The Evil Within

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel

Hersteller: Bethesda
Entwickler: Tango Gameworks led by Resident Evil creator, Shinji Mikami.
Genre: Survival Horror
Anzahl der Spieler: 1
Technische Daten(Auflösung/Framerate):
Distributions Format: Blu-Ray
Kompatible Peripherie: Pampas
Preis (UVP):
Release Datum:*2014
The Evil Within is in development for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, as well as next-gen consoles


-Will be released in 2013 or later.
-Tango is currently 65 employees, may get up to 100.
-Mikami expects it to be the largest staff count he has ever worked with on a game.
-Would like to have two teams eventually, with a smaller team making smaller/more experimental projects to help train staff.
-They're using an external engine that they heavily modified. It's probably worth noting that Unreal Engine 3 is the only really major middleware engine with good Japanese support these days, especially for AAA games. Well, there's also Gamebryo, but let's hope not.
-Mikami would like his first game to sell 500K-1 million copies in Japan. For reference, only ten PS3 titles have ever sold over 500K copies in Japan, and only one has sold over a million.
-"Mikami, incidentally, had praise for Skyrim, saying that it stimulated him as a creator. It was the first time he'd found a game interesting in some time."

-game is a TPS, an action game, with guns
-X360/PS3 release confirmed
-will use HAVOK physics engine
-heavy use of environmental effects and physics simulations
-they're looking for an animator with experience in "crowd animation". I'm thinking next-gen ganados V2 (job listing)
-most probable time to expect new info: month of April. Last year tango gameworks held their "Tango Night" on 22/4.


Horror is back!
Ja mann sieht echt cool aus! Hoffentlich wirds so richtig gruselig und nicht so ne Ballerorgie wie Deadspace 3.
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PSN-Name: EGOKill3r
Spielt gerade: RDR, Atomic Heart..
Endlich mal wieder ein richtiges Horrorspiel. Nachdem Crapcom die Resident Evil Serie ins aus gefahren hat, hoffe ich das der Erfinder selbst mal wieder ein richtig gutes Horror Spiel macht.

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Ein paar neue Infos
So been working on the Japanese press release with a Japanese friend. The details pulled from it:

-Uses ID Tech 5, they say they are taking the engine a step further than it has ever been used and are utilizing a state-of-the-art lighting engine and a much more powered-up version of the engine than any game to date has used.

-Our main characters name is Sebastian, who is on the run from the cops. However, they end up in a place where he watches the cops get slaughtered one by one, and then gets knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a a sector of a facility, trapped in closed-corridors and defenseless against a giant (safe-headed?) monster that wanders these halls... [Note: "When (Keiji 刑事=) police Officer Sebastian and his partner hurry to the scene of a series of terrible murders, a great power wrapped up in mystery awaited them. The other policemen are killed one after the other"]

-Game is said to be trying to strike a balance between horror and action, and to but in the sense that one should be desperately struggling to survive and facing scenarios of unimaginable horror. They say they want to redefine horror, and seem to be going for a more difficult and intense experience.

-The game promises to have limited resources and be full of puzzles and traps. They want to fill the player with anguish, tension, and anxiety and send them off the deep end.

-They make a focus that enemies can easily kill the player, you'll have to be cunning and evasive to survive in these harsh conditions.

-This is a bit foggy, but it seems the player can experience random distortions that can happen in any area at any time, which changes anything from enemies, doors, walls, objects, or the like into terrifying nightmares that our character sees. These are random and change in real-time as well, it seems.

-They finish off saying that they want the game to start strong and continue with a growing feel of insecurity to grow as the game goes on. They also mention the game will have an in-depth world, and you're being hunted by something mysterious and dark.
PSN-Name: Mekuri-TD
Spielt gerade: PS Vita
Jizz, jizz everywhere. Das sieht so krank geil aus. Endlich wieder ein horrorspiel das den Namen verdient. Monster allein reichen nicht um Angst zu machen. Das Spiel scheint eine EXTREM abgefuckte Atmosphäre zu haben. Ich fange schon jetzt an für eine pampers Lieferung zu sparen.
PSN-Name: Mekuri-TD
Spielt gerade: PS Vita
Ich hoffe so sehr das demnächst ein gameplaytrailer rauskommt. Wird angeschaut und danach gebe ich mir bis zum Release nichts mehr. Wenn schon einmal in 10 Jahren ein Hardcore Psycho Horror Game rauskommt werde ich es genießen. ~creepy~


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Jo, der hat doch auch Shadows of the Damend gemacht, oder? Das war zwar ganz lustig, aber spielerisch konnte es mich nicht vom Hocker hauen. War ziemlich altbacken...

Aber das Szenario sieht ja shcon mal brauchbar aus.


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Ja, bist da ja nicht der einzige^^ Ich persönlich habe es aber nur einmal durchgespielt und das war für mich mehr als genug. Das Gameplay hat mcih echt angeödet und die Endgegner waren imho mega lahm. Aber ist ja alles Geschmackssache :) Hoffentlich hat er hier aus seinen Fehlern gelernt :)

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Mikami ist für mich einfach nur Top
RE4 DMC1 Vanquish das sind einige meiner favs. Bin mir sicher TEW wird mich genauso umhauen wie die anderen Games zuvor.

Key Details:
From the Interview:
About the tone:
-Mikami loves horror, but survival-horror has been drifting away from what makes it survival-horror, and he wants to bring it back.
-Wants a 'perfect blend' of horror and action. Thinks the balance is important as they are two halves to the survival and the horror. Mikami defines survival-horror as a game being scary, and giving players a rush.
-Want Players to pick up the game, and genuinely think, "I haven't played something this scary in ages!"
-Needs to have psychological horror and make players not want to do things.
-The game is more visually eccentric, unconventional and intriguing characters.

About the story:
-Three detectives show up to the scene of a mass murder at an asylum. The detectives arrive a bit later than the police, which are already on the scene but not to be seen. Inside the asylum is a bunch of dead bodies.
-The player gets knocked unconscious and awakens in a slightly different location, and so it starts with, "Where the hell am I?"
-Story is less focused on twists and turns, and more on mystery.

About the enemies:
-Regular 'zombie-type characters' present.
-Enemies should be strange and hard to determine how they might come at you or attack by looking at them, making you uncertain, uneasy.

About the gameplay:
-Mikami mentions you'll be using (among other things) guns, knives, and axes, but another weapon mechanic they put in was traps.
-Don't want anything like super-powers or heavy weapons like machine guns.
-Working hard on some sort of 'emotional' system in gameplay
-Want to make a lot of different locations, scenarios, and situations for the player that is constantly changing.

From the Impressions:
-Our main character, Sebastian, enters the asylum with two fellow detectives, a man named Joseph and a woman they simply call, 'The Kid',
-A lot of dead bodies are around the asylum, and on a video monitor Sebastian see's a hooded figure killing police, who then suddenly appears behind him and knocks him unconscious.
-Went out of their way to model human innards and gore to be detailed.
-Sebastian wakes up hanging upside down by a meta hook as a madman with a butcher knife and a blood-stained wife beater, comes in and cuts down a fellow person hanging alongside him, takes him to the table, and begins cutting him open.
-Based on if there's enemies around or not, the animations and potential speed of Sebastian changes.
-Sebastian alerts the butcher, who pulls out one of Mikami's infamous weapons, a chainsaw. Ensues a chase scene where our character is quite stumbly.
-When the chainsaw-wielding butcher does not sense Sebastian, he is erratic and swings around wildly. When spotted, he comes dashing after you. You can use things like empty bottles to throw to divert his attention.
-Escapes into an elevator, and then comes to a desperate run out of the hospital as it collapses in a very Jacob's Ladder-esque scene. Leaves out to see the Police Cars in a giant crater. Prologue ends there.
-Second part of the demo is later into the game, in a dark outside location heading to a small cottage. Inside are the 'garden-variety' zombie-esque enemies.
-The enemies have a theme of torment with them.
-While shooting out around the cottage for your life, a change happens in the environment as it sort of 'shifts' in the middle of combat and suddenly a scene out of the Shining happens with blood pouring and consuming Sebastian, and then he finds himself back in the asylum.
-Demo ends with a multi-legged wraith-type enemy bursting out of a pool of blood and rushing towards the player at break-neck speed.
Just read the German preview
- Highly reduced HUD; there are almost no interface elements
- Ring menu for weapons and inventory
- Quick item selection on the D-Pad
- Medipacks
- You'll encounter a man with a chainsaw and dozens of angry enemies at the beginning, just like in RE4 - but it plays differently due the set of options like being able to set traps etc.
- One trap is a mine full of nails
- There isn't much music which is why the game feels even more terrifying
boah das liest sich~biggusta~

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