Der Lustige-Sachen-Thread

Boy Arrested For Writing PS3 Sucks On Video Game Cases

After checking on a young man lingering in the back corner of the Anderson, S.C. Toys”R”Us video game section employees found the work of a 13 year old Playstation hater.

The Young man had used a permanent black marker to write, “PS3 Sucks” on 23 plastic security cases used to protect the Sony Playstation games from being stolen from the “R” Zone section of the store. The Young man was held until police arrived. After his parents were unable to be reached he was taken to child services.

Die Hater werden immer jünger und dreister laut Gin. :lol:
Original von Red
Boy Arrested For Writing PS3 Sucks On Video Game Cases

After checking on a young man lingering in the back corner of the Anderson, S.C. Toys”R”Us video game section employees found the work of a 13 year old Playstation hater.

The Young man had used a permanent black marker to write, “PS3 Sucks” on 23 plastic security cases used to protect the Sony Playstation games from being stolen from the “R” Zone section of the store. The Young man was held until police arrived. After his parents were unable to be reached he was taken to child services.

Die Hater werden immer jünger und dreister laut Gin. :lol:
wasn loser.. nur weil er jetzt obdachlos ist, weil die turbine sein haus abgefackelt hat.. :ugly:


was hat die katze wohl gesehn? das sie jetzt ... muss :D



50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Ich verweise noch mal auf den Thread-Titel: der Lustige-Sachen-Thread! Konsolenkrieg kommt in den Langweilige-Sachen-Thread, bei Bedarf zu öffnen bei, nicht hier!


50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Deiner Meinung nach ist jeder Thread perfekt für die halbstündlichen Hinweise auf den RROD. Und nein, nur weil ich zum Beispiel Blumenmustertapeten zum Schreien komisch finde, poste ich nicht ständig Bilder davon in diesem Thread. Ganz einfach, weil ich weiß, dass die anderen es weniger lustig finden.