Übersicht PS4 PSN Games

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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Axiom Verge review

Perhaps most remarkably, Axiom Verge is the work of just one man: Tom Happ. From the game's authentic 8-bit colour palette to a catchy soundtrack of pulsing chip tunes, not to mention the sprawling game itself, packed with platforms, enemy types and puzzles that have clearly been obsessed over during the five year development process, this is a very singular vision.

For retro-heads, that makes it something of a treat. Many are the indie games that crib their look and tone from the 1980s, but few really understand the era or the genres they mimic. That's definitely not the case with Axiom Verge, which has clearly been crafted with affection and care by someone who knows the territory inside out and upside down.

It's just a shame that given the obvious talent and passion involved, it doesn't really have much of its own to add to the Metroidvania template. As charmed and delighted as I often was with its smartly paced escalation, its perpetually teasing construction, I kept waiting for some new element to appear, a eureka moment that either hadn't been thought of in 1986, or that could only be done today. It never quite happens. Axiom Verge seems content to be a homage, rather than a revival or reinvention. That's fine, since there's already plenty to justify your interest, but it feels like Happ has more to contribute than he's showing here.
Jetzt ist das Wort schon in Reviews. Mir ist das vorher echt nie aufgefallen.
Vor allem ergibt es hier überhaupt keinen Sinn.

A faithful and beautifully crafted Metroidvania homage that never quite stamps its own identity on the genre.
Eine Homage an ein angebliches Sub-Genre? Und dann fehlt ihm eine "eigene Identität" obwohl Metroidvania genau das aussagt :ugly:

Redet er von einem Metroid Klon...? ~hmm~
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Jetzt weiß ich wenigstens warum man die US-Frühlingsaktion nicht mitgemacht hat:
keine Plus-Ermäßigung bei Jamestown+ und Axiom Verge, außerdem fehlt Metal Slug 3 noch immer....

Naja aktuell mangelt es mir eh nicht an Spielen, aber ansonsten wäre ich schon ein klein wenig angespisst, vor allem Metal Slug 3 wäre auf der Vita nicht schlecht.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Jetzt weiß ich wenigstens warum man die US-Frühlingsaktion nicht mitgemacht hat:
keine Plus-Ermäßigung bei Jamestown+ und Axiom Verge, außerdem fehlt Metal Slug 3 noch immer....

Naja aktuell mangelt es mir eh nicht an Spielen, aber ansonsten wäre ich schon ein klein wenig angespisst, vor allem Metal Slug 3 wäre auf der Vita nicht schlecht.
Axiom Verge hat jetzt nachträglich einen Plus-Rabatt bekommen und kostet bis 8.4. jetzt nur noch 16,19€.

Leider noch immer keine Antwort was mit MS3 ist.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Titan Souls: From Game Jam to PlayStation Store


To celebrate, we’ve put together the video above showing off some of the differences between the original prototype and finished game:

  • 1080p, 60fps
  • 360 degree aim and movement
  • Engine, art, animation & soundtrack remade from scratch
  • Better-balanced, more complex/varied Titans
  • Loads more polish
  • Much bigger world, many more Titans, numerous areas with hidden secrets
  • New Game Plus
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Falls sich wer für den Titel interessieren sollte.
Leider hab ich einfach keine Zeit und wäre blos Geldverschwendung.
Denke mal ich werds mir dann jetzt holen mit dem Rabatt..
6 Monate Bloodborne hören sich doch bischen viel an:D
Aber ich ziehe mir das erst runter wenn die Vita Version fertig ist.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Axiom Verge was an indie success on Day 1 of Release

Happ secured funding from PlayStation's Pub Fund, which allows him to own the "Axiom Verge" intellectual property as long as he keeps the game exclusive to the PlayStation platform for a period of time. The backing from PlayStation paid off with awards and press even before "Axiom Verge" was released to the public.

Now, a few days after its official release on the PlayStation Network Store, the future looks good.

Dan Adelman, who helped with publicity for "Axiom Verge," told HuffPost the game is an indie success, though he wouldn't divulge sales numbers.

"Our initial goal was to make enough money with 'Axiom Verge' so that Tom could afford to keep making games on his own full time and not need to go back to a day job," Adelman said. "By 3 p.m. of the first day, we achieved that, so Tom will be making lots more games on his own from now on."


50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Die PS4 hat einen neuen Exklusivtitel! Aber nur weil offenbar die PS3 und Vita Versionen von Guns Up! gestrichen wurden. ~troll~
