The Crew


PSN-Name: Andy1985
Pay 2 Play ist doch jedes Spiel. Bis jetzt musste ich mir Spiele in der Regel kaufen^^

Destiny fällt doch in die selbe Sparte. Da ist es ja aber was ganz anderes, da es ja von Bungie kommt ;)
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Spielt gerade: verrückt
Ne Pay 2 Play ist allgemein ne Bezeichnung für Spiele mit monatlichen Kosten.(Wie ElderScrollsOnline jetzt, oder FFXIV)
Das von dir Beschriebene gilt in der 'MMO-Welt' als b2p Buy 2 Play (Wie zb Guild Wars).
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Sagt, habt ich alle geschlafen?

The Crew war von Anfang an ein MMO. Nur wollte das niemand wahr haben. Selbst Devision wird ein MMO.
Das ist keine Ausrede für miesen peer-to-peer (was sogar von den Entwicklern als suboptimal beschrieben wird in diesem Interview) und zurück zum Startbildschirm wenn man mal Netzwerkprobleme hat (was auch von den Entwicklern als bescheiden beschrieben wird).

Wenn man das letzte Spiel der Primärentwickler (die Driver-Leute porten ja nur auf PS4) hernimmt, sollte zumind. Letzteres nicht sein.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Danke für den Link.

Was die Dimension der Spielwelt angeht, hat mich The Crew jetzt schon überzeugt! Die Reise durch die USA mit all ihren Sehenswürdigkeiten, interessanten Städten und abwechslungsreichen Landschaften wird sicher mehr bieten als viele andere Rennspiele. Auch die spontanen Mini-Herausforderungen beim Cruisen finde ich mindestens ebenso gelungen wie das ansprechend visualisierte Upgradesystem. Allerdings nimmt man den MMO- und RPG-Aspekt hier zu ernst: Der durchschnittliche Rennspieler, der einfach nur einsteigen und Gas geben will, dürfte dem Aufleveln von Einzelteilen, Hantieren mit Perks und Fraktionen nicht unbedingt viel abgewinnen. Mir war es jedenfalls nach den zwei Stunden schon etwas zu viel MMO und zu wenig Rennspiel. Denn dort, worauf es für mich in erster Linie ankommt, hinterlässt der Titel immer noch keine gute Figur: die Fahrphysik! Mir ist die Steuerung zu träge und es fällt mir immer noch schwer, ein Gefühl für das gewöhnungsbedürftige Verhalten der Boliden zu entwickeln. Und auch technisch verströmt Ubisofts Raser-Crew leider kein Next-Gen-Flair – ein Kompromiss, den man angesichts der großen Spielwelt aber hier genauso verschmerzen könnte wie damals bei Test Drive Unlimited. Da stößt mir der Onlinezwang beim Solospiel und die Aussicht auf Mikrotransaktionen deutlich stärker sauer auf...
TDU hatte auch nicht gerade eine gute Fahrphysik.
Klingt eigentlich gar nicht soo schlecht. Handling kann man nach so einem Preview schwer beurteilen. Hoffentlich ist das "Grinden" nicht so MMO-mäßig wie es klingt, sondern läuft halt nebenbei während man durch die Gegend cruist.

Gibt es eine Cockpitperspektive?

Sagt, habt ich alle geschlafen?

The Crew war von Anfang an ein MMO. Nur wollte das niemand wahr haben. Selbst Devision wird ein MMO.
Innerhalb eines Jahres könnten sich Dinge ja auch mal zum positiven wenden! ~notsure~

Langatmiges MMO-like Grinden ist jetzt nicht wirklich etwas worauf man stolz sein sollte.

Ich les jedenfalls bei MMO immernoch Onlinespiel anstatt "dieses Spiel ist Müll aber kauft es bitte und möglichst viele Microtransactions dazu".
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Sorry wenn ich da noch sehr negativ klinge. Mir hat TDU damals gefallen, konnte mich zwar nicht lange motivieren (auch teils wegen der Fahrphysik) aber war in Ordnung.
Nur das war 2006! Wenn ATARI nicht mehr viel Kohle für Teil 2 hat springen lassen okay, aber ich erwarte einfach mehr als mehr Fahrzeuge und etwas bessere Grafik als damals.
Vor allem konnte ich TDU auch komplett ohne Live Gold zocken und wurden nicht an den Startbildschirm zurück geschmissen und musste mich nicht mit p2p in der Karriere ärgern.

Man hätte wenigstens die Fahrphysik etwas aufmöbeln können und statt einem noch größeren Gebiet die Grafik für 30fps etwas aufhübschen können.

Stattdessen verwandelt man das Ding in ein reinrassiges MMO mit (für ein Rennspiel) vielen RPG-Elementen die nicht jedem Racing-Fan gefallen werden.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
A Trip to Lyon



Recently i made a little trip for TDUDriveTime to Lyon, to enjoy some great food, meet some interesting people and to play a game. It is called...

The Crew

As one of the lucky 7 that were invited, i had the privilege to be one of the first gamers in the World to play this great game, that started 7 years ago as a brainchild from a few French Rockstars of the gaming industry, who left Eden Games after the release of TDU1 and started their own Studio:

Ivory Tower

The Studio has grown over the years to about 90 people, all Top Gun programmers, very dedicated and talented professionals, centered around the 4 founders, who form the beating hart of this great Team.
Ivory Towers is led by Stéphane Beley, who is also the spiritual father of TDU1, as well as The Crew. Great guy, very accessible, friendly and patiently answering all our questions. Also a very good team leader with the Studio setup in dedicated sections with mission specialists. Chapeau.

The project has grown so big, that 6 additional Studios are working together to get The Crew finished, including UbiSoft Reflections (Driver SF). The whole project is backed by UbiSoft, who are really supportive to the project and will also publish the game.

We were treated with an entire tour around the Studio, meeting devs, getting explanations on what they were working on, in-depth demonstrations of the landscaping, car modeling and destruction departments and all i can say is that most of the stuff you see in the trailers is not just promotional eye candy but actually in the game.

We literally had a taste of the Hâute Cuisine of the French Gaming Industry.

Hands On

As this is not Wikipedia but a game site, it is time to play. Well, after over 10 hours of hardcore gameplay of one of the most anticipated titles of 2014, i can tell you that The Crew is the next evolution of TDU.
This is an epic game in the making. And i don't say this just because our crew was treated very nice by the Devs, but because it is actually better in every aspect of the game you can imagine. It is that good. We all agreed that it did not only meet our expectations, but exceeded it. Everybody who knows me a little bit and has read some of my comments before, knows i really like to raise the bar and can be very critical if needed, but this team of perfectionists, connoisseurs and petrol-heads have produced something really special. They have set new standards again with this project. My first impression is a positive one.

Off course they need to polish the game some more, fix some bugs and interface issues.
They are aware of that and I had a few bugs popup a couple of times that were immediately fixed with workarounds by two devs, including the Studio Director himself, coding at warp speed.

The Driving

Most important aspect of a driving game is how the cars handle, the physics, force feedback, the interaction with the gaming environment and the overall feel and flow of the game.
The first day i only played with controller, tried as many rides as i could and decided only to do the introduction of the story (yes, it has one) and do as much driving as possible. The game-flow is very nice as you go fluently from free-ride into a mission or challenge, seamless. No lobby or loading times. A unique feature of The Crew. Later I took a flight to Las Vegas with a friend from Tduck to drive flatout all the way back to Detroit and Chicago. Epic fun.

The handling and gameplay with a controller is very good. Cars steer predictable and are actually reacting like real life cars. I started in default FA setting but switched quickly to sport mode as that brings more life to the driving. In full assist everybody can drive a car in The Crew. No matter how old or good you are. It is a game that everybody from all ages can enjoy and play together.
On hardcore the cars are a handful and a real challenge to master, especially if you drive a muscle car in the snow

The good controller players will love the hardcore mode in this game, as it is really good and usable. Sport mode is an all-round fun mode that allows you to drift a little and use the movements of the car to place it wherever you want and probably the most relaxed setting to play forever.

The Wall of Wheels

Everybody who is interested how the wheel support is, will be pleasantly surprised by The Crew.
To begin with there are dedicated programmers working on both physics and force feedback and they are very humble, but also represent one of the top teams in creating a really good setup for wheel fanatics. They were also responsible for the TDU1 setup. Same team, next level.

To show their dedication there is literally a wall of wheels stacked up with every possible modern wheel available on the market. All major brands from Logitech to Fanatec and Thrustmaster were there, including high end shifters and pedal sets. Track Ir is also supported, so will be shifting lights.
They had a Play Seat setup with a Thrustmaster T500 ready for us to rumble.

MadManCK Time

Time for some serious wheel action as i grab the seat next morning. This time, the devs have unlocked the whole map and a cool bunch of cars, including some super cars. I decide to use just 2 cars and really learn to master them first to be able to push them fully to and over the limit. To feel what the physics in this game are capable of. I really enjoyed myself as i drove for about 2 hours with a Ruf and a Lamborghini. While the Lambo was relatively easy to learn and master, the RUF was a serious handful to drive. I loved it. Even if the physics were insane with wheel-spin in almost every gear (fixed already) and the default wheel setup is in Hardcore mode (you don't want anything else), i had a lot of control over the car, felt the suspension do the work. I felt the car getting light over hills, heavy under braking, used the movements of the car to place it wherever i wanted (and not wanted) and they could really be driven almost sim like. Almost because they left out the bad part of sims. This game is focused on fun so you can get away with driving through some objects without destroying your car straightaway. Same for jumps. But when you really make a mess of things you will total the car.

Because of the realism of the rides, the immersion of actually driving a car on some of the greatest roads of the USA is so strong, that it can completely absorb you. Wheel drivers will have a lot of fun with this game.
You can throw a car around corners, do massive powerslides and controlled drifts, but also drive “gently” through the neighborhood of Miami, while doing 100MPH !. Dodging people who make heroic moves to avoid getting hit, evading traffic and all i can say is that this handling has put a massive smile on my face that is probably still there and wont come off the next couple of days.

An MMO Driving game with Fun-Sim like handling, what else do you want?
They made THE game. The Crew is that driving game you really want.
It is an open driving world full of life and entertainment with great driving dynamics to match the high standard of the rest of the game.

The Cars

All cars have a unique character and handling and can be tuned with parts you win and find by doing all kinds off stuff along the way. The amount of possible upgrades is insane. To start with, you have full stock, street, dirt, raid, performance and circuit tuning setups. And within those setups you have a ton of additional options to improve and customize your rides. Just collecting all parts will take you days, weeks and probably even months.

The car list will be quality over quantity. You have to imagine that some cars can be tuned in every setup option. This means 6 different basic layouts for those cars, including all parts and tuning options, damage and dirt models. Each model with dedicated physics and improvement modifications. To model each car with full factory support and approval takes about 6 months average to complete.

Each car is modeled like building a complete car, with working suspension, brakes and drive-train and working engine parts. The care and attention to detail is beyond belief.
The list will be a very good and varied selection of some of the most anticipated cars from all around the Globe.
They actually had some kind of Cool Wall that Top Gear used to have. But as they are still in the middle of the licensing process, i can't go into details. Just check the Crew site for updates on the cars, or here on TDUDrivetime.

The Map

The map is huge. To underline this, Creative Director Julian showed us the map with other open world games projected on it, including Skyrim, TDU and GTA V and they were all dwarfed by The Crew.
The whole USA, scaled, optimized and never repetitive. Game was running smoothly with great viewing distances and recognizable landmarks all over the place. There is so much to discover that i won't go into details in this review. You simply have to do that yourself.

There are fully modeled tracks, i drove on Laguna Seca and saw others at Sebring and Indianapolis and there are probably a lot more. Most of the major cities are there. So is Route 66.
Even with 10 hours of playtime, i have only seen a fraction of the map. The diversity of the landscape is simply astonishing. With great visuals in lots of places.

They actually have sent different dev teams to the US to do some research in all parts of the country, shooting pictures and filming as many famous landmarks and buildings as they could. Must have been really hard work


If i have to describe the game in one word, it is freedom. It is more unlimited than Test Drive ever was and truly pushes the envelope for all other open world racers to come.
You can only imagine what they will create as additional content in the future. It will be more than just a few cars. Mark my words.


Many thanks to Stéphane, Julian, Soufyane, the camera crew and all the cool people at Ivory Towers and Anne from UbiSoft for making this Event possible. You're a great Crew

I also like to thank the other privileged members of our Crew. All hardcore gamers from around the globe, knowing their stuff. We had a lot of fun in Lyon, enjoying the good life and playing one of the most anticipated titles of the year for the first time.

Last but not least, I like to thank Bezrider for letting me go to Ivory Tower

Oculus Rift is not supported yet. Maybe in a future update.

Yes, the way the Full assist, Sport mode and Hardcore modes work are different than in other games, as they really change the character of this game. Some of the journalists have probably just driven in FA and a lower tier car and than you can drive flatout for most of the time. You will get a different impression if you only played that way.

Time cycle was about 2.4 hours. But they are still in debate about that. I suggested 4 hours btw.
This team is really interested in maintaining a good relation with the community.
I had my doubts about Nitros too. But it worked pretty well. It is functional and not over the top.
There will be NFS players who will play the Crew for sure.

Keep in mind that these are the inventors of TDU1 !
Most of the core of the Ivory Towers Crew have been working at Eden Games before.

This game does not have the dinky handling of NFS games, nor the forced drift mode from Grid2.
You can drift, but controlled and self inflicted. It is a real drivers game. Even if there are the obvious arcade game elements in there.

But it is also possible to switch off everything and just drive around as you please.
And that makes The Crew the Ultimate Cruising game as well.

Edit: The automatic gearbox worked well. With kickdowns and stuff. Don't know what happens if you are not racing as i did that all 10 hours
You can do missions and races with 4 others in one Crew. 4 vs 4 max. But you are always driving in the same open world as everybody else. It is an MMO after all.
There are a few things i like to share, that were not in the initial review.

The car sounds will be made by UbiSoft Reflections, using real engine sounds

They will also be responsible for the PS4 version of the game.

Modding will not be supported for the Crew.

And to be frankly, if the game is that good, you don't need it, as it would only mess up the game for others.

Manual gears will be available for Controller players as well

It has over 7000 miles of roads

The PC version will get more Video options. Higher FPS and Multi Screen will be supported.

Julian Gerighty (Creative Director) has grown a beard since the Youtube videos.
He has also the most insane travel schedule if have ever seen. In fact he came straight from the USA to our meeting in France.

The developers of the Crew have created all the different tools they needed to build the game themselves. Including the world building tools and the engine. They are a clever bunch of programmers.

Stéphane "Fergus" Beley, will continue focusing on driving games in the future and push boundaries even more.

Some rumors about game developing studios are true. There were a couple of microwaves stacked up in the cantina, so everybody could nuke his food at the same time and it also had a couch and a table soccer game.
Reflections macht die Sounds und die PS4 Version.
Your cars will be at the HQ.
And your cars are always directly available through the mobile phone, so you can switch rides wherever you are. Or just drive to the HQ to pickup another ride.
The mobile is a pop-up that gives access to all kind of game functions as well. Including game settings, car list, difficulty and controller setup.
You can, for instance, switch of all game interactions and just drive and cruise to the horizon.

Garages where you can buy new cars are scattered over the map, all with specialties.
You can install parts at tuner shops and also do direct upgrades if you win a gold part for example.
Zuletzt editiert:
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Hoffentlich weiten sie die Beta noch aus. Gerade bei einem MMO ist es nicht die beste Idee nur auf der Plattform zu testen, wo voraussichtlich die wenigsten Spieler unterwegs sind.
Ein RTS wird ja auch nicht auf Konsolen getestet.
PSN-Name: mutilator1977
Spielt gerade: querbeet durch !
sorry, gleiche Frage wie bei Driveclub aber ich muss es wissen :(

Ich muss mal um Hilfe bitten ;)
Wer hat Infos dazu (auf Deutsch) ob das Spiel auch einen Single-Player hat wie bei GT z.B. ???
Mich drückt das Spiel ungemein als absoluter Rennspiele-Freak aber wenn es nur ein Online-Game ist ohne Meisterschaften solo usw dann mag ich es eigentlich nicht.
Bin für jede Info dankbar wer was weiß.
LG, Daniel

P.S. Adden könnt ihr mich gerne (mutilator1977) denn ich spiele sehr viel und die Freundesliste hat ja Platz für 2000 Personen.