PS4 Firmware-Updates

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Spielt gerade: PS5
Ich find neue Sachen auch immer Sahnig, aber die Dinge die Angel anspricht sollten halt echt Standard sein.
Wegen mir sollen sie auch die Friendlist wieder verkleinern...2000Leute ist eh kompletter Bullshit.
Ich will einfach nur sehen wann die 10-15 wichtigen Leute online kommen.
systems, systems, systems, systems
Und vergesst nicht die banale Sortier-Funktion von Trophäen. :ugly: Das war bei der PS3 seit Einführung direkt mitdabei... es reichen schon 20 Games und es kann nerven keine Ordnung zu haben. :(

(Wenn man es genau nimmt, kann man alphabetisch sortieren, aber nur innerhalb eines Spiels bezüglich der Trophies, was wohl niemand nutzt??)

Wir sind gnädig und sagen einfach, sie haben einfach nur etwas verwechselt. :p Sony kann sich das wohl leisten. Diejenigen dich sich intensiver mit dem PS4-System und ihrer Funkionen befassen, als auch die Trophy-Noobs sind eine absolute Minderheit und dementsprechend wohl nicht oben auf der Liste. :eek:

Daher macht für mich der Punkt, direkt in eine Party zu starten schon Sinn. Was will die Masse?
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Ich freue mich auf die neuen Sachen, aber Sony darf das ganze jetzt nicht schleifen lassen, nur weil die PS4 sich saumäßig gut verkauft. Da muss deutlich mehr kommen.
Ich glaube nicht dass es Arroganz ist. Da wird einfach nicht weiter gedacht oder A gibt die Infos nicht an B weiter.

Die einzige andere Ausrede die mir einfällt dass man bei Sony nach allen möglichen "Casual"-Features (also in dem Sinne von Erweiterung der Zielgruppe) denkt und dann wirklich für "uns" interessante Features hinten drann kommen müssen.

Das soll übrigens das englisch Update-Log sein:
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Steiner84
Spielt gerade: auf Zeit
das mit der feundesliste reicht mir dann aber so einfach nicht.
nur anzeigen wer on und off geht ist halbgar. Wenmn die das System überholen, dann sollen sie es richtig machen.
Ich will Kommentare zu leuten schreiben können (zb getroffen in Driveclub, 5 geile rennen gemacht, hat mich geaddet), ich will leute gruppieren können (onpsx leute, trials Leute, Rocket LEague Leute...) ich will die einzelnen Gruppen konfigurieren können ala von denen will ich nur sehen wann sie einer party joinen, von denen will ich sehen wann sie online kommen, von denen will ich gar nix hören,etc.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
MS hat's vorgemacht:

PS4 Beta Program sign up
Calling all PS4 fans! Before we launch our next major system software update, we’re running a beta program to test its functionality. If you’d like to get a sneak peek at the features of the new system software, and help us with feedback on ways to improve it, sign up today.

You can sign up to be a beta tester here. You will need a PS4 system (of course), an Internet connection, and a master account — sub-accounts cannot participate in the program. Make sure you’re a member of the PlayStation Forums in advance to get access to our beta forums. Also, beta testers will be able to roll back to the previous PS4 system software update (v2.57) anytime.

The beta program will start in early September, and we’ll have more information on the new features included at that time. We are accepting a limited number of beta testers, so if you’re interested, sign up sooner rather than later.

Thanks in advance for helping test the system software update — your feedback will go a long way toward making this even better.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
OK, dann habe ich mich mal gemeldet. :)
Welcome to the world of bricks ~troll~

Ohne zu wissen was da kommt lasse ich das erstmal.

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Im EU Post steht ein genaues Startdatum
The beta program will begin on 2nd September,
EU Anmeldung:

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We are accepting a limited number of beta testers, so if you’re interested, sign up sooner rather than later.
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PSN-Name: Tommyfare
Spielt gerade: Pandemie
Renown PlayStation insider Tidux has just tweeted a couple of very interesting things for all PlayStation users. First and foremost, he mentioned that the highly anticipated PS4 3.00 update will release in beta form on September 2; you can sign up to be a beta tester here.
Below you can find the leaked 3.00 beta log, although Tidux also said a few days ago that the final release will have additional features that are not listed here.
Official English changelog for version 3.00 beta:
Main features in version 3.00 beta update
(Events) has been added to the function items. All events associated with PlayStation are now brought together, enabling you to discover, participate in and watch these events in a centralised area.
(Communities) has been added to (Friends). (Communities) is a feature that enables you to find players who have similar tastes and interests. You can join an existing community or create your own community. You can also play games, join parties or talk about shared interests with members in the community.
You can now go to (Now Playing) to see what games or parties members of the community are enjoying right now. You can also easily start a game, join a party or send a request to watch a member’s gameplay in (Now Playing). You can access (Now Playing) from What’s New, (Friends), (Communities), the message screen in (Messages) or Profile.
The layout of the message screen in (Messages) has been improved. From the message screen, you can now select (Now Playing) or easily start a party. You can also add your favourite groups to [Favourite Groups] in (Friends).
You can now broadcast your gameplay on YouTube™.
You can now upload video clips to Twitter (10-second limitation).
Other features in version 3.00 beta
The layout of (Live from PlayStation) has been improved. In addition to broadcasts, you can now view video clips and screenshots.
You can now change the speed for automatic text scrolling in (Settings) > [Accessibility] > [Auto-Scroll Speed].
[Community], [Requests to Watch Gameplay], [Events] and [Current Song] have been added to (Settings) > [Notifications] > [Display Pop-Up Notifications].
You can now post your comments for activity feeds in What’s New.
You can now enjoy fun conversations with your Friends using (Stickers) in (Messages). (PlayStation®Plus) has been added to the function items. You can now see all of your PlayStation®Plus benefits, such as free monthly games, exclusive discounts, news and more, in one place.
Accessibility features are now available when playing content from Blu-ray Discs™ or DVDs. Application of these features has also been expanded. You can now restrict the use of games while looking at age level information and rating icons.
You can now create a sub account for a minor by selecting [New User] in the screen for selecting a user.
You can now adjust settings for Web filtering services from (Settings) > [Parental Controls]. You can use the service to block objectionable websites from being displayed in the Internet Browser. (Additional fees may apply for use of the service.)
That’s not all, however. Earlier today, the same insider suggested in a less-than-subtle way that the next game by Quantic Dream will be finally revealed at Paris Games Week.
This makes perfect sense, as Quantic Dream is a French developer and Sony Computer Entertaiment (which mostly skipped Gamescom this year) will host a press conference on Tuesday, October 27.

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