Final Fantasy XV

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
More 4chan leaks/rumors: FFXV future updates (additional cutscenes, World of Versus)
"1.05 update makes Somnus play through final dungeon (Insomnia) through fights. Further development of FINAL FANTASY XV is ongoing.

- Additional cutscenes with Ravus and Niflheim to be added into New Game mode in addition to EPISODE PROMPTO content.

- Additional cutscenes with Noctis and Luna to be added into New Game mode.

- Additional cutscenes with Cor Leonis and Regis to be added into New Game mode in addition to EPISODE GLADIOLUS content.

- PLATINUM DEMO to be added to main game as bonus mode.

- EPISODE IGNIS to be released Q4 2017.

- Unannounced expansion, "WORLD OF VERSUS" to be unveiled at E3 2017 (release Q1 2018.) Expect this to be of a much darker tone than the base game. Covers
"The demons Noctis faces during his 10 year slumber."
This is the "VERSUS" world, the world of dreams that Noctis can enter in his slumber. Themes of loss and tragedy will be developed and expanded upon.

No further updates at this time."
Final Fantasy XV DLC Episode Gladiolus Gets Story Details; Will Be Priced at $4.99 On its Own
Square Enix updated Final Fantasy XV‘s official page with some information on the upcoming Episode Gladiolus DLC that will be released for the game.

Before you read the snippets below, keep in mind that it includes spoilers on the story of the main game, so just skip it if you haven’t played it yet. On top of the story info, we also learn the stand-alone price for those who don’t intend to purchase the Season Pass: $4.99

“Gladio, one of the three faithful comrades who accompany Noctis on his journey will become a playable character for the very first time in his own episode with a completely different type of gameplay and an all-new story.

Picking up from the events from the group’s encounter with Ravus, Gladio leaves the group to train alongside Cor and become even more powerful. He sets on a path to face challenges by encountering larger than life monsters along the way.
Episode Gladiolus will be available by itself for $4.99 and is included for Season Pass owners.”
We also get the confirmation that all the DLC from now on will also be sold separately, for those who don’t care to grab the Season Pass. That said, no pricing information beyond Episode Gladiolus was provided.

“FFXV Episode Gladiolus,” “FFXV Episode Ignis,” “FFXV Episode Prompto,” and “FFXV Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades” will be sold as individual DLC. More information to be revealed at a later date.”
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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
neuer vermeintlicher leak und vieles mehr im link. Hoffe das ist echt!!
Just wanted to share what I know, take this as you want.

• There are multiple features that will be added for free the day the season pass episodes becomes available, and those are huge.

• There is a secret DLC but it may take a while, I don't know much about this one, I just know that it may add Insomnia before the events of the game, but this would be a different DLC so they are thinking about releasing second Season Pass (2018) or just releasing this DLC alone and priced apart from the main Season Pass. If they decide to go for the second Season Pass then that's gonna give us another year of working in XV (almost till August/September 2018). If they decide to only release the Insomnia DLC alone then that will take us until April 2018.

Without going further this is what I know.


Update 1.06: Chapter 13 adds Gladio as a playable character to this chapter, you go with Ignis the whole time and he needs to be protected. Some new cutscenes are added.

DLC Free Booster Pack: It's coming the first or second week in march, adds the magitek suit for the 4 with a new design.

DLC Episode Gladio: Adds a full 2-5h Gladiolus experience (time depends on the player) with a new dungeon along with Cor Leonis to make Gladio stronger, by the end you encounter Gilgamesh, a big gear with tons of blades. There will be some backstory about Clarus, Regis, Cor, Iris and Gladio. Also this dungeon will be added to the main game, you can go there with you party but the access to the final boss won't be available, it's only for episode gladiolus. This dungeon won't be accesible unless you have the Gladiolus Episode. More dialog than cutscenes and a lot of challenging enemy battles.

Update 1.07: Some point in May, this one will add a bestiary feature, in order to complete this journal you need to take pics with promptos' ability Snapshot and the enemy needs to use every single move (even special ones) in order to complete each profile, if the enemy didn't use a move against you it won't appear in the list, the overall bestiary has a % of completion and the team is working on expansion trophies/achievements (for bestiary, fishing, recipes and completion of the side quests)

Update 1.08: This one comes in June, will add the ability of going out of the tracks with the regalia using an update with a new mission from Cindy. This mission feature Prompto alone. Also adds Prompto playable to chapter 13 by the moment Noctis is with the crystal. This sequence will be alternated between Noctis gameplay and Prompto gameplay.
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PSN-Name: Sanguinis83
Spielt gerade: Helldivers 2
Habe gerade mal die Timed Hunt mit dem Cactuars gemacht. Junge, allein dafür hat sich der Aufwand für die Black Hood schon gelohnt. So viele Tränke hätte ich gar nicht gehabt, wie ich Attacken automatisch ausgewichen bin.

Die Hunt ist ein nerviges Geduldsspiel mit einer Menge Hi Potions, aber die Belohnung ist es durchaus wert... für 333AP muss man sonst ja lange stricken, ebenso für die XP. Gil sind mir nicht mehr so wichtig, davon habe ich schon genug :)
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PSN-Name: Sanguinis83
Spielt gerade: Helldivers 2
Habe gerade die neue Timed Hunt gemacht. Belohnungen sind gut (50k EXP, 500 AP, Ascension Coins, 500k Gil) und der Kampf an sich war auch nicht so schwer auf Level 84. Es geht gegen 1 Malboro, 2 Malbodoom und 1 Karlaboros (oder so ähnlich). Quadcast Fira hilft auf jeden Fall, genauso wie Megapotions (gibt's im Kampf genug). Und ein Ribbon bzw. Rainbow Pendants (gegen Confuse) sind auch nicht verkehrt.

War auf jeden Fall nicht so nervig wie gegen die 100 Kaktoren, auch wenn der Kampf genauso lange dauert.

Die Hunt geht noch bis zum 14.3., also nicht mehr so lange. Allein wegen den Gil und AP ist der Kampf spitze.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Habe gerade die neue Timed Hunt gemacht. Belohnungen sind gut (50k EXP, 500 AP, Ascension Coins, 500k Gil) und der Kampf an sich war auch nicht so schwer auf Level 84. Es geht gegen 1 Malboro, 2 Malbodoom und 1 Karlaboros (oder so ähnlich). Quadcast Fira hilft auf jeden Fall, genauso wie Megapotions (gibt's im Kampf genug). Und ein Ribbon bzw. Rainbow Pendants (gegen Confuse) sind auch nicht verkehrt.

War auf jeden Fall nicht so nervig wie gegen die 100 Kaktoren, auch wenn der Kampf genauso lange dauert.

Die Hunt geht noch bis zum 14.3., also nicht mehr so lange. Allein wegen den Gil und AP ist der Kampf spitze.
Danke für die Info fast vergessen.
Mal schauen ob ich das mit lv 50 überhaupt schaffe. 500AP sind ne wucht das will ich mir nicht entgehen lassen. Was sind Ascension Coins?
Confuse Accessory muss ich dann glaube ich noch suchen/kaufen

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
The first 15 minutes of Final Fantasy XV DLC ‘Episode: Gladiolus’

Game Informer: Hands-On With Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus (+ off-screen shots)
At PAX East 2017, I played around 30 minutes of the upcoming Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus (The full DLC should take around 2-3 hours to complete). While story spoilers are off the table, I'm eager to share just how Gladiolus plays.

I had a lot more fun with Gladiolus than I ever did with Noctis. Gladiolus features an in-your-face smashy-smashy playstyle that's all about huge offense and precise defense. Through attacking, Gladiolus charges up powerful moves, often area-of-effect attacks, that dish out tremendous damage. But that's not all, Gladiolus is much more than an attack spammer. A block/guard ability allows Gladiolus to prevent incoming damage and negate attacks, and if you time it right, builds up a rage meter that can add a ridiculous multiplier to your outgoing damage.

Your blocks must be precise in order to really get the meter going though, so you must pay careful attention to enemy movements and attack signals. If you can time the block just before an incoming attack lands, you'll build your rage in addition to leaving the enemy vulnerable to devastating attacks.

I took down two bosses in the DLC, and I have to say, it really felt like there was a little bit of Dark Souls inspiration behind some of the enemies and bosses, which I loved. Because you need to play Gladiolus with a completely different playstyle than Noctis, with different tools at your disposal, each fight was quite refreshing.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Liest sich schonmal gut, Season Pass hatte ich mir eh im Angebot gekauft, also freu ich mich mal auf den DLC :D
Der war mal im Angebot?!
Ich hab vor diesen 10€ Gutschein von Sony aus der PSN Aktion beim Season Pass zu benutzen.

Heute den Morbol aus der Hunt gelegt hatte am Ende knapp 900 AP und alles wieder weg:ugly: Hab noch viele Skills zum unlocken. Hoffe die nächste Hunt gibt wieder viele Ap:D
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Spielt gerade: verrückt
Keiichi Okabe (NieR, NieR:Automata) macht Musik für den Gladious DLC :sabber:

---------- Beitrag um 16:32 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 16:24 Uhr ----------

~1h mark
Könnte mei neuer Favorit von den 'Battle on the Big Bridge' Versionen werden :D

---------- Beitrag um 16:36 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 16:32 Uhr ----------

Bessere Version
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Spielt gerade: verrückt
Infos zum DLC und die Änderungen am "Chapter dessen Namen nicht genannt werden darf":
Zum Ch:
So going back to Final Fantasy XV, talk a little bit about the process of Chapter 13, and what’s going on with that.

So there is an update planned for this month that includes enhancements to chapter 13. So before, obviously, it was just Noctis by himself, kind of alone without the powers of his weapon summoning abilities. But what we’ve done for chapter 13, is we’ve added a separate route for Gladio and Ignis after they get split off from Noctis, so you actually get to play as Gladio, and see what happened from their side of things until they reunited with Noctis. You’ll see some additional cutscenes [that] just show you what took place while Noctis was kind of on his own. You’ll get some actual gameplay with the party of Gladio and Ignis together. You’ll see what happened to Emperor Aldercapt and Revis, and where they ended up being during the whole time. These are just the supplementary scenes that were added into chapter 13, and that’s just for chapter 13. But aside from that, we’re overhauling the ring magic, so the three spells that you could use with the Ring of the Lucii, those are completely powerful now, like super powerful now. So those are some other things to look forward to.
Kann man machen. Hätte ich nun nicht unbedingt gebraucht, aber hört sich dennoch recht gut an.
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PSN-Name: Sanguinis83
Spielt gerade: Helldivers 2
Ich warte noch, bis sie komplett fertig sind mit ihren Änderungen an den Kapiteln selbst und dann erst starte ich mein New Game+. Bis dahin gibt es ja noch genug zu tun: Heute gibt es ein neues Timed Quest, ich habe noch so einige Hunts offen, 3 Dungeons (Crestholm, Balouve, Costlemark), ein paar normale Quests hier und da, am Level Cap bin ich auch noch nicht (Level 84 atm), Episode Gladio kommt am Ende des Monats... das reicht erstmal.