Persona 5

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
New Persona 5 Interview with Game Informer
Let’s talk about the main cast: the protagonist, Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke, and Morgana. What do you think makes each cast member interesting?

The protagonist himself has a similar character as the heroes from the previous games – silent and cool, where you don’t always know what he’s thinking. This is mainly because we want the player to be able to empathize and identify with the protagonist, so he can better serve as the player’s avatar during the game. However, since he’s something of a roguish antihero leading this story of thrilling phantom heists, we’ve added a nuance of brash audacity to his character. Ryuji meets the protagonist in April, on the first day of school, and ends up a crucial part of starting the group of phantom thieves. With a shared secret, and their loyal reliance on each other, he and the protagonist make great partners in crime. He has kind of a mischievous personality, and through their exploits as the phantom thieves, he wants to reform society and make their names infamous around the world. Ann is one of the game’s heroines. Since she’s lived abroad, she has a distinct, foreign air about her that draws people’s attention. However, they also tend to keep her at an emotional distance because of it. Yusuke has great artistic talent, and he’s seen as an oddball who thinks differently than most people. Lastly, there’s Morgana... At first glance, you might assume [he or she is] merely the mascot character of this title, but [he or she is] quite well-informed on the strange “other world”; more so than the protagonist and his team. Morgana takes the role of a prideful instructor, and has a very particular set of standards for the expected aesthetics and conduct of a phantom thief. However, even Morgana has no idea of [his or her] own origins, and quests in search of those answers. [Note: Atlus would not confirm Morgana's gender]
Lastly, a message from Hashino to all the American fans looking forward to Persona 5:

The adaptation of the “phantom thief” genre of crime fiction may give the impression that the game might be built on a predictable premise or clichés, but all aspects of the game are cohesive with the underlying theme and background of Persona 5; we put a great deal of effort and thought into its execution. We tried to mix a sense of familiarity with the supernatural, and show how things one might normally encounter or deal with in daily life might actually be connected to something far more extraordinary. The story is set in Japan, but we believe the theme is universal; mankind’s tendency to each view the world through their own individually distorted sense of reality – and its consequences on society and relationships – is a subject that resonates across the world. We hope you look forward to this title’s gameplay, entering the world of warped human desires and casting judgment on the targets you find there.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Atlus CEO teases unannounced titles, a year where Atlus’ popular series all gather together
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu features an interview with Atlus CEO Naoto Hiraoka.

Discussing Atlus’ plans for 2015 and the future of the company, Hiraoka told the magazine, “In 2015, we were able to develop existing IP like Persona 4: Dancing All Night and Etrian Mystery Dungeon. In 2016, starting with Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, we plan to release a large number of titles. In the summer, we’ll launch the long-awaited Persona 5. Of course, in addition to that we have several unannounced titles. I have no doubt this will be a year Atlus’ popular series all gather together.

“While the release date hasn’t been decided, I want you to also look forward to VanillaWare’s 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.”

Persona Musou ? :ugly:
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Neue Infos:
Today marks the release of “Persona Magazine #2016 March,” which features a new interview with Persona series director Katsura Hashino, who shares new tidbits on Persona 5.

  • The dungeon level design is vastly different from previous games. All of them incorporate different stories and can be thoroughly enjoyed.
  • By choosing the cliched theme of “phantom thieves,” Atlus hopes to surprise users and put in more ideas than can be imagined. Atlus wants to skillfully combine contemporary drama with Persona to create something that expresses the fun of entertainment.
  • The setting is Tokyo because Atlus wants to play out an unthinkable phantom thief drama in a world that we’re familiar with.

Characters (read each character’s description here)

  • Many of the characters are labeled, or look at things from a biased point of view and such, and are spending their days unhappily, feeling that it can’t be helped and don’t fit in. Breaking the status quo, rising up, and coming alive is how the introduction will develop.
  • Regarding Ryuji Sakamoto: A “let’s change the world” character who pulls along the protagonist. The hero begins his phantom thieving after getting caught up with Ryuji. He’s insistent, but kind on the inside. His personality is a good match for his voice actor, Mamoru Miyano. And his Persona, “Captain Kidd,” matches Ryuji’s setting and episode.
  • Regarding Ann Takamaki: A quarter-American character who has returned to Japan and is well liked, but doesn’t have friends and, though she stands out, is cut off and isolated from her surroundings. After becoming your friend, her bright personality makes her the lively mood maker of the group. Her Persona, “Carmen,” has a femme fatal side to her, and in an incident related to Ann, the protagonist and Ryuji will take on a fight in the other world. In this sense, Ann will have an influence on the fate of the protagonists.
  • Regarding Morgana: A character similar to Persona 4‘s Teddie that will help you navigate the other world. Having previously been involved in the phantom thief business for certain reasons, she also bears the responsibility of training the protagonists as phantom thieves. In the real world, Morgana takes on the form of an ordinary cat, and Hashino wants you to look forward to the reason why that is. Morgana’s Persona, Zorro, is her admired form. Because she’s usually small and called with a “hey, cat,” Morgana’s Persona takes on a macho form.
  • Regarding Yusuke Kitagawa: An eccentric character whose illustration may give off a different appeal. He has talent as a painter and is also an art scholarship student.
  • There will be a system similar to “Social Links.” Is communication the driving force for those who are trying to make a change? With that question in mind, Hashino says that it will be good if Persona 5 depicted human relations a step above Persona 3 and Persona 4‘s Social Links.

Persona Series

  • Atlus is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Persona series this year. Hashino says since Atlus is thinking about making an announcement that will please users, while first waiting for Persona 5, to look forward to something in that area.

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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
15.9. in Japan zumind.

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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
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50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Da kann man nur hoffen, dass denen innerhalb dieser 5 Monate noch rechtzeitig einfällt, dass es da ja noch einen entlegenen verschrobenen Kontinent namens Juhropp gibt.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Sehe da kein Problem mit dem Zeitnahen Horizon Termin. Die Spiele sprechen imo sehr unterschiedliche Zielgruppen an. Finds aber gut das es erst 2017 kommt dann kann mich gut auf FFXV fokussieren und bevor P5 vielleicht endlich mal P4G auf der Vita beginnen :ugly:
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Sehe da kein Problem mit dem Zeitnahen Horizon Termin. Die Spiele sprechen imo sehr unterschiedliche Zielgruppen an. Finds aber gut das es erst 2017 kommt dann kann mich gut auf FFXV fokussieren und bevor P5 vielleicht endlich mal P4G auf der Vita beginnen :ugly:
Ich sags mal so. 4 Golden hat perfekt in die Lücke gepasst die Sony's AAA-Titel auf der Vita hinterlassen haben. Teil 5 wäre der perfekte Start gewesen.
Aus irgendeinen Grund hat man sich entschieden auf Xbox One und PC-Versionen zu verzichten. Gut also ein unfreiwilliger PS-Exklusivtitel.
Nur dann lässt man sich für den West-Release fast ein halbes Jahr Zeit und bringt es dann 2 Wochen vor dem nächsten großen Sony Exklusivtitel raus, welcher in einem ÄHNLICHEN Genre (Action-RPG vs JRPG/Dungeon Crawler) jagt (neben CoD würde es wahrscheinlich eine bessere Figur im Laden machen).
Sprich das Marketing auf dieser Plattform bleibt völlig dem eigenen Publisher überlassen, der nichtmal großartig Interesse am europäischen Markt hat, obwohl dort der Titel bessere Chancen als in den USA hätte.

Ich habe einfach Angst dass die Deppen den Titel verheizen weil anscheinend die PR-Abteilung durch eine Gruppe Semi-Intelligenter Pinguine ersetzt wurde (Affen und Delphine waren wohl zu teuer).
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman

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Spielt gerade: verrückt
Steep my ass... Ändert endlich mal das VO System damit das einfacher wird und nicht jedes mal mit der selben ausrede angetanzt wird :rolleyes:

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Ich bin der Meinung, wenn ich jemanden bezahle dafür, dass er für mein Spiel etwas vertont, dann sollten die kompletten Rechte an diesen, für mich aufgenommen/gekauften Stimmen bei mir liegen, egal was ich damit mach.