Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

PSN-Name: juice_2k7
Spielt gerade: warten auf Anarchy Reigns
Hier isses eindeutig zu ruhig.

GameSpot E3 Live Stage Demo

Gameplay Video von der EVO 2010


Und ein Gameplay Video zu Deadpool, unbedingt anschauen Awesomegrad: 100%


Außerdem wurde der Eröffnungspost mit neuen Charakterartworks zu allen bestätigten Kämpfern aktualisiert.
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4 New Marvel VS. Capcom 3 characters unveiled

We got four big character reveals this morning for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3!

From the Marvel side: Doctor Doom and Super-Skrull! From the Capcom side: Trish (Devil May Cry) and Chun-Li (Street Fighter). See them in action in the trailers I've included in this blog post! Hit the jump to see more screenshots and trailers!

Additionally, be sure to check out the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 panel on Friday, July 23 in Room 24ABC from 2:00–3:00 PM at Comic-Con. We’ll have Marvel writer Frank Tieri on hand to talk about the story he’s creating with the Capcom team along with some other surprises.

Finally, we'll be holding MVC3 tournaments daily at the Capcom booth at 11AM and 3PM so be sure to sign up early!

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 is due in Spring 2011! (Click)
Quelle: Direktlink

[ame=""]Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Comic-Con Character Reveals! [/ame]

Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

[ame=""]SDCC 10: Demo Gameplay (Cam)[/ame][ame=""]SDCC 10: Dr. Doom and Chun Li Walkthrough (Cam)[/ame][ame=""]SDCC 10: Trish Super Skrull Walkthrough[/ame]
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PSN-Name: juice_2k7
Spielt gerade: warten auf Anarchy Reigns
Amaterasu Gameplay


Thor Gameplay



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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
PSN-Name: juice_2k7
Spielt gerade: warten auf Anarchy Reigns
Die Screens sind Mega
btw Ryu kann sein Hadoken vertikal abfeuern?
Ich hab kürzlich irgendwo gelesen das er sein Hadoken in eine gewünschte Richtung zielen kann.
Wenn ich es gleich finde poste ich mal die Quelle dazu, bin mir aber ziemlich sicher^^

Der Walkthrough zu Trish o_O Sie wirkt auch mich ziemlich Overpowered, vorallem mit diesen Fallen die sie überall legen kann. Awesome :ugly:

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Angebliches Chara Roster enthüllt..?!


Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Mr Fantastic, Captain America, Iron Man, War Machine Elektra, Thor, X-23, Magneto, Dr Doom, Shuma-Gorath, Emma Frost, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Taskmaster, Juggernaut, Miss Hulk​


Ryu, Mike Haggar, Frank West, Chuck, Spencer (Bionic Commando), Dante, Chris, Morrigan, Arthur, Amaterasu , Albert Wesker, Zero, Chun-li, Viewtiful Joe, Trish, Tron Bonne, Hsien-Ko, Akuma, Felicia.​
Zuletzt editiert:

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
PSN-Name: juice_2k7
Spielt gerade: warten auf Anarchy Reigns
Hier noch ein paar Auszüge aus dem Mag:

basically what the article is is a look at the history of the fantastic four + an interview with ryota niitsuma where he discusses the influence of fantastic four within marvel vs capcom 3.

niitsuma runs through the playable fantastic four cast of doom, skrull, and he talks about silver surfer, who will be shown off later this month. there are no screens of him, just a little portrait thing along with the other two.

nothing new really about doom, but niitsuma said they've added a lot more attacks to skrull since the last public build including several invisible woman techniques.

silver surfer is very quick and has a unique playstyle. he is never standing on the ground. he is always hovering on his board. niitsuma said that silver surfer is more of a character to be played by advanced players. he recommends dr doom to fantastic four fans who are new to the vs series.

also, niitsuma said the fantastic four play a major role within the basic plotline of arcade mode, and that the final boss should be familiar to fans of fantastic four.
PSN-Name: juice_2k7
Spielt gerade: warten auf Anarchy Reigns
Noch ein paar Infos zum Spiel:

Ryota Niitsuma confirmed that these characters will NOT be in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Phoenix Wright, Emma Frost, Daredevil, Gene from God Hand (NOOOOOOO :( ), Ghost Rider and Punisher.

• Ghost Rider was on the list of potential characters up until the end, but didn't make the cut and Punisher wasn't included because he was too similar to Chris Redfield. They developers were careful about not having characters who would overlap too much.

• Niitsuma didn't rule out more Comic-Con MvC3 announcements — although he said this before Thor and Amaterasu were confirmed.

• The current character select screen is not completely indicative of what the final character screen will look like. So counting the available slots won't get you far.

• Each stage is tied to at least some of the characters in the game. Later, Niitsuma was asked if that means Mega Man will be in the game because of the Mega Man Legends stage. He said he wouldn't go back on what he said previously, but fans will have to wait and see.

• Air dashing will be as similar to MvC2 as possible. Not every character will have one, but it will be close to what was in the previous game as far as how many fighters can perform it.

• An arcade version isn't planned, but if the reception to the game is good, an arcade release might pan out.

• Ryota recommended Ryu and Captain America as good characters to start off to learn the basics, but said that you should choose fighters based on if you like them and if their style of play fits you. He added that the game isn't that difficult to learn, so you should be OK using most of the roster.

• The 'Take You For a Ride' song might be returning. It's a popular tune and they did a few new arrangements on it, so we'll see if it ends up in the game.

• Capcom realizes the timer is running out quickly on players in these early builds, usually before they can K.O. someone — but the game is still being balanced and they're aware of this issue. Basically, if it continues to be a problem as the game progresses, expect a change.

• Trish is an advanced character and isn't recommended for beginning players.
Quelle: eventhubs

Man wieso ist Gene aus God Hand nicht dabei, er würde perfekt in ein Beat em Up passen :( Er ist zwar ziemlich unbekannt, aber ich finde ihn einfach awesome.

Haupsache nen Charakterslot an Trish verschwenden -.-
New Marvel vs Capcom 3 combat footage is proper bonkers

Famitsu has managed to get hands-on time with Marvel vs Capcom 3: The Fate of Two Worlds, releasing video proof of just how awesome its combat looks.

The video shows Captain America, Ironman and Thor take on characters such Amaterasu and Chun-Li in some fast-paced and frantic on-screen action.

Only a few days ago the game’s entire line-up was supposedly leaked, although this is still to be confirmed.

MvC3 launches next year for PS3 and 360.
Quelle: Direktlink

[ame=""]MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 Fate of Two Worlds 新キャラクター トリッシュ対戦動画 [/ame]

---------- Post added at 18:27 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Ein paar Infohappen

  • Der Spieler startet den Kampf mit drei frei wählbaren Charakteren, die sich jederzeit auswechseln lassen. Taktisches Vorgehen ist möglich, indem eine Schlagkombination mit einem Kämpfer gestartet und dann mit einem anderen beendet wird – zusätzlich können bestimmte Charaktere zu zweit einen Angriff starten.
  • Der Luftkampf übernimmt eine tragende Rolle, denn die Gegner lassen sich nicht nur nach oben befödern, sondern dort auch mit heftigen Angriffskombinationen eindecken - oder von dort aus zu Boden rammen. Jedoch birgt das Ganze ein Risiko, da sich die Aktion kontern lässt.
  • Jeder Charakter hat seine eigene Geschichte, die zusätzlich mit einer Abspannsequenz ausgestattet wird. Ebenso wurden die Kämpfe amüsant gestaltet, da die Figuren während den Schlachten noch Kommentare abgeben. Beispielsweise sagt der Bösewicht Deadpool direkt zum Spieler, dass er den Controller mal endlich in den Griff kriegen sollte.
  • Zwar sind die Charaktere und die Hintergründe dreidimensional gehalten, dennoch können sich die Charaktere nur nach vorne, zurück und nach oben bewegen - seitliche Ausweichmanöver werden unterbunden.
Quelle: Direktlink