Warrior’s Lair ( Ursprünglich "Ruin" )

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel

Packshot ändere ich sobald ich eins finde
Hersteller: Sony
Entwickler: San Diego studios
Genre: Action-Dungeon Crawler RPG
Anzahl der Spieler:1-2
Distributions Format:Vita-Card + PSN
Kompatible Peripherie:
Preis (UVP):
Release Datum:2012

Warriors Lair könnte auch gut werden! mal auf erste reviews warten..
Boah stellt euch nur Diablo 3 für Vita vor~megusta~
Zuletzt editiert:

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Sony: "Warrior's Lair nicht gestrichen"

02.04.12 - Das Action RPG Warrior's Lair (PS3, PS Vita) - vormals Ruin - wurde nicht gestrichen und befindet sich weiterhin in Arbeit, wie ein Sony-Sprecher bestätigt.

Zuvor gab es Meldungen, nach denen die Arbeiten eingestellt und mehr als die Hälfte der Angestellten entlassen wurden. Ob allerdings der Original-Entwickler Idol Minds oder ein neues Studio mit der Fertigstellung beschäftigt ist, wollte oder konnte Sony nicht sagen.

Warrior's Lair ist ein Diablo-inspiriertes Action RPG mit sozialen Funktionen, das auf der E3 2011 enthüllt wurde.
CLICK (Joystiq: "PS3/Vita title Warrior's Lair not canceled, says Sony")
hoffentlich kommts bald:D

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
So ein möglicher Release ist aufgetaucht http://trendygamers.com/2012/05/03/...a-warriors-lair-escape-dates-listed-retailer/

After checking the pre-order section of Video Games Plus, we discovered that a lot of upcoming video games have specific release dates nailed down, even though they have yet to be confirmed by the publisher. We will split the over 25 games into separate posts, so you can find the game you want more easily.

*Since these aren’t confirmed by the publisher, the dates should be treated as a rumour right now, even though most of them make sense and will likely turn out to be true.
26 Juni

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
schon etwas älter aber naja :D
The game Warrior’s Lair, which was supposed to be one of the launch or near-launch titles for Sony’s new PlayStation Vita handheld, has been picked back up after the game slipped into oblivion. In the days and weeks leading up the Vita, Warrior’s Lair slipped to an unconfirmed launch day status, leading many to expect it might be canceled. Instead, Sony announced, it has just axed the co-development team Idol Minds.

Now, Sony’s internal San Diego studios will pick up the slack and bring the project to completion. Warrior’s Lair, previously known as Ruin, has not announced a new release date for the game. The company did, however, make it very clear that it would work to make the game a success and plans to have it out on the Vita as soon as it can. It isn’t clear why Idol Minds was let go.

The company is best known for making the PS3 downloadable game Pain, which no doubt raised its value in Sony’s mind. The company’s previous title, though, Neopets: The Darkest Faeries, experienced a myriad delays and confusion. It’s possible Idol Minds has trouble putting together large, expansive projects. Nevertheless, it’s good to see that Warrior’s Lair will still continue to be picked up.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Idol Minds hat die Ratchet & Clank HD Collection geportet. Kann mir schon gut vorstellen, dass ein Studio, welches die Jahre zuvor nur PAIN DLC veröffentlicht hat, da mit mehr überfordert ist.
Aber San Diego ist nicht gerade die beste Wahl. Mal abgesehen von den MLB-Spielen (und die sind techn. die schwächsten von Sony, mit mehr Bugs als von jedem anderen Studio) haben die selber nur geportet oder Studios bei Move-Sachen supportet.
Nicht gerade das was ich einen herausragenden Entwickler für ein neues Franchise bezeichnen würde. Erklärt vermutlich auch die Verzögerungen.

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Originally Posted by Telefrog
2. Warrior's Lair looks pretty good. Why didn't that get released?


It does look pretty good, doesn't it? It WAS pretty good, actually, although I'm the furthest from unbiased you can be. I had been lead designer on a couple of aborted projects before that, but this one was actually within sight of being finished. I had been involved from the very beginning and had helped develop the concept.

It had a year of full development on it and was (by our schedule, anyway) 3 months away from being done when it was cancelled. There were 50 or 60 people on the team. I led a team of 8 designers and 10 junior level designers. Suffice it to say, Sony had put millions of dollars into it when they killed it.

I can only speculate about why they did so, so keep in mind this is just how I've been able to make sense of it. First, I assume it had to do with the weakness of the VITA. Sony internal studios, to me, looked like they never had much faith in it. As far as we were concerned, the game was primarily a PS3 game; we weren't going to bank on the VITA. But it sure did look and play nicely on the VITA. And the cross-play feature--which was the biggest part of the marketing push for the game--would have been great.

Like I said, we were three months from going into final test (this was one year ago). A LOT of stuff was coming online at that point. We had tuned combat, the classes, and enemy AI for a long time, but the RPG elements of leveling up and equipment, etc, had been missing for a long time. The story progression was just being implemented. But our tools were in awesome shape, the game was quite playable, and we had a ton of content (which had been planned on paper for months beforehand) going in. But I think our partners at Sony weren't close enough to the project to see or understand a lot of it. They just saw how far we had to go. They were upset that we had had to push the schedule back once earlier by a few months (on one hand, understandable, on the other, I think a case could be made that the original schedule was unrealistic). To be honest, it would have been a rough few months of finishing and polishing. I think we would have made it and would have had a pretty decent game by the end of it, but again, I can't see things too objectively. I'd say Sony was right to worry, but ultimately made a poor call. I don't know what other internal considerations might have been affecting them, but it's definitely the case that around that time there was a lot of bad financial news from Sony Corp. But I have no idea if/how that affected the SCEA studios. There was also a rumor that VITA games in development were given a Metascore rating to hit after the first few games got middling reviews, but I don't know if that's true or if it affected the decision.

When they killed it, they said they were going to finish it at their San Diego studio. This was also the story they put out to the press, saying it wasn't cancelled. While they owned all the work we had done, this was always an absurd suggestion. No one in San Diego knew anything about our tools, our technology, or our design. So I don't know how serious they ever were about that idea, but a few months later we heard through the grapevine that they had no plans to do so. It's extremely unlikely the game will ever be released.

Warrior's Lair (we hated the name, which came from Sony marketing) was going to be a light ARPG. It had all the core features of the genre, although it might have been missing a few things that are common with some of the genre stand-outs. But it also had a couple of innovative features. The combat was inspired more by beat-em-ups along the lines of God of War than by Torchlight or Diablo, with combos and more mobile characters. Killing stuff really was fun. And then there were the social features. You were matched up with rivals, with whom you could compete. Primarily that meant raiding their Lairs, which were dungeons whose properties were determined by relics, collected while adventuring, that you installed in the lair to make it more difficult to defeat. You could pick what monsters you wanted to guard your lair and then a random dungeon was generated based off of that and the relics you had chosen. When someone raided your lair, you split a reward--the more times they died in the raid, the larger your percentage of that reward. All this stuff was working (if not tuned) when the project was shut down.

Warrior's Lair wasn't going to set the world on fire. It did not have the budget to compete with a Dark Souls, much less a Diablo. It probably had a number of weak spots. But I also think it would have been worth playing. I think it might have been a bright spot on the VITA line-up, too. From where I sit, it's a shame that gamers didn't get their hands on it. While I stumbled my way through that project, learning along the way how to be a lead designer--how to make decisions, when to delegate, how to adapt to schedule restraints and stakeholder opinions--I'm most proud of the design team I had and the work they did.
In the other thread it was mentioned that Sony released another gamplay trailer for this in December, so SSD have definitely worked on it
Yep, and also mentioned above (see post 16).

Gameplay Trailer from December 2012 and GAF-Thread:

Really don´t get why they should release a trailer (after not doing that for over a year) and cancel it a few weeks later.

I call BS.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Das da was schief gelaufen ist, konnte man förmlich riechen. Hatte wohl Jemand bei Sony Angst, dass es im Endeffekt auf einen "durschnittlichen Diablo-Clone" hinausläuft.
Trotzdem, die Vita braucht auch im Westen gute Spiele und seit LBP Vita kam da nichts mehr von A³-Qualität raus. Die nächsten guten Titel erscheinen erst im Q3/Q4, während der 3DS dieses Jahr richtig nachlegt.
Nur auf Indie-Plattform zu machen, verkauft keine Einheiten.

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Wie mann der heutigen Onpsx news entnehmen kann ist Warriros Lair neben The last Guardian auch auf der E3 Liste zu sehen. Ich hoffe echt es handelt sich um kein Fehler bzw jemand von Sony hat vergessen die Seite upzudaten :ugly: ..:cry:
Ich hätte echt gerne dieses Genre auf der Vita. Den IOS Ubisoft verschnitt weigere ich mich zu kaufen:D