[Final Fantasy XIII] Final Fantasy XIII

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PSN-Name: Andy1985
Nicht viel neues, aber wenigstens Infos.

here's a summary of the session, in which a FFXIII trailer was shown, plus beautiful concept art (according to J o y s t i q):


Note: We'd like to show you images from the session, but as is typical of Square Enix events, no photography of any sort was allowed.

Isamu Kamikokuryo discussed the process of making art for Final Fantasy in a crowded Q&A panel at this year's Game Developer's Conference. At first, Kamikokuryo reminisced about how he got his job at Square Enix. It wasn't particularly romantic: he followed a simple call for applicants, and submitted a resume with a photograph of one of his oil paintings. He got a call back, and got a job that many fanboys would kill for.

Eventually, the discussion moved on to the high quality graphics that Square Enix has been able to produce in its pre-rendered movies. Asked how the team copes with "the uncanny valley problem," Kamikokuryo noted that it's something everyone on the team is constantly thinking about. "In terms of the uncanny valley, that is something we have to fight against. We can't go there -- that's basically how we feel about it. For all the things we create, many of the section creators get together and we make adjustments so this uncanny valley phenomenon doesn't happen. We don't usually use that phrase, because all the staff has this in mind while we do our work."

As the series progresses forward to more powerful hardware, Kamikokuryo noted that "we need to pursue something more realistic." They want to keep the "uniqueness of Testuya Nomura," but wanted to draw upon real-life inspirations. He noted the series' inspirations from contemporary design and fashion, and how they make playing the game more engrossing and "even more entertaining."

Stylization is important, of course. "For example, we want to emphasize coolness and cuteness through stylization. If you look at the characters from Disney or Pixar, they're not trying to make it too real. But the audience can get the theme from those films more directly due to the stylization." The team is constantly struggling between realism and a more stylized look. "We're trying to create something at the edge of the uncanny valley. Indeed, we feel some tension there."

One of the funnier questions of the session confronted the focus Square Enix seemingly has for pretty male leads. "Actually, people from the press from other countries ask me this question very often: why are Japanese characters usually young and good looking male fighters? ... I think the reason is because traditionally, in Japanese story telling, we have some kind of hero -- a young, good looking hero. It's much more acceptable for the Japanese audience."

He then turned to the audience, and asked the Western listeners: "Why in the United States, are the characters macho middle-aged kind of guys?" The audience laughed, and Steve Theodore (the moderator) commented that "It's because they make better Z-Brush models." The audience burst out in even more furious laughter.

At the end of the Q&A, a trailer for Final Fantasy XIII played. To set up the presentation, Kamikokuryo attempted to summarize the story, without revealing too many details. Unfortunately, this was seemingly the best he (and his translator) could do: "characters have to fight against the world... the world of enemies." Very helpful.

Concept art from the upcoming PS3 RPG was showcased, and it was absolutely stunning. We were able to see Cocoon, a giant green planet, encompassed by clouds. Green water, seemingly falls off the edge of this mysterious, enchanting planet. It's supposedly one of the main stages of the game. We got to see another area called Pulse, which appears to be a lush jungle environment. In the horizon, one can see the world of Cocoon.

We also had a chance to see more of the incredible airships and vehicles that will be available in the game. Most intriguing are these insect-like green hovering autobikes, with nymph-like creatures riding them. They're "the new Chocobo," Theodore joked.

And then, the slideshow ended. The concept art on display was gorgeous, filled with an incredible attention to detail that we'd love to see represented in playable form. The panel ended with the audience in high spirits -- and this blogger anxious to see more from the Final Fantasy world.
Square Enix benennt White Engine um

Square Enix hat seine White Engine in Crystal Tools umbenannt. Das teilte Taku Murata, General Manager bei Square Enix, auf der Game Developers Conference mit.

Die Crystal Tools unterstützen nicht nur Final Fantasy XIII auf der PS3, sondern sind auch zur Xbox 360 kompatibel. Einige Teile der Engine sollen auch Wii unterstützen, wobei sie aber noch nicht zu 100 Prozent kompatibel zur Nintendo-Konsole ist.

Quelle: Gamefront

Mittlerweile steht auf Wikipedia wieder: "Multiplatform, primarily PlayStation 3"



PSN-Name: Andy1985
Original von Ashe
Wär aber auch die erste Engine die explizit nur auf einer Plattform läuft, die Frage ist wie weit ist das sinnvoll sie auch auf anderen Plattformen zu nutzen wo man schon mit der UE3 da nicht so zufrieden ist...
Bin gespannt ob Last Remenant auch auf die CE umgestellt wird. Se hat sich doch extra für dieses Spiel die UE3 gesichert und jetzt haben sie ihre eigene Engine dafür.
Würde zumindest mal erklären warum es um den Titel so ruhig geworden ist wo es doch zunächst einen "weltweiten" Release geben sollte Anfang 2008... aber mal abwarten, kann ich mir ehrlich gesagt gar nicht so vorstellen auch wenn die CT nach allen eindrücken bisher für Titel wie wir sie von SE sehen werden wesentlich geeigneter zu sein scheint als die UE3...

Ausserdem bleibt die Frage nach der Xbox 360-tauglichkeit der CT offen, dass sie irgendwo Multiplattform bzw. Xbox 360 kompatibel sein wird war ja wie gesagt immer klar. Nur wie kompatibel ist die Frage und ob SE überhaupt Xbox 360 Projekte anstreben nach TLR.

Edit: Fiktive News (ich denke mal es gibt sie noch nicht :kopfkratz: ) wie FF XIII sei jetzt auch auf der Xbox 360 möglich, entbehren jedenfalls jeglicher Grundlage, da sollte man bei 360-besitzenden FF Fans keine Hoffnungen schüren.
Original von crack-king
jo, auf der gdc wurd ja wieder ein Trailer gezeigt, wo stand das es exklusiv für PS3 wäre.

Wenn das da steht dann :kopfkratz: steht's halt da.

@SoulJA Boy: Denke, oder hoffe mal, das man das so bedacht hat, war zwar auch in X Teil des Konzepts (also die Reise und die kleineren Inseln) aber so "eng" wird der Spielverlauf wohl denke ich mal nicht werden...


PSN-Name: Andy1985
Die Gute Nachricht: SE hat angeblich einen neuen FFXIII Trailer veröffenentlicht.

Die Schlechte Nachricht: Es ist SE Privater Cannal, wo man was bezahlen muss, aber vielleicht tauch das Video bald auf.


PSN-Name: Andy1985
Original von Andy
Die Gute Nachricht: SE hat angeblich einen neuen FFXIII Trailer veröffenentlicht.

Die Schlechte Nachricht: Es ist SE Privater Cannal, wo man was bezahlen muss, aber vielleicht tauch das Video bald auf.
Die noch schlechtere Nachricht: Es ist der Cloud Trailer, hätte mich gewundert wenn es ein neuer wäre. :(
It has been rumored over at the FF&KH Blog that there will be new footage shown of Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

In this new footage it is said to shown some new battle sequences for Final Fantasy XIII, and the main character of Final Fantasy Versus XIII's new design will be revealed.
The new footage will be roughly around 3-4 minutes and features a battle scene in the plains of the three party members.

The camera switches angles so fast you will probably be "3D sick"

The new character confirmed in this new footage is from Final Fantasy XIII.

In Versus, a new character will be revealed as the enemy; he will be blonde or white-headed, presumably the hooded figure.

Neues Bild (glaub ich jedenfalls):

8) :shock: :rocks: :tanzi: :dafür:

Diese Bilder sollen Ingame sein (wurde aber noch nich bestätigt):

PSN-Name: Legend_of_Gilead
Spielt gerade: Nier Automata
Oh mann das erste Bild sieht so geil aus. Scheint n epishcer Fight zu sein, beide Charaktere sehen jedenfalls sehr mächtig aus (der Prinz schleudert schwerter auf den weißen und der wehrt sie ab? ) Ich liebe das Design von Tetsuja Nomura.
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