
Denke das Gerücht wo gesagt wird das es gecancelt wurde ist Bullshit genau wie als ob Konami 4 PS3 Games canceln würde. Warhwak kommt bestimmt im Sommer 2007 raus. Nur weils kein neues Material gibt heists ja nicht das es eingestellt wurde. Da wollen einige bestimmt wieder Anti PS3 Propaganda betreiben.

Hier einige Comments von David Jaffe

The only reason it's bad is that it's incorrect. On ALL accounts by the way. As in, go thru each of his complaints (millions spent on my game + Warhawk being in trouble+ no hits on Ps2) and you will find them not correct at all. But good try... asshole.


I am saying millions were NOT spent on my game...I never said that in my blog. And if I did, I am sorry for calling you out but since we did not spent that much, I would be stunned if I wrote that we had.

As for Incog's track record, TM:BLACK sold amazing, TM HEAD ON sold AMAZING; the other games were did well with reviews and have many fans but did not deliver the sales I'm sure Incog would have wanted. But they were both solid, creative games loved by many. They were in no way bombs.

I can't speak to the WarHawk situation as it's not my place. But I can tell you that what you guys are saying about the title is not correct.

Und jetzt unter den Stein kriechen wo du herkamst. Scheiß Anti PS3 Propaganda.


Editor in Chief
PSN-Name: dethforce
ein lebenszeichen! sony lädt zu spielsessions ein!

So I got an interesting invitation from Sony Computer Entertainment America and Incognito Entertainment today: They want me to head out to Utah to blow shit up.

From the invitation:

Primary Mission Objective: Complete Warhawk aircraft, vehicle, and infantry training with distinction, and receive instruction from top creative talent at critically acclaimed developer Incognito Entertainment (creators of the Twisted Metal franchise - on-camera interview opportunities to be available on site).
Secondary Mission Objective: Blow $#!% up.

Like real $#!%? Because that would be fun. I have to figure out how to go about doing this. I can't take free travel or such and need to figure out if it's something I would write up for just us or the Rocky as well.

Also there's this whole thing about my fear of heights and flying. I typically don't let either stop me from doing stuff. I fly all the time and during my career as a police reporter I've trained with SWAT (including rappelling down buildings), fire fighters (including climbing up burning buildings), wildfire fighters (flying around in really tiny planes to places that were on fire) and helicopter ambulances (flying around in helicopters taking off and landing in places God never wanted a helicopter), so it shouldn't be a problem.

More details as they come. Brian Crecente
could rival Halo and Killzone2

This much you know about WarHawk: it's coming to PS3 in the middle of this year; it's an updated version of a PSone game you never quite got around to playing; and it's an airborne shooter in which you control your craft by tilting and thrusting the pad. Here's what you don't know about WarHawk: it's not all sky-based. In fact, for large chunks of the game you're very much on foot, and must fight your way through war-torn cities and rolling green pastures without the crutch of your trusty plane.

The good news is, the ground-level action looks every inch as exciting as the high-altitude stuff, largely thanks to the huge number of troops involved in the gunfights and the staggeringly destructive array of weapons. The battles are sprawling, chaotic things in which vast scrums of space marines exchange fire and jostle for position. Cover appears to play a significant role in combat, the battlefields being dotted with sandbanks and hidey-holes for you to use to your advantage.

And then there's the tanks, hulking great things fitted with missile-spurting cannons capable of swatting down all manner of enemy aircraft. All of which raises the somewhat thrilling prospect of air-to-land multiplayer combat. So what will you do during a 32-player online battle? Jump into the ****pit of your WarHawk and engage the enemy in a dogfight? Or keep your feet on the ground, nab yourself a tank, and spend the duration of the battle flicking enemies from the sky with a well-timed rocket? The choice is yours.

A game we originally thought to be a two-dimensional, flight-heavy shoot-a-thon is slowly metamorphosing into something far more interesting. Expect a title to rival Killzone 2 in terms of bang-per-buck when WarHawk comes down to land in August


50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Das hast du nicht verstanden Shaokahn - für R0ck ist alles, was nicht negativ für die PS3 ist, pure Realitätsflucht... jedes positive Gerücht Wunschdenken... jede Analyse eines negativen Gerüchts panikartiges Greifen nach jedem Strohhalm...

Ja sein Ruf ist ja hinlänglich bekannt. warum man aber immer wieder darauf eingeht... hmm naja irgendwie gewohnheit :ugly:


Das Game kommt entweder als volles PS3 Game auf einer Blu ray heraus oder es wird gecancelt. Für ein PSN Game denke ich hat man schon zu viel Geld reingesteckt...