Assetto Corsa


avg. parcel delivery man
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Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE
Also wenn beide so dicht beieinander liegen dann würde ich PC empfehlen. Kam da immer besser mit dem Pad klar.

Hot Lap Sim trifft es gut, wie crysmo sagte, und dann gibt's halt noch die challenges...

Aber nix geht über Tag Nacht Wechsel und dynamisches Wetter... das gibt dem ganze Inhalt nochmal nen Kick!!



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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

---------- Beitrag um 02:04 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 02:01 Uhr ----------


:D ~yey~ :okay:


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

---------- Beitrag um 14:33 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 14:25 Uhr ----------



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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
For those that don't understand a word of Italian...
A user from support forum made a resumed translation form things said in the conference about assetto and the difficulties they've encountered with the consoles.

For those that don't can enter this section of the assetto support forum i let the text below:

"Codemotion" conference (March 22-25th), Italian audio.
A couple of weeks ago, two Kunos' developers (Alessandro Piva and Fabrizio Brugnaro) revealed a few interesting things about the console porting and development challenges.
Key points (no full transcript, sorry) were:

1) First (working) console version was already running in December 2014. It was a very basic port: no audio, no GUI, low framerate: 10/15 FPS even with just four cars around the track.

2) Main performance challenge was related to consoles' CPUs. Much less power compared to PC, due to lower clock speeds and mobile architecture. -50% performance compared to same-clock desktop CPUs.

3) Console hardware: 6 CPU cores available: 3 used for the physics, 2 for the graphics and 1 for sound. Multi-threading was essential to bump the performance.

4) Assets' differences:
Some assets (models, textures, sounds etc.) needed to be converted or pre-processed for console builds due to different formats (DDS textures on PC, GNF on PS4, for example).
Sony and Microsoft offer devs their SDKs, with built-in tools and assets to improve optimization from this POV. Kunos created an automatic conversion process. No extra work for 3D artists and possibility to "clean" and regenerate assets if found glitched during the conversion process.

5) Software:
Assetto Corsa on consoles uses three middlewares: Scaleform for GUI, FMOD for audio, Yebis for post-processing. Middlewares can be useful (many features available) and problematic at the same times (high number of bugs that require some time before being fixed by software companies). This further complicates the whole development process.

6) TRC (Technical Requirements Checklist) by Sony and Microsoft.
There's a ton of stuff that Kunos needs to take care of because of Sony's and Microsoft's functional and technical rules (pretty much for everything).
All of them need to be in place and working as intended or you're back to the drawing board.
Kunos needed someone to deal with this time-consuming and complex submission process.

7) GUI porting:
On PC, the UI was meant to be used with a mouse and not ready for a console port.
Many UI things needed to be completely rebuilt and/or adapted where possible. Took lots of time and efforts.
The save systems are also much different between PC (very simple) and consoles (replay, setups, ghost treated differently compared to PC).

8) QA tests:
On PC, there's a small group of expert players/enthusiasts who performs specific gameplay tests. On consoles, the long list of TRC required an external QA team, which didn't really focus on gameplay aspects. Some bugs and glitches were not spotted due to this reason.

All in all, I think there's lots of behind-the-scenes work going on that we, console players, are unaware of, especially on the TRC sides. Anyway, I hope some of you may find those things interesting. Thanks for reading.
Zuletzt editiert:


For the Photographs
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PSN-Name: TheBigTaco1
Ich bin grad echt wieder mit dem Gedanken am Spielen das Game auf dem PC zu holen. Da gibt es das momentan mit allen Dream Packs für 49,99€. Frage ist nur ich kam bei PCars mit dem Pad auf der PS so gar nicht klar. Ich habe nicht wirklich bock da 50€ zu verbraten um dann feststellen zu müssen das es einfach rotz ist :D


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
die Frage nach dem Pad kommt momentan aber oft :ugly:

Imo besser spielbar als PCars. Aber wer ein FM oder GT erwartet liegt hier falsch. Deutlich schwieriger bzw. weniger eingebaute Assistenten.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Hi everyone! Today, we want to give our community a quick update on the status of our next major console update...
Right now, we’re finalising the last few submission blocking issues and localisations ahead of entering first party submission. This has taken slightly longer than expected but we’ve packed a lot into this update. Be rest assured, Kunos are working incredibly hard behind the scenes to make this the best update yet and as soon as we have a release date, we’ll let you guys know.
Stay tuned for more info and thanks once again for your patience and continued support!
