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PSN-Name: Crash Bandicoot
Spielt gerade: Crash Bandicoot
Ich hatte mich schon gewundert warum gestern ein Mod in einem Thread öffentlich um einen Ban gefragt hat. Genau das bestätigt meinen Eindruck, dass Neogaf voller Heuchler ist:

NeoGaf moderators and administrators banned users who attempted to bring up the topic about the former moderator and his child porn habits, and also buried and closed threads that attempted to discuss it.

The real kicker here is that NeoGaf has been notoriously anti-#GamerGate, banning people like Boogie2988 for his more moderate approach to #GamerGate, and banning anyone who didn’t immediately claim that it was a harassment campaign.

Ironischerweise gab es zuletzt ähnliche Topics bei neogaf, bei denen Naughty Dog in Vedacht von sexueller Belästigung und einem sexistischen Kommentar gegenüber einer Journalistin stand. In diesen Threads wurde jeder schief angeschaut und angegangen, der vorerst abgewartet und nach Fakten (Name des ND Mitarbeiters, wann das Interview stand fand usw) gefragt hat, anstatt den Vorwürfen direkt Glauben schenken zu müssen.

Den Schlusssatz finde ich gut gewählt:

This fits the trend of some of the loudest voices claiming to be male feminists and Social Justice Warriors actually turning out to be sexual abusers, molesters, deviants, and in some cases… actual rapists.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Aber leider auch ein Sammelbecken für Leute die auf Kreuzzüge gehen, Mods die sich als Gesetz sehen und eine teils super (schnell) giftige Gesprächskultur.

Versteht mich nicht falsch, es war eine teils nette Anlaufstelle in manchen Foren, aber teils wurde dort sehr fragwürdige mit dem Thema das ist ein Troll und das ist ein ehrenwerter User umgegangen.

Und nein ich wurde dort nie gebannt...hatte genau deswegen dort auch nie einen Account.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Naja mich haben die User da nie interessiert abgesehen von 2-3 vielleicht. Aber viel wichtiger ist Gaf ist die beste Seite was News/leaks angeht und die Off topic Discussion threads waren auch immer sehr interessant.
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PSN-Name: Andy1985
Ich hab das erst jetzt mitbekommen o0
Überleg schon ganzes Wochenende^^

Ich mag das Forum. Das Offtopic ist immer recht lustig. Die Gaming Seite war ein wahres Trollfest. Hat mich auch wenig interessiert.
Ich vermisse jetzt schon die Comic-Anime-Figuren Community! Da war echt interessantes Zeug dabei :/


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
NeoGAF Goes Dark After Sexual Misconduct Allegation Against Owner

In a phone conversation with Kotaku, Leupp said that even after the alleged shower incident, she’d continued her friendship and even had a brief physical relationship with Malka until they had a falling out at E3 2015. She said that, prior to the alleged shower incident “I had no reason not to trust him. He had been introducing me to people and helping me network for my film company,” she told me. “I feel gross from having ever been in contact with this person.”


PSN-Name: Andy1985
OK, ich kenn mich gar nicht aus.

Es ist OK ihn auszunutzen um Kontakte in der Wirtschaft zu bekommen, aber wenn er den "Nackten Mann" durchzieht ist er böse. OK, hätte nicht sein müssen. Aber wenn nicht mehr geschieht.

Aber was wohl wirklich der Hauptgrund ist, ist wohl die Hexenjagd im Forum. Kann ich verstehen, dass alle im Internet übertreiben, beleidigen und mehr. Das ist der Preis, denn wir für die Anonymität bezahlen.

Somit ist man das Problem falsch angegangen. Statt es offen zu diskutieren, wurde es wie üblich unter dem Tisch gekehrt.


Editor in Chief
PSN-Name: dethforce
hier mal in deutsch:

Das internationale Gaming-Forum NeoGaf ist aktuell nicht mehr erreichbar. Dem Gründer und Betreiber der Seite, Tyler Malka, wird aktuell vorgeworfen, eine Frau sexuell belästigt zu haben, woraufhin auf der Seite heftiger Debatten ausgebrochen sind. Wenig später ging NeoGaf vorerst offline.

wie passend, dass das gerade nach dem weinstein skandal passierte...
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Spielt gerade: verrückt
Es ist OK ihn auszunutzen um Kontakte in der Wirtschaft zu bekommen, aber wenn er den "Nackten Mann" durchzieht ist er böse.
Das scheint es ja dem Kommentar nach nicht gewesen zu sein. Sondern waren die befreundet, dann hat er den "nackten Mann" durchgezogen, DANACH hatten die noch was miteinander, dann kam es zum streit und DANACH war es auf einmal schlimm ~hmm~


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NeoGaf is back


An allegation of sexual misconduct has been made against me by an ex. It's not true, the individual making the accusation isn't credible, the story doesn't reconcile logically with the facts, and there's plenty of evidence and witnesses to corroborate that. It'll be a process.

All allegations of this nature are serious, of course. I first got word of it on Wednesday when a screenshot of a Facebook post was handed to Voat. I immediately talked with my mod team about the contents of the screenshot and clarified that it was baseless and explained some of the details concerning my former associations with her, and tried to ensure any concerns from the team were addressed fully and transparently to everyone's satisfaction. On Thursday I heard that she had deleted the accusation from Facebook, and wasn't entirely sure how to proceed from there or how this would all play out in the public space at that point. Then, Friday morning, the screenshot made its way to NeoGAF and chaos ensued.

I was in the process of writing a statement that entire day to address formally address the allegation, but the community had erupted in a flash that morning. While the moderation team was trying to restore the peace, accusations and threats concerning the screenshot started shifting to them as well by association with me, and I was asked by my team to do something to fix things and get the heat off of all of them at least. I was beyond exhausted by that point, though, stretched too thin in the time since the post had first appeared and seeing unprecedented events unfold on NeoGAF. I was slow and weak. I failed to handle it quickly enough and let the team down. Before I could finish a statement and get it out there, understandably some mods hit their emotional limit, expressed concerns about the community coming after them, and decided to leave. A few people resigned, and many more quickly followed for similar reasons, citing stress and harassment. The site started breaking under load spikes leading up to the first resignations, too, and then flatlined altogether, so issuing a statement at that time on NeoGAF itself became impossible for the time being, and my attention shifted toward the moderation team's future.

Since that whole mess, lasting from Friday morning through Saturday, before we formally went offline for maintenance and repair and restructure, we've just been trying to figure out the best course of action for NeoGAF going forward. And as stories began being published by various outlets, I issued some comments to the press, since everything coming out was proving to be sensationalized, opportunist, and unprofessional.

We've all become increasingly stressed and weary this year in ways even I'm not accustomed to by now, and discussions on heated news, political issues, and social issues on the off-topic side of the site have become areas no one has wanted to moderate in the open for fear of backlash or just general exposure to the inevitable toxicity. I've gone in there myself to take the heat, since it's very much my responsibility to do so before anyone else's, but there's been little headway, mostly just more anger and resentment and a lot of bans. I don't think this necessarily reflects on our community; more so the tone of the entire internet this year with regards to heated issues.

That's all going to inform the way forward for NeoGAF as we refocus on what the main goals are supposed to be for the site. The mod team will talk about more specifics on what that will entail below.

One last thing. The NeoGAF mod team is here for this community; all of you. You have no obligations to respect me or believe anything I say about my personal life one way or another, but if you're going to be here and participate on NeoGAF, respect the mod team by following the rules and behaving. The team is diminished at the moment and the folks who stuck around care very much about this community and its future. Be considerate of them. That's non-negotiable.

The future of NeoGAF will be a return to what many of us have come here for, a place where we can gather together and enjoy our shared hobby of video games. For a short time, Off-Topic Discussion and Off-Topic Community will be closed so that we can rediscover that. We'll be starting with a clean slate when they come back. However, the focus will be on the many other hobbies we may have like TV, movies, anime, writing, music, etc. Political and social discourse will not be allowed in the new Off-Topic. Those types of discussions greatly added to the harsh and unwelcoming atmosphere of Off-Topic, which pushed many users away. For those worried: OT has not been deleted, and important threads will be archived for recovery once it's open again.

Moderation will also see changes. Over the years, moderators changed from simply people who made sure discussion stay civil into personalities. It's because of that, many were targeted for harassment and other things. This shouldn't be happening to them. We've taken action to protect these people by making moderation anonymous. There will be no more red-names that single them out nor will there be a list of who is one.
Soll das ein schlechter Witz sein?
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PSN-Name: Steiner84
Spielt gerade: auf Zeit
also ich bin da erstmal vorsichtig.
mir kommt das alles sehr fishy vor.

Aber GAF ist tot, da geht wohl kein weg dran vorbei.

Ich setz ja nen 10er drauf das am Ende rauskommt war alles quatsch und die selbstgerechten Poser haben mal wieder ein Leben ruiniert.

---------- Beitrag um 09:13 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 09:01 Uhr ----------

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