Colin McRae DIRT 3


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Zusammenfassung bekannter Fakten:

Our physics have been improved to more accurately represent weight shift and the
way the suspension reacts to different surfaces.
The Subaru 555 is based on the car that Colin won his World Championship in.
Rally Stages are around 5-6km.Trailblazer stages are around 8-9km.
PS3, Xbox 360 & PC will all have the YouTube upload feature.
You can take photos from Replays on PS3.
We cannot show the car hitting spectators. They will be protected by reset lines that will place the car back on track if hit.
We have a system that let's some spectators stand in the stage
and then run out of the way as the car approaches. No animals though.
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
DiRT 3’s Senior Game Designer, explained to us the cars’ suspension physics have been tweaked to enhance dampening, and the center of gravity has been made more accurate to convey more realistic body roll and car movement.
DiRT 3 retains a lot of its previous features too, including Raid trucks and Trailblazer buggies, though Coleman admitted players were only mildly interested in having the same type of large vehicle gameplay from DiRT 2.
Codemasters has also implemented a clever fix for those typical jerks you play with online who do nothing but sideswipe and crash into other players: an in-game counter will keep track of overly aggressive drivers and cause them to clip through you after one too many infractions.
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ja muss sagen die buggies und trucks wirkten in dirt eigentlich immer ganz gut. die werden selten gut simuliert, von daher passte das noch.

bei den wrcs bin ich aber skeptisch. wenn man an cmr5 anknüpfen kann sollte man schon zufrieden sein :)


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Multiscreen? Ich schätze es handelt sich um eine treiberbasierte PC Lösung.

---------- Beitrag um 23:30 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 23:01 Uhr ----------

DiRT 3: “The Americanisation might have gone too far.”

We've made improvements to our physics that have made the car handling more realistic. Suspension's greatly improved. It's enabled us to raise the centre of gravity on a car so we can model weight shift more accurately.
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