Xbox One // The infinite power of the cloud \\ 1+360=1 || #XB1NoDRM || DisKinected


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

Xbox One without Kinect sucks for one simple reason... It means that those who care about building innovative and immersive titles for it now have many reasons not to bother and it all boils down to limited potential market share.

Kinect V2 can do so,e truly incredible things and it is being downright wasted when it comes to the titles available today.

People think Kinect sucks because no one has taken the time or invested the energy to show them otherwise.

Making a dance title is easy.

Microsoft gives you all of the skeletons to do so with minimal code, and tools to let you just act out your actions rather than needing to write the code. A single person can make a dance title that is quite similar to the others on the market in a week if they were so inclined thanks to the level of sophistication that Microsoft has put into their Kinect SDK.

And as long as people keep buying those titles, then there is no incentive to invest any meaningful time to make something "better".

Where is the Daylight release that is fully gesture controlled?
Where is Iron Man where you can fire repulsive from your palms by pulsing your hand?
Where is Harry Potter where you wave a magic wand even a real wand, why not! - with your hand and say your own spells to do casting?
Where is X-Men where you can be Cyclops by touching the side of your head and firing where you are looking?

The answer is nowhere even though the technology is right there and super easy to use should you feel like taking the risk to design something cool and different.
The client that I have been working on is based on Plex Home Theater with the Kinect support added as a module. Thanks to it's PHT roots comes full skin support... Something that I've considered sorely lacking from the Windows 8 app. To that end, I have been reaching out to Skin developers to get approval to have their work featured in the client so that you can bring your favorite skins with you to the Xbox One.

As of this moment, the skins of Maverick214 are confirmed to be included in the app due to the fact that it is coming freely to the Xbox Marketplace. Still waiting to hear back from Jaaps and se.bastian.

I've become fascinated with the capabilities afforded through Kinect, so it has gotten a fair share of attention, however it is still designed to work very much without the need of a Kinect sensor since there are those out there that don't want to have it on their consoles.

I've adopted a policy of if you don't have Kinect, it will do everything that you've come to expect from Plex Home Theater, including using the Plex apps for Phones and Tablets to control it, the Plex Media Server Webpage, normal media remotes... whatever.

However, If you have Kinect you should be able to do more... much more...
Kinect should make for a better experience than is possible through a conventional media remote. It should let you do the things that presently require stand-alone apps like the Plex Phone apps to serve as your remote control, except be easier to use, be quicker to access, and have better accessibility for even the most simple tasks than a media remote.

With that can come better experiences than we've previously seen. It opens the door to asking your Xbox to do things for you and have it obey.
Things like "Xbox, Pause Until I Get Back" or "Xbox, Play the Sequel When This is Over" or "Xbox, Skip the Credits" or "Xbox, Play some Music".
Things that seem extraordinarily simple, yet allow you to enjoy your media in ways that previously haven't been possible.

Life can get in the way of enjoying our entertainment and these experiences are designed around making things as seamless as possible, whether it be turning on your TV as soon as you get home and starting the next episode of a series, or continuing a marathon for you so that you don't need to find the remote.

What Kinect enables is entirely new mechanisms of interfacing with technology in a natural and faster way than through physical controls or touchscreen interfaces. Kinect *is* groundbreaking technology, even more so than people give it credit. This isn't Google Glass, this isn't Curved TVs, this isn't 7" Screens a Cell Phone... There are no gimmicks here, just great technology that is waiting to be used to it's full potential. What I'm doing here for Plex isn't it's full potential, not even close... But what I've seen makes me truly excited to find out just where it's limits are.

These are the sorts of things that I've been working on, and hopefully they should show that I've put a lot of thought into Plex and want to do something special for a community that has given me such great joy over the years. It also seems kind of fitting that Plex's roots come from XBMC, and now I can bring it back to Xbox with some truly special functionality that is only currently possible through the exceptionally innovative work that has been going on for years at Microsoft. Without the wonderful open source community which has provided us with XBMC, Plex, ffmpeg and others too long to mention and the exceptional teams at Microsoft including Kinect, Xbox, ID@Xbox, Xbox Apps, and some exceptional employees who have been amazing to work with, none of this would be possible.

Also, you can look forward to a demo in the coming days. If only there was a countdown timer somewhere...

I look forward to getting the finishing touches done and going into beta with you all.
Those who I haven't yet reached out to, don't worry... I haven't forgotten about you. I just need to keep a close eye on my PM Quota
It will function *as* a Plex Home Theater endpoint. It declares it's presence in the same fashion, it communicates in the same fashion, it *is* Plex Home Theater... for Xbox One. Xbox is a more locked down platform than Windows, so there are some calls that won't work (like DLNA, AirPlay, Bonjour), however things like Mobile PMS, Photo Sharing, Phone Remote, PMS WebUI Control all work.

Due to platform restrictions, there won't be end-user deployable plugins or customization, however should there be significant interest plugins can certainly make their way into the the core app for future releases.

Since most plugins now reside on PMS rather than PHT, that shouldn't be a massive concern though.

Entwickler ist ein Kinect-Fan :ugly:

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systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Boah Dresden..Da komme ich ja mal gar nicht vorbei :D Aber irgendwie jcukt es mich schon..

---------- Beitrag um 12:28 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 12:26 Uhr ----------

Aber FIFa war nur als Download dabei, oder? Das wäre doof. Ich würde das sofort verkaufen und mir was vernünftiges holen^^
Könntest ja beides verkaufen und zahlst am Ende nur 330-350 € für eine One, was ein angemessener Preis wäre.

Ich würde zuschlagen, wenn es mehr exklusive Triple A Spiele geben würde, die mich reizen.
Aber bis auf Sunset Overdrive sieht es für den Rest des Jahres eher mau aus.

Aber schon abartig, wie Kinect verramscht wird, als gäbe es kein Morgen mehr.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Jetzt kostenlos für Gold:

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Kann ich nicht mehr "kaufen", MS will wie im 360-Webshop eine CC haben. ~fu~

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Soll sogar auf der Konsole das gleiche Problem geben ?(.

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Xbox One in The Netherlands will include Fifa 15 and Forza 5 for €399 at release


USK Logo ist schon mal drauf :ugly:
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PSN-Name: dermo18
Spielt gerade: RDR2
Im örtlichen MM wird aktuell die Xbox One inklusive Kinect und FIFA 14 für 399€ verscherbelt. War kurz in Versuchung...
Lese es erst jetzt, aber dieses Angebot gab es schon häufiger im Netz.
Ich habe meine inklusive FIFA 14 sogar für 380€ gekauft, dank eines 10% Gutscheins für den Outlet Store von Saturn.

---------- Beitrag um 15:25 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 15:22 Uhr ----------

Microsoft hat das neue eröffnet. Spieler können jetzt nach der Anmeldung auf Reiter wie Profil, Aktivität, Erfolge und Freunde zugreifen - ähnlich wie auf einer Xbox-Konsole.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
We understand some of you might be having a difficult time downloading Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition and we want you to know we’re on it. Our team of engineers is currently working to find a fix ASAP. Thanks for your patience during this process. Watch for an update in 30 minutes.