Darksiders 2

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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Vigil dropped 20% of designed content from Darksiders II

Vigil Games scaled down its ambitions for Darksiders II by around one fifth.

Speaking to Gamasutra, Vigil games studio manager David Adams assigned some approximate figures to content which was brainstormed but didn’t make the final cut.

“The game we ended up with is probably, in Darksiders II, 80% of what we designed,” he said.

The figure is likely quite arbitrary, and it should be noted that the “missing” 20% isn’t necessarily stuff you’d want to see in the finished game so much as wild ideas and prototyping – as evidenced by Adams’s comment regarding the original’s design process.

“The game we ended up with in Darksiders 1 was probably like 1% of what we started out with,” he joked.

“So our ability to predict what we can get done increased drastically with the second game.”

Having said that, Adams admitted that some ideas axed from Darksiders made their way into Darksiders II.

“We definitely had the opportunity to add stuff in we wanted to get in the first one,” he said, but then added:

“I actually think in development, limits are good, so it was good to have a game that had an established gameplay style. Like when we didn’t have that in Darksiders 1, we were just reaching all the time. It even took us awhile to get a firm grasp on how exactly the game would play out.

“We knew what the kind of game we wanted to play, but it’s really hard to take a high-level concept and imagine the moment-to-moment gameplay. You have the comfort of not having to think about that with a sequel. Once you have some rules in place, it makes everything way easier.”

Click the link above to read the whole feature, which includes some interesting discussion of internal testing of the first Darksiders, launching a new IP, and self-critique.

Darksiders II is expected in June on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with a Wii U version also on the cards.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Darksiders II delayed to August

A brief Q&A on the date change is below for any questions that you might have: http://bit.ly/J2R0Qm

Questions & Answers:
Q.) When will the game be available in North America?
A.) Darksiders II is scheduled to be available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC in August of 2012. The release date will vary by region (as they did with a June release). The exact street dates will be issued for each region in the days to come.

Q.) Has the date been pushed back to tie in with Nintendo’s WiiU™ launch?
A.) The date was shifted to ensure we meet the high quality threshold that we are committed to achieving. It has nothing to do with any other platform releases.

Q.) Is Darksiders II being pushed back because of the recent layoffs at Vigil Games?
A.) No, the staffing changes at Vigil Games have not impacted the release date.

Q.) Is content going to be cut from the game?
A.) Definitely not! As we approached the game’s completion date, the team asked for more time to polish the huge amount of content included in this ambitious project. We are all committed to making Darksiders II the highest-quality game possible and the additional time will allow the team to do just that. The game content remains unchanged, as do our future DLC plans.

Q.) Are you truly pushing the date back to make Darksiders II a better game?
A.) Absolutely, that is the only goal fueling this decision. Nothing is more important to us than quality and thankfully our company’s current operational position allows us to make the right choice for Darksiders II.

Q.) Aside from getting it later, will this affect my pre-order?
A.) Definitely not, everyone who has/does pre-order Darksiders II will receive the Limited Edition at release, along with any associated retail exclusive content.

Q.) Will the game definitely release in August or will it be delayed again?
A.) This small delay is to allow additional time for polish and bug fixing. As we’ve stated in numerous articles and videos, Darksiders II is substantially larger game than its predecessor and the ambition of this project requires extra time to polish to the high standards that Vigil Games and THQ are committed to.

If you have any further comments feel free to post them within the forums here:


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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Darksiders II: critical path play to last “25 plus hours”

Darksiders II will last over 25 hours when playing it on the “critical path,” Vigil creative manager Jeremy Greiner has told VG247.

Speaking at THQ’s pre-E3 showcase in London last week, Grenier couldn’t give a ballpark on how long it would be on an “average” playthrough, but said the amount of content included made it a bigger game than its predecessor.

“Clocktime for an average playthrough is really hard to put a finger on right now since we’re going through finalisation. But I’d say easily the critical path is gonna be 25 plus hours,” he said.

“Just looking as usability right now, that’s easy. But we have a ton of side content. Darksiders II is a much bigger game than Darksiders 1 in a couple of ways.

“The scale is bigger. It’s much more grounded, it’s much more epic, we put a lot in the engine to accomplish that from a visual standpoint. At the same time, it’s a much bigger game content wise. And we’re all working to polish all that up to a AAA quality as we speak.”

Darksiders II was due to release in June, but was pushed into August.

“We asked for more time to polish up the game. I mentioned before that the game is massive. And with that much content, it takes a lot of time to work out all the bugs and kinks.

“But we’re on track to hit all our submission dates and we’re really excited to get this game out to market really soon.”

Darksiders II launches on August 14 in the US and August 17 in the UK for PS3, 360 and PC. A Wii U version will follow afterwards as a launch title for the new hardware.
Ungeschnitten und Freigabe ab 16 Jahren

Die Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) hat Darksiders II begutachtet und das Action-Adventure mit dem blauen Prüfsiegel ausgezeichnet. Das Spiel erhält somit die Freigabe "ab 16 Jahren". Laut Publisher THQ erscheint Darksiders II in Deutschland komplett ungeschnitten (100% uncut) und vollkommen unverändert im Vergleich zur internationalen Version (PEGI 16+).

Die Spieler können außerdem entscheiden, ob sie Darksiders II (Termin: 17. August 2012) mit deutschen Sprechern oder der englischen Tonspur erleben möchten - Bildschirmtexte und Dialoge der "First Edition" sind vollständig lokalisiert. Das Spiel ist wahlweise in deutscher oder englischer Sprachausgabe spielbar.
Quelle: 4Players

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Nice freu mich drauf :okay:
Ich zock ja momentan D1 auf Apokalyptisch und kA ob es nur mir so geht aber ich finde es viel zu leicht ..
Das Problem liegt u.a auch daran dass z.B alle Bosse viel zu wenige Attacken beherschen und immer wieder die gleichen Sachen machen, dann hat mann ja das Muster in 0,nichts sofort raus..
Und generell würde ich mir wünschen dass alle Gegner schneller angreifen und nicht erst vorher 4sek zum ausholen brauchen :ugly:
Ich hoffe Teil 2 wird schwerer:pfeif:
Zuletzt editiert:
Nice freu mich drauf :okay:
Ich zock ja momentan D1 auf Apokalyptisch und kA ob es nur mir so geht aber ich finde es viel zu leicht ..
Das Problem liegt u.a auch daran dass z.B alle Bosse viel zu wenige Attacken beherschen und immer wieder die gleichen Sachen machen, dann hat mann ja das Muster in 0,nichts sofort raus..
Und generell würde ich mir wünschen dass alle Gegner schneller angreifen und nicht erst vorher 4sek zum ausholen brauchen :ugly:
Ich hoffe Teil 2 wird schwerer:pfeif:
fand ich auch, fange immer mit dem schwierigsten an und wenn ich schnell merke es ist doch zu hart dann neustart und runter, aber bei darksiders hab ich mich veräppelt gefühlt, habe auch immer geladen wenn ich gestorben bin da man wieder volle energie automatisch hatte.
sehr schlecht ausbalanciert, dennoch sehr gutes game, hoffe teil 2 wird echt besser dahingehend.

ebenfalls die rätsel erst zum schluss etwas fordernd, zu anfang, naja. wie baukloötzezuweisen.

wow fsk 16!