Uncharted 3 - Multiplayer


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Messungen zum Bandbreitenbedarf des UC3 Multiplayer. Wie man sieht braucht man keine besondere dicke Leitung zum Spielen.

The following is network/bandwidth data I have collected regarding Naughty Dog's bandwidth usage (network code) for Uncharted 3. All tests have been conducted via Linux on both my router, and PC. The two results were then compared (for accuracy). After many tests, here are my findings thus far:

10 Players (Competitive Multiplayer)
Downstream (Download) average: 100-125Kbps
Downstream (Download) peak: 150Kbps
Downstream (Download) average (per player): 11-17Kbps
Upstream (Upload) average: 100-150Kbps
Upstream (Upload) peak: 170Kbps
Upstream (Upload) average (per player): 11-19Kbps

3 Players (Co-op)
Downstream (Download) average: 25-30Kbps
Downstream (Download) peak: 50Kbps
Downstream (Download) average (per player): 13-25Kbps
Upstream (Upload) average: 75-80Kbps
Upstream (Upload) peak: 90Kbps
Upstream (Upload) average (per player): 38-45Kbps
Uncharted 2 und 3 nutzen Amazonserver zum Speichern von Daten:
I noticed it connects to an Amazon Web Services (AWS) server, located in San Jose, California (near my current location) via TCP ports 6300, 6302, and 6303 in addition to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) server, located in Seattle, Washington via port 80 (HTTP). So the server in Seattle, Washington must be a web server. The server in San Jose, California could be a number of things.
I notice I'm only connected to the web server in Seattle, Washington when initially logging into Uncharted 3. Afterward, the connection is closed. This must be the server where live update data is synced from (via TCP port 80). I still maintain a connection to the server in San Jose, California until I exit Uncharted 3 multiplayer. So the server in San Jose, California must be stats/leaderboard related. During and/or after every match, the stats of the match are sent to that server. Stats contain data such as your XP, treasures, medals etc. the data is then synchronized with Naughty Dog's AKA Amazon's servers. This server could also be used to find and connect players (or both). Based purely on the ports it uses, it's possible it's used for player communication audio. I'll have to look into this more before I can give a definite answer.
PSN-Name: SJ_92
Spielt gerade: Fifa 18/ BF1/Rocket...
Gibt es hier noch welche die hier noch ab und zu mal U3 zocken?
Bekommt man es vielleicht mal wieder hin dass man ein Team aus 5 Personen zusammenstellt und ein paar Runden zockt oder auch gerne 10???
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PSN-Name: SJ_92
Spielt gerade: Fifa 18/ BF1/Rocket...
Was bringt mir eigentlich das Umstellen auf Prestige?

Naja nicht so viel, nur das Zeichen ändert sich und die anderen sehen dass dann natürlich... Alles wird dann auf 0 gesetzt und du musste wieder warten bis du auf dem entsprechenden Level bist. Sachen wir Charakter bleiben natürlich erhalten und du musst es nich noch mal kaufen.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Update 1.17 - Morgen dürfte der free2play MP offiziell angekündigt werden.
Leaderboardreset und mehr:

We're starting off the week with a taste of what's in store. This patch will set up everything so we can deploy our biggest update to Uncharted 3 Multiplayer yet tomorrow.

Patch 1.17 Notes

Available: Globally - February 25, 2013 before 6:30pm PST.


  • Full leaderboard reset - our rationale behind this will be revealed tomorrow.
  • Naughty Dog Paw icon will appear near your rank icon - we love you. We'll explain more tomorrow.
  • Lab Maps can now be added to the custom game list by Naughty Dog
  • More than one Lab Map may now appear in the Lab Playlist
  • The following Medals have been removed from Team Objective and Plunder:
Strike Three
Spray and Pray
Long Ranger
Oh Snap

  • Changes to existing Team Objective and Plunder medals:
Expansionist from 5 territories to 2 and $1,000 to $500
None Shall Pass from 5 kills to 2 and $1,000 to $500
Captured from $500 to $2,000
Protectorate from $250 to $1,000
No Cigar from $750 to $2,000
Executioner from $250 to $1,000
Guard Duty $350 to $1,500


  • Additional colors added to every item and skin. - MOAR COLORS! Hooray!
  • New head items item for various characters - available later on
  • New shirts for custom characters - available later on


  • Platinum tournament tier - reached at 23,500 points
  • 11 new items just for the Tournament rewards
  • Starting immediate Platinum Tournament rewards are Drake Shade Raptor Mask and Talbot Shade Dive Helmet, these will be unlocked once you acheive Platinum for the first time.
  • There are four new Platinum tier permanent unlocks for the Djinn Skin.
  • You will earn the Djinn Stunner Shades after 2 Platinum tiers.
  • You will earn the Djinn Head Wrap after 4 Platinum tiers.
  • You will earn the Djinn Helmet after 6 Platinum tiers.
  • You will earn the Djinn Horns after 8 Platinum tiers. The Djinn horns have a stat that no other item has: +Aimed Movement Speed!


  • Addressed several recurrent bugs


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

Der MP ist bis Level 15 kostenlos spielbar. Man kann unbegrenzt weiterspielen, aber eben ohne "Fortschritt".

Zu kaufen gibt's:

UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Co-op Adventure Add On
- Unlock Co-Op Adventure mode including the Fort Adventure DLC

UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Co-op Arena Add On
- Unlock to gain access to the Co-Op Arena Playlist including the Co-Op Shade Survival Mode DLC for UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Free to Play.

UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Competitive MP- No Level Limit
- Remove the level cap for UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Free to Play.

UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Competitive MP – Level 25 Limit
- Remove the Level 15 cap and play UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Free to Play up to Level 25

UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Split Screen Add On
- Unlock Co-Op Adventure mode including the Fort Adventure DLC

UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer DLC Map Packs
- Unlock all three DLC map packs released for UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception. Includes Flashback Map Pack 1, Flashback Map Pack 2, and Drake’s Deception Map Pack.

UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Single Player Experience
- Uncover the Truth. Unlock the Single Player campaign.

Alle bisherigen Spieler erhalten eine "Naughty Dog Paw" als Abzeichen. In den kommenden Monaten kommen >40 DLC Inhalte.



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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Werbung, mit Auswirkungen aus das Gameplay:
An ad in-between matches where you *can't* change your loadout based on the map like the full game people can?
Der Download der Singleplayervollversion hat's in sich: 90GB freien Speicher sollte man haben.
Who thought in their GODDAMN mind of Releasing UC3 GOTY as a DD title

43.5GB's really arne?

That shit is 2 times the fucking size of DC Universe Online, and that shit is a MMO

No Compression?

Also PSN is throttled to hell and back and the archaic DL + Install Allocation, this bitch alone is 87GB

Did no one properly think this through?

I have a 150Mb connection and DC Universe (Beta Version) which was 16-18GB took me 6 Fucking Hours... and another 1 hour to Install and Patch...

---------- Beitrag um 16:59 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 15:30 Uhr ----------

In Deutschland wird eine Plus-Mitgliedschaft benötigt
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception Single Player (£19.99/€24.99)
Co-Op Adventure Playlist (£7.29/€8.99)
Co-Op Arena Playlist (£6.49/€7.99)
Competitive Multiplayer No Level Limit (£11.99/€14.99)
Multiplayer Level 25 Limit (£3.19/€3.99)
Multiplayer Split-Screen (£1.19/€1.49)
Multiplayer Map Packs (£15.99/€19.99)
Suche 2 leute die mit mir die coop adventurer level durchspielen, allerdings auf crushed. Wird bestimmt paar Versuche benötigen. Mir macht schwerer coop halt sehr viel Spaß. Bloß online verlieren zu viele zu schnell die Geduld oder rushen halt übelst sinnlos rein. Wird halt schon paar Versuche brauchen. Meldet euch wer Interesse hat.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

Ich bin zu blöd für den MP :ugly:. In den meisten Runden muß ich viel zu viel einstecken und komme kaum zu Kills. Runden, wo ich das Gefühl habe es läuft, sind viel zu selten :(. Matchmaking nervt auch wenn man als schlechter Spieler oft im schlechten Team landet. Und dann gibt's wahrscheinlich noch Parties, die immer auf einer gemeinsamen Seite spielen. Sehr schön wenn 3x Level75 im gegnerischen Team sind - not.
Die Errungenschaften des modernen MP: Granaten, die tote Gegner hinterlassen und für billige Kills sorgen. Schnellere Feuerraten etc. die erst nach Ewigkeiten freigeschaltet werden X(. Wo manche Gegner ihre Überwaffen immer wieder herhaben frage ich mich auch.

Den meisten MP-Spaß hatte ich bezüglich Uncharted bisher in der Demo/Beta von Teil 2 :-/.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Ups - das UC3 Forum ist weg :ugly:

Neuer Patch, neue Map, siehe News.

And the stats / leaderboards? What are you going to do and why?

Eric sagte:
Nothing happening with those. We debated this greatly and decided that everyone knows who the cheats and hackers are. We can’t really stop them - someone is always going to try to hack the boards—so it’s best to leave it in place as is.

LB sind sowieso deaktiviert:
The leaderboards will remain offline.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot they were blank.
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