Playstation Network nur noch probleme!"

systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Tja bis vor einer Stunde konnte ich einwandfrei CoD zocken, dann bin ich immer wieder vom Server geflogen mit teilweise der gesamten Lobby und jetzt gehts garnicht mehr.
Schön langsam etwas frustig.

Interessant wäre obs noch wo wirklich Probleme gibt, oder Sony einfach derzeit durch die Userzahl troubles hat.
PSN-Name: Crash Bandicoot
Spielt gerade: Crash Bandicoot
LizardSquad on why they attacked Sony and MS

There was one question on the mind of every gamer this Christmas: Why? Why would anyone ruin Christmas by taking down these gaming networks? The simplest explanation, Lizard Squad told me, was that they did it for the lulz. The hackers also said they wanted to exploit the “incompetence” of Microsoft and Sony, and to prove that anyone who promised to stop them was a liar.

“Microsoft and Sony are fucking retarded, literally monkeys behind computers,” Omari said. “They would have better luck if they actually hired someone who knew what they were doing. Like, if they went around prisons and hired people who were convicted for stuff like this, they would have a better chance at preventing attacks.”

“If I was working [at Microsoft or Sony] and had a big enough budget, I could totally stop these attacks,” Cleary claimed. “I’d buy more bandwidth, some specific equipment, and configure it correctly. It’s just about programming skill. With an attack of this scale, it could go up to the millions. But that’s really no problem for Sony and Microsoft.”

PSN-Name: snickerz
Spielt gerade: Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2
das traurige ist, das diese vögel denken die haben sony und MS ein reingewürgt.
merken die gar nicht das die jetzt die wut von millionen gamer auch noch haben
Na gerade darauf fahren die doch ab, was ich auch ein Stück weit verstehen kann um ehrlich zu sein. Wundert mich bloß, dass denen ihre Zeit nicht zu schade dafür ist.