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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9pubpoGk1A"]Wipeout HD PS3 vs PS4 vs PS4 Pro Frame Rate Test (Omega Collection)[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Q5gwTFSL0"]Wipeout Omega Collection: 1st Contact Analaysis PS4 - PS4Pro[/ame]
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
So ich räum mal auf:

Days Gone
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YExxR5XdCTo"][4K] Days Gone PS4/ PS4 Pro E3 2017 Demo Analysis[/ame]

Star Wars Battlefront 2 PC
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLwc0mnb5dw"][1440p/4K] Star Wars Battlefront 2 PC Ultra Settings First Look![/ame]

Xbox One X Block

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qqpRlDSDFA"]DF Videocast #10: Xbox One X - Has Microsoft Delivered?[/ame]

AC Origins auf XB1X
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8oPvbpVGP0"][4K] Assassin's Creed Origins: Xbox One X Tech First Look![/ame]

Anthem auf "XB1X"
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3E5L2sOvNI"][4K] Anthem: Xbox One X E3 Demo - Is it the Real Deal?[/ame]


[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7-9Izyuaxg"][4K] Forza Motorsport 7 Xbox One X - 9 Minutes of Gameplay[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T85Fshj2eiY"][4K] Forza Motorsport 7: Xbox One X Analysis + Forza 6 PC/Xbox One Graphics Comparison[/ame]

und Destiny 2 PC:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st5JUlPXkRc"]Let's Play Destiny 2 PC at 4K 60fps[/ame]


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Der Artikel dazu:

Forza Motorsport 7: Xbox One X's true 4K showcase delivers

und die Geschichte zu den unkomprimierten Pixeln:

"For us, we've always tried to hit native resolution because we want to have surface valuations happening per pixel, because we have these hard, clean edges," he explained. "Even at 4K we still have a little bit of aliasing, but that's the type of stuff that we get to work on heading into the future... I know there's other techniques and other people will want to use them for their quality decisions but for us, being able to get those little streaks of specular you'll get off the track. These are like pixel level things or sub-pixel levels things you'll kind of miss out on when you get into approximations that aren't running at native resolution."

Tector is the man behind a thousands GIFs - he is indeed the talking head on last year's Project Scorpio reveal video, discussing those now iconic 'uncompressed pixels'. In putting that video together, each participant sat down in turn in front of the camera, and were encouraged just to talk about Scorpio and their experiences of its development. It's fair to say that the subsequent editing robbed his comments of almost all of their context.

"It's what I was getting at when I said 'uncompressed pixels'. Even when you go to a movie at the theatre and it's projected at 4K, it's compressed and it's running at 24 frames a second," he says. "And games - just in general - games at 4K, they're natively rendered, right? They're the cleanest, uncompressed pixels that you can see and they're rendering at 60 frames a second - and the really cool part is that we're doing this for console gamers now. So rather than hoping you can afford a multi-thousand dollar PC that can achieve it, we're going to have people playing at console, native 4K, 60 frames a second. It's going to be awesome."

In effect, Tector is referencing the unique properties of 4K gaming - it's the only medium that can provide the cleanest presentation to an ultra HD screen. UHD Blu-rays, streaming media, even cinema digital projection - they are all based on sources using lossy compression. There is no compromised intermediate with gaming, everything is rendered directly from silicon to pixel. Turn 10 builds its titles around precision assets and the cleanest native rendering it can achieve within hardware constraints. The highest quality pixels? Well, the E3 demo's image quality is on another level.

---------- Beitrag um 00:16 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 00:13 Uhr ----------

But just as impressive is the implementation of full dynamic lighting, allowing for gradual time of day transitions as well as a full-on weather system - all real-time now, as opposed to FM6's baked, static equivalents [UPDATE 17/6/17 2:20pm: we'll need to look at our captures more closely, but transitioning between multiple baked lighting models may be how Turn 10 has achieved this - it's an approach most recently seen in Horizon Zero Dawn]. During our Turn 10 visit, we could see how the developers could tweak lighting and weather on the fly during runtime, as easily as a movie colourist grades footage.
Bin mal gespannt wie dynamisch das ganze wirklich ist. Richtige Tag-Nacht-Wechsel sind vermutlich nicht drin.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Aus der Traum vom 60fps Ace Combat wenn sich nicht noch gewaltig was tut ~sad~.

oder man darf eine Pro/X1X kaufen ~awman~

Summary for those at work:

- Return to the classic game play style (think 4, 5) as opposed to the last game's 'cinematic focus'
- Runs on Unreal Engine 4
- Game runs with an uncapped frame rate (at this point) and hovers between high 30's and mid 40's on average on Base PS4. No other version tested.
- Game doesn't have any specific PS4 Pro or Xbox X enhancements to highlight yet but the team is looking to improve the overall game play experience on these devices.
- Game designers are currently focusing on visual fidelity as opposed to frame rate so can't commit to locked 60 FPS and say this leeway is allowed
- Full volumetric clouds
- Can get lost in clouds and need to rely on HUD display, water droplets form on wind shield, condensation also realistically forms across the wings with elevation
- Terrain features specular highlights and packed with hundreds of trees
- All the visual effects are topped off with an excellent motion blur implementation
- VR mode is currently PS VR exclusive and in VR visuals are downgraded in resolution and volumetric effects.

Yeah but they also suggested that they're aiming for 60fps on Pro and Xbox X. I think they should cap it at 30 on PS4/Xo and go for 60 on the more powerful machines.
Yeah, but he didn't say they weren't going to try either (especially on the more powerful consoles).

I think the real issue stems from the cloud system which is very expensive to render though it also drops hard when near the terrain.

The average frame-rate, according to our FPS tools, for the entirety of the 20 minute demo was 47fps. It's a WIP build running on a standard PS4 averaging 47fps. I could see that improving further by release and the Pro and Xbox X versions hitting 60fps most of the time.
Like I said, I played the whole demo in VR and it didn't hiccup even once. It's completely stable right now. They just massively dropped cloud quality.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Ach das sieht schon recht geil aus und die drops stören hier auch nicht so im Video wie befürchtet. Wenn es auf Pro irgendwo stabil gehalten werden kann ohne Tearing würde mir das reichen (hat mich bei Ubi's HAWX 1 recht gestört).

Könnte das erste AC sein, das ich wirklich versuche aus der cockpit-Perspektive zu zocken (war mir früher immer viel zu hektisch).