Horizon Zero Dawn


50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Ok, vielleicht ist hier das Problem, dass Seiten wie Dualshockers aus diesen winzigen Informations-Spurenelementen versuchen, Klicks zu generieren. Aber auch da gilt: niemand zwingt dazu, und der eine oder andere freut sich vielleicht dennoch, weil er sich genau diese kleine Frage auch gestellt hat.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman

---------- Beitrag um 18:53 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 18:19 Uhr ----------

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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
So, I just played Horizon: Zero Dawn at the press/business day at Brazil Game Show, and since the game will also be playable at PAX West starting tomorrow, I thought would be interesting to create this thread since many gaffers should have played by the weekend.

I played a 10 minute demo which I believe was the same one press got their hands at E3.

The demo starts with Aloy at a higher ground with a vista to some robotic creatures. There are watchers, the one used as a mount and also a shielded creature that kinda looks like a turret (?) on the fields, and also some natural wildlife like some rabbits and boars. The demo was basically an open area where you could fuck around for some time.

First of all, wow at the visuals and also the animations, both from Aloy and the creatures. They are not only good to look at, but also very fluid while playing. My biggest concern with Horizon was always the fear of having a janky gameplay as other open world RPG have, but Im so relieved now. The bow and the spear are great and work as a nice combo for the combat. The focus ability is also a big part of it since the creatures have weak spots as we already seen. In a couple of minutes of combat I had already felt really comfortable with the mechanics.
Shooting a enemy from distance then watching it rush at my position and then dashing away from its rush and then hitting with the melee spear felt soooo good.

Stealth gameplay was also good, but sometimes AI felt a bit dumb by not seeing me, but that happens in most games. A big thumbs up for the AI was when I took control of the mount and then watchers came and attacked it, the AI vs AI encounters were awesome too see, again thanks to the great animations.

The mounting felt great but when going too fast I did notice some texture popping. Also, the game has a climbing system that reminded me a lot of Uncharted climbing.

Basically that was it I think, the game just felt and looked really good and more than ever I feel like Sony and Guerrilla have a big hitter on their hands with Horizon


50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Meine Fresse ist der da am herum Stümpern! Läuft völlig planlos kreuz und quer durch die Gegend und ballert alles ab, was sich bewegt. Naja, wenn's ihm Spaß macht, aber ihr könnt euch das Video sparen. Schlechte Qualität und völlig uninteressant.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Es gibt hier nur eine Wiederholung. crack hat die Story und das Artwork gepostet, ich das Video wo man NEUES zum Spiel sieht und sheelby dann nochmal das artwork und den twitter-Link.

Hier nochmal ein gif zB von der neuen Gegend, die man im oben verlinkten Video (welches man durchaus anklicken darf) auch zu sehen ist:

Und ja ich reagier gerade etwas pissig, aber wenn man parallel hier an 10 Sachen gleichzeitig arbeitet und dann auch noch ein reinewügt bekommt weil man ein Video teil das neues Material zeigt...fragt man sich dann warum man sich den Scheiß antut.
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