Press SHARE to share - Screenshots, Videos, Streaming mit der PS4


Editor in Chief
PSN-Name: dethforce
so...ich hab das jetzt mal ausprobiert. naja....die ganze share sache hätte besser integriert werden können. erstens nimmt der alles nur "random" auf und zweitens, muss man ja nen facebook account haben, um videos überhaupt zu machen. und dann nur in 720p. hurra.

bei nfs. kann ich kein video aufnehmen, muss ich dazu komplett online sein - also bei ea's origin angemeldet sein? bei screenshots pausiert das spiel nicht etwa, das setzt das auto immer zurück. grrr.

Besteht bei Euch auch das Problem das wenn Ihr bei den Ustreams zwischen mehreren Kanälen hin und her wechselt, ab etwa dem dritten Kanalwechsel nur mehr der Ladekreis kommt? Wenn ich die PS4 neu starte und den Kanal dann direkt als erstes ansteuere, funktioniert dieser. Auch wenn ich direkt von meinem PC aus darauf zugreife, funktioniert der Kanal einwandfrei.

Das nervt :cry:.
Zuletzt editiert:


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Keins mehr machen oder keins mehr hochladen? Für letzteres gibts wohl ein Limit oder so was man in einer Minute hochladen kann.

Für erstes könnte ich mir nur vorstellen, dass die Entwickler das wegen sonstwas deaktiviert haben. Denn ich hatte bislang keine Probleme. Nur hin und wieder passiert es, dass die Einblendung, dass ein Bild aufgenommen wurde, etwas viel später auftaucht :D
PSN-Name: HyperX1848
Auf der PS4 werden sie natürlich angezeigt. Bin jetzt eher davon ausgegangen, dass sich das "veröffentlichen" auf Sony-fremde Plattformen bezieht und ob es da nur die Möglichkeit gibt die Videos über Facebook oder auch über ein andere Plattform zu präsentieren ;)
Spielt gerade: OW, FIFA 17, F1 2016, Madden NFL 17
Auf der PS4 werden sie natürlich angezeigt. Bin jetzt eher davon ausgegangen, dass sich das "veröffentlichen" auf Sony-fremde Plattformen bezieht und ob es da nur die Möglichkeit gibt die Videos über Facebook oder auch über ein andere Plattform zu präsentieren ;)
Also ich hatte mal nen Video geshart, aber das tauchte auf der PS4 nicht auf.
Was muss ich denn genau machen?


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
there have been nearly 800,000 gameplay broadcasts and more than 7.1 million spectate sessions via Twitch and Ustream. In total, that adds up to more than 20 million minutes of live gameplay streamed from PS4 systems across the globe.
Here are a few more stats for you:

  • According to Ustream, each broadcast lasts for an average of 31 minutes
  • Twitch reports that 10% of all content broadcast via its platform since 15th November has come from PS4 systems
  • PS4′s Share Menu has been accessed 10.9 million times since launch


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Vergleich bei DF: nvidia, XB1, PS4

Tech Analysis: Next-generation game broadcasting

Nvidia's recent ShadowPlay update allows gamers to save off high-quality 1080p60 clips while they play - an entirely free upgrade to anyone who owns one of its graphics cards based on the Kepler architecture, virtually any GTX 6xx or GTX 7xx desktop graphics card.
Cream of the crop is undoubtedly Nvidia's ShadowPlay system, built into its GeForce Experience app. It encodes video at up to 1080p60, lavishing bandwidth on its recordings: variable bitrate is deployed, with the high-quality option lavishing anything up to 45mbps on video during our tests.
The only issue we had was with dropped frames leading to the regular hitches in playback, which was a touch frustrating bearing in mind the almost pristine quality the system offers up otherwise. Swapping video file-writes to a second drive didn't help, unfortunately, and neither did dropping down to 720p60.
^^lokal, d.h. momentan geht da kein Streaming. Framedrops = nogo

PlayStation 4 has four live-streaming quality levels: low, medium, high and the optimistically entitled best. We ran the same section of Assassin's Creed 4 gameplay through Twitch and grabbed the resultant streams for analysis. Here you can see two distinct quality strata: 960x540 and 640x360, with simple tweaks made to the video bandwidth. It's basic, entry-level stuff, but generally speaking it seems to do the job. It is a real shame that audio is so severely compromised on low and medium though - 32kbps just doesn't cut it, not surprisingly sounding quite horrible. Also disappointing is the lack of 720p support, not to mention the ability to spend a bit more bandwidth on the quality of the stream.
                     Best 	High 	Medium 	Low
Resolution 	960x540 	960x540 	640x360 	640x360
Average Bandwidth 	1500kbps 	1200kbps 	860kbps 	520kbps
H.264 Video 	Main Level 3.1/CABAC/1 Ref Frame 	Main Level 3.1/CABAC/1 Ref Frame 	Main Level 3.0/CABAC/1 Ref Frame 	Main Level 3.0/CABAC/1 Ref Frame
AAC Audio 	64kbps 	64kbps 	32kbps 	32kbps
Frame-Rate 	29.97fps 	29.97fps 	29.97fps 	29.97fps

The limited upload options on both consoles are definitely a major frustration right now. Xbox One supports sharing of clips over Xbox Live and to the outside world via SkyDrive but the complete inability to dump clips onto a USB drive is a mystery. There's also the sense that Upload Studio is re-encoding the basic video, impacting the quality still further before you get your hands on it.

Video sharing on PlayStation 4 has a quality advantage over its Xbox One counterpart, but again upload options are extremely limited, with no way of getting video clips directly off the console. Instead, the only way forward is to share them on Facebook and then rip them directly from there if you want to do more with your clips - not exactly user-friendly.

It's frustrating because even after Facebook has re-encoded the raw video (impacting the quality), it's clear that the HD stream is pretty decent - meaning that the original capture sitting on the hard drive will be even better still, but frustratingly out of reach.
what is bizarre is the lack of support for options that were readily available on the PS3: direct upload to YouTube, along with the ability to copy off the video from the XMB onto a USB drive. We'd also like to see improved live-streaming options with better image quality for those who have the connections to cope with higher bandwidth.
Xbox One's media-sharing offers more option but still fundamentally falls short in comparison to Sony's offering. Yes, there's the same lack of direct access to your clips that proves so frustrating with PS4, but that's way down the list of issues we have with the current system. Accessing the GameDVR while playing is too slow and ponderous in comparison to the PS4's more refined interface, while five minutes of spooled gameplay isn't really enough. Even saving off clips is a grind, with gameplay held up while you wait.

It's difficult to ignore the sense of friction in the whole process when it's virtually instant on the Sony platform. This could perhaps be forgiven to a certain extent if we saw any kind of quality advantage in the final video on Xbox One, but the mediocre state of our SkyDrive exports was disappointing.
Lack of screenshot functionality on Xbox One is also a missed opportunity
The surprise package here is Nvidia's ShadowPlay. The firm has been sitting on a hugely impressive hardware video encoder since the Kepler launch way back in March 2012 and has only now chosen to unleash it. Again, it's not without its faults, but once they're ironed out, we could well be looking at the most impressive integrated capture system on the market.