StarCraft II


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Blizzard löscht Maps, die sie für nicht angebracht halten. In Starcraft (1) haben sie das nicht gemacht, weil sie dazu zu wenig Personal gehabt hätten.
Ultimate Tank Defense has been removed from because blizzard says it was violating something, I changed all the stuff that people could find as vulgar etc but I can't upload the map again, my friend uploaded the 'fixed' version under the name Ultimate Tank Defense!

All I could think it was is that there was a bad'ass' wave and I assume that is why it got deleted, Blizzard never told me why it was deleted because of personal security stuff.. just that it was an Inappropriate Mape (yeah, the GM or whatever called it a Mape so I assume i'm dealing with the bottom o the bucket GM here)

Sorry just wanted to get this off my chest and see what others think about this non-sense.
badass war's nicht:
Community Manager Edited by Bashiok on 8/4/10 9:50 PM
Words used in the campaign are not things we're going to action for.

The map that was removed, and for which this thread exists, WAS NOT removed for using the words 'bad ass'. But we're not going to publicly release why or for what reasons we do remove maps. If the map maker receives that information and chooses to do so, then so be it. That's their discretion.

We're working on improving our processes to ensure the map maker has more information on why their map was removed, right now it is a bit vague and has obviously led to this misunderstanding.

Because most here are under the impression the OP had a map removed because of the words 'bad ass' I'm locking this in hopes that a new thread with more pertinent concerns can take hold. Thanks everyone.
Die Lösung:
I just want to let you all know that we finally did recieve a response from Blizzard about a day or two after Ultimate Tank Defense was deleted. Apparently the problem with our map was that the wave pathing caused a certain anti-semite symbol to be displayed on the minimap. This was unintentional and we have since changed the way the units path. (You'll notice the spiffy new terrain.) We would've liked a bit of a warning before the map was deleted, however. Anything like this we would gladly change.

Good news is, we're back on page 1. So maybe the popularity system works just a little bit? We thank you for all your support and the uproar you caused, maybe that's what prompted Blizzard to respond to us with an e-mail. They even left it up for a day or so after we reuploaded and still didn't know the problem.

Also! I would like to take this time to announce that once we flesh out the game entirely, such as make the 3rd Terran upgrade on the Headquarters, balance things out and, fix animations/sound effects and other broken things.. We will be making Ultimate Tank Wars!. This will be a 4 vs 4 map with the same mechanics as Ultimate Tank Defense!. There will be lots of units spawning and you'll try to outlive your opponents. Perhaps upgrading the waves that your opponent recieves? Who knows. We still have a lot of details to work out but hopefully it'll be a fun experience.
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: snickerz
Spielt gerade: Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2
Also ich suche nen 1vs1 Trainingspartner. Rasse ist egal. Am liebsten aber die behinderten Terraner. ;) Gegen die hab ich ordentlich Probleme.

Aber bitte nur Leute die im 1vs1 Platin aufwärts sind melden.
PSN-Name: Zockerlegende
Ich habe gerade gelesen das es für Starcraft 2 sowas ähnliches wie Testkeys gibt?
Falls ja, hätte noch jemand einem übrig ,weil ich hab vor mir Starcraft 2 zu kaufen würde es davor aber noch gerne testen.
Danke im Voraus.
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: pepe-GER-
Ich hab daheim auch noch 2 Test-Keys rumliegen.

Brauch die eh nicht, wer also 14 Tage oder 7h das Spiel ausführlich testen will, einfach per PN bescheid geben.

Und wer das Game sonst gern zoggt und auch aktiv ist und gleichgesinnte sucht und eben nicht gerade in der Holzliga spielt. :P

Kann mal bei uns aufm Teamspeak 3 vorbei schauen:

Wir sind zwar vorwiegend Diamant, haben auch 3-4 Platin, 3 Gold und zwei Silberlinge, wobei letztere nur Schreiberling oder Caster sind.

Clan Werbung ftw!^^