No Man's Sky

PSN-Name: krazzo
Ich hab's mal aus den onpsx-News kopiert:
IGN hat ein paar interessante neue Infos zu No Man`s Sky veröffentlicht, die wir euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten möchten.
  • Es gibt keine traditionelle Geschichte mit einem vorbestimmten Helden
  • Wie in Minecraft oder Terraria kreiert der Spieler sein eigenes Abenteuer
  • Planeten haben auch die Größe eines Planeten, sodass man, wenn man denn möchte, tagelang die Oberfläche eines Planeten erforschen kann
  • Sobald ein Planet entdeckt wurde, kann man den Namen des Planeten ändern. Selbiges gilt auch für Kreaturen, die man findet.
  • Man kann zwar machen, was man möchte in No Man`s Sky, aber gewisse Taten ziehen Konsequenzen nach sich
    • Tötet man zu viele Kreaturen auf einem Planeten steigt der eigene Wanted Level und irgendwann werden die Sentinels einen verfolgen
    • Startet man einen Kampf im Weltall wird die Weltraumpolizei irgendwann hinzukommen
    • Legt man sich auch mit der Weltraumpolizei an, kommt das Militär zur Hilfe
  • Das meiste im Spiel kann verbessert werden: Schilde, Schiffe, Waffen und der eigene Anzug
  • Wenn man stirbt, verliert man alle gesammelten Infos, die man nicht zum Atlas hochladen konnte. Dies kann man immer über die Beacons auf den Planeten tun.
  • Selbst nachdem das Spiel endet (man also das Zentrum der Galaxie erreicht hat), kann man weiter das Weltall erforschen
  • Man kann seine Erkundungen mit anderen Spielern teilen, indem man seinen Fortschritt zum Atlas hochlädt und andere Spieler können sich die Informationen ansehen.
Schade das es auf der E3 kein Release-Datum gab. :/
Hitzige Diskussion zu No Man's Sky! Wirklich sehenswert, weil genau 2 Seiten aufeinander treffen (Optimisten und Pessimisten).


Werd den Startpost mal demnächst überarbeiten. Hab noch keine Zeit bisher gefunden.

Weiß nicht wie ihr das seht, aber irgendwo haben beide Recht. Man muss wissen, was man kauft. Auf der anderen Seite, ist NMS ausschließlich ein Abenteuerspiel und jedes verratene Geheimnis grenzt das Spiel ein. Außerdem, denke, weiß das Team selber noch gar nicht, wie die Leute spielen, weil sich viel einfach erst ergeben wird, wenns raus ist.

Aber es ist auch echt schwer im Vorfeld zu sagen, ob es viele Möglichkeiten geben wird oder nicht. Das müsste man schon irgendwie wissen.


50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Gamestop played No Man's Sky (Video)
Icyflamez96@NeoGAF sagte:
Everyone starts off on a random planet on the outside of the starting galaxy. (There has been confirmed to be multiple galaxies)

You start off with a life pod ship, without a hyperdrive. Your hyperdrive is key to getting you from star system to star system and will be how you will cover the vast majority of your distance. You can fly from star system to star system manually, but it will take a very long time.

The goal of the game is to get to the center of the universe. The game doesn't force you to go there, but many players may find interest in getting closer to the center since the closer you get, the better ships/equipment/resources you will come across. Also, the game will get harder towards the center as you'll have a higher chance of coming across more hostile/dangerous/alien planets and stronger AI ships/factions.

To make your journey to the center, you will need to continue getting better ships and upgrade your equipment as you go. To do that, you need to have credits. Credits are the currency in NMS, and you can get credits in multiple ways:

-Discovering new species/planets through exploration and uploading them to beacons will grant you credits. You have to upload them before the credits are granted to you. If you die before you can upload your data, then you have to re discover those things and upload them to get credits for them.

-You can get credits by selling resources to space stations and trading posts. You can sell your resources to the stations in the native star system that you find them in, or you can take a risk and warp to another star system to sell your resources there where they might be more valuable and sell for higher. (I'm assuming it's that way because resource price will vary from star system to star system depending on how common the resource is in said star system) It's a risk because you could get attacked by pirates and possibly lose all of the resources are transporting, or you could get attacked by hostile animals on the search for hyperdrive fuel. Also, ship cargo takes up the same space as hyperdrive fuel, so you'll have to manage that as needed. Oh and you can also combine resources to make them more lucrative.

If you die on the surface of a planet, you will respawn at your ship, but you'll lose whatever you had on you at the time. If your ship gets destroyed in space, you will land on the nearest planet with only your life pod ship and lose your cargo, but your bank account (credits) will still be in tact. It's always possible to work your way up from your life pod ship to a better ship with a hyperdrive no matter what star system you're in or what planet you crashed on.

You mine with your multitool. The environments are fully destructible. The multitool is used as a scanner, a weapon, and a mining tool. There are many different upgrades for it. The ones we know of so far are "laser beam, plasma grenade, energy shot, scan distance, scan type (certain things can't be scanned until this is upgraded)"

If you mess with the ecology of a planet too much, (mining, killing animals) Sentinel robots will be alerted and may attack you where you'll have to engage in combat. There is a wanted level on the top right hand corner of your screen that can go up to 5 levels. The robots are not on every planet.

There is a galactic police that will attack you and keep track of your doings in any particular sector. If you try to attack freighters or space stations, the galactic police will be alerted and try to attack you. Same thing with different factions. If you help out one faction, you will be on good terms with them and you can become affiliated with them enough to call on them as wingmen. If you oppose a faction, they'll remember that and may be hostile to you if you come across them in the future.

You can also upgrade your suit. The suit upgrades we know of so far are "shields, resource capacity, jetpack (height and hang time), air hazard (separate stats for toxic, corrosive and radioactive environments, liquid hazard (length of time submerged in water, acid, and alcohol)"

There is mixed info on whether you can upgrade your ship. There are sources saying that you can't, and some saying that you upgrade whatever specific attachments that your ship came with. What we know for sure is you can't customize your ship in a way that you can switch out different attachments with what you want. You have to work with what you bought. The ship attributes we know of so far are "Shields, laser beams, plasma shot, rapid fire shots, energy torpedo, wing (affects maneuverability), hull (separate stats to allow landing in toxic, corrosive, and radioactive environments), engine (general speed), hyperdrive (hyperspace jump distance), cargo space (split between cargo and hyperdrive fuel), cloaking"

To upgrade things, you will need credits. You upgrade you suit and weapons (again, dunno about ships) at "on planet" posts. Different posts will specialize in different upgrades.

There are three main classes of ships: Fighter, Trader and Explorer. Each class has multiple prototypes

-Fighters are light and symmetrical

-Trader craft tend to be bulkier and slower, but with heavier weapons

-Explorer ships will have much better hyperdrives and stealth capabilities, allowing pacifists to run from every fight Edge

A crafting system (aside from just combining resources to make them more valuable) has been mentioned. Talks about crafting things from the "atomic level" Quote below

"The game's crafting system looks set to be intrinsically complicated but rich and intentionally obscure, for instance. After mining resources in pure atomic form you can combine them into more valuable molecules, and gradually build up complex crafted material for selling, or to use to upgrade your ship, exploration suit or weapons. Hello Games will not document how this works before launch, instead -- in the style of Minecraft -- leaving it up to players to discover."

A blueprint system has also been mentioned. You can craft resources in particular ways only if you have attained the blueprint for it. Also, "loot crates" will be spread out through the galaxy that you can find as just another thing to reward you for exploration.

Planets will have a pre-generated name, but if you upload enough discoveries from one planet to a beacon, you can rename it whatever you want. You can also rename creatures you discover.

You CAN come across other players and see them, but it's extremely unlikely because of just how big the game is. There are 18 quintillion planets after all. As you get closer to the center, the chances of running into another player will increase, but it will still be a slim chance. If you do come across another real player, where will be no indication aside from your own observation. If you see a ship that's flying un-AI like, then it could be another player. If you see a person in a suit get out of a ship and walk around, then it's probably another player. Stars on the galactic map will twinkle whenever a discover is made somewhere, so you will occasionally catch that and see where someone might be in relevance to where you're at. You can also play completely offline.

There are a good amount of other details out there that I didn't cover, but if you don't like this, the game is not for you. Here's an information archive if you're interested on reading a bit more. (which currently isn't completely updated. I'll try to get reddit on that)

I get that many people want to see more extensive footage of these things before getting on board, and that's fine. If you read this though, you shouldn't be asking what you do.
Klingt für mich absolut nach einem Spiel. ~happy~


Well-known member
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: Driveclub
Das Game soll ja auch so gut wie fertig sein, ein Release dieses Jahr würde mich nicht wundern. Aber hab allerdings nicht mit Vollpreis gerechnet.


systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems

- Not an MMO, SP experience, despite not being alone in the universe.
- Units are the main currency.
- Health and shield, auto regenerates and is all upgradeable.
- GTA style Wanted level. Multiple stages of policing via sentinels, mech walkers, ships, armada's etc.
- To avoid Wanted Levels, you can defend yourself against aggressive creatures in alternative ways. Eg shoot near their feet to scare them away.
- Wanted Level increases by causing too much destruction, killing too much life, or mining too aggressively.
- Not all planets have them.
- Things you mine can be deposited and stored.
- If you die you'll lose everything past your last beacon point, and whatever you didn't store.
- Discover planets and solar systems.
- Your ship does not start with hyperdrive, you have to build and improve it.
- The more you upgrade your hyperdrive, the deeper in to the universe you can venture.
- More unusual planets you can discover.
- Your suit is also upgradable.
- Your weapon (multi tool) is also upgradeable.
- More you upgrade your weapon, the more damage it does, the further it can scan etc.
- More you upgrade your suit, the further you can jump, deeper you can swim, the more toxicity you can survive etc.
- Some planets will have toxic areas or environments only accessible by upgrading certain things.
- There are alternative upgrades too, like a cloaking device for your ship.
- Cloaking device could be effective at avoiding pirate ships in space.
- Ship has numerous slots to fill with upgrades.
- Upgrades are made with finding materials, then other materials for crafting them.
- Choose between cargo upgrades or other tech upgrades.
- You can be a trader, miner, fighter, pirate, explorer etc.
- You don't actually have to ever land on a planet. You can just attack other ships like a pirate.
- Steal their goods, trade, etc, to upgrade your ship to travel to the centre.
- Though exploring planets is far more fun lol.
- Trading posts on most planets.
- Space station in every solar system.
- These can be destroyed, having ramifications on the world.
- You need fuel for your hyperdrive.
- There is a day night cycle, and planets actually rotate.
- Depending on which side of the sun or solar system etc you are, things will dynamically change.
vieles davon liest sich so, als hätten sie es nur ins spiel eingebaut, weil sie ständig danach gefragt wurden oder der druck zu groß wurde.

ich will das universum erforschen, irgendwelche riesenfiecher finden die nur paar mal im ganzen universum da sind. oder einen lavaplaneten finden, den es nur paar mal gibt. nicht meine waffe aufrüsten. also auch, aber die news in letzter zeit gehen echt alle in eine richtung. total nervig.


systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
1. WTF ist das für ein Avatar? :ugly:

2. Überall (auch hier ;) ) haben sich die Leute gefragt, wo das Spiel in No Man`s Sky versteckt ist. Dinge entdecken und anschauen ist nett, aber funktioniert meist nur kurz (Journey), aber nicht dutzende Stunden, wie No Man`s Sky das eigentlich möchte. Da musste also irgendwie noch etwas kommen. Ich bin froh darüber, dass man da jetzt mehr Details veröffentlicht und imo klingts ziemlich cool.
1. El Shaddai

2. Seh ich anders. Wird darauf hinauslaufen stundenlang irgendwelche scheiße zu fördern nur um die waffe auf +10 zu leveln, damit man ne silberne trophy einsackt.

Journey habe ich nie gespielt. War Journey nicht linear und 2 stunden lang? NMS ist open world/universe. es wäre langweilig, wenn sich der eine planet von dem anderen in grünen statt roten gräsern oder einer kreuzung aus antilope und zebra statt gazelle und zebra unterscheidet. das wäre langweilig, i know.
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Naja aber das ist eben der Nachteil von Welten die durch Algorithmen und nicht von Menschenhand selbst erstellt wurden. Das ist ein 10 Personen-Team auch wenn die Planeten deutlich kleiner sind als in "Wirklichkeit" die würden für 2-3 Sonnensysteme in Handarbeit schon 10 Jahre brauchen um das hinzubekommen.
Stärke oder Schwäche das wird sich zeigen müssen.

Den Rest haben sie sicherlich nicht integriert weil es die Masse wollte. Kämpfe hat man schon im allerersten Trailer gesehen (auf den VGX oder wie die damals da hießen). Vlt haben sie es nicht so gut umgesetzt wie Elite Dangerous da sie hier nicht das Hauptaugenmerk des Spiels sehen, aber nur fliegen und erforschen war von Anfang an nicht am Plan.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Spielt gerade: PokemonGo
Es gibt


im Spiel



eins find ich jetzt aber interessant. Er sagt ja, dass man quasi einen planet verlassen kann, ihn dann wieder anfliegen und alles ist genau gleich wie beim ersten mal ... das wär ja dann ein wenig zu einfach zum ressourcen farmen, oder?
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