No Man's Sky

systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: philley
weiter unten stehen die details zu ps4 version

75% life support is not verbally announced anymore
The small stutter after saving at an outpost beacon is gone
The recharge photon cannon text box prompt is gone
The upload discovery option is gone when on a planet with no fauna
When recharging the plasma launcher, it fully charges to 100% instead of 70%. (never heard anyone saying this was an issue but it always happened to me)
The atlas path is now on the 5th waypoint marker in the galaxy map
The height and weight is finally fixed when scanning a creature initially
PSN-Name: GlatzGowzkie
Spielt gerade: Ps4; killzone s....
Von gamefront:

No Man's Sky: Benannte Planeten, Tiere, Pflanzen verlieren Namen

29.08.16 - In No Man's Sky können Spieler Planeten, Tieren und Pflanzen Namen geben, wenn sie sie als Erste entdecken. Allerdings scheint die Namensvergabe nicht von Dauer zu sein, wie etliche User auf Reddit bemängeln.

Wenn die Spieler zu den ersten entdeckten Planeten zurückkehren, sind alle von ihnen vergebenen Namen wieder gelöscht. Planeten befinden sich wieder in dem Urzustand, in dem sie vor ihrer Entdeckung waren: Alle vom Spieler entdeckten und benannten Tiere und Pflanzen tragen nur noch die Bezeichnung "??????????".

Der User Ultrasilvanus hat herausgefunden, dass die Löschung chronologisch erfolgt: Die ersten Entdeckungen werden auch zuerst gelöscht. Es hat den Anschein, als wenn es eine Höchstgrenze bei der Namensvergabe gibt.

Entwickler Hello Games hat sich nicht zu diesem Problem geäußert. Es ist unklar, ob es sich um einen Fehler handelt oder von Hello Games so beabsichtigt ist.
CLICK (Reddit: "Went back to my starting planet and every discovery was wiped...")
systems, systems
PSN-Name: gc_made
Hab es Sonntag mal ne Stunde angezockt. Nee... da ist einfach so viel bei das mich abfuckt... Wieso muss ich ins Menü um meine Waffe nachzuladen. Wieso gibt es keine Karte ( oder ich hab sie übersehen ) Wieso bleibe ich in der Höhle immer stecken... und 3 Abstürze in 60 Minuten sind auch nicht so geil.
Im Winter wenn die nächsten 17 Patches draußen sind versuch ich es nochmal.

Ich kann aber schon die Faszination verstehen. Ist sehr beruhigend und entschleunigend das Spiel.
systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: philley
PS4 Patch Notes 1.07

Sean Murray | August 30, 2016

Since No Man’s Sky on PS4 released a couple of weeks ago the team has been incredibly busy. We’ve gathered all the support requests to, but we’re also tracking posts on Reddit, PS4 forums, twitter and anywhere we can find online.

Right now the team is fully focused on categorising and fixing support issues in order of priority, based on the number of people they are affecting. The information and crash dumps you’ve posted have been indispensable in helping us track down and fix these issues.
We’ve now released 7 patches (1.07 just got posted), and hopefully they really improve the experience for everybody. As you can see it’s been a huge amount of work for a small team. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

This week expect at least one more major update, which will enter testing on Wednesday. Once all our support requests have been answered then we can begin improving the game with new features :)

See below for combined notes from 1.04, 1.05, 1.06 and 1.07 (which were incremental and each launched within a day or so of each other).

Objectives and stuck without Hyper-drive Issues

  • Player no longer able to redeem your pre-order ship at a point which would then prevent you learning the hyper-drive blueprint (and if you have done this, we save you).
  • Player no longer able to bypass being sent to find hyper-drive tech by reloading a save in game at a very specific point.

Getting Stuck in the world

  • It was possible for players to save their game stuck under the terrain, leaving them stuck. This was caused by getting shot down in atmosphere, and their ship reaching ridiculous speeds as it crashed to the planet. This has been resolved.
  • Whilst it won’t happen anymore, if you are currently already stuck under the world, we detect this and do our best to rescue you.
  • Fixed a couple of other low repro bugs that could result in you falling through the world and getting stuck underground.
  • A raycast in some space stations could hit a very specific point that would put the player inside the floor.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause your ship to be thrown in the sky at high speed when taking off (in rare cases could in turn lead to getting stuck).
  • Fixed an issue that would cause your ship to get stuck in terrain and prevent you from taking off, if the player managed to out run generation of terrain LOD 1, and land inside an overhang.


  • Some players were unable to achieve the extreme survival journey milestone, this has been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue where some players had some technology types being reported as “already known” when they weren’t actually known.
  • Under some circumstances a message was sometimes misinforming you that you learnt a blueprint when you hadn’t, this has been fixed now.
  • It was possible you could use up all available slots for waypoints on the galaxy map and be unable to set new waypoints. This is much better now.
  • There was a bug that could cause objective markers to disappear when you loaded a previous save. This is fixed now.
  • Fixed a rare issue when scanning creatures that would cause all planets to show as 100% complete even if you had only completed one.

Save / Load

  • Fixed a bug what could cause some corrupt save games to not be loaded, this is now fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where saves made with the system clock set in the future could cause problems.

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when warping into a system with a space battle in progress.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when interacting with an NPC.

Tweaks and Improvements

  • It is now easier to scan flying creatures.
  • Fixed height and weight stats being the wrong way around for creatures.
  • Gek towers can no longer be interacted with repeatedly.
  • The ‘You have unredeemed items’ message will now only show for the first 5 minutes.
  • Fixed getting 0% charge on Photon Cannon when buying a new ship and constantly being prompted to charge it.
  • Reduce Suit VO for life support warnings and only do life support VO on 25% and 50%.
  • Fixed grave being transferred to the new star system after you warp.
  • Fixed toxic protection 3 (theta) from having the wrong name.
  • Fixed incorrect marking of sea caves under floating islands.
  • Turning down music and SFX volume in the options will now work correctly (mutes the VO also).
  • If you change ship or multi-tool and then revert to previous save the ship should now be the one you had at the time.
  • Atlas station collision improvements to prevent you from bumping into them too much.
  • Fix for the stars not being discarded during load/warp (causing duplicate stars).

Crash after warping

  • Occasionally at random the game would lock up after a warp. This was due to very specific timing in hardware (a threading specific bug) – meaning that unfortunately for some people it was regular, and for others they would never be able to recreate it. This was our most reported crash during gameplay, and has now been resolved.

Game failing to save until you died

  • If the player died, and then loaded the game ten times without saving, and then died, player progress wouldn’t be saved from then on until you died again. This is fixed now! This was also causing player’s saves to grow in size.

Crash fixes in scanning

  • Quite a rare crash, but in certain scenarios it was possible to scan from space or on planet and crash the game.

Crash warping inside a freighter

  • When warping into a battle sometimes the player warped into the inside of a freighter and everything went crazy :( – This is fixed now.

Stranded in Space Station

  • If you died in your ship while in atmosphere of a planet with a damaged ship, you could respawn in a space station with your launch thrusters and pulse engine damaged. If you did not have the resources to fix them then you could no longer take off and be stuck there. This will no longer happen.

Loading Corrupted Save Files

  • Some players have corrupted save files, we’ve been working with them to still load saves even if they are corrupted (this can happen for many reasons outside of the games control). This fix has allowed many players to still load their save even if they have become corrupt.

Crash fixes for next three most commonly reported issues:

  • As the player gathers a huge amount of discoveries, there was a threading issue that becomes more prevalent the more discoveries you have, and could cause the game to crash.
  • If you had collected a large number of blueprints, in a specific order it was possible to crash the game when you received a new blueprint. This has been fixed.
  • Players who set a large number of waypoints could find themselves in a situation where they could crash the game in the Galactic Map, this is remedied now (PS. A better waypoint system is coming).

Overall these fixes should remedy around 80% of our current support requests. We’re working on the next 20% right now. If you are still experiencing issues please do click the support button on
Hatte heute vier Fahndungspunkte da kommt ja dann dieser große Mech. Den hab ich besiegt jetzt hab ich fünf Punkte aber es kommt nix mehr. Weder Drohnen noch sonst irgendwas. Ist das ein Bug oder so weiß das jemand?
Da ich momentan auf einem wirbelwürfel Planeten bin ist das gar nicht schlecht aber normal ist das nicht oder?
PSN-Name: Speichellecker
Spielt gerade: mit wachsender Begeisterung an sich selbst rum
Irgendwann kommt doch einfach nix mehr wenn man auf dem höchsten Level alles killt, oder?! Zumindest meine ich das gelesen zu haben.

Ich bin nicht arrogant - ich bin seit Jahren vollkommen
systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: philley
Development Update Hello Games | September 2, 2016


Over the last few weeks since No Man’s Sky released we’ve been inundated with feedback and discussion about No Man’s Sky.

No matter what feedback you gave us, you have been heard and we are listening carefully. Thank you.

Here’s what we’ve been busy with over the 2-3 weeks since release:

• A community/support management team has been brought on board.
• Support issues raised are been categorised by that team, and we are fixing them in order of priority.
• We’ve released 4 patches for PC and 4 patches for PS4.
• We’ve written up patch notes for all those patches. You can find them here.

What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say. We’re developers, and our focus is first on resolving any issues people have with the game as it is, then on future free updates which will improve, expand and build on the No Man’s Sky universe.

This is a labour of love for us, and it’s just the beginning.

If you have suggestions please mail

Thank you,
Hello Games
Von reddit:

PS4 Patch 1.08 is live!

(TL;DR) More crash fixes, stability, and visual aesthetic, as well as an adjustment to space combat. It also messed with the waypoint system on the galactic map.

Maybe someday they'll figure out how to land our starships properly too, so they don't clip into the ground.

EDIT: Some users (like /u/ChristianStella , /u/mycelo , and /u/Pelicashka) have reported that this patch has messed with their Atlas paths on the galactic map. I'm not affected, since I already completed the Atlas path, but this does seem to be an issue for some.

EDIT 2: One thing that I've noticed: the game no longer freezes after saving a location, which is definitely a nice improvement. Something else another user noticed is that the opening galaxy loading screen is much smoother than before. So in short, this patch really smoothed out the edges.

EDIT 3: A user (/u/GeneralFandango) reported that space combat has been nerfed -- that the lock-on feature has been tampered with, so locking on is more difficult now. Another user (/u/Ilia-Volyova) has also stated that their waypoints they had previously set have disappeared.

EDIT 4: A Steam user made a post on Steam here stating that he's noticed an improvement with lens flares, as well as an improvement on weather (storm) effects. Also, something that a user pointed out (and also reminded me that I had noticed the same thing) was some new puzzles in the transmission towers, so that's refreshing! So basically, they added some puzzle diversity and more visual aesthetic.

EDIT 5: On a more humorous note, a user by the name of /u/Cutenessoverloadd reported that "Harambe" was added into the profanity filter, as he realized that his planets that contained Harambe in their names have triggered the filter. Another user (/u/simonk83 again) said that "Putin" is not allowed either. Interesting...

EDIT 6: User /u/Skeletard reported that the galactic map no longer shows him the path to the center of the galaxy (the orange line that leads to the center). And though he's at the last star next to the center of the galaxy, he can't manually select the center to warp to it. Basically, Patch 1.08 has screwed up the galactic map.

EDIT 7: Some users (like /u/IamHereToPetAnimals) said that they are having issues with interacting with crashed ship debris. Also, other users (like /u/Krangh) are still having crash issues, which means that Patch 1.08 will likely not be the last support patch this week. Sorry guys. :/
systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: philley
Gestern ging es gut ab:

Neues System:

1. Planet voll mit Gravitino Balls, aber bewacht wie die Hölle. bin nur rumgelaufen und würde direkt attackiert!

2. Planet: Nix los, direkt zum 3.: Wortwörtlich Radioaktive Hölle inkl. Stürme und toxischer Ozeane. Überlebenszeit max. 45 Sekunden!

So macht das Spaß!

Dann kam noch die erste Anomalie inkl. Rezept für den ersten Atlass Pass und ein neues Multitool.

Man, hatte ich Spaß inne Backen!!! :D