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Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE
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Sind ein paar nette Teile dabei. Und die Preise halten sich auch in Grenzen. Das Fussball Trikot ist gekauft!

---------- Beitrag um 15:09 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 15:06 Uhr ----------

Obwohl ich noch lieber diesen Pulli hier hätte:
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Leider nur Vive:




50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Fallout ist von der Idee nett, aber die Tech hätte ich mir eher für einen Nachfolger gewünscht. Das bekannte Spiel einfach nochmal in VR spielen ist eher weniger spannend. Da ist es wenig schade drum.

Doom VFR hingegen sieht echt cool aus, das erste Mal das jemand anscheinend Teleport spaßig hinbekommen hat. Bin sehr froh dass das auch für PSVR kommt. ~happy~


avg. parcel delivery man
systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE
According to Nikkei (via My Game News Flash), Konami allegedly sent a letter addressed to Kojima last fall. Nikkei reports it stated, “You are unfairly sullying the reputation of our company.” Know that it is unusual in corporate Japan for people to speak so openly about a former employer or its products.

Nikkei adds that the way the TGS crowd laughed probably rubbed Konami the wrong way. The backdrop Nikkei gives is that there was so disagreement over the compensation agreement between Kojima and Konami. Talks had broken down, it seems, and Konami was allegedly refusing to pay one part. The company, however, told Nikkei, it was paying appropriately. Kojima Production gave Nikkei a “no comment.”

It doesn’t end there, it seems. Kojima Productions, Nikkei reports, is supposedly having trouble joining the Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association with its application apparently being refused. Over 7,000 companies are part of this association, which offers discounted health insurance to tech industry workers as well as hotel, restaurant, and gym discounts. Konami is reportedly a big player in this association, with its sports clubs participating in the program. When asked, the Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association told Nikkei, “We are unable to comment on this issue.”

The Nikkei article also states that Konami has told large game companies to be careful about hiring former Konami employees and Japanese TV stations to disregard them. What’s more, it’s even said that ex-employees are not supposed to refer to themselves as “Formerly of Konami” in their new work when publicly discussing their career history.


50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
WTF, Sony?!? ~jackieeeee~
Jim Ryan: Yeah.*We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base.*Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe.*Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully
Mehr Büffelkot aus dem Munde von Jim Ryan an der Quelle... :(

Zuletzt editiert:


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

---------- Beitrag um 22:23 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 22:15 Uhr ----------

Planet, den echten Grund hast du vergessen:
Unfortunately it's a commercial discussion between ourselves and other stakeholders, and I'm not going to get into the detail of that on this particular instance.
Sony liebt unser Geld genauso wie MS.


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WTF, Sony?!? ~jackieeeee~

Mehr Büffelkot aus dem Munde von Jim Ryan an der Quelle... :(

Nun haben sich auch die Entwickler von Rocket League dazu geäußert

“I understand that stance. We want to take care of our players. But from our perspective, if PlayStation already allows cross-network with PC, which is the least regulated of any of the partners, then in theory, having Xbox and Switch in there should be fine. They’re a lot more regulated. From our perspective that concern is already handled. That’s taken care of. Our dream is that true cross-network play — we want it on all the platforms. It’s very important to us, for multiple reasons. One, you can have faster matchmaking. The bigger the pool, the faster the matchmaking. It benefits everybody. Two, you get better quality opponents. In a bigger pool you have better people who are closer to your location.”

Momentan gibt es ja schon so nen Mini-Shitstorm diesbezüglich, vielleicht bringt das Sony zum Umdenken.