The Surge

systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: verrückt
Ansich hab ich ja noch genug zu zocken und ansich hab ich ja nicht wirklich lust drauf, aber gestern hatten die im Laden um die Ecke Injustice 2 für 49,99, wenn sie später auch dieses hier für den Preis haben könnte ich vllt schwach werden :D
PSN-Name: totalbloody
Spielt gerade: Red Dead Redemption 2 / Horizon Zero Dawn
Habe es vor paar Tagen bei Gamestop in der 9.99€ Aktion geholt & bereue es KEIN STÜCK!
Was mich wundert ist ja,dass es hier absolut ruhig ist... dachte hier gibt es einige Souls Spieler?
Ich bin bisher absolut begeistert vom Spiel! Ein DS in SciFy! Macht echt bock & leicht ist es auf keinen Fall....

Ps. es gibt eine wählbare Option für das Treffer Feedback ob mit Verzögerung oder ohne! Da hier ja einige von dem Treffer Feedback nicht so begeistert waren....

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Habe es vor paar Tagen bei Gamestop in der 9.99€ Aktion geholt & bereue es KEIN STÜCK!
Was mich wundert ist ja,dass es hier absolut ruhig ist... dachte hier gibt es einige Souls Spieler?
Ich bin bisher absolut begeistert vom Spiel! Ein DS in SciFy! Macht echt bock & leicht ist es auf keinen Fall....

Ps. es gibt eine wählbare Option für das Treffer Feedback ob mit Verzögerung oder ohne! Da hier ja einige von dem Treffer Feedback nicht so begeistert waren....
In meiner Freundesliste zocken das so einige auch hier aus dem Forum.
Ich hols mir sobald mal ein guter Sale kommt wegen Backlog und so..

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Neuer Patch
Korean Language support has now been added!
Added a FOV slider for the game camera
Added an option to configure when to play music in the medbay
The number of save slots has been increased from 4 to 10
Added a setting for muting the speech of the anchorman videos played in the game world

Fixed a crash associated with pathfinding in the abandoned labs level
Reset the player position after a finishing move if that move would make the player fall to his death
Weapon materials will now drop correctly from NG+4 onwards
Removed weapon duplicates from the inventory, award nano cores for duplicate boss weapons
Elevators were sometimes not triggered correctly when entering them the instant they arrived
Enemy super armor will now scale properly through NG+ and beyond
Properly mark all drone upgrades to be unequipped when entering NG+
When awarding an injectable because of gained tech scrap, award one for all injectable types currently equipped, not only the selected one
Make sure equipped injectable implants always respect the order in which they are equipped when cycling through them
Giving Jo tech scrap will now update the UI counter properly
Hazard armor sets now also negate damage from toxic gas
It's not possible anymore to trigger a drone attack while the drone is on its way to overcharge a circuit
Toxic autofilter implant will now working properly if there is more than one in the inventory (NG+)
Androids that have been finished once will now properly damage the player after getting up again
Prevent P.A.X. from hitting itself with rockets colliding with the ceiling instantly when firing them
Fixed a problem that sometimes interactions could not be performed when starting NG+
The restart hint after changing the display refresh rate in the options menu will now correctly display.
Player can no longer get stuck on the train from Central Production to Abandoned Production
Player can no longer be killed by PAX falling on its knees
Player is no longer moved up the legs of PAX
Player can no longer be killed in PAX wake up cut scene
After lying to Alec about Maddy’s death the audio note at Alecs' body will now correctly play
Base of the Big Sister 1/3 is no longer lockable after it has been destroyed
Enemies in the arena of the Black Cerberus will no longer react to noise that the player makes
Camera in the fight versus Rogue Process will now always set correctly
Various fixes in Central Production B to prevent enemies from climbing on top of rails
Weapon trails are immediately visible after the player enters Central Production B
Sometimes when starting NG+ and opening the inventory, the player was still displayed wearing gear from the previous playthrough
Weapon buffs given by injectables were sometimes not displayed correctly in the Specs screen after switching gear
The camera configuration was not reset properly in all cases when leaving the photo mode

Increased the light intensity for the black cerberus and scarab chest armor
Super armor values for heavy duty weapon sets have been tweaked
SMAA has been tweaked to remove more jagged edges
Don't play the 'block breached' animation after performing a perfect block that drains all the player's stamina
Derive the hit blocked animation play speed from the set duration instead of deriving the duration from the animation
Nerfed some melee attacks of the fire and ranged hazard enemies
Reduced the stamina cost of the staff dash attack
Tweaked super armor of charged attacks
Increased super armor of staff kick, decreased damage
The confirmation dialog for overwriting save games has been replaced by an information dialog. You need to manually delete savegames now before reusing a savegame slot.
Reduced the invincibility duration for android enemies when they get up after being defeated once
systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Lulac
Spielt gerade: mal dies, mal das
habe gestern mal kurz die demo gezockt. ist schon nicht schlecht, vor allem den anfang find ich klasse gemacht. wird bestimmt mal im sale geholt.
wie viel Spielzeit hat das komplette spiel ca.?
Plan mal lieber etwas mehr Zeit als 20 Stunden ein besonders wenn du ohne externe Hilfe (guide) spielst kannst du schon das ein oder andere mal nach dem Weg suchen. Außerdem ist es ab Akt 2 für ungeübte Spieler dieses Genres doch recht anspruchsvoll.