Death Stranding


La Li Lu Le Lo
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PSN-Name: Tyrus
Spielt gerade: Final Fantasy XVI
Kann man es ein Erfolg nennen, wenn ein Spiel gerade mal die Entwicklungskosten einfährt? :::rolleyes:::
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Hideo Kojima: "Wir haben den Betrag, den wir brauchten, um einen Gewinn zu erzielen, übertroffen, daher denke ich, dass es sich gut genug verkauft hat, um als 'Erfolg' bezeichnet zu werden, einschließlich der Deckung der Entwicklungskosten. Wir werden die PC-Version bald auf den Markt bringen und haben bereits genug Gewinn erzielt, um uns auf das, was als nächstes kommt, vorzubereiten, so dass es keinen Grund zur Sorge gibt."
Hier ist ganz klar die Rede von Gewinn und dass es genug abgeworfen hat, sodass sie problemlos an neuen Projekten arbeiten können ohne sich große Sorgen zu machen.


<enter custom title here>
PSN-Name: nazcape
Spielt gerade: Nioh2 - MHW:Iceborne
hast du auch den Artikel gelesen oder nur die Überschrift?!

Hier ist ganz klar die Rede von Gewinn und dass es genug abgeworfen hat, sodass sie problemlos an neuen Projekten arbeiten können ohne sich große Sorgen zu machen.
Das war ein Interview auf Japanisch, dort auch auch die Rede von, dass er ein großes Projekt geplant war, es aber nicht realisieren konnte. Der Übersetzer sprach nur von, dass die Entwicklungskosten eingedeckt wurden, sprach aber nichts vom Gewinn.

In dem deutschen Artikel spricht man nur vom "Vorhaben" welches gescheitert sei. Hier wurde das Interview eher ins Positive gerückt.


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
I can actually talk about this a bit. Now keep in my I'm a bit murky on the details, this is from my understanding also, I'm going to try to get what I've heard as accurate as possible but I'm also cutting parts of this out. I'm also about to say some controversial things for some, so be ready. None of this is from any source I personally can verify, but it is what I've heard.

Death Stranding was a flop. It sold well initially, but I've heard it has over 3 million unsold copies of what's been produced, but the sales kinda' slowed to a crawl and the game hasn't done as well as anyone involved has been hoping. Death Stranding was also originally supposed to be a very different game, a lot darker and more horror-esque, but around a year and a half before launch the development got soft rebooted. Sony and Kojima had some disagreements, and some other studios at Sony's Worldwide Studios were a bit upset at the money Kojima was getting for the game, along with disagreements lead to Death Stranding not ending up as a PS5 game and a sharper window for release even after the soft reboot. There's a looooot more here, but this is the part I'll share that's relevant.

So originally Sony and Konami came to a deal when Konami was shopping around for Silent Hill developers, I am not entirely clear on the details but Toyama had been interested in doing a horror game, but the Siren IP is kinda' more of a niche thing and would get a lower budget. Somehow, I wish I was more clear on the details, but SOMEHOW a few variables fells into place that Sony went out of their way to work with Konami to allow Toyama to work on a horror game, but a horror game with more recognition behind it than Siren, which of course I mean Silent Hill. Sony also seemed to have the idea since Death Stranding was a loss for them that getting Kojima to finally work on a horror game like he's been wanting to, have Konami help fit the bill for Kojima's and Toyama's game (as Konami was going to help fund whatever game anyways). There was some Japanese pride on Kojima Pro's side since Death Stranding didn't do too great, so they want to prove themselves more. Sony is fine with that but not to make a game without as bloated of a budget as DS, and they believe that a horror game or even a Silent Hill game as a brand with recognition and already pre-built hype with his named attached might make more financial return for them and be a strong title for their platform. Kojima making a horror game and making Silent Hills has hype behind it, Toyama and Team Silent members returning to make a new Silent Hill game has hype behind it, and Sony and Konami were able to strike a deal that made both parties happy and mutually benefited both of them.

This is a super oversimplification, but basically Konami just wanted someone to make a good Silent Hill game and was willing to fund the pitch they selected, Sony was interested due to what Toyama wanted for his next project and the possibility of getting Kojima to do a smaller budget game after Death Stranding was a failure which they believe would have interest for gamers, and a deal was worked out with Sony and Konami both funding these projects (though let me clarify, the Kojima game is still in the talks at this point in time).



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Hatte jetzt nicht das Gefühl dass Death Stranding noch einen Nachfolger braucht. Wüsste auch nicht wie man die Geschichte weiterführen möchte.

War IMHO ne brauchbare alleinstehende Story und dabei könnte man es auch belassen