Metal Gear Online 3

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naja da kam ja nicht viel bei rum.
Bissl footage von Rust Palace, bissl über Änderungen diskutiert und auch neuen Mode 'geteased'.
Aber allen anschein nach wird der DLC was kosten.
Direkt gesagt wurde es nicht, aber oft Betonung auf was im DLC ist und was nicht etc.
(Zu gleichen Zeit kommt ein extra Patch mit den Änderungen und der Survival wird NICHT teil vom DLC, sondern vom Patch usw.)
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Designer's Notes Vol. 11
Vol.12 Changes to E.LOCATOR
Welcome to Designer's Notes, Vol. 12!

The ESL Tournament is finishing up its second month, with our last cup before the finals wrapping up over the weekend. Our top teams this month are gearing up to challenge each other for the $1,000 top prize, and next weekend we'll begin the third month, starting with the Tournament debut of Cloak & Dagger! Be sure to sign up!

We'd like to talk about a major change regarding the E.LOCATORS planned for our next update.
We’ve been aware of many player concerns regarding how E.LOCATOR is used in a match. Currently, players entering the effective range of an E.LOCATOR are instantly marked. This gives players a significant amount of marking and assist scores, turning the E.LOCATOR into not just an intel tool, but a very powerful scoring strategy.

In the next update, we are changing the E.LOCATOR so that a player must stay within the effective range for a certain period of time to be marked. The time required for a player to be marked will be equivalent to the time it takes to mark a player through binoculars. This means that a cloaked player with STEALTH CAMO+ Lv.3 ability will be almost impossible to be marked using an E.LOCATOR. On top of this change, the effective duration and the effective range will be slightly reduced.

Lastly we have some exciting info about the upcoming DLC.
Some of you might’ve had the chance to glance at the new maps at the Toukaigi event held last weekend at Makuhari, Japan, or perhaps you watched today's Konami Live Stream featuring MGO DLC info. In these events, we were able to feature new info and key visual sneak peeks of our upcoming other maps, in particular RUST PALACE.

RUST PALACE takes place in what was called the "Lamar Khaate Palace" in MGSV:TPP. The standard playable area includes the surrounding area nearby the palace, but the RUSH mode will limit the playable area mainly to indoors.

The multi-level palace has access to higher levels through stairs but not all floors are secured. This ruined palace is barely standing together with splintered debris as platforms. This introduces new and exciting combat from different vertical angles. Likewise, the stage has been modified to better fit multiplayer gameplay with more platforms and ladders. Overall, this map will introduce a different type of close range combat with your enemies. Using your Infiltrator class on this map to start, might be a smart choice.

Players can expect the new DLC with RUST PALACE and other great content to arrive March 2016. Check back each week on Designer's Notes as we provide further details on all the upcoming content.

Look forward to Designer's Notes Vol.13 next week and, as always, thank you for your continued support of MGO!
Endlich mal bissl mehr Indoor


Die Reichweite von CQC ist immer noch sehr pervers. Da stehen die locker 5m von einem weg und zack haben sie dich.... Es gibt auch dieses kurzen Delay, wenn man jemanden erschießt und er noch gefühlt 2sec steht. Hoffentlich wird das noch gefixt.
Aber schön, das die Walker Gears jetzt deutlich schwächer sind. Zumindest kommt es mir so vor, das sie deutlich schneller Schaden nehmen.

Heut meine Elsa aufgefrischt! :D
Leider aber insgesamt viel zu wenig Customization Möglichkeiten. Da darf ruhig mehr kommen.

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Yep ist zwar alles schon deutlich besser als es zu Anfang war, aber sind alles Probleme die vom p2p ohne Region lock kommen :/
Mal gespannt ob dedicated host bissl hilft, aber solange die keinen Region lock zumindest für private lobbies einfügen siehts nicht so rosig aus.

Mehr gear ist ja auf dem Weg, aber finde es echt schade, dass die es im Gegensatz zum Vorgänger so extrem abgeschwächt haben. Da gab es für fast jeden Körperteil ne eigene Kategorie.
Hier ist es sehr simple und die Chars unterscheiden sich dadurch recht wenig.
Und sie sollten man wieder die Option bringen, Outfits den maps zuzuordnen.
Mal 2.5 meiner Chars
mein 1. Infiltrator. Wurde bei max Level gelöscht

2.Infiltrator. One Punch Man aka Saitama aka Mr. Fulton

Scout aka Jill



Und meine besten Freunde :D
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Vol.13 Changes to health and damage
Welcome to Designer's Notes, Vol. 13!

This past weekend we began the monthly finals for January in the ESL Metal Gear Online PlayStation 4 tournament! We also began Cup #6 with a change in mission to the stealth-centric Cloak & Dagger. We hope you all enjoyed a little more sneaking in your competitive scene. We've been looking into some PC competition as well, but in the meantime, sign-up and show off your skills in the current tourney!

Last week, we shared some details of upcoming changes we’re making to the E.LOCATOR.
This week, we'd like to discuss some changes happening in the next update that will affect player’s health and damage.

Right now, in order to secure a kill, a player needs to be quicker at the draw instead of sure in their aim. The team would like to improve the damage generosity of a well-placed shot over a speedy one when downing an enemy, and are taking steps to do so.

For instance, in the March update, the camera sway will be significantly reduced when taking damage while aiming. Currently, when a player takes damage while aiming, the camera jolts to the side affecting the shot. This sway will be reduced, allowing players to continuously fire accurately even while taking damage. With this change, if you're able to land a headshot even when you're hit first by your opponent, you still have a chance of taking them out.

We're also making various adjustments to the damage levels of different weapons.
Damage for all Submachine guns, all Assault Rifles, all Machine guns, and all lethal launchers will be reduced. Conversely, damage on the following weapons will be increased: S1000, KABARGA-83, AM D114, GEIST P3, URAGAN-G. Although the damage values have been adjusted for the above weapons, headshot damage values specifically are not undergoing any significant change. For example, you can still secure a one-hit-kill with a headshot using the UN-ARC.

The greatest difference is seen when using lethal launchers.
If you’re too far from the target, eliminating an opponent with a single shot to the body using say a SERVAL AMR-7 or any lethal launcher, is much less likely. The above applies to all classes, including attacks on Infiltrators.

Lastly, we have some more new information to share regarding the upcoming DLC [EXPANSION PACK "CLOAKED IN SILENCE"]. We’ve already revealed greater details about 2 of our new maps, CORAL COMPLEX and RUST PALACE. Today, we’d like to give some more details about our 3rd new map, AZURE MOUNTAIN.

Most of you may remember this map as “Ditadi Abandoned Village” from MGSV:TPP.
The map is located in a vast field in Africa centered by an iconic rock formation known locally as the “Cradle of Spirits”.

Securing the top of this rock gives your team a surveying advantage with a wide range vista of the entire map. To counter this, there are multiple Mortar placements on the lower grounds, making players on top of the rock an easy target. The undulating terrain and the abandoned village structures provide various cover points, making it slightly more difficult to spot the enemy.

The DLC [EXPANSION PACK "CLOAKED IN SILENCE"] is scheduled to release this March. On our way to release, be sure to check back each week for the latest Designer's Notes as we provide further details on all the upcoming content.

Designer's Notes Vol.14 is scheduled for next week. So long for now, and thank you for your continued support of MGO !
Serval nerf ist falsch angesetzt, sonst bleibts abzuwarten.
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DLC Pricing

DLC Price
Expansion Pack: ‘Cloaked in Silence’ (3 Maps + Quiet) €3.99 SRP
Basic Appeal Pack €1.99 SRP
Battle Appeal Pack €1.99 SRP
Dance Appeal Pack €1.99 SRP
Hero Appeal Pack €1.99 SRP

Hmm... Preis ist ansich völlig ok, aber es ist halt ein Preis ^^

---------- Beitrag um 16:30 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 16:19 Uhr ----------

Zusätzlich zu dem DLC erscheint ein frei verfügbares Update zu Metal Gear Online, das eine brandneue kompetitive Mission namens Sabotage enthält. Darin müssen Angreifer eine gegnerische Rakete zerstören oder per Fulton wegschaffen. Um Zugang zu dieser Rakete zu erlangen, müssen sich die Angreifer zunächst in die Terminals hacken, um die Elektromagnetische (EM) Barriere auszuschalten, welche das System schützt. Sind die Terminals gehackt und ist die EM Barriere deaktiviert, können die Angreifer wählen, ob sie die EM Barriere erneut aktivieren oder die Rakete schützen. :p

Hort sich auch interessant an.
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Zumindest ist der neue mode mal kostenlos.
Aber dennoch, warum nicht Maps frei und quiet + alle appeal packs in ein 10-15 € pack.
Wäre es geheule am Anfang wahrscheinlich größer, aber auf lange Sicht hin die bessere Entscheidung imo.


Der Trend geht ja dahin, das Maps in vielen Spielen für alle frei sind und der restliche Kram wie Waffen/Skins usw. kosten dann halt. Hier hätten sie locker mitgehen können (auch um zu zeigen, das sie doch nicht so ganz kacke sind, aber sind halt einfach der letzte Verein) damit der MP noch lange lebt.


Held vom Erdbeerfeld
Preise unterscheiden sich hier btw auch nicht arg derer zur MGO2 Zeiten, soweit ich mich erinnern kann. ;)

Für die Map geht das eigentlich klar... Vom Umfang her bisschen mau, wenn man sich mal zB Project-Cars anschaut, dass für ein komplettes DLC Pack 4 Euro verlangt.

Aber für die, die aktiv MGO3 spielen definitiv ein gutes Angebot.
Hätte mir hier Old-School Maps aus den Vorgängern gewünscht aber das bleibt sicherlich Wunschdenken.

Werde mal BK fragen ob er sich die zulegen nachdem greif ich auch zu, wobei ich immernoch Säure kotze, wenn ich MGO3 spiele...

Für ihn ist es eigentlich so wie MGO2, was ich kein bisschen bestätigen kann aber irgendwo hat er sicherlich recht. Manche Mechaniken gehen mir hier zu sehr gegen den Strich.

Scan Granate gehört per Option komplett aus dem Game. Sowas nervt einfach tierisch.
Auch die AUssage kann man leicht aushebeln aber mich lenkt sowas einfach ab.
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Ist imo auch mgo2 in besser - paar Optionen bezüglich host Settings und Gear :D
MGO2 war teurer, die wollten glaube 15 damals pro pack und 6 für Codecs, 6 € für einen Char Slot etc. Ka mehr, aber auf alle Fälle war es teurer.


Besser als MGO2? Ohne Scheiß? :D

Ich finde es deutlich schwächer als MGO2. Weiter oben habe ich ja schon die negativen Punkte gennant und so lange das nicht behoben ist, kommt es nicht an den Vorgänger ran. Es ist zurzeit (und das wird sich ja auch nicht ändern) eben das einzige MGO was läuft. Mit einer PS3 und CF kann ich auch MGO2 noch spielen aber ne komm, das muss ich mir auch nicht mehr geben.

Allein das Gameplay von MGSV macht den Online-Mode mehr Casual als es noch beim Vorgänger der Fall war. Da musste man sich erstmal einarbeiten und die Mechaniken lernen. Hier ist man viel schneller drin und muss wenig lernen.

Zumindest mein empfinden.
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Was du beschrieben hast war in mgo2 nicht anders, nur weniger häufig anzutreffen wegen Region lock.
(mgo2 war auch p2p)
Und Mechaniken? Ja gab 2-3,wie hier auch ^^
Ansonsten war es auch nur, wer zu langsam zielt,stirbt.
Hab ja nix gegen leute denen es nicht gefällt, das ist jedem selbst überlassen, aber oft(nicht zwangsweise hier) ist es einfach übertriebene 'Nostalgie' :)

Einfacheren Einstieg ist doch ok, denn im Endeffekt macht es keinen Unterschied ob es einfacher ist oder nicht.
Der Bessere gewinnt.:D
(nach dem nächsten Update noch mehr)

Ja, es hat etwas vom charm verloren durch paar weggefallene Optionen, aber gameplay zähle ich nicht dazu.War ja schon seit gz klar wie es wird und fand es damals schon überwiegend passend :)
Also ich würde bei gleichem content nicht zu mgo2 zurückgehen wollen, selbst mit 1080p60 remaster.
Aber ist halt meine Meinung obwohl ich mehrere tausend Stunden in alle mgo's gesteckt habe.

---------- Beitrag um 18:12 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 17:38 Uhr ----------

Also die neue Maske ist schon geil :D
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Noch auf der jp Seite gesehen :
Wird wohl ein komplettes Paket geben : Maps+Quiet+alle Appeal packs+ 550mb für ca 10/12€ wie es aussieht ( je nachdem wie die es umrechnen).
Ausserdem weitere Charslots für 800mb und gp boost für 100mb.
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Designer's Notes Vol. 14
Vol.14 How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spawn
Hi everyone! Welcome to Designer’s Notes Vol.14.

February matches continue as we dive once again into Cloak & Dagger with the ESL Tournament. We received a lot of good feedback about playing competitively in this mission type and thought we'd give it another try. With only a few weekends left to this first ESL tournament, be sure to sign up your team and earn some bonus GP rewards!

In the next update we're preparing some changes to match respawns. Many of these changes are generated through regularly evaluated feedback we receive from players.

The biggest change we’re making is how player suicide or being fultoned affects a respawn. Currently, a player under these conditions, can choose their own respawn point among all available, however after the update we’re limiting a player respawn to HQ alone. BOUNTY HUNTER is a mission that is heavily dependent on fulton gameplay, but making this change will add new fulton tactics to multiple mission types by forcing enemy players to the HQ point upon respawn.

Speaking of other missions, we are making additional changes to respawn locations when playing COMM CONTROL. Currently, a player can respawn at any Comm Link location that’s captured by their team. Even if an enemy player is inside that Comm Link about to recapture it, you can still respawn at that location and get the drop on an enemy. This felt a bit frantic, and forced players into a stressful situation when claiming a Comm Link, even if they managed to overtake the enemy upon entering it. After the update, if an enemy player is in the middle of recapturing your team’s Comm Link, you can no longer choose that location as a respawn point, but now must make your way to reclaim your threatened Comm Link.

Another issue the players alerted us was a team without any captured Comm Links would be forced to spawn at their HQ, resulting in excessive spawn camping with little means of defense or escape. In order to resolve this, we have added alternate spawn points besides captured Comm Links or the HQ, forcing opposing teams to engage from multiple directions.

Moving the topic to our upcoming DLC [EXPANSION PACK "CLOAKED IN SILENCE”], we want to share some more info about Quiet, our new Unique Character included in this DLC. As most of you are aware, Quiet is a very skilled sniper.
In MGO, she will carry on that special skillset from the single player. More specifically, she will have an aim that’s almost perfectly accurate in both third person and first person with minimum to no camera sway. This means she has superior skill handling her Sniper Rifle even in close/mid range proximity.

Quiet’s exceptional movement speed allows her to sprint infinitely in MGO. On top of this, a temporary sprint boost to her already fast speed and added cloaking effect is activated while sprinting by pressing down the left stick. Keep in mind that this temporary boost has a cooldown, so you will need to decide the best situation to use it.

Her quick movement speed also allows her to jump to the tops of ladders and up to high platforms. You can fully see these skills in action when playing in maps with multi-level verticality.

As you all know, Quiet will not speak. This means she won’t have any spoken dialogue in her Preset Radio, however, in exchange she utilizes a variety of humming noises to communicate.
There are more exciting features playing as Quiet, but we’ll keep those qui…a secret until release.

That’s it for Vol.14, check back next week for more Designer's Notes.
We hope you're all excited for the new update and DLC, but until then thank you for your continued support of MGO!
Mal gespannt wie das mit den neuen CC spawns wird, denn auf manchen Maps ist ansich kaum Platz für alternative spawns(speziell rush) ~hmm~
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Designer's Notes Vol. 15
Vol.15 Listen all of y'all it's a SABOTAGE
Hi everyone and welcome to another Designer's Notes now at Vol.15!

In this week's volume, we're excited to discuss the new mission, SABOTAGE!
This new mission is freely available to all players in the next update to the game scheduled in March.

This new mission consists of the familiar setup of an attacking team and defending team. The attacking team's goal is to destroy or fulton the enemy Missile before the round expires. If they fail to achieve their objective, the defending team has already won. The Missile is surrounded by an Electromagnetic (EM) Barrier that, when active, protects it from damaging attacks and nullifies fulton attempts.

In order to deactivate the EM Barrier, the attacking team must hack into one of two Terminals set in different places on the map. The defending team can choose to take back control of the Terminal and reactivate the EM Barrier or defend the now vulnerable Missile to the end of the round.

Once the EM Barrier is down, attacking directly, will weaken the integrity of the Missile. When the Missile defenses are 0%, the Missile will be destroyed, and the attacking team will be victorious. With the EM Barrier active, players can still deal damage to the Missile artillery shell, however with great cost to attack damage. In SABOTAGE, when choosing between defensive terminals or direct attack, team strategy is key.

Similar to saving a teammate, when a Missile is being fultoned, the defending team can prevent fulton recovery by attacking and destroying the fulton balloon directly. As attackers wear away at the Missile's defenses, the window to destroy a fulton balloon shortens. A defending team's use of the Terminals to restore the EM Barrier and defend the Missile is critical.

It's clear that in SABOTAGE, a team member's assigned role is very important. Whether attackers choose to deplete Missile defenses, attempt a fulton recovery, or disable the EM Barrier and at what numbers determines a winning strategy. Defenders likewise need to balance Terminal and Missile defense both in watching for attacks dead ahead and fulton balloons in the sky.

That's it for now, but soon we're hoping to show off SABOTAGE so you can get a clear view of the action. We are closer and closer to the release of the March Patch and DLC EXPANSION PACK "CLOAKED IN SILENCE", and yet a few details remain, so stay tuned to future info drops!

Thanks for your continued support for Metal Gear Online, and we'll see you on the battlefield!