Heavy Rain -- Spoiler nur im Storythread - sonst Kopf ab!

Spielt gerade: F1 2010, Monkey Island 2 SE
Ich werde ja auch auf die Demo verzichten... bald ist es so weit... hoffentlich verschickt HMV schon vor Release, so daß ich dann auch gleich zocken kann.
Niemals. Die Engländer sind da ziemlich zickig. Kenne das von Play.com, Ama UK, The Hut und wie sie alle heißen. Die verschicken erst mal an alle Inselbewohner und dann nach Übersee. Das meistens erst direkt am Releasetag! Bin auch schon am Überlegen wie ich die Zeit überbrücke.
Heavy Rain is a 4.2Gb install, lets you make origami

It has been revealed that Heavy Rain will weigh in at 4.2Gb when released later in the month.

However, while you’re waiting on the game disc to install the data, Quantic Dream provides you with something to occupy your time with.

While you sit there waiting on the required install, you can make Swan Origami in twelve steps. Surely this will take up most of your installation time, unless you are pro at creating it with a game controller already for some reason.

The game’s out on February 23 and 26, and reviews should start going up around February 10 when the embargo lifts.

Earlier today, a video from the game showing Madison Page taking a shower surfaced, and on Monday, the intro sequence was released along with more footage – only this time leaked.

Shew. Loads of Heavy Rain stuff already this week. Expect more to be revealed until the game hits shelves.
Quelle: vg247.com
Gamersyde Review: Heavy Rain™

It’s finally here. After more than three years of development, Heavy Rain is offering itself to us in this review version and we threw ourselves into the adventure, not without fear. Despite a quite promising preview if one accepts the style of the game, numerous questions were left unresolved. Would the story keep us in suspense till the end? Would it be interesting enough for us to discover the real story behind this ambitious title? Time has come to provide you the essential answers so you know what to expect before taking the step and embarking yourself in the vision of video games made in David Cage. .... Mehr
Quelle: gamersyde.com
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PSN-Name: betrayal_cc
Mittlerweile gibts schon ein paar mehr Reviews. Die meisten davon komischerweise aus Frankreich.

OPM - 9/10
Jeuxvideo (FR) - 85/100
JeuActu (FR) - 16/20
PlayFrance (FR) - 9/10
Eurogamer.fr (FR) - 9/10
Gamalive (FR) - 5/5
Gameblog (FR) - 5/5
JVN (FR) - 9.5/10
VideoVibes (engl. Mag) - 9.7/10 (Bioshock2 bekam in derselben Ausgabe 9.4)
GamingXP - 9.2/10
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Heavy Rain has 20 Endings

Aus einem Interview mit Guillaume de Fondaumiere (Chief Operating Officer bei Quantic Dreams) wird Heavy Rain über 20 verschiedene Endings besitzen.

"20 plus," he explains, "But, I guess, what’s more important for us are the different journeys and I really don’t have a clue how many journeys there are to come to those endings. But it’s also in a particular scene. A particular scene may end the same way, however, the information – the experience – can be very different, depending on your choices."