gerade: mit wachsender Begeisterung an sich selbst rum
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avg. parcel delivery man
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Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE
top idee, spy!! :okay:
wenn fahrrader gehen... sollten doch skateboards auch drin sein! dass wäre mal nen super dlc! stell ich mir dann wie "skate" vor, nur halt in ner dickeren welt! ich weiss aber gerade net ob die map sehr viele goals, grind punkte oder ähnliches bietet. aber das wäre trotzdem nice! und lustig bestimmt! :D