Sleeping Dogs (ehemals True Crime: Hong Kong)

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel

Wow echt geilo! Meine Güte wie konnte ich das game nur übersehen ? Hyped! :D
mal n paar reviews abwarten :)
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Kampfsystem und Fahrverhalten der Vehikel sind halt noch 2 Fragezeichen... hoffe die sind okay :)
ok hierbei hab ich kräftig gelacht ;D, vielleicht weil ich müde bin! *keine ironie!*

hoffe es steuert sich schön flüssig und gut und nicht wie gummi o.ä., da scheitern manche games, auch die verwendung von telefonzellen usw. hoffe das wird nicht schnell zu einer animation die man 10000 mal sieht ausarten.
Spielt gerade: Tomb Raider II
UFG haben ja auch schon an einem PS3-Exklusivtitel gearbeitet, also kennen sie sich mit der Konsole aus. Von daher würde ich mir keine Sorgen um die PS3-Version machen (selbst wenn es ein Port sein sollte).

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel

Gefällt mir immer besser und besser wird 100% geholt aber leider erst 2013 hab zu viel grad zum zocken..
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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Ne im Ernst ^^
Ich hab vor n paar Tagen erst Kingdoms of Amalur bekommen. Im August kommt Tales of Graces und 2 Wochen später TTT 2( Alleine TTT2 wird n Zeitfresser bye bye real life:ugly: ). Dann die ganzen + games die ich gratis bekommen habe und nicht zu vergessen meine Vita ...
Dieses Jahr kommt mir nichts mehr ins Haus ..leider:ugly:

Aber Sleeping Dogs steht für 2013 weit oben auf meiner Liste:D GoW kommt ja zum Glück erst im März oder so..

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Sleeping Dogs’ open-world to have “gameplay density,” instead of size

United Front has said not to expect Sleeping Dogs to be quite as large as previous titles in the True Crime series – the franchise it was originally developed for.

Speaking with OPM, design director Mike Scupa said the team focused instead on “gameplay density,” and an “environment that really catered to the strength of our gameplay”.

“A large portion of our game takes place on foot and our driving is very action based,” he said. “We really wanted to focus on a very streamlined and gameplay centric world layout.

“We really tried to pack the island with many different kinds of stuff as possible. I think our size is fairly competitive with other open world titles.”

“Your character is very powerful, an action hero where you can do all these things [so] we didn’t want you to have to go too far to be able to do those things,” added senior producer Jeff O’Connell.

In other words, it may not be as large as, ohm say San Andreas as an example, but there will still be plenty to do and see.“gameplay-density-instead-of-size/
Shut the fuck up and take my money.

San Andreas macht auch nur Spaß weil man mit nem Motorrad durch die Wildnis rasen kann und die 3 Städte klar getrennt sind. Die Atmosphäre sollte hier doch etwas dichter und intensiver rüberkommen :)

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
United Front Snapped Over 35,000 Photos Of Hong Kong For Sleeping Dogs

Speaking with the PlayStation Blog for Asia, Sleeping Dogs executive producer, Stephen van der Mescht, discusses how United Front went about gathering reference material for re-creating Hong Kong in their game.

“We took 35,000 to 40,000 reference photos and hour upon hour of video footage, but it’s not a street for street depiction,” van der Mescht says. “It was important for us to capture the essence of city. Lots of the landmarks are there, many of the names are similar yet, first and foremost, we wanted to make that space fun to navigate around.”

In an interview with Siliconera earlier this year, the game’s senior producer, Jeff O’Connell, told us that United Front also spoke with members of the Hong Kong police force, as well as Triad members, who were a valuable source of information for the game’s story and setting. “There is a lot of stuff we learned from talking to those guys that made its way into the game in some interesting ways,”O’Connell shared.

He elaborated: “It was not like we showed up to Hong Kong and said, is there Triad here? Is there anyone we can talk to? And a bunch of guys raised their hands. It was a long process to talk to a couple of these guys and they would only speak directly with our writer. That was all done through a contact we had in the entertainment industry there who had friends who were in the Triad or had previously been in the Triad. It took many weeks and months for them just to meet our writer.”

Echt tolle Sache :okay: Als Asia fan großer + Punkt!
Wird für mich ungeheuer spaß machen die city zu erkunden
und wahllos unschuldige Passanten zu killen:ugly:~megusta~~megusta~~troll~
