Forza Motorsport / Horizon / Turn10


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW


---------- Beitrag um 01:54 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 01:51 Uhr ----------

Bei den anderen Spielern als Verkehr auf der Map denk ich natürlich sofort an always-online :ugly:.

Ist es aber zum Glück nicht!

---------- Beitrag um 01:56 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 01:54 Uhr ----------

UK = man darf wieder auf der falschen Seite fahren ~awman~

---------- Beitrag um 02:31 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 01:56 Uhr ----------
“I think, to date, more than 9 million people have played Forza Horizon 3,” says Ralph Fulton, creative director at UK-based Forza Horizon developer Playground Games. “But if you’d told me right back around the launch window that that was going to be how it panned out? That's astonishing; that was beyond wildest dreams territory for this team.”
highest-rated Microsoft exclusive of this generation
heavily-stylised version of Britain stretches from the centuries-old streets of Edinburgh to the quintessentially English villages of the Cotswolds, covering a variety of other distinct, postcard-perfect locations in the process, like the North of Scotland and North West England’s famous Lake District. It’s broad and absolutely gorgeous.
In autumn you’ll see all that harvested and baled up, ready to go, and in winter obviously the field will be fallow.”

Even the sheep get shorn (yes, there are animals and other wildlife like deer, rabbits, and chickens in the game and no, you can’t hit them, you monster).
he biggest change is the way Forza Horizon 4 is being built as a shared world game, where the AI-powered Drivatars of Forza Horizon 2 and 3 are being replaced by real players within a 72-player server.
So seasons last one week per season, and then the season changes. So you will play in spring, for example, for a week, and then we’ll countdown to the season transition and you’ll move into summer.
It's important to note, however, that while the shared world experience is Playground’s vision for how best to enjoy Forza Horizon 4, it’s not an online-only game.

“Always online is a problem for people,” admits principal game designer Mike Brown. “Sometimes you just don’t want to play with other people; sometimes people are just put off by the idea of having to cope with other people.”

“It comes with loads of other problems, such as your internet goes down, you can’t play. Our servers go down; you can’t play. So we solved that problem by saying that Forza Horizon 4 will not be an always-online game. As much as this is a shared-world game, and we believe it’s much better played with other people, you can totally just click a button and play the entire game in single player with Drivatars if that’s your wont.”
Of course, there are other problems that plague online-based experiences, but Playground explains it’s already intercepted and addressed a series of important ones to protect the traditional Forza Horizon experience. Yes, you can still pause the game. Yes, you can use photo mode. Yes, you can even rewind. And, no, you can’t be griefed by strangers.

“You can imagine the scenario,” begins Brown. “You’re flying through a drift zone, you’re about to nail your all-time high score, someone flies in from the side, ploughs into the side of you, ruins your day.”

This can’t happen in Forza Horizon 4, at least not with strangers. Players unknown to you will be ghosted on contact.

“Now any player you meet online who you’re not a friend with, who’s not in your convoy, they won’t be able to negatively impact your experience,” says Brown.
We’ll also be able to form convoys with players met within Forza Horizon 4 instantly and take part in every race and every activity in up to six-player co-op.
The hourly content is something Playground Games is calling Forzathon Live, which will be open to any players currently roaming the map who wish to take part (Forzathon Live supports 12 players).

“What happens is you get 15 minutes and a group target of something like a Danger Sign, or an area where you have to do skills in, and it’s this cool piece of chaotic gameplay where… everyone’s taking part,” says Thaker-Fell. “If you manage to beat stage one in the time limit you then go through to stage two, and then eventually to stage three.”

“Then, at the end of it, everyone gets the same reward, which you can spend in this new area called the Forzathon Shop.”

There are no individual scoreboards; just a group target. The idea is that it’s geared around teamwork rather than competition.
Even streamers, via Mixer, will be able to earn progress based on how often they stream and the viewers they amass.
“If all you want to do is paint, the game will recognise that; it will give you objectives and challenges and rewards, and you can level up and see all the game’s content just through being a painter. It’s the ultimate evolution of Forza’s play-how-you-want philosophy.”
Brown explains we’ll be able to pick up gigs like being a stunt driver in a movie, or assisting in a car documentary shoot.
Playground has also introduced purchasable properties to the game, from quaint country cottages to Edinburgh Castle itself, as well as the ability to buy businesses. The example given was a taxi firm, which will reward us for darting all over the map in a tricked-out Austin FX4. There’s even avatar customisation this time around – the cast of characters is the same crew introduced in Forza Horizon 3, but Forza Horizon 4 will ship with around 500 apparel choices designed to work across both genders. They’ll also be able to express 50 emotes that will be seen at key moments, like after races.

Hört sich sehr gut an :okay:
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Well-known member
PSN-Name: Leggifant
War erst enttäuscht, dass es nicht in Asien spielt. Aber dann einfach nur weggeblasen von der Grafik und dem Design der Map. Diese zerbröselnden Mauern, deren einzelne Teile beim Durchbrechen auf die Straße geschleudert werden, sahen einfach zu gut aus :D


avg. parcel delivery man
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Spielt gerade: ACC, AMS2, AC, RRE


Editor in Chief
PSN-Name: dethforce
kudos an playground, das ist schon eine coole sache, aber ka. ob ich will, dass jede woche die jahreszeit wechselt. ich meine, wenn ich im sommer rasen will, dann hab ich keinen bock auf winter. deswegen finde ich eine open world, die verschiedene gebiete thematisiert besser. und nein, es muss nicht immer irgendwas echtes sein.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Windows-Store-Leak ~lol~

Nach einer Vorbestellung von FH4 wurde bei einem User plötzlich das Spiel heruntergeladen, darin waren einige Infos

Reddit User Uncovers Partial Car List for Forza Horizon 4

Forza Horizon 4’s Barn Finds Have Leaked Too

Startbar war der Download nicht:

Verschlüsselt? Crackbar?
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Some notes I wrote in Discord during the livestream:

Drift suspension upgrades let you stance the car and get more steering angle.
Top Gear Car Pack
Stig Driver Gear with the pack.
Next update (and Top Gear Car Pack) releases on July 10.
Still working on Track Limits.
2 spotlight (free) cars coming in July.
All of the locked cars except FE cars and a few Unicorns will be available for purchase.
More ways to earn CR coming in the future.
Cars will no longer be available in Prize Crates.
Specialty Dealer will also change.
FE cars will not be purchasable. They will be unlockable or community rewards.
Unicorn Cars still exist.
“Locked Cars” are mainly the cars you unlock from Forza Drivers’ Cup. They’ll be purchasable now.
2 Unicorns right now, the Z4 and MG.
Porsche 917 is coming. (One of the Spotlight cars)
July, August and September will all have big updates.
Drift system updates potentially coming in August.
Lobby hosts can soon kick people mid-race in Private Lobbies.
Porsche 2019 GT3RS (The other Spotlight car)
Experimental Drag arrives in the coming months, not part of July 10 update.
Sounds like the entire T10 team are still focused on FM7, which could mean the typical 2 year cycle of Motorsport titles is changing (my interpretation).
They stated yesterday during the stream that the entire team is working on FM7.

Stance :sick: :ugly:
Demnach sind bald (fast) alle Autos kaufbar!

Das ganze Team arbeitet an FM7??? Bin mal gespannt wie es weiter geht. FM6 hatte zwei Erweiterungen (Porsche und NASCAR). FM7 keine, und normal kommt zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine mehr.
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Entweder werden die dann Forza 8 in Rekordzeit programmieren (1-1,5 Jahre) oder es wird seit Jahren mal ein Jahr ohne Forza Game geben.
Vielleicht bricht man nun ein wenig aus, weil man zum Start der Xbox 4 einen neuen Teil plant und nun noch ein paar Dinge bei Forza 7 probiert, zum testen?


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
FM7 Juli Update ist da

Alle Autos sind jetzt beim Händler, bis auf die Forza Editions, und 2 "Unicorns" (hab ich beide schon :)). Hätte ich mal besser meine doppelten bisher nicht kaufbaren Autos verkauft.

Autos laden in der Garage jetzt erst nachdem man ca. 1s gewartet hat :okay:. Verbessert die Navigation deutlich. Vorher hat das Laden das ganze Interface blockiert.

---------- Beitrag um 16:51 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 16:47 Uhr ----------

July 10, 2018
The July update for Forza Motorsport 7 is here! This update includes lots of new features and improvements, including:
• Unlocking 118 previously exclusive locked cars, making them available for purchase for in-game credits.
• Lobby hosts can now remove griefers from a lobby during a race.
• Improved scrolling performance in Car Select screens.
• New Spotlight cars: the 1971 Porsche #23 917/20 and the 2019 Porsche 911 GT3 RS
• The Top Gear Car Pack, which is included for players who own the Forza Motorsport 7 Car Pass.

For more on the new features in the July update, read our full announcement.
In addition to these features, we’ve made numerous improvements and fixes across all areas of the game, including the following:

Added “B” button (back) functionality to DLC/Car Delivery pop-up screen.
• Fixed an issue on the DLC/Car Delivery pop-up screen, where moving the right stick down would scroll all screens simultaneously.
• Fixed an issue where the UI map for Prague Short points in the wrong direction.
• Fixed an issue on Windows 10 PC versions of the game, where the “Select” button would gray out when moving the mouse off the hopper you attempt to enter.
• Added title text to the flyout menu that appears when trying to save a replay without keywords.
• Main menu buttons are no longer temporarily grayed out when dismissing the news message pop-up.
• Fixed an issue where players who previously lost save game data on their profile were unable to download tunes they created.
• Fixed an issue where, for PC players in Ultrawide settings, taking a photo with all UI hidden will still show camera settings displayed in the shot.
• Car loading in Car Select screens will begin once the player stops scrolling through the menu, increasing performance.

• Fixed an issue where audio would play continuously when moving an element then turning Snap Mode on. 274827

• Fixed an issue where some players could not see event restrictions in Rivals challenges during the pre-race menu lobby.

• Fixed an issue where players who disconnected in public MP lobbies while waiting in the “Install Parts” flyout would be left alone in the lobby after backing out, instead of sending them to hopper select.
• Fixed an issue where players entering Test Drive in a lobby just as the first car finishes the race will cause the player to disconnect from the session when the next race begins.
• Fixed an issue where players who were disconnected from League races are unable to rejoin the League hoppers and saw a “Failed due to lobby mismatch” error.

• Fixed an issue where client never fetches tunes past the 8th item on the list.

• Steering wheel is no longer visible in the Subaru WRX STI VT15r Rally Car when using wheel-less cockpit view.
• Fixed an issue where tuning sliders and arrows were not grayed out for areas that were not adjustable with your car’s applied upgrades.
• Fixed an issue where some players were seeing four 205/55R16 options when upgrading the front tire width, and two 305/35R16 options when upgrading rear tire width on the 1980 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS.
• Fixed description for body kit upgrades in the 1980 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS.

• Fixed an issue where the car information screen in the Auction House was not showing specific bonuses for Forza Edition cars.
• Fixed an issue where selling a tuned Hyundai Veloser N or Veloster Turbo in the Auction House would cause the game to crash.

• Fixed an issue where, if a player disconnects from the network by pulling their Ethernet cable, the Race Info page and the Ticker would show DNF and no Gamertag.

• Fixed an issue where the #Forzathon tile would occasionally display “Coming Soon” even when #Forzathon events were live.
• Fixed an issue where, after completing a race and gaining progress on a #Forzathon Challenge, the progress toast appears, then disappears before reappearing and playing the intended animation.

---------- Beitrag um 17:03 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 16:51 Uhr ----------

Localhost-Streaming für die Telemetriedaten geht nicht wegen UWP ~awman~.

---------- Beitrag um 17:07 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 17:03 Uhr ----------

Nützliches Tool:
Forza EmuWheel is a vJoy based feeder/receptor which allows the use of wheels with full Force Feedback support, pedal sets, h-pattern shifters, handbrakes and button boxes in Forza Horizon 3, Forza Motorsport 6: Apex and Forza Motorsport 7 for PC.
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